Google Custom AdSense and Tweaks to Ad Layouts

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  1. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 13 years ago

    We have always cared deeply about providing the most rewarding place for people to publish online and we continue to work on improving overall monetization for your Hubs.  One of the benefits that the HubPages Earnings Program is about to offer (scheduled to be released between October 5th and 10th) is using the Google AdSense Custom Javascript.  HubPages's relationship with Google AdSense allows us to put more than three AdSense ads on a page and with this change we will be providing AdSense income from their Custom Javascript as well (this is usually limited to larger Google Partners).

    The Custom Javascript gives us the ability to tweak all the aesthetic aspects of an ad and to define custom-sized ads to fit the page better.  We can make ads that aren't available to everyone and share that revenue with you!

    The goal is to increase earnings for people in the HubPages Earnings Program.  The Google AdSense Custom Javascript will be placed in the 250X250 rectangle that is on the right side in the body of the Hub.  A 570X200 Custom Javascript AdSense unit will be added to above the share bar on all Hubs.

    We expect 10-15% more total income to be earned by Authors with this change, but income will be redistributed between what people earn from AdSense in their personal accounts and what they earn through the HubPages Earnings program.  The 250X250 location is currently paid by AdSense directly.  Using the Custom Javascript, we should be able to help people earn more in this location.

    We worked with our Google AdSense representative on the layout and the aesthetics.  While we anticipate increased earnings, we will also be measuring them carefully make sure this change is a benefit to Hubbers.

    To calculate the difference in your earnings once the change is out, follow this hypothetical example: 

    Over the last seven days, an author has had 10,000 impressions at a $5 CPM earning $50 (10,000/1000) * $5 = $50 from the HubPages Earnings Program.  From his AdSense account, he goes to the site report for his subdomain on HubPages and sees for the same seven-day period he has 10,000 impressions at a $4 CPM and has earned $40.  Here's the math (10,000/1000) * $4 = $40.  Taking the HubPages impressions, and adding in the direct AdSense revenue, he has 10,000 impressions that have earned $90 in total.  That's a $9 CPM - (90/(10,000/1000))= $9 CPM.

    After the change, the author's traffic is roughly the same.  He has 10,000 impressions from HubPages, but now he has earned $90 from HubPages for a $9 CPM.  In his AdSense account he has 5,000 impressions at a $2 CPM for a total of $10.  His Adsense direct has gone down.  Oh no!  But wait.  Take the $10 earned directly and add it to the $90.  That's $100 earned and then convert it to a CPM based on the HubPages traffic.  10,000 impressions that earned a total of $100 is a $10 CPM.  Earnings have increased from $9 CPM to a $10 CPM.  That's an 11% increase.  Oh yes!

    1. kirsib profile image60
      kirsibposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      to me that 11% as one dollar really does not say much, But if it will work to progress in a long run why not.  If I can ever figure out how to keyword that spot I'd love it, now it is mostly always the same ad nobody will ever click

    2. paradigmsearch profile image59
      paradigmsearchposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      If I read your post correctly, I came to a certain conclusion. smile

      To clarify:

      What are the total number of ads on the hub if a person's account is set to just AdSense?

      What are the total number of ads on the hub if a person's account is set to the Hpads program?


      1. anujagarwal profile image32
        anujagarwalposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        According to the above text, Paul is saying earnings from HP Ads will almost double, from $5 to $9 by changing the ad layout. Number of ads will remain same. The ad shown with user id will be shown fewer times (half) and thus CPM will reduce.

        If account is set to just AdSense, then it will continue to have 3 ads without any change.
        Actually, this is what I understood.

        1. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
          Paul Edmondsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          That's incorrect. I said we were anticipating 10 - 15% increase in CPMs.  The example is a simplistic way to see if you're earning more with the changes.

          There isn't a change for people not in the HP Earning Program.

          1. anujagarwal profile image32
            anujagarwalposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            10-15% increase in CPMs is an overall increase, isn't it? But, if we actually check which part is delivering more value then it will be HP Ads, where CPM should be much more than 15% as earnings from user AdSense ad will be redistributed. This is what the above example depicts.

