I now have 15 hubs. I am hitting 300 pageviews per day. 1 of my hubs on FIFA World Cup 2010 is contributing to 70% of the traffic. There rest of it with 13 hubs hitting 3 to 10 pageviews per day and 1 hub with 0 views most of the time. I am worry that when the World Cup is over, so will my traffic level.
Another question: what is your average pageview per hub per day? I am talking about your normal hubs, not the super performing ones. Just need some info so that I know how many more hubs I need to publish to get back the current traffic level when the World Cup is over. Appreciate all your feedback. Thanks.
In response to your question, yes your traffic will definately drop when the world cup ends. Don't worry though, keep writing, and maybe try to find some evergreen topics!
Just remember to look for low competition keywords, especially when you are starting out!
thanks for the encouragement
low competition keywords - does it means that global monthly search volume is low say about 10k to 50k?
No you want those to be high. High amount of searchers with low amount of competing sites.
To be honest nowadays I tend to find low competition keywords by just creating articles on a wide subject base, if something takes off easily I jump on it!
If you get 300 pageviews per day that should amount to a couple of cents at least per day through adscence, surely. Ive only got one hub and get about 2-5 views per day.
I don't know if I would pay so much attention for page views unless I have very planned system which is not so easy. I prefer to see unique indvidual visits because that tells me if I am actually adding new visits or not. You can get 300 page views from 10 different visits at 30 views each or 100 visits at three views each, just like you are getting many views from one site. If your target readers are not same it may be difficult for you to maintan the same average later. If you write another hot one for the same target readers you may succeed.For example, another game/championship hub than a lot of hubs for very diffuse target where you have yet to gain image (may be?). I would not leave my gold pot and run in search of another one
One word of caution is that I am new to this business.I have been here only four months so I am not a veteran in this area.
I have answered this out of my experince in other situations.
fuzzy logic
Motivation matters - whats yours?
Why be average?
I agree with SF. Infact if I divide my page views with all the hubs I have written then I would be demotivated to write. My adsense earnings are my motivations and it keeps me motivated most of the time.
Though SF I would like to know your daily overall traffic if you don't mind?
Me too. In fact, as I posted on another thread, I have a sizeable clutch of Hubs that get almost no page views at all. If I included them in my calculations I'd be deeply depressed.
Some Hubs just don't work, whether it's because you picked a bad subject, or the wrong title, or they need more work - whatever, you either have to revise them, or stop taking them into account.
I never think about page views. They don't matter - conversions do.
No one can really tell you what's reasonable in terms of page views. Different Hubbers have different expectations.
Same here Marisa...I have just checked my stats now and currently I have 26 hubs with zero views...That's almost 50% of my hubs.
Also, you are right about the CTR. I keep a close watch on my CTR. I only get 200-300 visitors daily(though it's increasing daily) and it earns me somewhere around $2-$4. If it had not been for this motivation, I think I would not have been able to write.
Important thing is write down your goals and expectations and focus your efforts towards it. My goals and expectations are primarily monetary and my current goal is to earn $7 a day from adsense.
Yes that's what I do. Take total pageviews in a day and divide it by the number of hubs. I further analyse by removing the World Cup hub as I know the traffic won't last long. Avg at times lower than 5 pageviews per day per hub.
Maybe I should stop doing that and focus on writing and having fun on HP.
Thanks for sharing your numbers with us. I have almost the same number of pageviews but my adsense revenue is between 20cents to $1 a day. Guess I have more to learn.
Well, you should definitely keep track of your traffic but don't be much bothered about it and don't forget to have fun. Also, HP counts your own views to your hubs so it isn't that accurate. And you are welcome, I am glad to help.
I would just keep on writing Hubs - that's the only way that you are going to significantly increase your traffic and write some on 'evergreen' topics where the traffic won't fall away when the excitement is over.
Good advice! Most Hubs don't reach their full earnings potential for several months - for instance, experienced Hubbers are writing their Christmas Hubs now, so they've "matured" by the time Xmas comes around.
If you write on topical subjects, by the time your Hub gets noticed by the search engines, the event is long gone.
Write on evergreen subjects and be prepared for them not to do much for a while - they'll eventually pay off.
Marisa, thank you for your advice. Maturity period for a hub is about 6 to 9 months?
