I have one other name, and it has one Hub to "its name". I started it because I was thinking I'd like a "business-only" HubPages account (instead of my "whatever-I-feel-like, mix of Hubs). The thing is, I have "business-only" writing all over the place and came to HubPages to whatever I feel like writing. So, after several months of having no Hubs on that account, I wrote one. Now, since it's there, I'm thinking, "Hey, forget a neat-and-clean, business-only, approach. Use that name to write stuff that I don't want people who know my name to read. So, it's there - one Hub. I haven't closed it. It doesn't have a "fake identity". It just has my real kind of identity without sharing a bunch of extra info on it. A. I felt guilty getting a couple of comments from people I know and not saying, "Hey! It's me - Lisa!" and B. I discovered if I write something that's more "business-like" I'd rather add it to my stuff here and help add some more range and balance to what's already here (or at least link to it ). (The other name is a non-human, business-like, name.)
So, that's my "confession". I'd say what the name is, but then, if I want to write stuff I don't want people who name my name to see, I'll have to open a-whole-nother user account.
A long time ago there was this little "forum era" where it seemed all anyone was doing was trying to out sockpuppets, right and left. Then there were fights about who was insulted at being called a "socketpuppet". . These days I don't think anyone cares who's a sockpuppet. Everyone seems to just go with it, even if they have a pretty good idea of who is most likely a sockpuppet. Some are harmless. Some don't know where to draw the line on their own shenanigans and do seem to disappear fairly soon. I think you're right, though, lorlie6. There's a point where sockpuppets go from being benign to pretty much being parasites.