            It is certainly a great move if we will generate even 10% more earnings.

    3. anasshad profile image75
      anasshadposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      This is why hubpages is the best. They care so deeply for their Hubbers. Thanks for this great change.

  2. hassam profile image70
    hassamposted 13 years ago

    This is a really good news to hear. But unfortunately I am having serious issues with paypal and missing out a great opportunity to earn from my articles here at hubpages. I hope there is a alternative to paypal for getting payments. Mean while it would be a good thing if the custom ads are also enabled for people not using the hubpages ad program.

  3. anujagarwal profile image32
    anujagarwalposted 13 years ago

    Just last week, I switched to AdSense from HP Ads to compare the earnings. And just after that, HP introduced eBay program and now this new and interesting Ad layout. It seems within few days, I will have to switch back to HP Ads...

  4. Peggy W profile image99
    Peggy Wposted 13 years ago

    If it puts more money into our pockets, I am all for the change.  You folks seem to be working hard in monetizing HubPages for everyone's benefit.  Nice!  Thanks!

  5. Rosie2010 profile image67
    Rosie2010posted 13 years ago

    Having more ways to earn money here on Hubpages is always welcome.  I think it is wonderful.  Thanks, Paul and Hubpages!  You guys rock!

    1. paradigmsearch profile image59
      paradigmsearchposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      +1 smile

  6. K9keystrokes profile image83
    K9keystrokesposted 13 years ago

    Outstanding Paul! Thank you and your team for working so hard to keep our earning options moving upward within the HubPages/Adsense scenario. Your efforts are recognized and I really appreciate them. Thanks for the math lesson as well, very cool, Boss! cool

  7. AliciaC profile image94
    AliciaCposted 13 years ago

    Thank you very much for continuing to find ways to help us earn more! I appreciate all the hard work.

  8. Glenn Stok profile image94
    Glenn Stokposted 13 years ago

    Great news!  Thanks Paul. Next week is going to be a big one with two new additions to the HP Earnings Program! I'm looking forward to it.

  9. Cardisa profile image91
    Cardisaposted 13 years ago

    I still haven't reached my $50 payout yet but hoping to soon. Maybe this will speed it up. Thank Paul and HP!

  10. MM Del Rosario profile image87
    MM Del Rosarioposted 13 years ago

    That will be a good Christmas bonus.....!!! Thank you

  11. Anna Marie Bowman profile image70
    Anna Marie Bowmanposted 13 years ago

    Paul, all this math makes my head hurt...LOL!!  I am excited!!!  My Adsense earnings have been down a bit since I started with the HP Earnings Program, and from what I gather here, that will change a bit?  I love writing here, and never made a lot of money, but it's not really why I write.  All these changes will take some getting used to.

  12. Lissie profile image76
    Lissieposted 13 years ago

    So what you are saying is that if we opt into the HubAds program you will serve an additional banner at the bottom of the hub (above the sharing bar) and retain the existing banner at the top of the page, the small rectangle floated right in text, the larger banner under the hubbers's profile pic?

  13. cesarmartins profile image60
    cesarmartinsposted 13 years ago

    Hey, Paul! Thanks a lot for updating us!

    That is surely gonna be a terrific improvement.


  14. Azure11 profile image78
    Azure11posted 13 years ago

    I was going to switch back to Adsense only after hitting $50 as my CPM is really bad, but maybe I will just hold on for a bit longer and see if anything changes.

  15. AEvans profile image73
    AEvansposted 13 years ago

    I  like! Looking forward to more change, how exciting! smile

  16. wilderness profile image89
    wildernessposted 13 years ago

    My only concern would be that our adsense click rate would decrease to the point the adsense kicks us out.

    With HPads running, I average only 3 or 4 clicks per day, and those are probably that same spot that google always occupies and will now be going through HP.

    This could well leave me with nearly no adsense clicks or even 0 for a month.  Even if I continue to get a small handful it could easily take a year or more to make payout. 

    Can we keep our adsense account earning only a few pennies per month?

    1. WriteAngled profile image82
      WriteAngledposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Well, it took me nearly 2 years to my first payout. The second one will need at least 18 months. I haven't been thrown out yet.

