A question for hubbers who buy things online

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  1. Appletreedeals profile image66
    Appletreedealsposted 14 years ago

    Primarily related to Amazon affiliate cookie for items placed in the shopping cart.

    When you shop AND BUY things online do you ever leave items in your shopping cart and come back to complete the sale more than 24 hrs later?


    Do you complete your transaction after you have put whatever you wanted in the shopping cart?

    I, as a guy, (heard somewhere that guys and gals have different shopping habits), always complete my transactions when done. I don't remember ever leaving a items in a cart for days, and coming back later to complete the sale.

    What about you?


    1. lrohner profile image67
      lrohnerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yes. Frequently.

      1. Appletreedeals profile image66
        Appletreedealsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I know it must be the "Guys are from Mars Women are from Venus" thing, but since the answer will not only enlighten me as a guy, but will also help direct my sales effort - Why leave things and not complete the sale until days later?

        (ps. even in my extremely advanced age, I am still struggling to understand women ... sigh, maybe next century)


        1. lrohner profile image67
          lrohnerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I tend to comparison shop before I actually click the "buy" button. Sometimes I just run out of time and have to come back to things. Sometimes I'm out "window shopping" and not ready to buy. So I leave it in my cart so I'll remember it next time.

    2. Hmrjmr1 profile image68
      Hmrjmr1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Same here finish the job at the time.

    3. J Sunhawk profile image67
      J Sunhawkposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I have things in my Amazon cart that are a year or more old. Amazon likes it because they send me e-mails to buy the stuff.

      I have an item in the cart that I know I'll need if a certain job comes up. I don't need it now, but I don't want to lose track of it so it goes in the cart.

      1. Appletreedeals profile image66
        Appletreedealsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Sunhawk - must be a personal preference thing. I just don't shop that way. Obviously some others do.

        Now I just need to figure out if my marketing should consider this, or even if it would make any difference.


    4. Rochelle Frank profile image91
      Rochelle Frankposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I often leave stuff there for awhile, especially if I haven't looked at similar items before buying.
      Sometimes you need to reach a certain amount before shipping is free.

  2. sagebrush_mama profile image61
    sagebrush_mamaposted 14 years ago

    If I'm watching something, or thinking about it, at Amazon, I often put it in my cart, and may or may not come back to purchase.  Many of these things, I "save for later", and when I come back to my cart, there is usually a summary of things in it (including "saved for later" items) that have changed in price, whether increasing or decreasing.  It only shows at that time, and if I click away from the page, that summary won't show again. 

    This is a useful shopping strategy during the holidays, as you can place something in your cart, which you are watching, and wait for the price to drop a bit, checking in frequently, because Amazon often does some really great discounting in December.  Sometimes, those deals change very quickly...there's a delicate balance between getting the very best price, and still getting something shipped in time for Christmas.  If it's really high on my priority list, I'll settle for a slight discount, just so I can be sure to have the item purchased and delivered.

    Also, I will put things in my cart if I'm not sure about it, or if I'm on hold 'til payday, or if I can't finish the transaction just at that moment.

  3. WryLilt profile image86
    WryLiltposted 14 years ago

    On Ebay a whole pile of stuff goes in the 'watch list' just because most expensive things or things I'm not or my partner isn't positive about buying end up as a joint decision. We discuss the pros and cons between us before buying.

    I still have something in my amazon cart from several weeks ago that I should buy but it's not urgent and want to grab some other stuff with it for my Xmas shopping. Prefer to order it all at once.

  4. purpleangel47 profile image60
    purpleangel47posted 14 years ago

    I may get kicked out of the woman's club for this but I hate shopping! Refuse to comparison shop for good deals. I wait til I have the $$$ to buy what I want, put it in the basket and buy it right then! When I want it, I want it. Now I do have an extensive Wish List on Amazon, but soon's I have the $$$, look out! smile

  5. Appletreedeals profile image66
    Appletreedealsposted 14 years ago

    @all - thanks for the responses - I am getting the impression it is mostly a guy thing to not leave items in a cart.

    @purpleangel - bet you drive your lady friends nuts on mall trips - sounds like you shop like a guy - LOL

    @All - now the question becomes - Is there any way this should be taken into consideration, (if it even can be), when doing sales hubs

    I will have to give that some thought....

    But then... Amazon says you keep your cookie on cart items, but what if the shopper comes back on someone else's cookie and completes the cart transaction? Still your cookie?


    1. purpleangel47 profile image60
      purpleangel47posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      @Appletreedeals ..... I probably would drive them nuts - IF I went with them! smile They know better than to ask smile
      Good luck with your shopping cart! smile

  6. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 14 years ago

    Usually, my shopping goes like this:  "I need a coffee maker.  I think I'll see if I can find a good one on Amazon."  If I see one I like/want I just buy it and start looking forward to its showing up fast.

