HubMob Weekly Topic: Summer sports

Jump to Last Post 1-31 of 31 discussions (56 posts)
  1. Princessa profile image78
    Princessaposted 14 years ago

    Hello, thank you for all your leftover hubs, we had a Hubbalicious week with 29 hubs  submitted.  And the special mention for the Most prolific HubMobster last week goes to Aaron99  with 7 hubs submitted.

    Five months ago we had a Winter sports HubMob.  That time we managed 46 hubs on the topic.  This week we are going to jump to the other extreme and we are going to be HubMobbing about Summer Sports.  You can hub about your favourite summer sports, anything like swimming outdoors, beach volleyball, surfing, sailing, water skiing, etc.  You can also Hub about summer sport's equipment; summer sports competitions and even summer sports accessories.  It is up to you how you tackle the topic; just make sure you have fun writing. 
    This is going to be a hot week packed with action, let's get started!

    To join this week's HubMob please follow the steps below:

    1. YOU MUST START YOUR HUB CLICKING THIS LINK.  Choose the Answer the Request green button.  Choose the MAKE A HUB ABOUT IT option. 

    2. Choose a relevant title for your Hub to get a good ranking in the search engines, AVOID starting your title with "Weekly HubMob"

    3. If necessary change the category on your hub to best suit your topic. 

    4. Include the HubMob RSS Feed in your hub: … ew&rss

    5. Add the HubMob graphic below to your hub so that everyone who reads it will know that it is part of the official HubMob topic of the week.

    6. After you publish your HubMob Hub, come back to the forum and post a link to your hub with a brief description of what you wrote about and why.  Take advantage of the free publicity!

    If you are still not sure about what is a HubMob and the benefits of taking part in one I created this guide … -join-one, please feel free to come up with any questions if you have any doubts left.

    1. profile image0
      Stevennix2001posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      can i write about mlb phenomenon strasburg?  and maybe another hub about how sexist and demeaning a volleyball game like "Dead or Alive:  Extreme Beach Volleyball" series really is, and how it paints a bad picture on the video game industry for portraying women in such a sexist light.

      or can i write about how utterly selfish LeBron James was for making...THE DECISION!!!  Can i write about any of these topics, or all three of them?

      1. rmcrayne profile image93
        rmcrayneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        We're pretty liberal here Steven.  I tend to favor the less than mainstream topics myself.  My hubs on 'striving for perfection' hubmob were 'adverse effects' hubs.

        1. profile image0
          Stevennix2001posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          okay, i gotcha.  how about strasburg then?  i know he's the latest baseball phenom going on right now.  can i write about him then?

          1. Princessa profile image78
            Princessaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, you can as long as you follow HubPages rules there's no problem.  You are free to choose your topic for answering the question.

      2. cvanthul profile image89
        cvanthulposted 14 years agoin reply to this
        1. Princessa profile image78
          Princessaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          thank you cvanthul smile

          1. cvanthul profile image89
            cvanthulposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks for the great idea!  I haven't done these mobs much but am having fun with it.

      3. cvanthul profile image89
        cvanthulposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        One more for the hubmob.  When does it end?  I'd like to get another one done. … iders?done

    2. englightenedsoul profile image59
      englightenedsoulposted 14 years ago

      I am glad to be a hubmobster again...and the Irony is my first Hubmob hub was on winter sports and after a long time participating again through Summer sports.  This time I am planning to publish a few hubs.  Here is my first contribution for the week:

      1. Simple Tim profile image58
        Simple Timposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Just checked out your hub! looks like you've ste the bar quite high! the rest of us better get started!

        1. englightenedsoul profile image59
          englightenedsoulposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks for the compliments Tim and being my first commenter.  I am looking forward to your hubmob hub as well.  I am sure that would be a quality piece.

    3. Simple Tim profile image58
      Simple Timposted 14 years ago

      Hi Princess! Great topic! Count me in this weeks hubmob! will be back later in the week.

    4. Princessa profile image78
      Princessaposted 14 years ago

      hi englightenedsoul and Simple Tim, glad to see you back in the HubMob

      1. englightenedsoul profile image59
        englightenedsoulposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you so much for the warm welcome Princessa.  Infact I am so motivated that I am submitting my second entry for this week with many more to come....

        My second hub

    5. englightenedsoul profile image59
      englightenedsoulposted 14 years ago

      My third hub for this week's hubmob:

    6. elayne001 profile image79
      elayne001posted 14 years ago

      Here's my first for summer sports:


      1. profile image48
        snehallone87posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks,,,for giving the information,,princessa

    7. kmackey32 profile image63
      kmackey32posted 14 years ago

      What about a hub on Rock climing? Is that a sport?

      1. Princessa profile image78
        Princessaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I guess it is...

    8. Simple Tim profile image58
      Simple Timposted 14 years ago

      Ok here it is my...first Summer Sports Hub!...

      Play Waboba This Summer
      This is a fairly new leisure water sport perfect for the beach or the pool. Read all about it in my hub.