Jason, if you pick a good niche, your Hub may start earning straight away. But to give you an example, I just had a look at my best-performing Hub.
It was published in February 2008. It earned nothing until June 2008, when it made 30 cents. It continued at about that level until June 2009, when it finally started making $2 or $3 a month. It's earned me almost $200 all up.
So for that Hub, "maturity" took 15 months!
I don't promote my Hubs - if you did, that would likely make a big difference.
Englightenedsoul is right - when you first publish a Hub, it gets a brief boost with Google because of "freshness", then it drops out, until it finds its natural place. It's difficult to judge when and how long the 'freshness' boost will last, though, so I'd say publishing close to a holiday is a risky tactic - but I'm not an expert. Mark and Nelle have a lot more experience than me, and they write far in advance of the holidays.
Yes, I wrote some Christmas themed hubs last year too close to the actual holidays. They did ok, but I think they will do better this year with a bit of fine tuning. It just seems so alien to be writing about Christmas tree ornaments in June!
Marisa I have a query for you and other experienced hubbers. I am also planning to write 50 hubs on christmas. First I thought I would write them all in july but now I am thinking of breaking it up and publish 10 every month, so that my last 10 are published in the month of november and I get benefited in rankings for fresh content. Normally, seasonal topics gets high rank if they are published 15-20 days prior to the event. I have observed this with my mother's day and father's day hub. Currently, my hub on father's day is on second page of google for the term "fathers day quotes". Here is the link
http://www.google.com/search?q=fathers+ … 0&sa=N
I have done very limited promotion of this hub and I am sure every year many articles must have been written on fathers day. So I am wondering how come my hub beats them all. I also know that this ranking is temporary and it will soon disappear from the ranking. But I would care less as it is a seasonal topic and I am already benefited.
So my question to you and other hubbers is, should I continue with my strategy of publishing christmas hubs in part or should I publish them all at once and let them age?
Uh-oh, I don't even go there...
As for the views, currently they are 3000-4000 per day for this account.
Misha, I respect you.
With just 20 hubs you get 4000 pageviews per day.
With just 20 hubs you have over 1,000,000 pageviews.
How did you do it?? Just Amazing.
And you forgot to add he earns $100 a day from hubpages in adsense alone!!!
Thanks Jason. I don;t make a secret out of it, check my latest hubs out.
If your sole niche is the World Cup, you most certainly will see a drastic drop in traffic once that is over. That's just a fact. Having a diverse topic base is the only way around that.
And no matter how many Hubs you have, or how many people you ask, the pattern of having a small number of Hubs doing the majority of the traffic drawing or earning holds true.
About 10% of my published Hubs have not had any views in the last day. When I look at the last seven days, only 1 Hub has had no views in that time period. And when I look at the last 30 days, every single Hub has had views.
relache, I just saw your profile on best hubbers. You are on the topmost. As I have said to Marisa earlier, It's great to have so many HP heavyweights contributing to the forum. Thanks for your input.
Ok I understand, just have to braze for impact when my traffic dies off after the World Cup and start publishing more diversified hubs.
As of recently, I average about 2000-3000 views per day. My photo/celebrity hubs are averaging slide-show views somewhere between 4000-6000 per day.
How that translates into collective views? I do not know.
Currently I see roughly 40-70 views a day. Considering I have 40ish hubs, that's a very low total and is a pretty discouraging thing to focus on.
That being said, I focus on the positives - like how I have actually made some money here and how people do really click on the links and purchase things via Amazon.
My most viewed hub of late is also on the World Cup (go figure, it starts Friday morning), but thankfully I think I have a wide base that won't die out when the Cup is over.
I only got $.01 in april but $2.50 in may. That is an astounding 250 x increase in earnings. If I keep doing that someday I will be a millionare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Advertiser competition" in google's keyword tool, that's what you want to be low or at least average.
Also add the average estimated CPC column and make sure it offers something.
"Advertiser competition" in google's keyword tool, that's what you want to be low or at least average.
Actually you want advertiser competition to be high as well. More advertisers means more money for you, bottom line.
You want to check the number of competing pages. You use google.com to do that. The less ompeting pages, the better.
Anyways page views do matter. If you don't have page views, then you won't have any traffic to convert. You want to increase your page views to increase earnings eventually.
