HubMob Weekly Topic: It's All About Halloween, Hubbers!

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  1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
    Ryan Hupferposted 16 years ago
    awesome image created by Jerrico Usher

    Here we go again, Hubbbers, it's time for the weekly attack of the HubMobsters! Perhaps someone should warn the Internet? smile

    This week's HubMob Topic is getting me excited: It's All About Halloween: Dressing Up, Making Treats and Being Scary. Hub about your favorite part of Halloween. I created this week's HubMob topic because with the month of October showing up this week, it's only a matter of weeks before my favorite Holiday of Halloween is going to be here. So, to celebrate the super-awesome holiday, I thought that we would use the HubMob as a little warm-up to all that Halloween has to offer.

    As usual, I left it pretty wide open as far as specific Hub topic ideas go, but it seems like none of you ever have trouble putting your spin on whatever I throw out each week. So, whether you want to write about '10 Awesome Recipes For Cooking Pumpkin Seeds' or 'How To Create A Realistic Head Wound', there is always something about Halloween that you enjoy the most, so write away!

    To join this week's HubMob, please follow the steps below:

    1. Come up with an amazing idea to write your Hub on that has something to do with the topic of Halloween and what about it you always look forward to. Make the topic your own and feel free to have fun with it, research it or wing it. It's up to you on how you write your HubMob Hub.

    2. After you come up with your topic idea, click this link and answer the Request that I entered in for all of you HubMobsters. Feel free to use the tags that I suggested or add a few of your own.

    3. Write a an awesomely comprehensive Hub that completely covers your topic idea. Be sure to add an RSS Capsule that includes the RSS feed to the rest of this week's HubMob entries (Link: and also add one of the HubMob images below to your Hub so that everyone who reads it will know that it is part of the official HubMob topic of the week.

    4. After you publish your HubMob Hub, reply in this Forum thread with a brief description of what topic idea you wrote about, why you chose it and a link to your newly published contribution to the HubMob. I mean, we all want to see, too!

    5. Keep track of your Hub and keep us updated on any traffic that you're getting and post some screenshots if you end up HubMobbing a few search keyword over on Google.

    6. Promote the HubMob by sending out this link to your friends, family and complete strangers

    1. KT pdx profile image68
      KT pdxposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Hahahahaha...too late, Hup!  I already warned them, because someone asked to be warned! … ing-HubMob

      1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
        Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Ha! This is awesome!

        I guess that they are warned then, eh?

        Great explanation of what a HubMob is - I am going to start using this from here on out. Also, you might want to add the static link that I've created for the HubMobs now:

        That link will always take you to the most current HubMob that you can participate it. smile

        1. KT pdx profile image68
          KT pdxposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Cool, adding it right now.  smile  Glad you like my hub.

  2. profile image0
    Anitha1978posted 16 years ago

    sigh... I have to pass this time round. From where i came from we dont have Holloween. This event is totally lost on me. Can anyone tell (a short tale) why Holloween is celebrated in the first place? Thanks smile

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image77
      Uninvited Writerposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Google will tell you all you want to know...

      1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
        Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, I hear that Google knows A LOT of stuff. smile

        1. littleartstar profile image59
          littleartstarposted 16 years agoin reply to this


    2. profile image69
      SpotCoolStuff.composted 16 years agoin reply to this


      I think it is OK to interpret the HubMob topics creatively. Halloween is a holiday at the end of October in which people dress up in costumes, indulge in scary things (like haunted houses) and when kids go around getting candy. So, you can look past the Halloween aspect of the topic and write about anything that involves costumes, scariness, ghosts and/or candy. Or, maybe there's a completely different holiday in your part of the world that also involves costumes that you can tell people about. Or a rundown of local candies available where you are. etc.

      Good luck.

        ~ scs

      1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
        Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Exactly, feel free to interpret it any way that you want. Maybe you can even write a Hub on 'A Look At Halloween From Outside Of The United States' or something? There are a lot of options and that's one of the reasons why HubMob is so much fun - the ways that each Hubber writes about the topic and how different each one is.

      2. Marian Swift profile image60
        Marian Swiftposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Anitha ...

        Do you have any haunting stories about ghosts or spirits where you live?

        If so, a story or two (or more) would be most cool.

