changing your avatar photo

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  1. jdaviswrites profile image72
    jdaviswritesposted 14 years ago

    I was thinking about changing my avatar photo to something more sexy, something with cleavage and long flowing hair. Maybe then I'd get more followers. What do you think hubbers?

  2. mega1 profile image80
    mega1posted 14 years ago

    yeh, but you're so cute the way you are!

    1. jdaviswrites profile image72
      jdaviswritesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      your avatar is sexy, and superhero-grade bad-ass...and look at how popular you are!

      1. dingdong profile image58
        dingdongposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Be prepared to face the spammers and droolers aiming at your email inbox! lol

        1. ediggity profile image61
          ediggityposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I know, it gets so old after a while.

  3. mega1 profile image80
    mega1posted 14 years ago

    I'm not that popular, and sometimes I change into a little kitten and other things.  I think the avatar doesn't really mean much except in forums, where people tend to respond to it.  But some of the most popular - high score hubbers (100s) have very bland avatars, them and their kids and hubbies etc.  So whatever you want to do.  That pic you have is very interesting and makes people wonder what you are up to!

    1. jdaviswrites profile image72
      jdaviswritesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I understand what you are saying...and I agree with you. I was just taking note on how some newer users have a bollywood megababes as their avatar, most likely hoping to bank on the fact that sex sells in order to draw in readers...only to find out their writing is far below par.

      By the way this doesn't apply to you since you actually do have well thought out and genuine things to say in your hubs.

      1. mega1 profile image80
        mega1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you very  much!  I like yours too. I just read your hub about Colorado, which reminded me that I want to go back there someday.  It may be the most beautiful place in the world - I lived in Aspen for four years and like a fool moved away. If I had stayed I know I would have done better there than other places I've lived.  Live and learn.  Truly, though, if you are really interested in something and you write about it the hub will be so good - unlike these hubs I see that are just trying to sell something or get ad clicks - but maybe that's why I have not received a cent yet!

  4. Cagsil profile image71
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    You seem to have a self-esteem issue. Followers do not mean anything, in the overall big picture of HubPages.

    People follow people because they find those people interesting or what they write is interest to them. The amount of followers you have is irrelevant when it comes to earnings.

    Even though an argument could be made that "followers" do actually have an effect on earnings, but let's not get into it.

    You want to change your avatar picture, then do so and reap whatever rewards you think will come. However, there is a good chance that the change you make, might not help and could hurt.

    So, I guess it boils down to what you are on HubPages for? Just to write or Earn money?

    1. jdaviswrites profile image72
      jdaviswritesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The initial thread post was me being sarcastic, maybe hard to spot without a tone of voice or facial expression. I'm just here to dance around in the tulips, holding hands with all you hubbers.

      1. ediggity profile image61
        ediggityposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I though tit was pretty obvious with the words cleavage, and long flowing hair.  But if you are serious I can't wait to see how that pic turns out on you. LOL.

      2. Cagsil profile image71
        Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I see. Okay. hmm

      3. Lisa HW profile image62
        Lisa HWposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Whether you were being sarcastic or not, I think it's "interesting" that if you look through the first 65 (or so) on the "top Hubbers" pages, there's not a lot of the kind of picture you mentioned (if any, depending on whether you're counting "regular" attractive-enough women or the magazine-model kind of photo).  I haven't "researched" this enough to know how far through the pages you have to go to run into those.  hmm   

        (On the other hand, you may want to consider a good cat picture....)

  5. mega1 profile image80
    mega1posted 14 years ago

    Having fun - love changing it even if people ignore me because they don't recognize me anymore!  lol

    1. ediggity profile image61
      ediggityposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Who are you again?  I once knew of a little kitty with the same name.

      1. jdaviswrites profile image72
        jdaviswritesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        yeah... and a hot superhero snake charmer

        1. mega1 profile image80
          mega1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          originally I was mega1 - the pink cheetah, then I was a huge boozoomy pink lady and oldtimers here remember me as the cheetah who ate cheetos and also sometimes a fairy.  So, I have multiple personality disorder, but at least I TRY to keep it clean and interesting.  I am considering fading into the woodwork soon. I don't know whether anyone will notice.

          1. ediggity profile image61
            ediggityposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Now that you mention it I remember all of those.  Of course they will notice.  Where do you plan on going?

            1. mega1 profile image80
              mega1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

              I don't know.  Maybe nowhere.  I will just be more productive with the writing - I took some time off from the forums recently and when I came back everyone I knew (almost) had either changed their identity in the forums or just disappeared.  I'm wondering if they are all cleaning up the oil spill now, or if they got bored, or found better forums somewhere else?  Or maybe they are all still here just masked as other names/identities?  It feels weird to be here when so many are gone.  I guess that's what it's like getting old when all your friends die!  Only this is getting morbid now.

              1. ediggity profile image61
                ediggityposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                But now you can make new friends.  I guess weird is my norm, so I'm ok with it.

                1. mega1 profile image80
                  mega1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  thanks, its true.  I spend too much time with old people so my perspective gets kinad skewed!  Where do YOU think all those people went who used to come on the forums to laugh and play?

                  1. ediggity profile image61
                    ediggityposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    They got upset and left because you changed your pic. I know a bunch of them either got banned, or deleted their accounts.  I guess they took this place to personally.


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