Making Money on HubPages

Jump to Last Post 1-18 of 18 discussions (28 posts)
  1. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    What with all the "how much money can you make here?" questions. I have decided to share some of my own experiences. Clearly there are higher paying pages than others, but as far as adsense goes, these are my three highest earning hubs this month: … osed-Homes

    Made more than $11 this month so far

    More than $8 … -Your-Home

    More than $6

    Not bragging - none of them make much more than pocket money, but it is fair to say my recipe hubs make much less. My thinking with those is that the reader got exactly what they came for. They were looking for a spaghetti bolognese recipe and got just that. Therefore had no need to click on a google ad. So, as a matter of interest, this one which got almost exactly the same amount of traffic as the foreclosure hub made more than $1 big_smile

    So, the lesson I have learned as far as adsense, is write about high paying financial subjects if you want to make money from a hub - or be able to generate enormous traffic big_smile I can't say that there aren't other high paying subjects, but I can only speak from my own experiences and I don't do "hot chicks in their underwear" hubs LOL

    I will also say that I do not have a channel for all my hubs, so I don't watch them all, but I doubt any one of them made more than these three at the top.

    Use or discard as you wish. Just sharing smile

    1. darkside profile image56
      darksideposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Now if you only posted HALF the spaghetti bolognese recipe they would have been forced to find it elsewhere, perhaps clicking on links wink

      1. Mark Knowles profile image59
        Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        LOL - I will have to delete half the hub and see if that works  big_smile

        1. Drax profile image79
          Draxposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, 10 out of 10 for this innovative suggestion.... make them click....

    2. Maddie Ruud profile image68
      Maddie Ruudposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I've noticed something similar to what you said in the original post, Mark, though my money-makers aren't financial topics...

      I try to write a mix of hubs from both categories: those that will make me money, and those that I care about (eg eating disorders) and/or want to share freely (eg recipes).  That way I get both kinds of satisfaction--monetary and personal.

    3. tsortore profile image60
      tsortoreposted 16 years agoin reply to this
    4. tsortore profile image60
      tsortoreposted 16 years agoin reply to this
      1. profile image0
        terrygposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Hello tsortore welcome to hubpages.

        I see you use the quote/reply here in the forum to answer hubs. Just make sure you place your comment in after this section when you hit quote/reply.

        Put your comment after the last closed quote that is the /quote in brackets.

        That way the post will be distinguished from the quote to your actual reply.

        1. zylla3philippines profile image59
          zylla3philippinesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks terryg...this is the second window I opened. I looks like it's going to work; I've never tried this before. Very intuitive answer to tsostore, and I learned too. Maybe I'll try the double quote (?) next time. Enough for me now. <grin>

  2. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 16 years ago

    Of course, most of what I write about is on the "liberal arts" side which is definitely not where the money is smile

  3. profile image0
    jooles01posted 16 years ago

    It's very good of you to share that with us Mark.  I'm new to hubpages so can just ask - do you do any social posting of the articles too.  If so could you give a quick overview please?



  4. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    If you mean post them to social networking sites - No. I do leave links to them in other places that I write, but not that.

    If some one else does it for me well, that seems to work better big_smile

  5. embitca profile image80
    embitcaposted 16 years ago

    I just went and looked at my channels *g*  I got lazy and stopped setting them up ages ago, but for the ones that I have set, my highest adsense earner so far this month is on airline tickets, right now it is just under $20 for the month. Actually that is substantially higher than last month for the same hub, which was a little over $12.

    Last month's winner was my Fox TV hub at just under $25 for the month.

    That's in second place this month. I just deleted a bunch of links within the hub, so we'll see if that helps increase the adsense next month.

    The airline tickets hub gets hardly any traffic, so I'm guessing that some travel related hubs with great traffic would probably do very well with adsense.

    My Fox hub is one of my highest traffic volume hubs so while adsense doesn't pay out a lot for entertainment topics, traffic volume is certainly making the difference here.

    I think I'm going to bite the bullet and use url channels for every single hub so I can take a look at the trends over the course of a few months. I'm curious to see how my other travel-related hubs do.

