with a user name of rayskd2000 is stealing content from hubpages and linking back to the original articles with their own signup token in the link.
I guess if people sign up after coming from that site the person will make money from additional ad views generated. So if you object to having your work stolen by this person I suggest you let them know about it.
Hello People. I am rayskd2000 (Guidebaba). So you think I am Stealing. I am not stealing anything. I am promoting other Hubs with my Refferal Code for my 9% share and Refferals. This is 100% Legal. I n fact the original Publishers here are gaining more than what I am doing.
How many Hubs have you written...0 Hubs in 4 months and then you come here and shout that somebody is stealing hubs.
Ask the Publishers who have gained from my promotion campaign. Sunseven, Isbela Snow, Hoodala are some of the big gainers.
Yes I have deleted the HUB on wordpress because you people don't know the difference between good work and Stealing.
Good Luck !
Wo wow wo this is kewl explaination and it relevant at my view,ya i guess you are the good internet marketing person,really impress with your explaination and i envy that and you know what you are doing and what is your rite...kewll bro perhaps you can teach me due to i am very very new to this kinda things
This guy's got a profile,, but no hubs of his own. Looks like he just watches the fan clubs of certain key words.
Your Post is nothing but COW DUNG. I am rayskd2000 (guidebaba)
First of all, there isn't a single published hub credited to rayskd2000, and there isn't anything there that says that person is also you, so I consider my statement to still be accurate.
Secondly, as far as cow dung goes, I'd like to ask how come such a large percentage of the text content from many of your higher-ranking hubs can be found word-for-word on other websites? Do you write for Wikipedia and Newsweek too?
Same is the case with all your hubs. Do you write from Wikipedia and Newsweek?
Sure, the site consists of links to hub pages content.
But I'm not really sure that he's doing anything wrong.
He's not stealing your work, just linking to it.
He's basically using the title of the hub, (which I think is allowed under RSS provisions), and would be getting a share of revenue if anyone clicked on ads when they followed his link. (But he's been deleted now)
His site actually promotes hub pages content.
I'd be interested in hearing the opinions of Maddie, or someone more knowledgeable on this topic.
Eric, If you look at the articles on that site they are the same articles from hubpages but linked back with his affiliate id in place. Using someone else's hard work to promote yourself and get traffic from wordpress is not wrong in your opinion? It doesn't matter what Maddie thinks, it is a copyright violation any way you look at it. I am pretty sure the authors of those works did not give their permission for him to use their articles.
Promoting hubpages content with a hidden agenda. If you don't care about your copyright then no problem but I am sure some authors here will object.
Nobody Except you will have any problem. You better write some Hubs and then come here for discussion.
Well to get those free article is easy you can get it from the ghost article or submitize but you need to pay the side to get all the articles needed and i've find out it was a duplicate article which so many publisher using a same article "sigh" actually is not easy to get rich,we need to do some research and study and it will take more times effort and once it done we publish and once it been publish our effort has been taken by someone for their own interest it no issue as long they put authors name who been created the article earlier and this will make the authors famous i guess...just my 2cent oppinion
Hi Sydney,
If you have a look at "Making Money" Section 8 "Traffic Referral" of the hub pages faq at
you'll see that Hub Pages encourages you to link to hubs from other sites.
While it was probably not their intention that an entire site would be set up with links to hubs, it's clear that Hub Pages ENCOURAGE links from other sites. And any payment that's made as a result is made by Hubpages from their share of Adsense revenue.
So, sorry, I don't agree that it is a copyright violation. By publishing on hubPages, Authors give their permission for part of their work (including the title) to be syndicated via RSS.
Perhaps you may be confused about the location of the content.
If the content has been taken from Hub Pages and put onto another website, I would totally agree with you.
However in this case, the content is being viewed on hubpages - where it was published by the author.
I'm very aware and concerned by copyright issues. There's a fair bit of my stuff on the net that's been stolen, with no attribution at all.
But in this instance, there is no copyright violation, and apart from maybe the huge number of links to hubpages from that site I still think that the owner of that site has broken no rules. (And I'm not the owner of that site either )
Eric G.
Eric is right, it's completely legitimate to refer to someone else's Hub using your own referral link.
In this case, if this person was promoting my Hub, I wouldn't mind at all if he used his own referral link and gained some benefit from that. The reader will land on my Hub, after all, and it will be perfectly clear that I wrote it.
Sydney, I notice you've been here 4 months but don't have any Hubs yet - time to get Hubbing!
Marisa, you are both wrong or don't really understand what is happening there. The person in question is re-posting the hub article on their site. I hope that makes it more clear for you.
If I or you were to copy someone else's work and re-post it anywhere it is a copyright violation. It is stealing no matter how you look at it. They aren't simply linking to a hubpage they are reprinting it.
If you don't have a problem with that then you are leaving yourself open to having all of your work stolen and used by someone else. Just because they are linking back to the original does not make it okay. They are not using it as a reference, they are using your work to make them money.