      1. Jean Bakula profile image87
        Jean Bakulaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Really? Everybody acts like they got a payout after months. I'll be here 1 yr next month,  and never made a payout from anything, HP Ads. Amazon or Google. Google is the worst, I don't even see a penny a day. I used to write about 3 hubs a week, but I do research and was putting in about 10 hrs. a day. I write much less now, because I'm unsure if it's ever going to pay off. I hate product hubs, though I tried a few if they are things I really use and like. So HP is like a hobby now. And you read about my experience with Reddit. Everyone makes a big deal about StumbleUpon  too. But in my experience, they steer you to list of topics. You check the boxes. The blogs are well established ones that have been around long, and maybe had no posting updates from the maker for 2 yrs or so. But they are high tech, many pics, and just selling a product. I write about Metaphysics. So if go on a site like that, they don't want my input or the benefit of any of my vast experience. They want to sell me a computer generated horoscope. Same with "spiritual" or even Greek myth, though I'm sure HS kids are getting great grades in humanities based on my hubs!

        1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
          mistyhorizon2003posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          It took me about 18 months to hit my first payout, and I only wrote on subjects that interested me, not product hubs, (maybe it would have happened sooner if I had written product hubs). It takes time for Google to rank your Hubs and for them to make their way up the SERPS. If you try backlinking and using Keywords you will speed up this process considerably. After I reached my first payout the time between payouts was about three months, but this dropped to two months in the next couple of months, and then monthly a couple of months after that. After Panda I struggled briefly, but then HP Ads came in, and due largely to the types of stuff I write about (namely NOT product/sales hubs), I found I was better off on them than Adsense alone. Hitting payout several times over in one month is not a problem now, and I still don't really write sales hubs (take a look at my profile and you will see the kind of stuff I write on).

        2. Glenn Stok profile image94
          Glenn Stokposted 13 years agoin reply to this


          One thing that works for me is reviewing my Google AdSense and Analytics reports. I discover which of my hubs are not getting clicks or which are getting just pennies per click. Digging deeper into the reports usually shows why certain hubs are not working, and I make changes to improve their income potential.

          You've got a lot of good stuff you've created. Some subjects, although written well, may attract ads that don't pay much. It helps to write about subjects that attract high paying ads. Your Google reports will show you which hubs are paying what. Make use of the URL channels in your AdSense account to break it down by hub.

          1. tirelesstraveler profile image59
            tirelesstravelerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks Glen,I am going to dig into my AdSense and Analytics.

        3. K Kiss profile image62
          K Kissposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Jena Bakula don't give up hope and please do write what you enjoy writing most about. I hit my first pay line after 9 months on being on hubpages, second one in 5 months, third one in 4 months and the next one in 2 months and from the way things are headed within the next two months i will be earning 100 a month

    2. Richieb799 profile image73
      Richieb799posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It will only effect Adsense CPM if you have both running, from what I understand it should be good for people using either both or just Adsense..We'll just have to put our trust in HP

  17. Stacie L profile image86
    Stacie Lposted 13 years ago

    I'm for anything that will help my earnings..whether it be from hp ads or adsense..

  18. PaulGoodman67 profile image97
    PaulGoodman67posted 13 years ago

    Thanks for all your work on this, Paul and HP staff, I look forward to implementation!  smile

  19. Angie Jardine profile image70
    Angie Jardineposted 13 years ago

    Many thanks for continuing to polish both the aesthetic design of our hubs and our earning ability. I'm fairly new and don't expect to get any payout for at least another 14 months or so, so anything that speeds up the process is very welcome. Cheers! smile

  20. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 13 years ago

    I appreciate HubPages' efforts, and I like the direction things seem to have taken/be taking; but I do have some questions about the upcoming changes with HP ad program:

