Alleged "Duplicate" Content

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  1. Charles James profile image67
    Charles Jamesposted 14 years ago

    Full marks to the Hubpages computer for recognising that much of the material in my latest hub on Food Labelling Regulations appears on other sites. It ALL appears on other sites.

    I took the 1996 Regulations and laboriously updated them, working through each of about 27 sets of amending Regulations to generate something that is simply not available on the Internet - a set of condsolidated regulations incorporating all amendments. If it had been available I would not have spent several days on the job.

    My piece is original even though all of it is technically copied.

    Where do I go from here?

    1. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
      pauldeedsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      In cases like this, which are pretty rare, we can grant an exception to the usual penalties that apply to duplicate content (which I have done on your hub).   For others that may find themselves in this situation contact us.

    2. aware profile image66
      awareposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Write some poetry . lol

  2. GmaGoldie profile image80
    GmaGoldieposted 14 years ago

    I have had this issue several times.  It is frustrating when there is a purpose for the "duplicate".

    I feel strongly that a disclosure that the author recognizes the duplication and gives full credit to the source whether known or unknown.

    Here is a Hub I wrote out of frustration.  I had previously unpublished it because I understand the conflict between plagiarism and duplication.  Sadly the line between the two is often grey not black and white.

    Yet there remain a need at times for duplication: … Disclosure

    Ironically on my Food Safety Hubs I wanted to write on food labeling but knew I would run into the problems you are now experiencing.

    For my fluoride and children - I felt I needed a duplicate to showcase the harm to children.  I ended up completely rewriting my Hub - some information but it had to have the "duplicate" warning removed.  Fluoride is a problem, however, it is a real safety concern for infants
    and I felt it needed to be addressed.  I was able with allot of rewriting able to skirt the boundaries of "duplicate".

    I feel that there should be an automatic way to detail to Hub Pages and to the readers that I know this is substantially a duplicate - I am giving credit, I know it is a "duplicate" and then have the Hub remain at least active.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Gma, as you know, there is a very good reason for the duplicate filter - it helps protect HubPages from spammers.

      I would question why, if something is already on the internet, you feel it's necessary to re-quote it?  All you have to do is link to it, after all, and the person can read it in its original location.

      If, by linking to the original instead of quoting, you don't have enough material left to fill a Hub - well, I'd ask myself why bother?  Anyone Googling on the topic is going to find the original source anyway.

      As for creating an automated way of letting duplicate content "off the hook" - I think this would be a bad thing, because spammers would certainly try to take advantage of it, even if they had no right to.  That would create a lot of extra work for HP.

  3. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 14 years ago

    I have several hubs that I have put other places and they say duplicate. But it doesn't matter, they are still up, I can still earn money. As far as I know, only I see the notification that it is a duplicate.

    If you worry about it just write a note mentioning where it was originally published.

  4. FloBe profile image65
    FloBeposted 14 years ago

    I used one article in HP that I had written previously and had posted on my own website...when I posted it on HP it showed as duplicate, but I'm sure it was just a duplicate of my own article. I also quoted from the Bible which I'm sure is used a lot but gave my own story around the particular passage. So, in some cases there will be similar content as people share similar experiences. Not all "duplication" is plagiarism. Sometimes people from completely different places come up with the same idea and write it differently. However, having said all that--so much plagiarism and stolen content happens that it is never wrong to be careful and check things out.

    1. profile image0
      Website Examinerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The HubPages rules about duplicate content presuppose that we are not talking about plagiarism. Material that has been plagiarized can be removed, and may result in the account being closed. So that is a different issue.

  5. Charles James profile image67
    Charles Jamesposted 14 years ago

    Many Thanks Paul!

    I am happy now!


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