It appears since a few people are accusing me of being a sock puppet. i will say this. i have never once lied to anyone here about who i really am, nor have i ever been a sock puppet account for anyone else. Now, it's true I do have another account under the alias of "King Larry." however, i only opened him up so he can publicly rant about issues that i care about like how lousy arnold schwarzenneger is as a governor. or issues about selfish whiny pro athletes like terrell owens. yes, i opened up that account for that reason alone. now some of you might ask why don't i publish hubs like that under this current account? the reason is simple, i know a lot of people think im such a nice guy that i didn't want to lose my fan base just to talk about how much of an idiot terrell owens is.
hence, king larry could say the things i couldn't or dare say. besides, in a religious forum i opened calling out all those who ban each other in there, NONE OF YOU took me seriously, as the forum died rather quickly. i figured since you guys probably think im too much of a nice guy that you guys didn't take that seriously, so i figured that a rude obnoxious jerk would get the point accross better. hence, king larry's creation. outside of king larry, I have no other accounts. there i said it. therefore, i would strongly appreciate it if nobody here dare say that im a sock puppet, nor do i like the false accusation that my hubs are plagarized. i've been writing film reviews since i was 13 years old, so believe me EVERY review i've written was written by ME. nobody else. in fact, i can show anyone here the proof if anyone demands it of me.
all i can say is, if this is the type of "witch hunting" hubpages promotes, then I'll gladly leave and cancel my account if ANYONE here accuses me of being a sock puppet again! i don't like false accusations or insinuations here people. unless you have DEFINITIVE PROOF that im fake, then you need to keep your freaking traps shut about me or anyone else you insinuate as it's not appropriate. how would you like it if you were falsely accused of something that you didn't do, but people accused you anyway without that much proof rather than speculation. how would you feel? hmm...
look, you people need to stop pointing the freaking finger at others as this is just utterly sad. secondly, i doubt seriously iounn even read my "children of men" review, or she didn't understand it. if she did, then she would know thaat i was talking about....THE FREAKING MOVIE CALLED CHILDREN OF MEN, AND THAT THE WHOLE "WOMAN SMOKING BIT" WAS JUST A METAPHOR TO DESCRIBE THE BROKEN DOWN SOCIETY THE MAIN PROTAGONIST LIVES IN BECAUSE OF HUMANITY'S NEGLECT TO OUR PLANET AND OUR THIRST FOR GREED. that's what the metaphor was, and has NOTHING to do with anyone here.
anyway, i know i'll get a lot of flak for this, but i just wanted to get that out in the open with ALL OF YOU that im a 100 percent real, and that i would really appreciate it that you didn't falsely accuse me of anything unless you bring proof. otherwise as king larry would say.....KEEP YOUR FREAKING PIE HOLES SHUT!
Yeah, fu*k 'em! In fact, I'm about ready to get my sock-puppet swerve on... I shall call for my bi-polar friend.........
Stevennix, Do not leave and throw away all of your hard work. Here's what my mom would say, and listen very carefully:
Who on this site has ever written you a check? Who would be the member signing that check?
You came here to work and get paid. The only opinions that count are yours, and the check writer... That would be Adsense. Do not worry about anyone else. You and your check, that's what you came for.
Friends are great, but opinions are like a**h*les. Everyone's got one.
Hi girls! I am glad to see someone even noticed the advice, And thanks for agreeing with my mother. It is about time I do the hub about her. Maybe tomorrow, it will be toward my Mother's day quota. She deserves to be remembered, she made me who I am today, literally!
First Sunday in May.
Hey there stranger.
Yeah I think I can get at least 5 mother's stories due to her life as a writer, a mother, a wife and a friend. Even as her driving lessons had her going through five instructors in as many years, that is a funny story.
I anxious please write them, I am looking forward to reading them!
Thanks, I had a bit of a rough day. It was great to come in and see you. at risk of hijacking, I am going to read. I'll get started on my mother tomorrow, I am smiling already. Thank you!
I always say, "Don't cut off your d*#k to spite your face."
the only person who accused you of being a sockpuppet was that Iounn chick. best to rant to her instead of us, hmm? and for the record, King Larry was very hostile and threatening and you didn't identify yourself so yeah, KingLarry was a sockpuppet, right?
yeah, you do have a point. i was i trying to make king larry have the same warped sense of humor as the character flexo from futurama. where he would say one thing but then say something else. lol. sorry, i will admit i did go way too far with that alias. however, other than that, i hope that doesn't make you angry at me. as i do apologize for anyone he offended, as i was merely acting out a part to promote his hubs. thats all.
eta: nah, i wasn't ranting or blaming anyone else here for the record. i was just saying that because before rumors started to run rampant about my identity and stuff. therefore, i wanted to nip it in the butt asap.
not at all. just making a point about what makes a sockpuppet a sockpuppet.
