Hey guys, are all of the hubs on hubpages capped at PR 3? I'm curious because I don't think I've ever seen a hub with a PR above 3. Are there any hubs that have a PR > 3? If so, could you provide some examples?
A page rank of 3 for a single page of content is actually fantastic.
Although I have not seen a PR4 either.
Let ask others, did anyone has greater PR than 3,
1) How u done that?
2) Are u sure u don't want to put the link of that page here.
Well, I've also never seen hubs with above PR3 but seen profiles with 4 or 5 PR.
If someone had a Hub with a higher PR, what would be their benefit in disclosing that info? Wouldn't it be in their best interests to not tell everyone else?
BTW, Lisa HW, 1 and 2 are lower in page rank than 3. When something is "capped" it means where the top cut-off is, not the bottom.
I'm not inquiring about the possible motivations or benefits that go along with posting a link. I just want to know if there are any hubs out there that in fact have a PR > 3. I want to know if it's possible.
Anyone care to elaborate on what "PR of 3" means, since it appears that it doesn't mean what I think it means. (Or does it?)
PR = Page Rank. PRs range from 0-10. 10 being the best, 0 being the worst. PRs are assigned by Google based on a site's relevance, quality, number of quality links, etc. I started this thread out of curiosity since I've never seen a hub with a PR > 3. Even the best hubs on hubpages (at least the ones I've seen) are all @ PR 3 or less. I was just wondering why that is.
relache, thanks. I apparently (obviously, I should say) have been mistaken about some definitions of some terms. I deleted my post.
I was thinking 1 meant being on the front/top page that showed up after someone searched (preferably in the top few things), and I've seen several on that or else on the second page. (2 meant being on the second one after someone clicked "next" - and so on) At this point, I have to say I still don't really get what the "proper terminology is" . Live and learn.
I assumed (apparently incorrectly) that "capping" meant that something from HubPages (or any particular site) would never make it to the first page of a search.
Ive seen a few 4's - rarely -
I checked this out a lot I was curious about the same thing - my best are 3's
But Ive checked through some of the older "best" hubs
Do you remember any of the links to the PR 4 hubs? I'm really curious as to what differentiates a PR 3 hub from a PR 4.
You need to install the Google Toolbar on your browser. It has an icon on it that tells you the PR for ever page you visit.
I prefer seo quake - google toolbar is scary (more tracking)
Tracking? eek.... lol... care to elaborate?
Anonymous data and ( not so anonymous data) is garnered via all google products.
As a webmaster - I dont want a little piece of google following my every move
Ive started pulling analytics off many of my sites. So far its been a benefit.
A benefit to your earnings?
If so, how come?
*Prepares to run off and remove analytics from his hubs*
I wouldnt do that! i was able to get rid of analytics on my own sites as I can use alternate tracking software - the data is to valuable to not have any - so for Hus,b analytics it must be
The how come - I dont know - word on the street - when you like your adsense income, dont share oo much other info with them - made sense so I tried it and seemed to have immediate benefits. No proof - just keeping the "eggs in a basket theory going"
Analytics gives them more data then adsense does alone -
I agree Sunforged, I no longer use analytics either.
I'm assuming you use an alternative - any recommendations?
But nobody is sharing what they use instead (on their websites I mean)
You can check the PR of any url here: http://www.prchecker.info/check_page_rank.php
Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of them collecting all of that data either. Always best to use an outside source as long as it is accurate.
This is what happens when a non-Internet-minded person brings "real-world" logic into the picture; but I don't really get what PR is at this point.
I understand what Dean explained above and the concept the number, itself, runs as explained above.
What I don't get is what is actually behind that number - what, exactly, does it mean?
I have the tool installed, and it's always there. I suppose I don't click on it very often; so things can be changing with it that I'd never notice. Having said that, I've had Hubs that show up (in "real-world" terms) at the top of a search on the first page that shows up. Sometimes one may show up there, move a page or two, and then maybe end up back on first page (again, "first" in my "real-world" thinking ).
If I'm paying attention, it looks as if the Hub's score/traffic and place on Google are all related.
So my question is, if a Hub is, say, 4 down on the first page for a search, is PR a completely different thing - and what is it?