I hope that cleared it up for you. If not then i really don't know what else to say. But please don't say that what this person is doing is okay.
Good luck with your Internet Marketing studies.
I'd respectfully suggest that you begin by learning about RSS, hyperlinks, and how to identify the location of the web content you are looking at.
Please post the URL of one of the articles concerned that you reckon has been copied to that site.
You are 200% wrong. I am 100% Legal. Ask Sir. Paul. And you better do some study before saying somebody is stealing hubs.
I follow the link given above, and I only get "Blog is inactive". If he entirely copies the content of any hubs here on Hubpages then he`s not doing the right thing, but linking back to them is a great thing for all the hubbers, as long as that blog has any traffic at all.
I should probably let this go, but Eric I would respectfully suggest you look up the term "splog" and "copyright". Using an rss feed in some cases is legitimate, but in this case it was not legitimate.
Frankly it wasn't very kind to be so condescending to someone just because you think they may be inexperienced. Especially when you are the one who was wrong. I am sure you won't bother to do any research on the subject and will just continue to think you were right and justified, since you are an Internet marketing expert after all.
Thanks Hoodala for your respect, and for your very entertaining post.
Methinks that you did not actually SEE the site in question.
If you did, please educate us as to why my comments are wrong, and tell us just HOW it contravened copyright and RSS provisions.
And "Internet marketing expert?" Me?
Anyway, have a nice day.
And after your little lecture on copyright, do you have all the appropriate documentation and permissions to use the photos of the unknown ladies that you use in your hubs? Extracts from one of them appears below.
Now hoodala, Have I breached your copyright by posting this?
I'd really appreciate your expert advice.
And regarding
she is exceptionally gorgeous but she could be a serious barker and be centerfold material with boobs like those
And you reckon I'm condescending
Edit: Why has the above hub now been unpublished Hoodala?
I did not see this blog before it was taken down, so I don't know how much you copied and pasted. If you really just posted few lines with a picture and then linked it to the original hub, thank you.
If you are copying and pasting a full article, or close to it, on your blog -- I'm not cool with that, cos there is no reason for someone to click a link back to my original if they've already read all of it on *your* blog.
Check stats some of your Hubs on women of 40-50-60. You will get the answer. If I had to copy and paste, I would have done it on blogger with ads and not on wordpress without Ads.
That's exactly what he did. And the pictures were hotlinked to the original picture on the hubs.
Sir: Thank you you for your understanding...And I did not delete my hard-worked Blog on wordpress. People at Wordpress deleted it because 90% of the Posts were redirecting traffic towards HP. All my handwork got wasted. Now I am going to develop my own site on Wordpress Platform and make sure that non of my hardwork gets wasted.
Best Regards!
Stats don't tell me how much you copied and pasted to your blog. But, like I said, if you only pasted a small amount of text, then I surely don't have a problem with that.
I took a look at the blog yesterday, and I agree to Eric.
Did not see anything criminal - and yes Isa, there were a just a few lines with links back, at least for a couple of hubpages related posts I checked.
Oh, and Eric, welcome to condescending vaginas club
I'm not sure why...but I'll stick my nose in this quagmire...Links or not, Rss, or not...if it's not your hub or article I think it would be common courtesy to let the author know what you were planning to do... If it's not shady business then why not contact the author? Why, if it's legit sneak around... and then end up calling it hard work... if it's so much work I would think an extra 25 word e-mail wouldn't kill your time-budget
In the nine or so months I've been here on hubpages I can't remember how many times the question of stolen work has come into the forum to be discussed and argued about... It always comes down to someones scrupples, to their self-pride. If it's not yours keep your mitts off...SYNDICATED or not, get permission first...
Honestly if I were to contact Isabella Snow and ask if I could link with a paragraph or two of her hubs do you think she wouldn't allow it? She'd be happy to. But If I were to muck about with them on the sneak, I'd watch out for the rear-end as there wouldn't be much left of it...and rightly so... (Isabella, my friend, sorry to use you as an example but I know you have the right temper to defend your "babies" that are your hubs & articles)
As far as I know Hubpages on the main is a writing site where informative articles-hubs are shared (in line with recent arguments picture galleries too) BUT not a place where one hubber rips off another hubbers work...
this is in with todays inflation my 3.5 cents worth Zsuzsy
I posted links to several of HUBS...Hot..Best...Latest. It is not possible to contact everyone and ask for permission. As far as Isbella's Hubs on Women of 40-50--60- or 70 or Jeans for Big Booties are concerned OR Women is swimsuit...Hot Women...Sexy Women..., I can write Hubs Better than those....But I don't have that much time..I do everything in the time that I get after my regular Job..I don't think I have done any crime...Do we ask for permission when we link other blogs using RSS...Do we ask for permission when we use other's pictures..... ???
I didn't have to write anything... Why not use your own work? If it's so much work to do what you do then why not work your own words into hubs...? Again if it's not yours do the right thing and ask to use others work... still just my opinion
It's not necessary to ask for permission to use an RSS link. That's the purpose of them.
