New Challenge Idea: Niche 14 in 14

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  1. Mom Kat profile image74
    Mom Katposted 11 years ago

    Some of us already write on a variety of topics.  I think it would be interesting to see how writing on a single topic affects our stats & scores.

    So I'm starting the 14 hubs in 14 days (2 weeks) challenge for niche writing.  I'll have to get back to you on the topic I'm picking smile  There are a few to choose from for me & I'm not sure which one I want to lock myself into for a whole 2 weeks.  I may need to write a few others & keep them unpublished until the end of the challenge....

    Who's up for this challenge with me?  It's alright if you've already found your niche - it will just make it that much easier for you to finish the challenge.

    A hub a day keeps the low traffic away smile

    1. doctorulna profile image60
      doctorulnaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This is a brilliant idea,and the 14 days idea will make the burnout / fatigue rate low.Am also up for the 30 day challenge, but i think i prefer this...Hmmm...then as regards ninche, i think i will do well in the health and specifically exploring the Health benefits of various kind of food/ snacks.

      1. Mom Kat profile image74
        Mom Katposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Health benefits of foods is always interesting.  I think the world is becoming more aware of just how important nutrients are & there is a growing interest in this subject.  Great choice.

    2. Shinkicker profile image52
      Shinkickerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Writing niche Hubs is definitely a good idea. I've started writing follow ups to Hubs that have done well. Not necessarily because I want to but because I know they get hits. I'd rather write something new but they don't really register with Google

      1. Mom Kat profile image74
        Mom Katposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        If you would rather write new stuff, then write new stuff! 
        It isn't work if you love what you do smile
        Be true to yourself & your passions.
        Life is too short to spend it worrying about what Google things.

  2. Gary Holdaway profile image87
    Gary Holdawayposted 11 years ago

    I'll jump in on this. I think I'll go for fitness and nutrition smile when do we start?

    1. Mom Kat profile image74
      Mom Katposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Today's the first official day, but you can start when you're ready & just count your 14 days from then.  Fitness & Nutrition are a wonderful niche.  Rock with it!

  3. Mom Kat profile image74
    Mom Katposted 11 years ago

    Any time you want to start is fine.  I just finished my 30 in 30 challenge in 18 days, but there is at least 1 hub I need to write per special request from another hub I wrote from weekly topic... lol

    So, I'm going to start on Monday October 22, 2012...
    You can choose to start with me, or start when you're ready & keep track of your days.

    Just as with the 30/30 Challenge you can come here & write your day & hub # with links.
    Good Luck!

  4. btrbell profile image85
    btrbellposted 11 years ago

    This looks interesting. I will check it out. I love the idea but am a little worried about the time frame. Thanks for the invite to join you. Good luck!

    1. Mom Kat profile image74
      Mom Katposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What part worries you?  Are you pressed for time right now & don't think you'll be able to do 1 hub a day?  You don't have to start on Monday...

      I kept it to 2 weeks, rather than a month, because I felt that was a more achievable goal for some people.  Not everyone has the time to invest for a hub a day for an entire month... and if you aren't used to niche writing, then this sort of eases you into it without too big of a commitment.

      I'm sure you'll do great!  I really hope you decide to go for it.

  5. Mom Kat profile image74
    Mom Katposted 11 years ago

    I'm torn! and I only have a couple days to decide...

    Crafts - basic, recycled, for kids, etc.
    Kids - in general; crafts, organization, fun games, behaviors, potty training, etc.

    I would do cooking recipes from scratch, but I'm not sure if I can get really good pics done for this one.  I know cooking is always a good traffic bringer.

    Relationship advice
    Mental illness

    ... with the holidays coming up I'm leaning toward homemade crafts & recycled craft ideas, but I don't know... what do you guys think ~ or what of these choices seems most interesting to you?

  6. btrbell profile image85
    btrbellposted 11 years ago

    Well,  I'm mostly worried about time constraints with work, but.....the idea of niche writing really intrigues me. The whole Miriam's kitchen that I started is really exciting me as it is my first time with recipes and history. There is so much more I want to explore with it, bringing together a rich history and yummy recipes. Like you, pictures would be more difficult but the main question  to you is if you would be comfortable with the fact that I have already published a few. I know that there could be at least 14 more to write. I will accept the challenge and Monday is as good a day as any to start!

    Now, about your seem like anything kids would be great because you can incorprate so much in that area. With the holidays coming up and gift giving, grab bags, stocking stuffers, teacher's gifts, your craft ideas could be great. Anyway, just a thought. Good luck!

    Let me know if you are comfortable with letting me continue on with my idea.
    Thank you!

    1. Mom Kat profile image74
      Mom Katposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think your idea is wonderful! I'm excited to watch it unfold.

      I think I am going to do something that focuses around kids & crafts, there's just so much to do in that area & it is one I know a lot about, so it should be pretty smooth sailing. smile

      1. btrbell profile image85
        btrbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you! I am excited, too! I have neot done research since school, and I don't really want to say how long that's been;)
        Thank you for getting this started! I look forward to yours and  all of the others!

  7. Denise Handlon profile image84
    Denise Handlonposted 11 years ago

    Interesting idea and concept.   I've realized that many people, (usually the apprentices), have kicked into gear with this.   It would be a challenge for me to stick to one and only one subject because I happen to write about many topics that interest me and I enjoy that. 

    Will have to think about this...will you post it in the 30/30 challenge thread and just drop off after the 14 days?