        1. profile image0
          Anitha1978posted 16 years agoin reply to this

          sorry i just saw all your replies guys and thanks for all the tips. and yes i think i will publish a few scary asian ghost stories. Thank you once again for the tips. smile

          1. Marian Swift profile image60
            Marian Swiftposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            Those feet look too good.  Totally Photoshopped, I'm sure.  But inspiring, nonetheless!

            1. profile image0
              Anitha1978posted 16 years agoin reply to this

              Those feet look too good.  Totally Photoshopped, I'm sure. But inspiring, nonetheless! lol

    3. Just_Rodney profile image69
      Just_Rodneyposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Yes if you follow my hub, maybe I can shed some light  for you

  3. guidebaba profile image58
    guidebabaposted 16 years ago
  4. hardwaremarket profile image60
    hardwaremarketposted 16 years ago

    nice hub... i like that everytime you come up with exciting articles..........when can i expect the next one.......

  5. guidebaba profile image58
    guidebabaposted 16 years ago

    Next Week with the New HubMob Topic.

  6. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
    mistyhorizon2003posted 16 years ago

    Well I have written my first HubMob topic, which consists of a poem I simply loved as a teenager. It is spooky and chilling, and so suitable for Halloween. This is not my own work, but I think you will be really impressed by the poem. I was, so much so that I used it for my English Literature class at school, and even the teacher thought it was great, (I did tell him it wasn't my own work in case you were wondering).

    The link is: … ogene?done

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Your first HubMob....awesome!

      p.s. This freaked me out a little bit:

      1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
        mistyhorizon2003posted 16 years agoin reply to this
  7. Whitney05 profile image82
    Whitney05posted 16 years ago

    I have a 2 ideas. I hope I can squeeze them in today. I'm a little busy today. Maybe tonight when I get home. No hubbing at work today :-(  But believe me I'm definitely going to participate. :-P I love hubmobbing ha

  8. Rochelle Frank profile image92
    Rochelle Frankposted 16 years ago
  9. spryte profile image76
    spryteposted 16 years ago

    Oh those are some seriously UGLY feet.  Makes me wish I had a pair.  I'd put them on and walk into the nearest nail salon and ask for a pedicure...just to watch the reaction.  smile

    1. profile image0
      Anitha1978posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      They were supposedly made out of human skin. Truth or fiction you decide. and yes the salon guys would flip smile

    2. Benson Yeung profile image75
      Benson Yeungposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for helping me find my feet back. I just keep forgetting where I leave my body parts these days.

  10. profile image0
    ysdataposted 16 years ago

    Here's my hubmob halloween hub - … -Halloween  (The Greatest Movies to Watch on Halloween) add your favorites to the list.

  11. Carolina Crete profile image68
    Carolina Creteposted 16 years ago

    Halloween in Greece. So do we celebrate Holloween in Greece? Kind of ...

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      haha..this just scared someone walking by me in our office:

      He was like 'What the hell is that thing??'

      I was like 'Duh, it's for Apokries...' smile

      1. Carolina Crete profile image68
        Carolina Creteposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Hey that's my son.. (at school - note the desk and blackboard in the background).  The sun here is very ageing wink

    2. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I just looked up 'Halloween in Greece' and this HubMob request actually came up 5th out of 4,000,000 results...interesting. smile

  12. Julie-Ann Amos profile image58
    Julie-Ann Amosposted 16 years ago

    Gotta pass this week I think... very busy week and am away 2 days.  Be fair - I have to get SOME work done!

  13. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
    mistyhorizon2003posted 16 years ago

    I have just posted this great Halloween Dessert Recipe if you want to go to :


  14. Maddie Ruud profile image71
    Maddie Ruudposted 16 years ago
  15. profile image0
    SirDentposted 16 years ago

    As of this time I have nothing to write for this weeks hubmob. I do have a primer for some who may need inspiration for the weekly topic. Cornerstone of Hell

    Enjoy it. . . if you can. lol

  16. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
    mistyhorizon2003posted 16 years ago

    My latest Hub on Halloween, How to make Your own Shrunken Head, follow this link for further instructions :

  17. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
    mistyhorizon2003posted 16 years ago

    And yet another Hub on the halloween topic, so please go to this link nad let me know your thoughts:

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Wow! You're really knocking these things out...great work, Misty!

      I still need to figure out what I'm going to write about...hmmm.

