I am sorry to have to bring this up, but, and I don't want to get banned from HP's by naming names - but there are some complete dick heads in these forums who think they know it all and walk all over everyone else, you must have seen them or read their answers, so condescending it is unbelievable.
We were all new at some point and all wanted answers but just recently it has become " we are so much better than you" don't ask such stupid questions I'm too busy earning my $200 dollars- well fuck you, we are all part of this great site and rely on all the only help we can get. Let's here it for the under dog.
I'm sorry that you're having a rough time so far.
I think people who get annoyed over answering questions shouldn't answer questions.
If there was a 'like' button here, I would 'like' your post. The behavior you described should be eliminated. Hell, there are a couple of different things in these forums that should be eliminated!
Even if you're annoyed, you don't have to be insolent saying what you think. What I like is, for instance, UW's short funny quips pointing out that the poster is misbehaving. Earlier I had condemned sarcasm as unnecessary, but I had to realize my mistake. It's a survival tool on in HP forums.
You did a small cuss Haunty
Back to topic - I see some hubbers getting 'it' off their chests. Some folks do seem a bit clipped and a tad short (I see 'em too) but I know I sometimes skip over questions asked in the forum simply because I know they haven't even attempted to avail themselves of all the helpful info provided by both Hubpages and Hubbers.
I remember one that I answered - I did offer help but also pointed out that the help is already there, so at least make an effort (like I had to) in accessing it. The reply (I kid you not)?
I don't have the time, why do you think I asked??
You do it best, frog. As aguasilver said, some people might not be aware that prob every answer is already available in HP's vast help section. So in case they genuinely didn't know, you covered that part. The FAQ should always be mentioned imo.
I don't know what they might have meant saying "I don't have the time." If learning the ropes on HP is of any importance to them they should have the time. And locating the info yourself is always faster than waiting you don't know how much time for an answer in a forum.
She was rather clear as to what she meant - probably because I was a little p*ssed at her attitude. She came back and offered clarity, relating to the fact she didn't want to waste her time as it was precious. She saw no problem with expecting me to waste mine.
You can imagine my reaction.
Hi Brian....congratulations for speaking your mind. Hat's off to you for speaking the truth. Way to go, dude, for being bold enough to blurt out hub-taboo!!
LOL I can see both sides of this story. Prolly even four sides - been there, done that.
I don't like the name calling, because the sort of makes you no better than they, but I have to agree with you to some degree./ I have been here a year now, and there are times when I would like to ask a question but instead spend hours sometimes trying to find it myself. In the beginning, I got quite a few answers- some nice others not so- that basically told me not to waste people's time, and do some reading.
I know how you feel, and I am sorry.
I applied that method dd. Worked for me
Errrrr ... well I hope you feel better now Brian. You know, lots of hubbers don't do that, they take the time to reply, sometimes lengthy ones at that.
Focus on the good stuff
I must have touched a nerve here- i have been receiving e-mail replies from those who don't want to be seen sideing with me in the forums, but are willing to privately-how strange, thanks to all who have replied either in the forum or by email.
I find the majority of hubbers are very nice and helpful - in particular ones such as Website Examiner, Marisa Wright and Darkside.
However there are a mere handful I do think are a little holier-than-thou on occasion.
thanks wry or is it Laras mama? you are definately one of the nice ones, no offence intended if you think its you. In fact your right in your reply- it is just a hand full so sorry for putting everyone under suspicion.
Good to know, and yes. That was my original account!
I admit I do occasionally snap however, usually when:
1. A person with a weeks experience or wrong answers continually acts as if they know more than people who've been here for much longer and are right. (Hmmm, do I have a regular forum entity in mind here, who knows? )
2. When it's a REALLY stupid question. These are few and far between because I believe that the only stupid question is the one not asked but very occasionally one WILL try my patience!
Don't worry about the negative feedback on the forums. If you have a question someone nice, you know someone such as WryLilt will come to your rescue. There are some nasties on here but take solace in the fact that if they step over the line they'll get the boot for a while. I've found that the majority of Hubbers are quite helpful.
But you have to admit that it is annoying when the same question has been asked several times and the person asking it could have easily found it with a cursory view of the forum. I have to say I especially get annoyed with people who sign up and within an hour have questions that they would have found by reading the help files. Questions that those helping them have found in seconds.