By publishing an RSS feed, you are giving permission for others to syndicate what is in that feed with a link back to your site. While a formal request is nice, it's not required.
Using other people's pictures is a different matter entirely. If you think it's OK to use an image just because it's on the net, or on google images, you are dead wrong.
What the hell is the condescending vagina club . I'm not sure I want to be a member
And I agree that it would be sensible for guidebaba to stop right there. He's digging himself quite a hole. However, I think Relache certainly is entitled to reply to that unusual statement !
@ Everyone.
If you are aware of content stolen or copied from other sites and put onto hub pages, the proper course of action is to report the offending hub to Hub Pages admin.
That's pretty much what I've been doing in between commenting here. A wide variety of poor hub-creating practices have been identified and reported.
OK. I will take care of the permission in future. In fact, I am no more going to link any hub except mine. At least it will avoid this kind of Discussion.
As far as I understand, 100% of the Hubbers are using Pictures from Internet that include..Flickr, Photobucket, Yahoo, Google etc..etc... Are they all stealing?
I either use images I have created, or purchased from photo libraries like istockphoto.
So your stupid (or naive) statement that "100% of hubbers are using pictures from the internet" is bulldust.
No, not everyone who uses photos from the internet is stealing.
Some photos from the places you mention are allowed to be used. Others are not.
You need to find out the terms for each photo.
There's other hubs that tell you the right way to find photos you can use.
Have a look for them.
@ misha:
Err - If you and Mr. Knowles are the only other members, that makes me even MORE suspicious!
It's an elite club on Hubpages. So far only Mark and myself were members.
I am thinking Eric is definitely membership quality though … ng-Vaginas
Actually, vaginas can be beautiful things, whether they are condescending or not.
Perhaps you could quite fittingly be in the Small & Smells Like Fish Penises (or Penes, if you prefer) Club.
OK, using all my English skills I was not able to figure out if Stacie is kidding or just having one of those days, so I leave this to more skilled club members
One of what days exactly?
Misha, your English skills are generally quite fine. I'm partially kidding. But I am not really liking your use of the term vagina...are you kind of making them out to be bad things? Vagina is a harmless word, until you use it in a derogatory way.
So the gay male community has it all wrong then?
ITS GONE where's it gone? Who reported it and why :-(
I told you I was ok with what you did - you should have stopped while you were ahead, or chosen someone else to insult. I've yet to see you write a grammatically correct sentence. Perhaps you can write better than me in your own language -- but not in English, you can't.
My hubs are not intended to be life-changing works of literature. They're meant to be entertaining. If you want to read something more complex, drop by AskMen and read one of my sex columns.
I've no doubt you could benefit from reading ALL of them.
No. There are ways of using pics without stealing. I personally buy pics for my hubs, but there are other ways. Search the forums, there are plenty of threads on this.
LOL Stacie, it is not my use, it was a real hub called "Misha and Mark Knowles are condescending vaginas". One of the spammers vented his frustration in such a way.
On a side note, being a man biologically, I definitely agree that generally vagina is a nice thing
Yeah, I saw that hub a long time ago. But when Mark linked to it today, it was down.
Okay, not your use, so I guess you don't have to be in the Smelly Fish Penis Club.
Mine smells just fine
But - Apparently, neither Misha or I have anything derogatory to say about vagines.
And I am quite happy to be compared to one.
I even joined his fanclub, which is how I still have the link. And I don't join many fanclubs any more lol
Vaginas? where we be without them?
can I tell you Stacie.. G-ma reads all my poems and I was deathly afraid of what she'd say about the cunnilingus poem.
I never cease to be amazed at the off topic subjects that come up when those masters of misdirection, Misha and Mr. Knowles, get involved in a discussion
(Some may say that I'm not bad at this myself, but that's another story! )
Someone was asking why the person would take snippets from other hubs and make a complete blog out of those snippets.
I believe this is the reason: referral money
According to Hubpages:
Use Referral Trackers to generate impressions and monitor referrals.
HubPages is all about interacting with the Internet community, and there's no better way to spread the HubLove then through links to HubPages. Every time you place a link to someone's HubPage in an email, forum, post or website, you'll receive a share of the impressions the Hub generates.
Personally, I find those type of blogs to be really sleezy. Amongst my SEO friends, that's called scrapper sites. They are only designed to make money, not offer anything of real value. Some people use scrapper sites for Adsense money, some use it for affiliate money, others use it for referral money. It's all the same. A complete waste of time.
Yes , It is really wrong!!!!! you take learning but not copy......
This is not to offended you, My suggestion to Hubalicious,i think you need to read the agreement from affiliate or adsense, with this agreement tells everything on what you have in mind.
That same person is doing the same thing on another site I just happen to come across his so called work the other day.
But I have another question: hubs with only sexy pictures of women and no text are we calling these hubs???
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