    Thanks for starting the thread, Mark!

  6. spuds profile image58
    spudsposted 16 years ago

    Good advice Mark. I don't make much of my recipe hubs. I'm actually hoping the reader bakes me a cake.

  7. profile image0
    MOmmagusposted 16 years ago

    I just wanted to let everyone know that I made my first penny!  i don't even know how i did it because i'm still having trouble working on adsense.  The first add i generated turned out in Spanish!  Other than that, I can't wait to start writing hubs about girls in their underwear, thanks Mark, for that wonderful idea!

  8. donnaleemason profile image60
    donnaleemasonposted 16 years ago

    I want to see what happens when Mark deletes half his Spaghetti recipe.

  9. Carolina Crete profile image65
    Carolina Creteposted 16 years ago

    My travel / work hub … ek-Islands gets 4 times more traffic and 5 times more earnings than hot goddesses (in their underwear wink ) hub
    The first made over $10 this month and the second under $2.
    So I dont think you're missing out on too much Mark!

  10. Mschanl profile image59
    Mschanlposted 16 years ago

    I'm not sure if somebody said this already but I guess if your hubs attract the more expensive ads, chances are your earnings will be much higher.

    For instance, if your hubs are about cities in Italy, you might attract hotel ads which could be higher than cookbook or cooking utensil ads

    Other hubs that might attract higher paying ads might be those about computers, cars, antiques, real estate and vacation spots, investment and small busines topics.

    It also helps to have a lot of readers that will click on those links and a lot of hubs (300 maybe?) that your readers could go to.

  11. Jared L profile image69
    Jared Lposted 16 years ago

    Hi Everyone!

    How many of your Hubs are bringing in cash? Even if it is just a dollar or two per month.

    I am new to hubpages and will be creating more hubpages soonest!


  12. goldendragon profile image58
    goldendragonposted 16 years ago

    For those of you who expect to make big money with hubs from Adsense, check this hub for some interesting discussion about Adsense Income.

  13. Matt Maresca profile image60
    Matt Marescaposted 16 years ago

    I'd be interested to know if anyone makes anything from Amazon on hubs.  I know Amazon's affiliate % is very low so probably nothing noteworthy, but just curious.  I'm sure there's another thread out there about this somewhere but I thought I'd add this while I was here.

  14. guidebaba profile image58
    guidebabaposted 16 years ago

    I Personally don't trust Amazon and E-Bay. I tried for their Affiliate Programs and in Return I got Headache. Even I want to know if anyone is Truly making Money from Amazon or E-Bay ?

    1. profile image0
      TiffanyDowposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I make money here and on Squidoo both from AdSense (although maybe $0.58 a day avg) and Amazon (several dollars a day to hundreds per week if it's a holiday). Toys do well on Amazon as do electronics and books.

      Although HP frowns on it, but doesn't ban it, information products sell well, too. ClickBank and PayDotCom have info products in all niches - cooking, making money, dog training, etc., and the payout is much higher ($20-60 on avg).
      tiff smile

    2. zylla3philippines profile image59
      zylla3philippinesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I got headache too, but that's because I can't make them show up in my hub. They're colorful graphics. <sigh>

  15. Dorsi profile image82
    Dorsiposted 16 years ago

    So if I make 300 hubs- and I can get over half of them to produce at least 10 dollars income per month, with the others varying, lets say about 5 dollars per month ( give or take a few dollars either way, that is $2250.00 per month.) Very decent for residual income- make the hub once, make any revisions that need to be made- track and get checks.
    Pretty cool.
    That is an attainable goal.
    (with alot of learnning about SEO and picking articles that will generate revenue of course)

  16. guidebaba profile image58
    guidebabaposted 16 years ago

    Great ! You are doing Great Job. I have read some of your Hubs and they are truly informative and original like mine. Keep it up - Good Luck

  17. JYOTI KOTHARI profile image62
    JYOTI KOTHARIposted 16 years ago

    Amazon percentage is higher than e-bay.

  18. First_home_buyer profile image55
    First_home_buyerposted 16 years ago

    Thanks for sharing Mark.


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