Angels Among Us in Hubpages

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  1. dayzeebee profile image68
    dayzeebeeposted 16 years ago

    Hello fellow hubbers,
    ripplemaker recently published a  hub called angels among us. and i thought, hey this could be another way to approach  the "stop hate on hubpages" campagin. and how do we go about it:? well the possibilities are endless.

    first we could choose a fellow hubber who we consider as an angel or angels.

    next we do something to  honor them in hubpages by whatever manner we  want provided it is one that can be shared in this community. it may be writing about your angel in this thread or creating a hub about them, creating a photoshop for them, composing a poem for them or a song even, or a flash presentation linked to whatever site you store your work etc...

    there is no limit to the time we can do can go on forever.  use this thread  to annouce that you have honored someone so that we may also appreciate this angel in your life.

    i guess that's it. please feel free to give your suggestions to make this project a more meaningful and successful one.

    thank you for your time. Godbless

  2. compu-smart profile image82
    compu-smartposted 16 years ago

    Thats a very thoughtful idea of you dayzeebee and very interestingly good!

    Heres the hub in question for others to find:)



  3. ripplemaker profile image80
    ripplemakerposted 16 years ago

    Hi Dayzeebe, this is a wonderful idea! 

    I am actually having this HUGE grin on my face seeing how it is so silent here. lol Hmmm... I wonder why it's like that... smile

    Hi compu-smart, thanks for posting the link. It's great to have you back.
    We are almost done with the "chant" thing and will be posting the link (not the website yet) for you to access.  Glad to know there is much improvement on the physical, mental, emotional and  all...

  4. compu-smart profile image82
    compu-smartposted 16 years ago

    Im here:)
    and i have to grin with you too!! lol big_smile

  5. dayzeebee profile image68
    dayzeebeeposted 16 years ago

    hi compu-smart! thanks for putting the link..i was too excited i forgot to put're an angel

  6. compu-smart profile image82
    compu-smartposted 16 years ago

    ty, it was my pleasure:)

  7. The How To Hub profile image66
    The How To Hubposted 16 years ago

    I had to show my support for such a fantastic idea - not to mention keep this thread on the front page of the forum for longer.

    The hub was a wonderful one and the idea of turning it into a thread for the 'cause' so to speak! ..... wow, I can't even find the word for it... it's just so loving and generous. Nice one

    1. ripplemaker profile image80
      ripplemakerposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      That's pretty nice of you... I mean for supporting the idea of this thread so it stays on the front page and will not be lost among all the threads... lol  I was also thinking of the same thing. lol

  8. profile image0
    Ananta65posted 16 years ago

    For what it's worth, I support the idea smile
    I was inclined to nominate ripplemaker, but thinking about it: in line with the hub mentioned we are all angels, aren't we?

    *going through my stuff to find my wing* wink

  9. dayzeebee profile image68
    dayzeebeeposted 16 years ago

    Hello there...announcing the first hub made based on this thread. I hope this sample could help others start making their own. Godbless

  10. Patience Virtue profile image61
    Patience Virtueposted 16 years ago

    Wow!  This is a fantastic idea!  I'm not sure how to say "thanks" to the angels in my life other than with words--since that is one of the few gifts I have--so...I guess I'm off to write a hub!


  11. Patience Virtue profile image61
    Patience Virtueposted 16 years ago

    Better idea...I've never done much "fan mail" so maybe I'll do that instead for my angels...yay for angels!

  12. dayzeebee profile image68
    dayzeebeeposted 16 years ago

    go ahead and do as you please.... enjoy the magic of spreading love and gratitude with all you meet.....big_smile

  13. dayzeebee profile image68
    dayzeebeeposted 16 years ago

    check on rmr's  angel hub and be inspired

    and g-ma's angel hub and be moved.... … n-the-hubs

    will be out searching for more so stay tuned......

    1. ripplemaker profile image80
      ripplemakerposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for posting dayzeebee.  I got so busy lately this one made the hub easy to find. smile

  14. Hobbiesaboutus profile image58
    Hobbiesaboutusposted 16 years ago

    How many of you have seen the movie "Pay it forward"? Why should we nominate or glorify a few select individuals when that time and energy could be better spend following their example and paying it forward? If you haven't seen the movie, I highly suggest you watch it.

  15. ripplemaker profile image80
    ripplemakerposted 16 years ago

    Hi Hobbiesaboutus!  Thank you for your honesty, for sharing your feelings.  Yes I have seen it ...Pay It Forward!  It's a beautiful movie and I too was touched by it.  Our lives have been spent on "paying forward" all the blessings that we have received.  And sometimes along the way, honoring people who have touched our lives and who have made a difference to us will mean something to them.   

    As a preschool teacher, one of the surprises and unexpected gifts we get is when parents come back to tell us how we have touched their lives and their children. I tell you they are far and a few in between. But when someone thoughtfully comes back to tell us that, OH I tell you, it brings so much joy to the teachers who worked so hard. 

    That is the reason for the request.  It's part of loving too and sharing joy to let people know their presence, their work, their actions and so on have made a difference.

    Have a beautiful and glorious day ahead of you! big_smile

  16. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    Yeah Michelle, you are definitely an angel smile

  17. ripplemaker profile image80
    ripplemakerposted 16 years ago

    Misha, poking this

  18. dayzeebee profile image68
    dayzeebeeposted 16 years ago

    LOL...angel ripplemaker "breathes  love ".....

  19. adeshwar profile image62
    adeshwarposted 16 years ago

    great idea,  we all need angels in our lives.

  20. dayzeebee profile image68
    dayzeebeeposted 16 years ago

    i'm glad you agree adeshwar. hope you can make a hub about your angels as well. take care:)

  21. ripplemaker profile image80
    ripplemakerposted 16 years ago

    HI dayzeebee, I'd like to share my little tribute to G-Ma Johnson.  big_smile … hnson.html

  22. dayzeebee profile image68
    dayzeebeeposted 16 years ago

    g-ma makes her second angel hub. do check it out:


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