    I signed up with it at the very beginning, and I was fairly happy with it.  I reached $50 quickly, and the first month's payment was, I think, $120 (a fraction of what I'd been getting from AS pre-Panda, but a whole lot better than what I was earning from AS immediately post-Panda.  Then the average CPM went down by a few dollars a day.  Not long after that I figured out that I could do better with AS alone.  Other than once, and for a few days, confirming that my CPM was still pretty low ($3 plus or minus), I've been AS-only since July.  In July it seemed like AS-only versus AS-with-HP-ads was a six-of-one/half-dozen-of-the-other kind of thing.  In August, AS only went to my pre-Panda low's (not as good as pre-Panda averages or high's, but better than July).  As only hit a new all-time high for September.  I haven't tried HP ads since the major traffic increase that took place in August.  At this point, I'm afraid to rock any Google boats.  So here are my questions:

    1.  Is HubPages planning to encourage people to use both and/or does HubPages have reason to prefer people use both - or does nobody really care what each Hubber does?

    2.  Might these upcoming changes do something that will make my present and apparently "upswing situation" take a downward turn, earnings-wise (even if I don't opt in for HP ads)?

    3.  Does HP believe that even Hubbers who are doing quite well with AS only will do even better if they add HP ads? (Or is it recommended that people who are doing quite well just assume that's the best way for them and their particular Hubs to earn?)

    4.  Might not using HP ads result in (for lack of a more appropriate word than this) some kind of "penalty" because HP and Google are working together on this "plan", and the Hubber who doesn't go with the program might discover that things have changed in a way (and I don't, at all, mean in an intentionally punitive way - only because s/he throws off what's working now by not going with the new program)that results in lowered AS-only earnings (again, just because that would go against how HP and Google have set up this new ad "situation")?

    5.  Does HP have any recommendation for people who either are or are not doing fairly well with AS only, as far as the HP ads now go?

    6.  If someone who uses AS only were to try HP ads for a couple of weeks, maybe; and since their AS-personal earnings would go down, would it take a long time for that person to regain "steam" s/he's been picking up with AS-personal (as if he were going back to "Square One", rather than remaining "on a roll")?

    1. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
      Paul Edmondsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Most people will do better with HP earnings.  A few people had us look at their accounts to see why they were making more with adsense. Most of these people had made a mistake in calculating their earnings.

      As HP Earnings continues to improve, it should significantly outperform the other option.

      1. Lisa HW profile image62
        Lisa HWposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you for such a quick reply.  And the evitable next (but only question):  How would someone know if/when there's a mistake in calculating earnings (for example for September)?  hmm

        (Correction:   Disregard this question.  I've since read it more carefully than I had originally had. )

      2. agvulpes profile image85
        agvulpesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Paul in your reply you refer to it as 'HP Earnings' My account is still calling it 'HP Ad Program' When will the change take place?

  21. Frazier11 profile image62
    Frazier11posted 13 years ago

    Hi I just joined and I am a little lost!The google adsense do I add it now or how does it work? Thats what I am confused with. I see I can post my article
    but do I add the google adsense? Thanks

    1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
      mistyhorizon2003posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You will need to sign up with Adsense first, and then when they issue you a 'code' you enter this in the relevant 'Earnings' section in 'My Account', (see 'Adsense' and click 'configure'). The code will look something like this: ca-pub-1234567890123456. After this you don't need to do anything else as Adsense Adverts are added to your hubs automatically based on keywords and topics. The only other decision you need to make is whether you want to rely on Adsense alone, or if you want to opt in to HP Ads, (in which case you will still get some Adsense earnings, just not as much).

  22. Frazier11 profile image62
    Frazier11posted 13 years ago

    Thank you for your help!! If you wouldntmind could youtellme about hp and if i should just use them? Thank you so much!

    1. Frazier11 profile image62
      Frazier11posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Also I have a google number its pub and lots of numbers, But i use a different email does that matter.

      1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
        mistyhorizon2003posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I believe this is not likely to be a problem if you use one email address here (a separate site), and a different email address on your Google registration. The main thing is you add your Google Adsense 'pub' code in the 'configure' section of the 'My Earnings' area. If you choose for any reason to create multiple ID's here on Hubpages though, I am told you will need a different email address for each HP ID, but can still use the same Adsense code for each HP ID in the 'My Earnings' section.