I just looked up one of Hubs that earns me a decent-enough chunk each month and that's often in the 90's. Today it's 89 (I haven't looked at earnings). By searching the one "main" word that people would be searching for (as opposed to searching with more words that might "channel" the search toward my Hub), I found that Hub is on the second page. It shows up as PR 3.
At this point, I'm realizing I just don't even get what PR is at all! (I'm guessing that more than a few other people may not either.)
Google is very hush about how they actually calculate page rank. What determines your rank on the search engine is a combination of page rank, quality, and the number of quality sites that link to your page.
If you search around the net you can find a lot of people who claim to know how Google calculates page rank, but nobody really knows.
Since you're a quality writer and your hubscores reflect that, you don't really need to worry about page rank that much. The only thing you really need to do is make sure that you create a lot of quality backlinks to your pages.
That is not at all true, how Google ranks your site is kept Hush, but the actual page rank formula is calculated on the page rank of do follow links going in to your site, with a slight reduction from links going out.
This is true up until a site gets penalized for a reason such as link sales, link spam, etc.
Lisa, I'm not sure why you're even mentioning your HubScore - you do understand it has zero to do with how your Hub is ranking with the search engines, or how much it might earn?
Pagerank is a quality measure ascribed by Google. It's on a scale from 1 to 10, and 10 is the best - but PR 3 or 4 is pretty good. However, it doesn't necessarily tell you where your Hub will appear on search engine results - some people say it's not that important.
Marisa, I've always known the Hubbers scores aren't about traffic, but I guess, based on what looks to me like some correlation between the ones with the best traffic and the ones with the 90's scores, that traffic (although, I thought, was at least some part a factor in a Hub's score.
I now know I was completely clueless about PR until this thread, but the reason I mentioned the example score/earnings relationship was the I've seen times when a Hub will be on the first page, have a high score, earn more than usual, etc.; and then I'll see other times when the same Hub drops in score, gets moved off the front page (even sometimes only for a few days), and drops in earnings.
So now, after this thread, I do understand that PR has nothing to do with the above combo of stuff, but I'm still under the impression (right or wrong) that the correlation between the above stuff does exist. I guess maybe I got my own wires crossed in the midst of earlier wheel-spinning over the PR thing. See - that's my problem the minute I start trying to think about the Google "technical stuff": My wires cross! I suppose hours ago when I was trying to digest the thing about 0 to 10 going in a direction direction than I've always assumed it did () I was still assuming that traffic may matter in the PR "factor". In all seriousness, I actually am dealing with a concentration (at least when it comes to reading some things) problem these days; and it's starting to really
show. I'm realizing I need to stay away from the "technical" forums for a while.
Anyway, thanks for clearing it up.
From my understanding a PageRank results from a "ballot" among all the other pages on the World Wide Web about how important a page is. A hyperlink to a page counts as a vote of support. Google assigns a numeric weighting from 0-10.
PageRank denotes a site’s importance in the eyes of Google, apparently a particular page is roughly based upon the quantity of inbound links as well as the PageRank of the pages providing the links. Other factors, include relevance of search words on the page and actual visits to the page.
So I guess that is why its best to backlink each individual hub instead of only linking to your profile.
Dang, now I want to know lol. Gonna have to install the damn thing and open up even more of my comps resources (and info) to Big Brother Google.
I once got a PR4. Didn't do nothing overly special. The hub in question is now a 3. Google gives, Google takes away *shrugs*
The whole Google kaboodle and surfing behaviour of the www totally tickles me. I have one hub that rarely if ever fails to peak on Fridays and Saturdays. Then it drops like a stone, only to raise itself the following weekend.
I'd love to be a web data analyst, reading online behaviours, studying what underpins folk's motivation to search on this day or that day. I love knowing the answers to why's and what for's.
Most peoples behavior when it comes to search is motivated by what they see on television, from a personal experience I was watching MTV and they were doing a reality show on accutane acne therapy and after the show I went online to read more about the product and it was in google trends as the hottest search that hour.
So I came to the conclusion that television shows and commercials influence peoples search habits.
I checked, I have nothing higher than 3 either. I wanted to be special, dang it.
Maybe I need more pictures of sexy, hot aunties and stuff.
