Has everyone signed up with new HP earning program?

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  1. profile image0
    cookingdivaposted 13 years ago

    I have been not been on HP lately due to various things in life and job. There has been a few changes!

    Has everyone signed up with new HP earning program or am I only one left?

    How are those of you doing with new program? I read some old forum thread and new program is not doing well. Am I missing anything?

    Do we have a choice in choosing?

    My adsense has not moved much in past few weeks but there have been views, are they related?

    Thank you all. I am trying to catch up on old threads.

    Seems some of hubbers have gone or have reduced hubs here. Changes are good oftentime but this one seem to worry me a bit.


  2. Ultimate Hubber profile image69
    Ultimate Hubberposted 13 years ago

    Welcome back!
    I haven't signed up for it so you are not the only one left. And hubbers have left due to the panda update and the staff's reaction to panda.

    1. profile image0
      cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Ultimate Hubber,

      So I have read. Panda has affected many and I am sad to see some people I was getting to know leave such as Misha and others.

  3. WryLilt profile image86
    WryLiltposted 13 years ago

    I was signed up for two months but have turned it off this month to see if there's much difference.

    From what I can see Adsense has dropped since the Panda slap and the HP adverts are the only way we can get partial replacement of those lost funds. I think I'll be turning it back on at the end of the month.

    1. profile image0
      cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      How are you? Congratulations now I see "e" for Hub Elite for you! Could not have happened to better person.

      After reading your response, I think I will stick with old program for now as my traffic has dropped too while I was not regular here.

      1. WryLilt profile image86
        WryLiltposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks! WB, I haven't seen you for awhile!

        And I'm not sure if you took it wrong but I was saying that it's good to use it. Basically our Adsense earnings are plummeting and it's the only way to replace them.

        1. profile image0
          cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


          You're welcome, yes I have been living bit chaotic life! -)

          No, I did not take it wrong. I got you. I may try out new program later once I understand and bring bit traffic. Till then I will stay put with old earning program.

          Again, congratulations on becoming Elite!

  4. Marisa Wright profile image84
    Marisa Wrightposted 13 years ago

    There are plenty of people who aren't using the program!

    The official advice is - it doesn't suit everyone, so try it and see.  Once you've signed up, you can turn it on and off without losing access.

    When you turn on the HP program, you'll lose some Adsense income - but add the two together and you should be better off.  However, there are some people whose subjects don't work as well with the HP program, and they'll find themselves worse off.  You can't know which camp you're in unless you try it.

    1. profile image0
      cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      Thanks for the response, you always been helpful in forum!

  5. Garrett Mickley profile image77
    Garrett Mickleyposted 13 years ago

    I've been using it and it works great for me.  I'm making more on the HP Ad program than I was in AdSense.  But others have had the opposite reaction.

    1. profile image0
      cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      I am doing well on old program as well as my traffic has decreased as well. Let's see. I am glad its works well for you.

  6. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
    PaulGoodman67posted 13 years ago

    I think it's fair to say that most have gained from the HP ads.  The earnings are more consistent than with adsense and seem to be more impressions orientated, rather than clicks.  I still get the occassional earning click from adsense too, however.  I would try HP ads if I were you and turn them off if you don't like them.

    1. David 470 profile image72
      David 470posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Completely Agree. This is my case.

      1. profile image0
        cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


        Sounds like it is working for you!

    2. profile image0
      cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      it seems like a good idea to try it and switch it off! I have to decide which way to go, specially lazy as I am ;-)

  7. Rosie2010 profile image68
    Rosie2010posted 13 years ago

    Welcome back, cookingdiva!  I noticed you were gone for a while.  I thought you had lost interest in HP.  Nice to see you back.

    I was invited on the second wave on March 23, 2011 to join the HP Ad program.  It's nice to see the extra money coming from Hubpages Ad program.  My Adsense earnings seem not affected.  Last month my combined earnings on HP Ads and Adsense almost doubled that of March.  But this month, my HP Ads earnings are just half that of April to date.  My Adsense earnings are at the highest they've ever been.  So far, so good for me.