    2. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
      mistyhorizon2003posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      This I can't answer because you have no published Hubs yet. It is my opinion that those who write sales hubs probably do better on Adsense alone, whereas those who write on general topics such as how to, why, what and where, type topics, will probably do far better on HP Ads. Personally I do better on HP Ads, although even on HP Ads I still get a small income from Adsense additionally even with the reduced advertising space.

  23. Frazier11 profile image62
    Frazier11posted 13 years ago

    Thank you verymuchforyour help. Touse hp ads is that already on or do i add it?

    1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
      mistyhorizon2003posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Again if you go into 'My Account' and the 'Earnings' you will see 'HP Ads' in the list. You will need to click on 'Configure' to set it up. Mainly it is just a bit of Tax info they want, then you can activate and use it.

  24. Purple Perl profile image47
    Purple Perlposted 13 years ago

    Many, many thanks!

  25. DzyMsLizzy profile image90
    DzyMsLizzyposted 13 years ago

    I have yet to reach ANYONE's payout threshhold, least of all Google's!  That is still a very, very long way off for me...  sad   ... as is the HP threshhold.

    The daily earnings for the HP programs are certainly higher by both frequency and quantity than for Google..(both before and after the HP program began)...but that said, that's not saying much...

    My husband continues to think I'm "playing around" and wasting time by writing articles, and is a total skeptic and disbeliever of statements to the effect of anyone actually making a living, or even significant supplemental income doing this.  As far as he's concerned, this is just my recreational outlet.  His belief is that, "the only ones who make money online are the site owners."

    I am still waiting to be able to personally prove him wrong, but each day that goes by with only a few pennies income, the further away I am from being able to do so.  I'm getting the "I told you so" vibe...

    1. Lissie profile image76
      Lissieposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Actually your husband is partly right - you will make more money if you are the site owner not the contributer - you've been at this for a while now - have you got any self-hosted websites? If so why not?

      Most people won't believe you until you make some decent money - the question is do you believe that you can do it? Or are you just playing?

      1. lakeerieartists profile image63
        lakeerieartistsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        No one believed me either until I started getting regular payouts.  My husband is now asking me how much I am making this month, instead of why are you still doing that?

      2. DzyMsLizzy profile image90
        DzyMsLizzyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Hi, Lissie--
          No, I'm not "just playing," but I also have a very busy life.  We also have a small ceramics business, although it is an informal partnership, bringing us only half the income gained from the end customer, and struggling badly in this economy, (3 months this year with zero orders), it still brings more significant income than I have yet to see here., so my primary focus and energy must be on what is actually bringing in any actual money at all.   I also do volunteer work with an animal rescue organization.

        Plus, my husband is disabled, and needs a fair amount of help with even such things as tieing his shoes.  I'm no spring chicken, either, and have my own days when aches and pains make it difficult to move around, so things like general household tasks probably take me longer than they would a younger person.

          So you ask "why don't I have my own website?"  ...well, for starters, I'm a writer, not a technical person.  I have trouble enough trying to learn and understand things like SEO and backlinks just here.  In the past, I tried free website hosts for our clocks, and got nowhere.  We also used to host our own clock site from a server in our home (my husband's department) until we got hacked by a spammer in Russia using us as a bounce-relay  --- this through FIVE firewallls--that was the end of that!  We took down the site. 

        So, between those reasons,  I simply don't have time to mess with trying to create another website...Even my blogs are being neglected, because I'm focusing all my energy here.  Trying to do anything else would only detract from what I am able to produce here on HP in the hopes of finally making it to a payout....

        Even though I was writing on Demand Media Studios for a time, and getting a guaranteed $10 per article, the time spent to do the research they required AND meet ALL of thier nit-picky miles of other conditions.  Plus whether you actually got published and made your money after all that work was up to the whim of some copy editor with whom you never got to interact or know who they were. 
        Half the time, they demonstrated their own ignorance of the topic, or made some nit-picky phoney-baloney excuse for requesting a re-write (1 chance only--no dialogue with them), and if you 'blew it' there, you'd done all your work for nothing....and a rejected article hurts your ranking, you are better off to just blow it off at that point and let the re-write deadline expire.  So, I quit writing there, and started doing my serious writing here.

