by MissKarolaina 13 years ago
Hello everyone! Have you ever tried the one word story?Well, it's easy.Every person says one word and we are going to create a long story!For example:I say ''One''Another person says ''time''3d person ''lived''It's easy! You can't write two words in one message !So I begin...ONE
by Andrew Hill 9 years ago
This game is basically an improv game where you start a story with three words, and the next person continues with the next three words of the story. You can end the sentence if you want, and start a new one, but you MUST only use 3 words. I'll start it with the typical cliché opening.Once upon a...
by TechTrendy 13 years ago
Build a flowing story with every person only using one word. The next person would then do the same and so on until a complete story is form.Exampe:User1: TheUser2: youngUser3: girlUser4: ranUser5: fromUser6: homeand so on. Lets see where the story will end up.I'll start with: Oh
by kbowlingtiger 14 years ago
Hey everyone, many of you have probably played this before. The directions are pretty basic. I start the story with four words and then someone adds four more... and so forth. It's a lot of fun to see what story gets created :-) There once was a . . .
by tthudium 14 years ago
Each time, add 5 new word to the story above... exampleI knew that I lovedthen the next person will postI knew that I loved those cookies on the breadbox.Then,I knew that I loved those cookies on the breadbox. They were chocolate chip withStart from there!
by dohn121 15 years ago
Who wants to join a writing workshop?I just created a hub where you can submit a 55-word story for others to workshop (give feedback). All are welcome!