  18. jimmythejock profile image81
    jimmythejockposted 16 years ago

    I hope that you like my Hubmob Halloween Hub it was fun to do.....jimmy … s-for-2008

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Leave it to jimmy...haha. smile

      1. Jerrico Usher profile image55
        Jerrico Usherposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        You should have photoshoped someones face on there smile lol

        1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
          Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          That's your job. Work your magic smile

    2. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Jimmy's Halloween Hubs are doing awesome!

      It's only going to get better as the month goes on smile

  19. Rochelle Frank profile image92
    Rochelle Frankposted 16 years ago

    Ryan, where did you get that naughty holloweenie costume?

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      holloweenie, indeed. smile

  20. jimmythejock profile image81
    jimmythejockposted 16 years ago

    I published a Hub for Halloween 2 years ago called halloween costumes gone wrong my fave costume ever is in that hub I thought i would share it here in this forum too.....jimmy
    P.S This pic was an example of getting it right

  21. Rochelle Frank profile image92
    Rochelle Frankposted 16 years ago

    YAY-- I sent her a + shout.

  22. Lela Davidson profile image80
    Lela Davidsonposted 16 years ago

    Here's my HubMob contribution: … aming-Eyes
    I wrote about how to make a cute, festive cake to go with the rest of my family-friendly Halloween Hubs! Thanks for the great topic!

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Mmmmm...cake. smile

      You've got quite a few of these Halloween Hubs - I thought that this one would be pretty easy for ya...way to link your Hubs together, too. That's a great way to give your traffic a little boost.

  23. profiler profile image78
    profilerposted 16 years ago

    My contribution to this week hubmob!

    lookout for the headless horseman! eheh … get-treats

  24. NYLady profile image60
    NYLadyposted 16 years ago

    Here's mine: … Tunes?done

    It's about my favorite Halloween music. My son (now 18) was born on Halloween, so it's one of my favorite holidays and I knocked myself out doing Hallo-Birthday parties over the years. smile

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Great work, NYLady! You are #1 for 'Favorite Halloween Tunes' out of 200,000+ results!

  25. spryte profile image76
    spryteposted 16 years ago homework is done for the week.  Can I go out and play now? … r-Children

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this


      Man, getting a bag full of candy after some trick-or-treating on Halloween is hard to beat. smile

  26. Anna Marie Bowman profile image70
    Anna Marie Bowmanposted 16 years ago

    Hey all!!  Here is my submission for the HubMob for the week!!!  Enjoy! … -Halloween

  27. Just_Rodney profile image69
    Just_Rodneyposted 16 years ago Is my contribution for the hub mob, it is a bit of an historic and .. @@@@@   awe well have read anyway cool & roll

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Pagen holiday, eh? So that's why I like it so much. smile

      This was a really entertaining and fun read, Rodney - great job!

  28. Bob Ewing profile image67
    Bob Ewingposted 16 years ago
    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Hmmm..I wonder if Druids would get along with Pagens?

      I bet that they could throw a pretty good party. smile

  29. jimmythejock profile image81
    jimmythejockposted 16 years ago

    My second installment for the hubmob this week I hope it is useful.....jimmy … tumes-2008

  30. kerryg profile image81
    kerrygposted 16 years ago

    Here's mine for the week:

    I'm sick of cute fairies.

  31. Whitney05 profile image82
    Whitney05posted 16 years ago

    Here's one of my ideas... It's just a little about candy corn and an easy recipe.

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Oh man, I loooooove this stuff.

  32. KT pdx profile image68
    KT pdxposted 16 years ago

    I did two already: and
    I'll probably do more; I love Halloween!

  33. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 16 years ago
  34. gamergirl profile image88
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    Hey Ryan - check it out!

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Ahhh, man - I can't see it.

      I miss all of the good stuff. sad

  35. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 16 years ago

    HA HA HA, that's great smile

  36. Patty Inglish, MS profile image88
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 16 years ago

    Just some humor, Halloween can be so funny...

  37. Just_Rodney profile image69
    Just_Rodneyposted 16 years ago

    Gamer, now thats what I call in-geni-ous   Great one and thanks for sharing it with us.

    My Hub,  Halloween a Pagan festival, has reached the 4th spot on page 1 of google.

