Any tips on how to get more followers?

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  1. officialkent87 profile image64
    officialkent87posted 11 years ago


    I am new here in HubPages. Just signed up for an account a few days ago and I barely got any followers. I would like to know some tips on how to increase my number of followers aside of course, from writing a great hub and following other hubbers.

    1. Rock_nj profile image83
      Rock_njposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      First off, write great material that other Hubbers want more of, so they will follow you to make sure they don't miss anything.  Next, be active in the forums and reading and commenting on other Hubs.  It takes time.  Be patient.

      1. officialkent87 profile image64
        officialkent87posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, I do agree with you. I think I will start looking for hubs that are similar to my line of interests then I could comment on those hubs. Perhaps that will work. ^^ I may not be able to get a massive amount of followers within such a short period of time but at least my profile would look a lot more lively if it shows a decent number of followers. Thanks for suggesting that idea.

  2. Marisa Wright profile image84
    Marisa Wrightposted 11 years ago

    Participate intelligently in the forums, and make meaningful comments on other people's Hubs.  That will impress other Hubbers and make them curious about your Hubs.

    Following other Hubbers probably won't work.  This is not Twitter - here, following someone is more like becoming a member of their fan club, so it doesn't necessarily mean that Hubber will follow you back. 

    I should point out that followers won't earn you money, they are just a nice motivating feature.  You won't start making good income until 80% of your readers come from outside HubPages - and followers are all from inside HubPages.  So ifyour goal is income, then you need to reach out to people outside HubPages to read your work.

    1. officialkent87 profile image64
      officialkent87posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your suggestion. I am yet to explore the forums but for now, I just want to focus more on my hubs. I also am trying my best to make my hub titles more search-engine friendly so that I could attract readers outside HP.

      By the way, you pointed out that having followers won't affect our earnings. Does that also mean that we are not allowed to click on the ads that are posted on other hubs?

      1. Kangaroo_Jase profile image74
        Kangaroo_Jaseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Its very good practice to not click on ads on other Hubbers pages, especially your own.

        1. officialkent87 profile image64
          officialkent87posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you. I will keep that in mind.

  3. Astra Nomik profile image64
    Astra Nomikposted 11 years ago

    If hubbers like your writing and your hubs, then the followers will follow you. It just needs a little patience ... and some good hubs... smile

  4. ameliam.michelle1 profile image60
    ameliam.michelle1posted 11 years ago

    Totally agreeing with Marisa, following others will send a wrong signal, therefore make sure you are participating in the community and uploading your profile with not loaded content but meaningful content.

  5. Anil and Honey profile image59
    Anil and Honeyposted 11 years ago

    Post more items and read more and more, follow others,write comments. That is the way for collecting followers.

  6. VictoriaSheffield profile image81
    VictoriaSheffieldposted 11 years ago

    It takes time! I have only been with them for about 6 months myself and I just decided that I am not so much concerned with followers as I am about writing great content because once the great content comes then the followers will come. If you follow me, I will follow you! smile Welcome to hubpages!

    1. officialkent87 profile image64
      officialkent87posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Won't we be banned if we use that "follow me, I follow you" method? That's coz I know a site that does ban its members for doing so. Anyways, I just checked your hubs and it seems like you're into recipes and lifestyle stuffs. Nice. ^^ You just gained your 29th follower. smile

  7. ossmedia profile image59
    ossmediaposted 11 years ago

    You follow me , i follow you.  Post unique quality content . share as much as you can on social media sites.

  8. Nancy Owens profile image75
    Nancy Owensposted 11 years ago

    Great advice, Rock_nj. All good things take time and effort. smile

  9. lovebuglena profile image81
    lovebuglenaposted 11 years ago

    There are many ways to get more followers. One of course is to write great content that people will be interested in reading and possibly following (both you and maybe even the hubs themselves). Since followers will generally be those already members of HubPages you should be active within the HubPages community both in the forums (commenting on posts and creating your own) and by reading and commenting on hubs written by others. Asking and answering questions can also help. Another thing you can do is follow other hubbers and they may follow you back. Also, ask those that have read your hub to share it with their hub followers by hitting the Hub Followers link directly on the hub page. You can share your hub with your hub followers in this way but HubPages is against us sharing our own hubs using this feature. At least it was in the past.

  10. Abhay Gopinath profile image64
    Abhay Gopinathposted 11 years ago

    yes being active in forums is important..

    1. ameliam.michelle1 profile image60
      ameliam.michelle1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Being active in forums is important, but even more important is leaving insightful comments, well-organised and well-thought out comments leave a good impression on hubbers which might help in you accumulating more followers

  11. NaushadKhan786 profile image35
    NaushadKhan786posted 11 years ago


  12. PaoloJpm profile image81
    PaoloJpmposted 11 years ago

    you just need to be yourself and try to communicate and socialize more in this awesome community.

  13. peachpurple profile image83
    peachpurpleposted 11 years ago

    write  more hubs, get involve in forums , answer questions and be natural !

  14. dragoncity profile image39
    dragoncityposted 11 years ago

    As long as you write unique interesting hubs for the users your follower base should grow.

    1. ameliam.michelle1 profile image60
      ameliam.michelle1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ya, that is quite true, but participation in the community is important too, so that they are aware of your presence

  15. ossmedia profile image59
    ossmediaposted 11 years ago

    You can indulge in all social media sites . Make your post very much attractive and catchy. Take part in all  Q&A sites which help you to generate traffic to your site.

  16. ameliam.michelle1 profile image60
    ameliam.michelle1posted 11 years ago

    Hey ossmmedia, apart from facebook and twitter, which are the other sites where i can share my hubs and participate in Q&A sessions?

    1. ossmedia profile image59
      ossmediaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      There are lot of social media sites like stumbleupon, reddit, delicious, digg  etc
      You can participate in Q&A like Quora, Yahoo answers, etc if you are using particular theme like magento then you can go with 
      For wordpress then go for

  17. jemuelO profile image74
    jemuelOposted 11 years ago

    I used to have the same question. Thanks for sharing your suggestions. It helps a lot!


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