That being said. Some people are just more tactful in their replies than others, and some take what the others say too personally or the wrong way. And like Wrylilt says, there are more helpful hubbers than the rude ones you have described.
For sure uninvited writer I agree it is annoying when the answers are a couple of clicks away in the learning centre or the forums. But I've found the threads in the forums from those basic questions can offer some real insights too at the end of the day.
Remember, all men open the packet, throw away the wrappings and then find the instructions, which they put safely away in a cabinet in case they ever need them, then they plug in the appliance and try to figure out how it works..... if they cannot master it in one year they will try to find the instructions.
When you are a newbie, there is a whole lot of stuff you don't even know exists here on HubPages...
I mean, wow, there's a learning centre!... how cool is that!
"*snipped name-calling*"
I liked the original title better.
Why do people ask what seem to be stupid questions instead of doing a simple search and finding the answer immediately? I guess some are plain lazy and want others to do the work for them. But I don't think everyone who asks beginners' questions is this way.
There is another community which I'm a member of. I spend a lot of time there, because it's another source of income for me. But there is simply so much new to be looked into on a daily basis that I do my stuff and get really weary of it. And when I do I go to the forum and ask the stupidest question you can imagine, because I'm simply sick of wading through search results and reading how-tos. And after a while some people will come and answer my question. Almost always the same people. (Not staff.) I wonder why they do it and how they do it, but they are never annoyed or frustrated. The answers are short and to the point. There's no 'sugarcoatedness' to them, granted. No smileys and welcoming gestures whatsoever. But they behave.
What I think is this. Don't spend so much time in the forums if it freaks you out. You don't have to answer every single question or answer questions every time you are here. You are not on duty. Let others do it. There are a lot of hubbers helping out. In fact some people seem to be so jumpy that they will answer a question completely disregarding the fact that it has been answered in the exact same manner three times before them.
Here is a post I made in another thread.
It is not sarcasm or a joke.
It's the real deal.
HP is really a nice place to be.
Hope it perks everybody up.
HubLove still abounds at HP. Here are some extracts from recent posts in other threads:
“…Welcome to HubPages. I'm sure you will love it here. Hubpages is a very supportive, writing forum…”
“…Welcome to the site…”
“…welcome to my favorite writing website…”
“…Welcome to hubpages hope you enjoy our community…”
“…Welcome to HubPages!It's a pleasure to meet you and I do hope you enjoy your time here at HubPages…”
“…Nice to meet you and welcome to hubpages!…”
Aren't some of these taken out of context, paradigm?
I just happen to remember the "...Welcome to the site..." bit in something like this:
What in hell, you camel-mannered, tunic-wearing mollycoddle!? I can't be bothered babysitting you whenever one of those stupid obvious question pops into your stupid noob head! Go read the FAQ.
Anyway, welcome to the site! We have a wonderful community of friendly and helpful people here. Enjoy.
Well..., I guess it is time to resurrect this thread...
Insults Galore! Here it is folks!:
Snipped-Name Calling? Does that mean that if you get caught calling names you will be forcibly circumcised?
I don't know, but I'm willing to find out, you pig-headed bastard!
...I take writers to be artists; they dip into their creative kitty and dish out!
(names snipped)
...and you know what, renown artists are not famous or are infamous for their "uppity attitude"
Some have even been said to have lived in isolation because of their infamous bedside manner!
Oh yeah? Well you can just suck my recently circumcised....
I found squidU forum more friendly than HP when it comes to newbie questions. If you want to try it, then ask all possible noob questions on squidu forum and check the answers. Members like thefluffanutta, spirituality and many other elite members(names are from squidU forum so please don't bother to snip it-no attack intended to them) have a lot of patience and they'll never go off the line- looking down on newbies. They don't go on slapping newbies asking them to read FAQ or show attitude etc. I've seen this pattern- if the question is stupid or worth ignoring, they just skip and move to another thread. Seeumpol. They don't vent kitchen or bedroom anger on newbie forum threads.
And people who ask so many questions on answer section of HP should move to sites like - webanswers or similar because atleast they'll get paid for doing that instead of annoying some delicate Elites.
I'm fifty/fifty on this. I'd like it if a new hubber looks at the learning center or at least goes to "help" in order to get their easy questions answered first. It is annoying to see a new hubber with zero hubs to just ask how do I make a hub? It's lazy. Now if you have several hubs under your belt and are asking specific questions about special effects in a hub, I think people don't mind answering those questions in the Extreme Makeover forum. As for those new hubbers having an attitude and expect to get help ASAP and can't be bothered to look for answers, well I just won't be so helpful. As for hubbers who are rude when they do answer, well, you've got an idea who to stay away from.