      1. Princessa profile image78
        Princessaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I love the name it sounds like a lot of fun smile

    9. englightenedsoul profile image59
      englightenedsoulposted 14 years ago
    10. Deborah Demander profile image86
      Deborah Demanderposted 14 years ago

      Summer sports... I think roasting marshmallows should count as a spor

    11. Deborah Demander profile image86
      Deborah Demanderposted 14 years ago

      Wait a second. I think I did that wrong. I'll be back with a proper link.

    12. Deborah Demander profile image86
      Deborah Demanderposted 14 years ago
    13. cvanthul profile image89
      cvanthulposted 14 years ago

      Here's mine.  What's more summery than boats?  A list of phrases we use everyday which have nautical origins.

      Well, I'm having trouble with the formatting.

      1. cvanthul profile image89
        cvanthulposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Oh, never mind, it didn't preview, but did link.

    14. Chuck profile image82
      Chuckposted 14 years ago

      Here is my first contribution for this week's HubMob topic.  Time permitting, I will try  to get another one written.

      1. Princessa profile image78
        Princessaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hi, is Chika joining the HubMob this week?

      2. Purple Perl profile image48
        Purple Perlposted 14 years ago

        I am happy to be back joining the hubmob once again.
        Biking For Fun, Fitness And Adventure … -Adventure

      3. Purple Perl profile image48
        Purple Perlposted 14 years ago

        My 2nd hub for this week:
        Biking Safety-Why You Need To Wear A Helmet … r-A-Helmet

        1. Princessa profile image78
          Princessaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Great topic Purple Perl.  I enjoy cycling whenever I can smile

        2. one who writes profile image59
          one who writesposted 14 years ago

          Hi!  I couldn't resist writing about my new favorite summer game - Cornhole, or sometimes known as bag toss.  So much fun at BBQ's!  Hope you check it out.

 … ummer-Game

          1. elayne001 profile image79
            elayne001posted 14 years ago

            Here's my second summer sports hub:


          2. rmcrayne profile image93
            rmcrayneposted 14 years ago

            Your HubMob roundup hub.  There are 14 hubs. 

            Summer Sports- Fun in the Sun

   … e-Sun?done

            Summer sports:  volleyball, swimming, cycling, kayaking in Hawaii, snorkeling in Hawaii, extreme sports in Hawaii, waboba ball, and cornhole.

          3. Simple Tim profile image58
            Simple Timposted 14 years ago

            Looks like everyone is out enjoying the summer sun- no time for the Hubmob...Its a nasty rainy day here so I have managed to get another one done.

            How To Choose Snorkel Sets 

            1. rmcrayne profile image93
              rmcrayneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              You're so right Tim.  Things have been really slow since the June contest ended.  Maybe summer fun and contest exhaustion?!  big_smile

              1. Princessa profile image78
                Princessaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                school holidays don't leave Hubbers with children too much free time neither!

                1. rmcrayne profile image93
                  rmcrayneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  Ah, parenting- the most competitive sport on the planet!

            2. englightenedsoul profile image59
              englightenedsoulposted 14 years ago
            3. elayne001 profile image79
              elayne001posted 14 years ago
              1. Princessa profile image78
                Princessaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                No, never too late. 
                A topic usually lasts one whole week, from Monday to Monday.
                However, I never close the request, which means that you can still post a HubMob hub on your chosen topic even if we have already moved on to a new topic. 

                Did I make sense there?

            4. englightenedsoul profile image59
              englightenedsoulposted 14 years ago
            5. Simple Tim profile image58
              Simple Timposted 14 years ago

              One of the best places to be in summer is in the swimming pool...provided you have plenty of sun block on and plenty swimming pool games to keep you entertianed! Check out my hub#3
              Swimming Pool Games For The Whole Family

            6. rmcrayne profile image93
              rmcrayneposted 14 years ago

              The HubMob roundup has been updated.  There are 21 hubs. 


              1. Princessa profile image78
                Princessaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                22 soon, I am coming up with one too :-)

            7. Simple Tim profile image58
              Simple Timposted 14 years ago
            8. Simple Tim profile image58
              Simple Timposted 14 years ago
            9. Simple Tim profile image58
              Simple Timposted 14 years ago
              1. profile image50
                mohan01posted 14 years agoin reply to this


              2. Simple Tim profile image58
                Simple Timposted 14 years ago
              3. Simple Tim profile image58
                Simple Timposted 14 years ago

                Looks like we have 26 Hubs in this week Princessa!not bad considering it is summer holidays!

                1. Princessa profile image78
                  Princessaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  27 now Tim smile

                  Thanks for supporting the HubMob!

                  1. Simple Tim profile image58
                    Simple Timposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    Just checked it out! cool ideas to keep kids busy during the summer vacation!

              4. Princessa profile image78
                Princessaposted 14 years ago

                Thank you to all the HubMobsters who took part in last week's HubMob

                The new topic for this week is out:

                Guess who was the most prolific HubMobster for the Summer Sports HubMob...


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