Stevennix, I know this whole thing has been an ordeal. It became a who's behind curtain #1 scenario. For what it's worth, I sent out e-mail to try to keep you from getting hurt, but as things go what is one or two e-mails compared to comments sections and forum posts.
I know you are not a puppet, and you know, and anyone who knows you does too.
There have been others who left over all of this. Stormy is gone and Pani is gone, Denno is gone. Please, let's stop this now.
I know I am not anybody special to the hub world as I am only 2 months in, but for those who have been here, and for those thinking of joining, this is really bad. It's the reputation of all of us that is at stake, as far as I am concerned.
I think we all need to stop now. Like you suggested the song for my hub, let's just all be friends now.
yeah, i think you make a great point faybe. i couldn't have said it better myself.
Big hugs, It may take a while but I am doing hubs, one is sibling rivalry, and the other is what my son calls Trolls, which is the def of said accused sockpuppetry gone bad, (Bad puppet master?) any way, they will be up and running. trying to repair the family, so to speak.
Flexo was dishonest jerk! Nah, I'm kidding, he was great.
calm down, boopsy! we love you, truly, and would never even consider believing any skank who would dare call you a sock poppsy, sock poopsy, sockettpopper, or whatever - (having a little trouble saying sock puppet, since the term has been so overused . . . kooksopper?) so anyhoo - here's the thing. . . we also love King Larry! now, I've gone and done it. outed myself as a ranter lover - lover of ranters, yes indeed. and also a ranter on my own, and AND a RANTEE@! damn it. so.
you are so hot when you are mad, darlin!
You should go to HP staff with lounn's accusations. It's a very serious matter, I think.
Nobody has said you're a sockpuppet but this hubber lounn. So e-mail her comments, to HP staff and complain.
Why is everybody so damn fluffy? Tattletale galore, it seems.......
Who is fluffy? And tattletale galore !
What words!
sounds very antique and fluffy !
Exactly; it does sound that way for the weak folks...ya know, the flagging flanks of forum feathers......
By the way, Tantrum: must be coincidental, but has temporarily lost her asinine "constipated images" of laughter.
Actually, you seem less educated with ever verb you take, ever noun you state, and ever pronoun you wish to make. LOL! I'm back in Elementary School, with y'all folks..., so lets be simple and eat; bring on the steak! Ha-ha!
thanks you everyone for your support. don't worry, im not leaving hubpages. however, i just wanted to clear the air and let EVERYONE know that im a 100 percent real that's all. as far this lounn person, i will say this. i will be contacting the hubpages staff about this. i can promise you all that.
seriously, though, you are HOT when you are so mad! ! we're getting out the beanbags, baby. Don't get mad, they all say, get even!
lol. as king larry would say, "I LIKE THE CUT OF YOUR JIB AND THE WAY YOU THINK!"
What this person said was very suspicious I must say. I even believed her for a while !!!
of course you did, and you also thought I was a Mega1disaster, too, didn't you? its ok. I kinda am. tee hee hee.
sorry,just still living in the land of hysteria!
i would say you are to big to fit on my hand. but that's too obvious.
you don't need anyone funnier than yourself! really! that was grrrrrreat!
why thanks but i've had a few shots and right now i'm somewhere between slap happy and depression. i just wish happiness would stop slapping.
I don't know you as am new here but am sure you aint a sock puppet so just ignore what people say as it will do your head in if you actually take offense to their crap.
Steveixx, I know it's been awhile, but already I have noticed you are the same funny, innovative, creative and participating role that this site so badly needs.
Now enough. Stop that thinking and if you go it means you care nothing for us, because we need you, I need you.
This community needs you, not just words.
Now put your avatar of the gold award back up and believe in what we all are saying.
I can track you down, have been seen as crazy, do you want me following you?
ps-stay and I'll write lyrics about you
oh, that may be bad, but I'll try OK?
damn. am I too late again?
well I'm thrilled u ok again. Truly
Steven -
I apparently missed all the drama. But... and here come's my not so nice side... if uneducated, opinionated and pot stirring idiots want to bother any of my HP buddies, then f 'em.
There's a time for turning the other cheek, and a time for defending your honor. If you felt this strongly, then I'm sure this rant was well deserved.
PS - I hate T.O. too. I might just like this King Larry guy.