Not to mention that there is a sticky on the help forum that answers the most basic questions and gives links.
I'm laughing here guys. As if you're getting to cuss each other out all friendly. Like - did that ever happen before on HP? Most folks hit the whine button in a hot second
We'll probably be moved to the sandpit soon-or relegated to posting on the FB proudly banned forum.
Reckon aye *nods* but it's all good fun. For once. No mean intent. And the FB thing is quite good, tends more towards discussion without fights. Funny but most there haven't been banned so far as I'm aware. It should be renamed. Maybe Proudly Manned Forum or Proudly Not Innit To Get Banned (Honest I Tell You) Forum
I think most of us in there have been banned at least once - and damned proud of it.
Not been banned. I'm good me
Can't be proud of a ban but I am proud of my ability to drink Vodka.
NB - that is not something to emulate kids *nods*
If you've never been banned, you're not really giving 110%.
Oh you know what Ron - I was banned on another account. There you go. How's that? I'm not proud of it btw. It was all a big mess related to a virus. And were I banned for getting in a ruck, I wouldn't feel proud, I'd feel kinda naughty
I haven't been banned yet, but you can bet that I WILL be damned proud when I do, Ron!
I was hoping to lure Ron into this, because ever since he was allowed back in here he's been totally disregarding us, dwellers of the place we don't speak of.
We accepted him for who he really was, we treated him as equal. He treacherously crawls back here and forgets his real friends. We are not gud enuf for you, Ron?
No, but don't feel bad - nobody is...
On second thought, go ahead and feel bad. Feel like re-fried shi* from a syphilitic rhinoceros.
I just want to say that it is important (I think) to remember that people who come to HubPages have all levels of online skills - many are just venturing into the internet world and really don't understand some of the most basic terms. Everyone learns at their own rate. When I started with HP I didn't know what a thread was.
So, I feel like - just give people time and the benefit of the doubt. It's no good to be arrogant about how much we know - there was a time when we didn't even know the right questions to ask or where to go to read up on it - some people who come here don't even realize they can Google answers to almost anything and HP has great help sections. Be kind, it makes the world better.
I too have felt the arrogance of some people who seem to have oodles of time to chat up their pals on the forums but like to put down newbies for asking a familiar question, as if they were being put out personally over it. I have no idea why they do this - if they don't feel like answering the question, why go into the thread?
There are nice ways to encourage newbies to get the answers from the FAQs - but, oh well, some people type faster than their good sense can take hold. I haven't asked some questions I want to ask simply because I didn't want to get put down by the 8th graders. Maybe that's why I'm still a little undereducated. I especially get irritated by people who say really mean, superior sounding things and then "have a great day" and !
I couldn't agree more. But they also have all levels of manners to. In particular I lose it when:
1) The newbie not only demands a response, but then puts conditions on it. ("Do not respond unless..." "Make your answer short..." "I need to know now...")
2) The newbie comes back with a face slap if they don't like your answer. ("You sack of BLEEP, I'm sure you were successful somewhere, but not here answering MY question.")
3) The newbie posts looking for help on a hub that contains stolen content.
4) The newbie doesn't even show basic gratitude that someone would take the time to respond.
5) The newbie won't accept anything less than, "Yeah, come on in! You'll make a gazillion dollars here by next week! And you don't even have to do anything!"
(Parentheticals completely made up, btw.)
children! ungrateful children! just wait til they've been here a year or so, they'll be complaining about the new ungratefuls! the way of the world - what ya gonna do?
I don't know that I have seen this here, but certainly in other places we get
"Please explain in PLAIN ENGLISH how to.."
With the caps, of course. I think it is obvious this a very frustrated person, but so often it's a simple misunderstanding at a deep level and plain English won't help. You need to get to the root confusion and that isn't always easy.
And then there are newbies like this guy:
It's interesting that someone who has not been here for at least a year would think to know more than those who have and who has a much higher hub score, I might add.
Who couldn't notice him? I wanted to reply on that thread, but it would have got me a Forum ban.
LOL Don't do that it's not worth it. LOL
by Lela Cargill 9 years ago
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