hey! don't worry about it! please stop! - I am notorious for getting impatient with people who use the forums like a chat room - and then I turn around and do it myself! usually just get upset when I feel ignored. ego ego ego
you and I aren't much alike, but that's ok - I don't care if you are religious etc.and I'm not, that's fine. I don't usually get too personal about anything, joke around alot. hate name calling (we have that in common) BUT you do SO want people to read your hubs, and there's nothing wrong with that, I mean we are all hubbers, that's what we do is write hubs and we read each other's stuff and talk about and that's fine. What I meant was that so many times a delightful, funny, interesting or informative exchange is going on in the forums and I am just happy happy happy and then along comes a couple hubber peeps who start CHATTING! solely with each other - and the posts that are on topic get lost in between "hi, hun, how areya?" "are you pmsing again, or what?" and "I'm writing about the antidiluvial deluded postmistresses of east mcKeesport. wht are you writing about" "did you get the lambchop I sent you?"
- so do you get me? that's all it is.
ego ego ego never apologize.