    Since the HP Ad program is based on impressions, my HP Ads earnings is just 40-50 cents a day, based on my traffic.  Not much but consistent. So the higher your traffic, the more you earn on HP Ads.

    1. Darknlovely3436 profile image68
      Darknlovely3436posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I sign up, however, i am afraid to give my socialsecurity number in fear of indentity theft. so i hestitate and withdraw...

      1. profile image0
        cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


        Humm.. I did not know. I assuming it should be safe as many people are doing it but I can understand your point of view about giving too much info.

    2. profile image0
      cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Dear Rosie,

      No, I am still interested. I am teaching KG and 1st grade, job and family issues kept me really busy to do anything here or in my cooking blog. I sure missed it.

      There has been quite a few changes here that I missed, 2 of my hubs are taken off for having 2-3 amazon capsule and more. No matter what I do, it keeps flagging me. Oh well.

      I am so happy that new program seems to be working for you but then again, I always loved your hubs so I know others do too. I have to catch up on old forums and reading hubs for my old pals here.

  8. LuisEGonzalez profile image79
    LuisEGonzalezposted 13 years ago

    From what I have seen, Hubpages Ads program is a better alternative since it pays for views instead of pay-per-clicks.

    However like Marisa Wright said, it's not for everyone and it is dependent on the subject of your hubs; think of it this way, if I write a hub about earthworms, how many Hubpages Ads Program advertisers will have related adds?

    1. profile image0
      cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      I wonder how it will do for mostly cooking and cookware related hubs? I may find out, will see.

      I actually will check out earthworm hubs as I am interested in compost and gardening but I hear what you are saying!

  9. David 470 profile image72
    David 470posted 13 years ago

    For me the hubpages ad program has a VERY much HIGH eCPM. If I had my original traffic before the Google Panda, I would be making 100s of dollars likely. smile

    Of course, my traffic levels are way lower than they once were, but if I was using adsense, I would not be making that much because I always got low eCPM.

    In other words, I make a lot more every 1000 views...than I did before HP ad program.

    1. profile image0
      cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      You were always good hubber, I am not surprised you are doing well. Good for you.

  10. Cagsil profile image68
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    I am eligible for the program, but am not actually taking part.

    1. profile image0
      cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      I am happy to know that as pro hubber, many people follow your example. I am not also so far, I am going to wait it out. My traffic was not crazy before but now it is almost none. Sad.

      1. Cagsil profile image68
        Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I had it on for three weeks during last month. I watched as my Adsense took a nose-dive. I didn't make much on HP Ads Program during my participation. So, I shut it off.

        However, I have heard other people doing better with the program than others. I guess it is something you will have to figure out for yourself. smile

  11. Richieb799 profile image76
    Richieb799posted 13 years ago

    I turned it on for a week but it was too consistent for me, I prefer the spikes you get with Adsense, for example, Sunday, out of the blue, I had an earnings day where I made four times what I have been making daily on average

    1. profile image0
      cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      I am with you about spikes, although mine has been consistent at 0 for a few weeks, wish it will change. I am happy for you though.

  12. theherbivorehippi profile image65
    theherbivorehippiposted 13 years ago

    Not participating.  Completely content just running Adsense. smile

    1. profile image0
      cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      Me too. Has been working for you?

  13. ajcor profile image61
    ajcorposted 13 years ago

    I turned the hp ads program on a number of weeks ago and I find that while my adsense has barely moved since the panda fiasco my hp grows each day - not enough for a payment but grow it does...cheers

    1. profile image0
      cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      I hope things improve for all of us. I am still in old program and my adsense is also not moved. :-(

      1. ajcor profile image61
        ajcorposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        thanks for that cooking diva - I was wondering how others were faring under the new scheme...cheers

        1. profile image0
          cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


          Some of doing good and others are not so good. It depends, I guess only way we will find out if by trying it out. I admit it is bit confusing for me though.

