Have you seen this? Is really amazing!

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  1. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
    schoolgirlforrealposted 13 years ago



    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      LOL!  That's good, although I have to question your sanity.  You are a really cruel person! lol

    2. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
      schoolgirlforrealposted 13 years agoin reply to this


  2. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
    schoolgirlforrealposted 13 years ago

    smile lol happy halloween!!

  3. John Holden profile image60
    John Holdenposted 13 years ago

    Ouch, I think I had a heart attack or else need clean trousers!

    1. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
      schoolgirlforrealposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      lol smile

  4. profile image0
    Stevennix2001posted 13 years ago

    hahahah very funny school girl.  lol

    1. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
      schoolgirlforrealposted 13 years agoin reply to this


  5. PaulaHenry1 profile image66
    PaulaHenry1posted 13 years ago

    So not cool- scared the heck out of me- my 12 year old at the table and my 2 year old watching cartoons! ONG- think my heart is outside my chest now!

    1. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
      schoolgirlforrealposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      oops! I didn't want to say "Happy Halloween" cause then it wouldn't be a surprise!

  6. SomewayOuttaHere profile image60
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 13 years ago

    ...ha ha ha....you got me! good one!

  7. Kangaroo_Jase profile image73
    Kangaroo_Jaseposted 13 years ago

    I found two out of three.......anyone find the third one?????????????????????????????? lol

  8. dutchman1951 profile image61
    dutchman1951posted 13 years ago

    thats wild....lol

  9. Catering101 profile image61
    Catering101posted 13 years ago

    I found the third one! teehee...I had fun searching for it. Goodluck in finding everything guys, you bet you'll be energized after this. big_smile

    Check me Out!

  10. couturepopcafe profile image60
    couturepopcafeposted 13 years ago

    Schoolgirl - I actually screamed and jumped and my heart raced.  The third picture is disturbing enough out of context but the concentration created by the first two pictures causes an exaggerated effect.  Had this caused me to have a heart attack, I could have sued you.  It's true, believe it or not.  There are actually laws governing disclaimers about content like this.  I'm convinced you are a somewhat immature, thrill-seeking drama queen.  Everything I read in your posts and comments indicates this.  Sorry, won't be reading any more of your stuff.

    1. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
      schoolgirlforrealposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      that's a weird reaction. I"m not like at all.
      I posted this to make others laugh and enjoy it because it's halloween time.
      I don't think it's a crime.

      as for not liking me you don't have to
      oh and btw I got this in an email, and it scared me too
      but I thought on here people liked fun and games so I thought I'd share it youknow? It's hard to put a warning on something that surprises you but maybe you're right, maybe it's too surprising for anyone and I should take it off if i can..........................................................why don't you or someone report this thread???
      I'm sorry really that it upset you. That wasn't my intention, my intention was to provide some fun.

    2. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
      schoolgirlforrealposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      it should be removed soon

    3. profile image0
      DoorMattnomoreposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      sad I'm sorry you feel so strongly. I have enjoyed comments you have made to me in the past. I am pretty surprised by this reaction from you? I do not mean any disrespect by this. I'm just surprised?

      I think it was only intended as a joke. Not purposefully misleading someone for harmful reasons. If you could get sued for this, you can get sued for hosting a surprise birthday party.

      1. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
        schoolgirlforrealposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        big_smile wink thx !

  11. Rimzim profile image59
    Rimzimposted 13 years ago

    Lol smile

  12. profile image0
    DoorMattnomoreposted 13 years ago

    hahahahahahahahahaaa!!!!!   I sat there forever trying to figure out what was wrong with my computer. Nothing was happening. I was like..am I supposed to see differences? I need to learn another language...whats up with "shockwave"? does that mean there is going to be an avalanche or is it a program not working? then..well...I laughed my head off. Thanks.  smile

    1. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
      schoolgirlforrealposted 13 years agoin reply to this


  13. Ivorwen profile image65
    Ivorwenposted 13 years ago

    LOL!  big_smile

  14. kephrira profile image60
    kephriraposted 13 years ago

    lol that's good.

    1. adrienne2 profile image63
      adrienne2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      whoooa that scaried the SHIT out of me!!!!!

  15. kids-toy-box profile image68
    kids-toy-boxposted 13 years ago

    Lol! you should have said 'not for sensitive viewers'...I nearly fell of my chair...funny though.

    1. adrienne2 profile image63
      adrienne2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      oh sorry should not have used the S word but it did scare me real good.

  16. Better Yourself profile image49
    Better Yourselfposted 13 years ago

    After reading the comments I was curious about what the fuss was all about...hahaha!

    1. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
      schoolgirlforrealposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      yeah sad
      !! ???

  17. camlo profile image80
    camloposted 13 years ago

    Hi Schoolgirlforreal! Loved this, and will be showing it around. It did make me jump smile I didn't read the other messages before opening the link, so it really was a surprise.

    1. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
      schoolgirlforrealposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Kool! wink

  18. Rochelle Frank profile image92
    Rochelle Frankposted 13 years ago

    I have not seen this particular one-- but have seen a couple of others, so I'm SURE I know what it is.

    Health experts say it is good to get your heart rate up a couple of times a day. I prefer other means, so I'm leaving this one alone. big_smile


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