Steven for the record I never thought you were a sock puppet and honestly I think all the crap about who is or is not someones sock puppet is pointless.
new Lady Gaga song:
stinky socks stinky socks
rah rah rah rahrah rah
rah rah rah rahrah rah
stinky finky stinky finky
socks on top of other socks
rah rah rah rahrah rah
rah rah rah rahrah rah
go stink socks
go stink socks
(and on and on, accompanying scandalmongering hubbers)
(here there is a loud percussive solo incorporating triangle, kettle drum, and Lady GaGa's slippered foot)
rah rah rah rahrah rah
rah rah rah rahrah HAH!
BULL!!! You my friend are no sock puppet. They are just jealous of how many cool friends you have and how many great hubs you have written
Hey it's the truth, Steven you ain't no sockpuppet. I remember you saying you did have one but you are mostly using this one
yeah, that's true, im glad to have you supporting me. although i do have another account. king larry is only created to write about hypocrisies in society. where as this one is the real me posting about various topics.
thanks, i knew i could count on you too.
why do you say that? your not mad at me now are ya? lol. i only opened up king larry because i always wanted to write hubs about how arnold schwarzenneger is the worst governor in california history and about some of these selfish athletes today. however, i didn't want to be labeled a jerk over it, so i thought king larry could say the things i couldn't or wouldn't i should say. lol. i don't know if that makes sense.
Sock puppet or no sock puppet, 229 hubs in 9 months beats 9 in 2 years....
I believe I like it even better in Spanish:
Lady Gaga nueva canción:
calcetines apestosos calcetines apestosos
rah rah rah rah rahrah
rah rah rah rah rahrah
finky apestoso apestoso finky
los calcetines por encima de otros calcetines
rah rah rah rah rahrah
rah rah rah rah rahrah
vaya peste calcetines
vaya peste calcetines
(Y así sucesivamente, acompañando hubbers scandalmongering)
(Aquí no hay un solo de percusión fuerte incorporación de triángulo, timbal, de pies y zapatillas de Lady GaGa)
rah rah rah rah rahrah
rah rah rah rahrah HAH!
no, I mean Larry King, the tv personality - interviewer! hahaha - when I first saw your King Larry I thought it was a play on the Larry King name - that's why.
All good stranger?
Stay a while
A while longer
Longer than a day
Day dream
Dream away
Cossette's right Steven, on both accounts. (uh, no pun intended) Iounn's gained what it (he? she?) wanted -- the chase to begin with you as the prey.
I missed King're right, seems completely unlike you. Love your spunk!
thanks. i figured nobody would take me seriously ranting about the hypocrisy of society since my last religious forum where i called out people banning others over petty differences died quickly. i figure it was because im too nice, so i figure a rude, cocky arrogant alter ego could be taken seriously if people thought he was a jerk! lol. however, i think i may have gone too far with him though. lol.
letting the inner you out? good for you! vent a little, laugh a lot and love all the time. Life is good, sweetie. Let this all die and soon it will be over. And ya know that I know it!
i guess you could say that. king larry says the things that i would never dare say even if i wanted to. lol.
now we all know your other you, so just write as you. speak up, say what you want without worrying about what others will think or do. you can only worry about you and your own actions. most importantly, you have no effect on another's action because what and how that person does/reacts is their own choice. draw your yellow line and stay behind it. be you. you have every right to be you.
But the point is, it was you saying those things as the King was really you. So just don't do it.
by Laurel Rogers 14 years ago
Here's your chance to be absolutely forthcoming about your identities, folks! I expect tons of responses, so why not be the first??
by PhenomWriter 12 years ago
I am very interested to figure out the psychosis that creates this thing called sockpuppeting. Do you have any idea. In case you don't know that there are laws that prevent it -
by Rafini 14 years ago
So, how do you know who has a sockpuppet? How can you know which sock puppet belongs to who? Is there a way you can check?
by ryankett 14 years ago
Just a general observation really, we have a hubber with 229 hubpages refuting allegations that he is a 'sockpuppet'... I don't really now this Stevenx fella, but surely just having that many hubs alone suggests that he is not a sockpuppet? Whilst he may well have a sockpuppet, like many hubbers,...
by Laurel Rogers 11 years ago
How do you decide whether a poster is a sock puppet or a troll?I am interested in folks who identify such things. Is it something obvious, or do you use deductive reasoning by reading their posts?
by Mankman 12 years ago
I'm a clinical psychologist and I'm looking for a good patient to use as a subject in artical. Unfortunately I can't get any response from him, at least not yet. If you must accuse me of being someone else, remember that we all are from time to time.
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