        2. Three-Legged Dog profile image66
          Three-Legged Dogposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          After my first payout, my AdSense seemed to be moving pretty quickly... and then I added the HP earning program and while that has been doing something, my AdSense is zzzzilch.  And like an earlier poster said, I kind of miss the spikes.. the, "WHOA! Look how much I made TODAY!" So, I dunno...

          And I haven't been reading much of the forums lately (or hubbed a lot recently) because I've been so busy... working two (and sometimes three) jobs, writing a second novel, lol.... so I am going to sound completely ignorant when I say this:  Panda? What?  hmm

          edited because I think I quoted the wrong reply. Oops.

          1. profile image0
            cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Hubbing a lot sounds good. I hope it pays off for you.

            Interesting author pen name.. curious..

            1. Three-Legged Dog profile image66
              Three-Legged Dogposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              My dog has three legs.  So...  Three legged dog. smile

              1. profile image0
                cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Ah...poor dog, is he/she okay?

                My brother has a dog, she has some health issues and limps but my brother still loves her like a kid and we do too.

  14. Richieb799 profile image76
    Richieb799posted 13 years ago

    Hey Cooking Diva, your avatar looks like the characters on the A-Ha take on me video smile

    1. profile image0
      cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      I liked that video and one of my favorite 80's song. Although I agree, there are similarities, the girl in the video had a shorter hair :-)

      1. Cagsil profile image68
        Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I would say yes, her hair is different, but just the format of the picture is similar. smile

        Here's the video if you care to listen. smile


        1. profile image0
          cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          :-) I always have loved the video! I can watch and listen anytime.
          I never thought of this ways, Thanks Richi and Cags, now I feel special. :-)

  15. Cheeky Girl profile image67
    Cheeky Girlposted 13 years ago

    My Hub ad program thing is making me money, but adsense is down. Boo! LOL!

    1. profile image0
      cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Cheeky Girl,

      I hope both of our adsense moves up!

  16. codehub profile image58
    codehubposted 13 years ago

    I haven't signed up yet as my traffic hasn't taken off

    1. profile image0
      cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      Yes traffic is down for many of us here.

  17. profile image0
    Website Examinerposted 13 years ago

    Cookingdiva, welcome back and best wishes!

    1. profile image0
      cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      Dear friend, how are you? I missed so many things while I was away (with busy life), I am trying to catch up.

  18. LuisEGonzalez profile image79
    LuisEGonzalezposted 13 years ago

    @cookindiva: from an earlier meeting with HP staff, recipes need to be targeted, Example "Baking Portabella Mushrooms"- will probably not do too good but "Baking Portabella Mushrooms New York Style" will, this due to key words and being a niche (New York style).

    As far as the information that was given by the HP staff hubs on: Savings, Investing, Technology, Recipes, and product reviews are at the top of the list for income producers. While hubs on poetry, fiction, romance, entertainment are not.

    My niche is photography, which falls under entertainment, is doing a little bit above average but I have made it my point to write about photography topics that are seldom talked or written about which have brought several of my hubs to page 1 on Google with three of them being not only on page 1 but the first one.

    1. profile image0
      cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      Thanks, It makes sense. Photography is neat topics and it is good on page 1 or #1, I have not done much backlinking to make it there. I am bit laid back on backlinks so that does not help. I write about cookware and cooking recipes and have done a few gift type of hubs which I am revising according to new HP rules or take them out.

  19. sabrebIade profile image78
    sabrebIadeposted 13 years ago

    I ran a test with HP Ads versus Adsense and in 14 days I made about 7.00 more with Adsense than I did with HPads.
    So with me one is not really any better than the other.
    I plan to keep checking back over time and comparing.

    1. profile image0
      cookingdivaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      I think what you are doing is a good idea to do comparison to see which one is better. Let me know what works out for you.


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