The first step is to choose the right topic. (Lotsa searches, low competition)
Oh really? Wow, I've been looking at it wrong.
Advertiser competition I thought meant other content providers competing to advertise that product. Now I see you're saying it's advertisers competing to buy ads on content publishers' pages.
So stupid of me. Thanks for the correction. SF, olli, darkside, Marisa? Anyone can confirm that for me?
Frankly I don't remember what adwords tool shows, and I never used this number to assess the competition. One of the ways to do it is what Kudlit says, but there are better ways...
sure, confirmed.
Never forget the Adwords keyword tool is for advertisers not publishers.
So of course advertiser competition means just that - in a round about way , you can think that high advertiser competition means lots of bidding, lots of ads and the potential that the term is moneymaker since advertisers will pay for it.
But since so many other factors come into play - your probably better off just disregarding it.
Yes he is right, advertiser competition is the number of advertisers bidding on adverts. In my experience a higher volume of advertiser competition means a steadier payout for a particular set of keywords.
Boy, was this topic a shot in my arm! My page views have suddenly plummeted and I was feeling a little disturbed about it. I really enjoy dropping in to the forum peridocially to gleen tidbits of knowledge from you more experienced HP citizens.
I will focus my efforts toward longer term subjects to avail myself of the maturation process. I understand views are not the end all, but they seemed at first to be a good measure of how linking and promotion were working.
Thanks for giving me something else to chew on rather than the appearance that my efforts are in vain!
I get around 50-100 views per day on all of my 30(now 31) hubs but my latest hub is increasing in Hubscore and Views. So the only thing I can suggest is keep writing consistently on topics because Google likes fresh articles with a lot of text and older articles with a lot of text and increasing traffic. So keep writing things that people want to read about or want to know. I know over time all of my hubs will increase in views and hubscore but just not right now. Be patient and keep hubbing..
Currently not very many, but more than I expected, it has been doubling roughly each 2 weeks, and I have had a major spike over last couple of days as I have published 6 hubs..
I am more intrested in my position in the search engines for my keywords, a couple have got on the bottom of the first page and the rest second or third page, once they get some more backlinks and some pagerank they will all increase position wise as some of my competition has very little page rank and few links, so I should jump past them when google has it's next play around and I hope that my hits will increase then..
Shoot...I get extatic over 1...anything after that is gravy...
A question about advance writing of Hubs for Christmas (or for any other holiday, for that matter) -
Are the authors publishing these Hubs right now, as soon as they are written? Or are they writing now, leaving the Hubs unpublished for a while, and then publishing them closer to the date of Christmas? (Or publish-unpublish-publish-unpublish-publish-unpublish-etc.?)
Google keyword tool does not give you much information. For example advertiser competition just tells you how much competition ie: how much money you are gonna have to PAY for that keyword in ADWORDS. So I have found that generally advertiser competition of low to medium means you got a chance to rank. The reason you got a chance to rank is that since the internet is getting saturated everyone else has access to this information and builds websites or writes articles so that the niche gets saturated. That is why low to medium competition now correllates to a niche you got a chance to rank for. What you want is high advertiser competition with low actualy website competition. Market samurai or micro niche finder will do this for you. Although more and more there are no SECRET good profitable niches left out there. People have scoured the internet to death to find these Secret niches and eventually they get saturated.
I am finding that after reading how many views others are receiving that I am feeling quite motivated. I am in the middle of cranking out a great number of hubs and hopefully they will bring more traffic for me!
by Neil Sperling 10 years ago
I'm approaching 4000 - will likely hit that within 24 hours!
by Sondra Rochelle 9 years ago
I hear people talking all the time about hubs that produce good readership, but I know this number differs for many. In your case, how many views per month do you think is good for any given article? Just curious.
by sasta10 13 years ago
On average how many total hits do you get on your hubs per day? At the moment I have 48 active hubs and I get about 60 hits, Is this good. Thanks.
by CZCZCZ 12 years ago
What is your average page views per hub that you have written?Trying to learn about people that have lots of hubs posted if you just have a couple that do really well or most get a few page views or day or what?
by Brie Hoffman 23 months ago
Just wondering what other hubbers experience is like.
by arun kuruvilla 10 years ago
just share your page views in last 24 hrs.my page views is now 120 in 1 day.is that a good score?
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