    Once in awhile (especially if I'm bored)it goes like this:  "Hmm.  I'm bored.  I think I'll see if I feel like buying stuff online, but I only want to spend xx for boredom-shopping."  That's when I'll go to a bunch of sites, start hunting for stuff that catches my eye, start putting stuff in shopping carts for the Phase I part of the shopping, and then go back and skim a bunch of stuff off after I decide what I want and what the bill would come to.

    1. Appletreedeals profile image66
      Appletreedealsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Now that's a new one for me "Boredom Shopping"

      hmmmm - How bored are you now? I need some Amazon sales for the electric bill - ahh - just go here - help://justkidding.lol

      Seriously, thanks for the response. I'm still pondering if there is a way to market to this type of shopping.

      Maybe a blurb/prod to "just put in your cart - just in case. You can always change it later."


      1. Lisa HW profile image62
        Lisa HWposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I'm actually not bored at all right now.   lol  In fact, the reason I'm on the forums is that I'm resting from some pretty busy days.  There won't be any boredom shopping by me for several weeks now (although there may be some "Hey, I deserve something 'for me'" shopping after being frazzled with busy days and deprived of boredom shopping for this long.   lol  If you want to sell stuff, aim for the "I deserve something 'for me' " crowd.  Go with higher-priced stuff that the "I-deserve" crowd likes, and go for stuff the person will use himself/herself and not share with anyone else.  (Examples:  Regular sized TV - bad.  Those tend to be share.  3" pocket TV - good.  There's something very evil and  indulgent about buying and tucking away a secret mini-tv.  Set of dishes for the person who lives with others - bad.  Set of dishes for the person who lives alone - good.  lol  )

        Other "because I deserve something good" shopping:  Better electronic gadgets than the ones someone already has.  Find a way to convince people to update, go with the colorful version, or else just get a duplicate of the one they already have, so they can have the "joy" of knowing they have a "back-up".   lol

        Boredom shopping may only involve selling something like coffee grinders or coffee mugs (stuff you sort of think would be nice to buy).  "Because I deserve it" shopping involves real spending.   smile

        Maybe it's not the blurb kind of thing you're thinking of, but the idea of a Hub about how cart-shopping is the new window shopping strikes me.   hmm

    2. Rochelle Frank profile image91
      Rochelle Frankposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I can identify with a lot of this-- but in my case I live in  the woods, near a very small town.
      We actually have very good grocery store, a small variety store and a couple of hardware stores. I like to shop in the town stores (partly because I want them to BE there for me), but there are things I want that are not really available locally.

      I do keep a "buy later" list just because I can't find everything nearby.  I love buying on Amazon-- and having a big ol' truck bring me all my exact wishes.

  7. Moonchild60 profile image74
    Moonchild60posted 14 years ago

    If I need it right away, I will buy it and complete the transaction and even pay extra for overnight or expedited shipping.  If not, I may buy it immediately, I may think about it for a day or three...Usually I know what I want, go shop and buy it.  It is rare that I just leave something in my cart.

  8. Polly C profile image84
    Polly Cposted 14 years ago

    I like shopping on Amazon, but usually make the transaction then and there.  I would very rarely put something in the basket to purchase later - i think I did that once but it was a mistake to have put it in the basket in the first place.

    I'm not much of an impulse buyer, though.  On the internet I look all around for what I want, and then go back to the cheapest place to buy. SO I look on Amazon and read the reviews especially, then look elsewhere, then come back if Amazon is the best deal. I don't however leave things in baskets as a general rule.

  9. Polly C profile image84
    Polly Cposted 14 years ago

    The free shipping is what often brings me back to Amazon, as I hate to bump the price up with postage.

  10. Appletreedeals profile image66
    Appletreedealsposted 14 years ago

    Thanks for all the responses

    FYI - decided to incorporate a sneaky statement suggesting buyer stick things in their cart for comparison shopping- even if they are not sure about it.

    Not dedicated enough to do any "study" on its effectiveness, but thinking it can't hurt, and it is another base covered.


    1. Rochelle Frank profile image91
      Rochelle Frankposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That might pan out... I have become a 'cart loader' in my own Amazon shopping.  Often I delete the considered item, but sometimes I buy.

  11. DrumsAcousticMuse profile image63
    DrumsAcousticMuseposted 14 years ago

    I can definitely see the arguments on both sides, how it might be useful to leave something in your cart for that job or so you don't lose track of it.

    Its actually made me look at online shopping differently- more similar to "bookmarking", in a sense.

    Up to now, though, i usually put things in my cart only when i am ready to buy- i might come to the site multiple times for research beforehand, and then leave the items in my cart for a few hours while i figure out payment plans, etc, but i am generally ready to make the purchase.


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