New HubNuggets - WINNERS POSTED!

Jump to Last Post 1-21 of 21 discussions (28 posts)
  1. RedElf profile image88
    RedElfposted 13 years ago

    June is busting out all over... Ah, glorious June, month of roses, noodles, and June Brides...

    Wait a minute - June is known for roses, yes, of course, and brides! ...but noodles?

    Enjoy our latest offering of new writers, with a side of noodles, in this week's HubNuggets Contest - and be sure to vote for your favorites!

    The Making of a Super Hero - Kung Fu HubNuggets

    1. Enelle Lamb profile image72
      Enelle Lambposted 13 years ago

      Ooooooo noodles big_smile am off to read and vote!

    2. Ladybird33 profile image66
      Ladybird33posted 13 years ago

      I enjoyed these so much! Thanks!

    3. Patty Inglish, MS profile image85
      Patty Inglish, MSposted 13 years ago

      The Legend indeed continues...

    4. RedElf profile image88
      RedElfposted 13 years ago

      ooooooh, I love legends - oh, wait a minute - THAT legend... Thanks Patty!

      ...and thanks Enelle and LadyBird33 for stopping by to read and vote!

    5. MELVil profile image61
      MELVilposted 13 years ago

      Just found out my hub (and my first one at that) is included in the HubNuggets and I'm tickled pink big_smile. Thanks to the HubNuggets Team. smile

    6. ripplemaker profile image80
      ripplemakerposted 13 years ago

      Kung fu!! Hyaaa! big_smile

    7. RedElf profile image88
      RedElfposted 13 years ago

      Well done, MELVil, and welcome to HubPAges!

      Honorable Great-Grandmother - how lovely to see you! Enjoy the noodles, er, hubs... big_smilebig_smilebig_smile

    8. profile image0
      tHErEDpILLposted 13 years ago

      I am honored to be nominated (I know it sounds corny, but it's true).  I would have never expected this, gracias Hubnuggets team!

      1. RedElf profile image88
        RedElfposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        de nada, tHErEDpILL - congratulations, and good hubbing!

    9. Cagsil profile image69
      Cagsilposted 13 years ago

      Voted and Shared. smile

    10. celebritie profile image67
      celebritieposted 13 years ago

      Thanks guys your the best, this is really cool, nominated again. Wow!!

    11. RedElf profile image88
      RedElfposted 13 years ago

      Thanks so much, Cags - you always find time to support our new hubbers big_smilebig_smilebig_smile

      Hey, celebritie - congratulations on your nomination! Be sure to get all your friends to read and vote!

    12. Denise Handlon profile image87
      Denise Handlonposted 13 years ago

      Read and voted, RedElf. Great selection of newbie hubs.

    13. FatFreddysCat profile image61
      FatFreddysCatposted 13 years ago

      My nomination for a HubNugget is a pleasant surprise. It's nice to know that someone besides me and my immediate family is reading my deranged ramblings. Haha.

    14. RedElf profile image88
      RedElfposted 13 years ago

      Hi, Denise - we had a great bunch to choose from again this week! Thanks for reading and voting!

      FatFreddysCat, you just never never know big_smile... Make sure you tell your family to come and vote for you!

      1. FatFreddysCat profile image61
        FatFreddysCatposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Oh, believe me, I've been pimping my nomination on Facebook, on some forums/message boards I frequent, and pretty much anywhere else I can think of!

        1. RedElf profile image88
          RedElfposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Good for you - keep up the good work big_smilebig_smilebig_smile

    15. bessie112 profile image58
      bessie112posted 13 years ago

      ok, i get the rules

      1. RedElf profile image88
        RedElfposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Welcome to HubPages, bessie112 - hope you visit the hub at the link above to read and vote big_smile

    16. Kelly Camara profile image61
      Kelly Camaraposted 13 years ago

      I am greatly honored and quite baffled to have been nominated!  Thank you so much.  Just to receive any sort of kudos for doing something I love is amazing.  I am off to show support and vote as well!

    17. RedElf profile image88
      RedElfposted 13 years ago

      Welcome Kelly Camera - your hub was chosen from among the other eligible hubs for this week's contest - you don't have to enter, all eligible hubs are submitted via computer.

      Have fun reading and voting! Remember to tell your family and friends to come and vote for you, too.

    18. Jason Menayan profile image61
      Jason Menayanposted 13 years ago

      The winners have been selected!

      Autos (21 total votes)

      - Need a cheap green car? (5 votes, 24%)
      - Ferrari Taste On A Kia Budget: Some Fun Used Cars You May Have Overlooked (4 votes, 19%)
      - The Other Detroit (4 votes, 19%)

      Games, Toys, and Hobbies (27 total votes)

      - Game Design Workshop: The Mummy's Tomb (7 votes, 26%)
      - Super Nintendo Best Memories (6 votes, 22%)
      - Android Games | Guerilla Bob (5 votes, 19%)

      Entertainment and Media (120 total votes)

      - Enter The Asylum: A Descent into B-Movie Hell! (83 votes, 69%)
      - Is Technology Going To Kill Us? Paging Mr. Schwarzenegger! (15 votes, 13%)
      - Facebook Myths Exposed (7 votes, 6%)

      1. profile image0
        tHErEDpILLposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I am confused how many winners are chosen?

        1. RedElf profile image88
          RedElfposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Three winners are chosen from each category, determined by how many people vote for each hub big_smile

    19. FatFreddysCat profile image61
      FatFreddysCatposted 13 years ago

      Woohoo! I won! I won!
      (Ahem) I'd like to thank God, my Mom and Dad, the Academy, and most of all Debbie Gibson, whose star turns in "Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus" and "Mega Python Vs. Gatoroid" inspired my article.

      1. RedElf profile image88
        RedElfposted 13 years agoin reply to this


        Congratulations! ...and you're already formally attired for the awards speech big_smilebig_smile

    20. Patty Inglish, MS profile image85
      Patty Inglish, MSposted 13 years ago

      This has been a very entertaining thread and Round Up Hub, not to mention the 18 high-quality Hubs nominated for HubNuggets Wannabes. Congratulations to winners and wannabes and I cannot wait for the next installment!

      Always a Fun Friday!


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