I've never heard of Google "capping" any particular website or webpage. I think it's just really hard to get enough links to get above a PR3. But if your hub had a link on the homepage of Google, I'm sure it would have a higher pagerank!
Perhaps the site has to be older than 3 years or something ... or older than any hub is, so the pages will gradually go from 3s to 4s to 5s in time.
Dean, Research, thanks. Now I get it.
Oh well.... Nemo (of Finding Nemo) said "all drains lead to the ocean." With Hub-writing, "all issues lead to the dreaded backlinks"
(This may inspire a thread of my own.....)
It sure do pay to drop by these forums. All sorts of outstanding info on this thread. Just wanted to add my thanks.
There is no cap on PR on hubpages, or any other site. There are Hubs out there which surpass the PR3 mark.
A nice piece of Web trivia is that Page Rank is named after its co-inventor, Larry Page, when he was a PhD student.
I've never had a hub page go above 3, but my profile sat at 4 for a time. Then, mysteriously it fell of the radar, resetting to 0.
It's all good fun, but I'd hate to be doing it for a living!
"One step forwards, two steps back, three steps forwards, oh crap! the rules have changed again" just about sums it up.
My profile is a 4 and I have seen a few 4 hubs - I think Paul mentioned there is a 5 some where.
But if I was planning to try to live on adsense earnings, the first thing I'd to is move to a far cheaper place than UK or Qatar!
I have mostly PR of 0-3. I dont think I have a 4+ or seen one. To get a 4+ to one hub you would need a HELLA-LOAD of backlinks, not just normal backlinks, but a few hundred pr 4+ links (which is hard for anyone to do).
Of course that's speculation. A test would have to be conducted to know if you can have a higher PR then 3.
From Left to right:
Marisa Wright Sunforged Ryankett Thranax Mark Knowles (labcoat) Cagsil (back) Darkside Shadesbreath thisisoli
NOTE: This isn't really us, its a joke
I found a Pagerank of 4 on a Hub!!
It is one of Patty Inglish, MS
PR: 4/10 (4 grated on 7 checkers)
Backlinks (toolbar version) = 27
So yes, it is possable.
I have a PR 4 hub called "Criss Angel Magic Tricks Revealed".
And I know why it got that PR too. I linked to it from my PR6 website.
PR used to be very important in ranking in Google. Now it's only one of 200 factors that Google consider in ranking pages. We shouldn't lose sleep over it.
As long as your hub, or any page you control for that matter, is ranking for the keywords that you're targeting, then be happy.
Cool. Ya, I'm not losing sleep over it or anything, I was just wondering since I haven't seen almost any hubs over PR 3.
by Akhil Anil 14 years ago
Hey guys , I read some hub blogs that the Page Rank of Hubpages has been increased to 7. But when i checked it thru firefoxe SEOQuake I found I to be just "5".And then another problem is that the page rank for my hubs are listed as "n/a" . Should my hubs also be getting the same...
by Anamika S Jain 10 years ago
I think a Google Page rank update happened today. I spend 15-18 hours working on the internet. A few minutes ago I noticed that one of my domains have gone from PR0 to PR2. I checked all my major sites and found changes in most of them. Some moved up on PR and some lost.
by Jule Romans 14 years ago
Am I correct in assuming that any page rank on the "my account" page is for hubpages as a whole, not for my hubs in total? The page rank on "my profile" is for my hubs, right?PS- I, too, am learning so much I feel as though my head is exploding.
by ImChemist 13 years ago
What is your page rank for your profile ?share your experience here.
by mcxniftycalls 11 years ago
Last month I checked my Google Page Rank and it was "NA" (0). This month on 04 Feb my sub-domain's page rank raise to 2 (two) and next day my page views increased from 180-200 to 500 and getting continuous page views in 500-700 range from 48 Hubs.And search engine traffic increased from...
by weblog 16 years ago
My profile page has no page rank, my hot hubs page has PR-0 and some of my hubs have PR-2.Then, out of curiosity I started checking the PR of some popular sites. Mixx has PR-7, Hubpages has PR-5.For Wikipedia and Google.com it is showing PR-0!!! (google.co.in has PR-8) How is a PR-0 possible for...
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