  38. Christoph Reilly profile image69
    Christoph Reillyposted 16 years ago

    Here is mine. It's how to make fingers to send with your invitations to your Halloween party, with printable Halloween card and invitation sets, FREE! … The-Finger

  39. Whitney05 profile image82
    Whitney05posted 16 years ago

    I finally got around to my second one! It's not 100% finished, but I can't access YouTube from work. I'll be asking a friend to grab me a video and send me a link later, but anyway here is my second addition to the week. Tips for Applying and Removing Halloween Makeup.

    Is there anyway that we can have a vertical Halloween HubMob logo image thing?

    1. Christoph Reilly profile image69
      Christoph Reillyposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Whitney, there is a vertical hubmob logo. I have one, but I don't know how to put it here. I have read the bad directions, but since I don't want to put the hubpages circle/arrow logo here, it is worthless to me. If somebody explains it to me, I'll be happy to post it, or I could email it to you. Let me know.

      1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
        Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Trying to get one made up for you, Whitney. Feel free to nag ProCW if you don't see it soon. smile

    2. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Check this out - Whitney is on the first page for both 'Applying Halloween Makeup'

      AND 'Removing Halloween Makup' (she's #1!)

  40. Dottie1 profile image66
    Dottie1posted 16 years ago

    Another Halloween Hubmob.   Halloween in the bewitching seaport of Salem, Massachusetts known for the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692. … nd-Pirates

  41. ProCW profile image80
    ProCWposted 16 years ago

    no no...

    no need to nag... check your e-mail ryan... haha

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      They look awesome!

      Can you please post them in here?

  42. ProCW profile image80
    ProCWposted 16 years ago
    1. Christoph Reilly profile image69
      Christoph Reillyposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Oh...I misunderstood. I thought Whitney meant a general logo. These are awesome! Hey, ProCW, where are you posting those pics so you can link to them?

    2. Patty Inglish, MS profile image88
      Patty Inglish, MSposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      These are great!

      1. ProCW profile image80
        ProCWposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Patty! smile

    3. Whitney05 profile image82
      Whitney05posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks! These look great!

      1. ProCW profile image80
        ProCWposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Whitney! smile

  43. ProCW profile image80
    ProCWposted 16 years ago

    there is a link under each image with the appropriate place to either download them or put the link into the image capsule in your hub(s.)

    1. Christoph Reilly profile image69
      Christoph Reillyposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, ProCW, but I meant where did YOU put these images so you were able to link to them in this thread and have them display here, in this thread. If I wanted to put a picture related to my Halloween hub, where would I put the image originally so I could link to it and have it display here? Thanks!

      1. ProCW profile image80
        ProCWposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        mine are on my website... smile you'll just need to right click on your image and then copy the image location... if its on hubpages, it'll be something like... ""

        post a message and within that message, you'll need to use BBCode to insert the graphic's location...

        like so, but with no spaces in the " i m g " or the " / i m g "...

        [ i m g ] [ / i m g ]

        hope that helps...

        1. Christoph Reilly profile image69
          Christoph Reillyposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks! I'll work on it.

  44. ProCW profile image80
    ProCWposted 16 years ago

    and thanks! smile

  45. Rochelle Frank profile image92
    Rochelle Frankposted 16 years ago

    Can't you just drag it out of the message above onto your desktop-- then add it to the hub photo capsule through the browse function? that's what I did.

  46. Patty Inglish, MS profile image88
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 16 years ago

    Just added the H'ween logo to my latest recipe for for weird cuisine--

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      How festive smile

      I love these!

    2. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Scary food, scary food! Great work, Patty! smile

  47. Patty Inglish, MS profile image88
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 16 years ago

    Much fun! smile

  48. Anti-Valentine profile image68
    Anti-Valentineposted 16 years ago

    This hub contains a little history as well my tale of one unforgettable halloween.

  49. Len Cannon profile image84
    Len Cannonposted 16 years ago

    Well, I felt inspired by the topic so I came up with this. … vie-Deaths

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image59
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Hey Len, check it out - not too shabby. smile

  50. Princessa profile image77
    Princessaposted 16 years ago

    Hi, here is mine:

    I am organizing my Halloween party so I wrote about it.  I have used Christoph's hub on Invitations and Whitney's Tips for Applying and Removing Halloween Makeup.  I hope that is ok smile

    1. Princessa profile image77
      Princessaposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Coucou!   made to the bottom of google's first page for "sexy halloween party".  The 10th among 1 060 000 pages... smile


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