by deb douglas 13 years ago
Sentences, first one beginning with the letter A and ending with B, then the next hubber begins his with the ending, which is B and ends his with C and so on through the alphabet...I will begin..Another guy who eats his grub.
by sumitparihar 13 years ago
Write a word which start with the ending letter of the previous word....(In all languages(Meaning) ,english words,Idioms,Phrases,Opposite etc.)Lets Playhub pages
by mrnasir 11 years ago
Let's start...Michael
by Andrew Hill 9 years ago
This game is basically an improv game where you start a story with three words, and the next person continues with the next three words of the story. You can end the sentence if you want, and start a new one, but you MUST only use 3 words. I'll start it with the typical cliché opening.Once upon a...
by deb douglas 11 years ago
write a phrase of either 2, 3, or 4 words--your choice but you must pick and use one word from the previous hub. I will begin with a 4 letter phrase, and Have Fun With It--Have fun with it
by saleheensblog 6 years ago
i will post the first word.startthe next post must be be started with t.