    1. Mom Kat profile image74
      Mom Katposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think that would get confusing, especially for the people who haven't read this thread.  I think it would just be easier to post threads for the 14 in 14 here instead.  If you're already in the 30 in 30, you can double up on the challenges & post them in both places smile

      1. Mom Kat profile image74
        Mom Katposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Or... I could start a new forum thread specifically for 14 in 14 links... since this one is getting a bit long.  Starting Monday I'll start a new forum thread for the links to this challenge.  General conversation on it is totally welcome here though smile

        1. Denise Handlon profile image84
          Denise Handlonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I don't think we are allowed to post any hub links in any forum threads except the hub challenge and the WTI    That's why I suggested the HChallenge.

          1. Mom Kat profile image74
            Mom Katposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            According to forum rules links are allowed in the hub challenge section, which we're in, so it should be acceptable.  The 30 in 30 challenge started a thread specifically for link posting because there would be so many.
            If I start a link posing thread for the 14 in 14 where we can all post them rather than here I think that would be best.  We have a decent amount of conversation already in this one...

            So I'll make a hub like btrbell suggested & then make a link thread in the hub challenge section for posting with a link to that hub so if more people would like to try it they can go directly to the "how to/rules" hub.

            I love your concern though.  It's important for us to watch out for one another & make sure we don't do things that will get us into trouble smile

            You're awesome Denise!

            1. Denise Handlon profile image84
              Denise Handlonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Well, its from experience that I write about 'concerns that get people in trouble' lol   I've been in the 'correction' room a few times after innocent mistakes.   Thanks.

          2. doctorulna profile image60
            doctorulnaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Hello Denise,good to see you here for this challenge.You are indeed a blessing to new hubbers like me.Thanks for the encouragement !

            1. Denise Handlon profile image84
              Denise Handlonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              You're welcome doctorulna...I think encouraging and supporting each other is one of the main things that makes Hubpages stand apart from other writing venues.  smile

  8. btrbell profile image85
    btrbellposted 11 years ago

    I have an idea. If you, Mom Kat write a hub announcing the challenge with an example of how to do it, we can link our hubs to that one. At the beginning of each hub, we can say something like "14 in 14 Challenge" with a link to the original hub. That way, anyone who wants to follow these can find them all through the original invitation hub to join. I think that could work.

    1. Mom Kat profile image74
      Mom Katposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I can write a hub about it, probably tomorrow I'll have time.  That sounds like a good idea btrbell.

      1. btrbell profile image85
        btrbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks! I think that should work! I just had another idea for a niche I want to try.

  9. doctorulna profile image60
    doctorulnaposted 11 years ago

    Looks like have missed out a lot on the deliberations on how the challenge will go, i have been busy trying to put my day 1 ninche together for this challenge.I think i will still go ahead to drop my link here,then mom kat or anyone can help paste it where it ought to be when all modalties have been decided.
    Here it goes,the writeup highlights the suprising health benefits of Banana. … of-Bananna

  10. Denise Handlon profile image84
    Denise Handlonposted 11 years ago

    Sunday 10-21-12:

    Has everyone decided on their niche yet?   

    Do we want to 'announce' our niches (rhymes with itches, lol  )  here or just 'surprise' everyone and have everyone 'guess' what it is...

    I think it would be kind of fun to use this thread to converse about 'guessing' what our niches are after the first few are written.

    I'm going to guess that doctorulna will be writing about health topics  lol   am I right? 

    Kat-have no idea what yours or Randi's will be  smile  (or mine for that matter  LOL)

  11. Mom Kat profile image74
    Mom Katposted 11 years ago

    The link posting forum has been created:

    As well as the announcement hub: … -The-Niche

    Good luck everyone!

    1. Mom Kat profile image74
      Mom Katposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This is the first challenge I've created, so if you check out the hub & think it needs tweaking, please write to me on here & let me know!  I can modify it as needed - Thanks!

      1. Denise Handlon profile image84
        Denise Handlonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks! smile

  12. Mom Kat profile image74
    Mom Katposted 11 years ago

    Possible problem.... The forum thread I opened for this has apparently been wiped clean.
    I checked my email for a "reprimand" but there wasn't anything in there. 

    I'm not sure if it's just a glitch or if you were right Denise about only being able to post links on that one single forum thread....

    I tried to get to the help section, but apparently that isn't available either right now... they must be doing some more re-vamping on the system or something.

  13. btrbell profile image85
    btrbellposted 11 years ago

    Interestingly enough, I was answering comments earlier and they all disappeared. Maybe a glitch in hubpages altogether? Well, at least you wrote the hub itself. I planned to put the link to your hub first. Hopefully, everyone will do that.

  14. Denise Handlon profile image84
    Denise Handlonposted 11 years ago

    Ladies, I'm thinking there is some type of technical problem...I've been experiencing weird stuff myself this morning.    I'm sure time will reveal what the issue is ...   hang in there.  smile

  15. Rianna Hardesty profile image60
    Rianna Hardestyposted 11 years ago

    I've been working on a lot of short stories to get my writing juices flowing, so I think that will be my niche for now. I'd like to try this! I need to give myself a goal.

    1. Mom Kat profile image74
      Mom Katposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That sounds wonderful.  Welcome to the challenge smile

    2. Rianna Hardesty profile image60
      Rianna Hardestyposted 11 years agoin reply to this
  16. Mom Kat profile image74
    Mom Katposted 11 years ago

    It's funny, since I started this challenge I've slowed down.  I keep trying to focus myself back onto my chosen niche... TONS of other ideas are coming to me... lmao... but I can't use them right now.

    Isn't that the way it always works though? smile

  17. btrbell profile image85
    btrbellposted 11 years ago

    I have been able to do i a day but I have about 4 more in various stages and am ignoring my other sites


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