        1. tirelesstraveler profile image59
          tirelesstravelerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          If Demand Media didn't publish your article use them on HubPages.  All that research should not be for naught.

          1. DzyMsLizzy profile image90
            DzyMsLizzyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            thanks, tirelesstraveler--I have done exactly that.  Once the re-write deadline expires, we are free to use the topic anywhere we want, as long as we don't use the same exact title wording.
            That is where both my articles on R/C cars came from.  wink

    2. waynet profile image70
      waynetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The way I'm playing it now is focusing on my top earning hubpages or even top trafficked hubpages, because you can guage more of a trend and measure the statistics more with these hub articles you can quickly work out more diverse topics to write about that compile and add to your best article content.

      Of course like others have said, a website or two can be the best thing also I've got 35 or 40 domain names and only 8 of them I've set up as websites, I hope to create more diverse art websites that cover different things to cash in on different niches, so the more diverse your portfolio and the busier you write and link and promote your stuff, others may promote and link for you if the articles are quality and I know your writing is good, so think about interlinking the content you have and just building on it and just think about the structure of links and writing sites on the web, they have an internal link structure that filters out through the site and then the external links would add to that from other websites!

    3. tlpoague profile image75
      tlpoagueposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Don't feel like you are alone in that area, DzyMsLizzy. My husband felt and still feels the same. I would love to say that I have made alot of money here, but the fact of the matter is...I make a penny on the dollar.
      At first I was upset, but soon realized that I just didn't write what people demand. I have tried to expand my writing, but do not like to write much on what I don't know about.
      Now, for a month or two, I have to put aside my time here at HP to work on a business that we just purchased. Since most of the business that we would be doing is summer business, we have to hustle to make up for lost time before winter sets in.
      I am hoping that with the changes HP is making, that money will come soon. It would be nice to have that additional money. For now, I am content with just claiming that I am a writer for HP.
      Hang in there!

  26. Jean Bakula profile image87
    Jean Bakulaposted 13 years ago

    My husband feels the same way, and I began last November, and made no payout yet, It's ridiculous. I hate to give up when I've put in more time than a F/T job, not so much since the summer, but now, hoping to finally get a payout. But I have tried "social networking" and nobody on those sites wants us on them. Reddit people are just young and nasty, and StumbleUpon is a group of high tech blogs where people want to sell whatever their product is. They have no interest in letting you post your HP work on their blog. The only invite I got was from a woman with a metaphysical blog, to post my work there. For no money either. I think only a few young computer geeks know how to beat the system or did before the Panda change.

    1. Lissie profile image76
      Lissieposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Well I'm not young and I'm making living from this, and I'm hardly the only one. I don't make my living from Hubpages any more. SU and reddit are pretty much yesterday's story - the only social media that matters these days is FB, twitter and (maybe) g+ - you don't need anyone's invitation to get active on those sites - you just need a strategy and to start doing it

      BTW the point of guest posting is usually to expose your content to new readers and to the SEO benefit of the link back - that's worth more than a few dollars.

      1. lakeerieartists profile image63
        lakeerieartistsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I am not quite making a living at this, but I am doing nicely.  Each year I earn more than the year before in a significant manner.  Hubpages is one way to earn, but there are many others, like Lissie says, why not start your own site?

  27. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
    mistyhorizon2003posted 13 years ago

    There are other writing sites too, such as Xobba, Excerptz and This is Freelance don't forget.  My Husband was also one of the skeptics and the 'go and get a proper job' brigade. He can finally now see the potential here, and has seen that it takes time for the money to begin to come in, purely because the articles have to begin ranking in the SERPS to be read, and therefore make any money. This is where backlinking can speed up the process, and good use of keywords. I joined operation seo Cobra which is a wonderful and easy way to create quality backlinks on private sites owned by cobra. It does have a monthly fee, but it will quickly pay for itself if you use it.
    Just remember, be patient and the income will come, but expect to wait anything from a year to 18 months in most cases.

  28. TinaAtHome profile image65
    TinaAtHomeposted 13 years ago

    The great thing about Adsense earning is that you can earn some on HubPages and some on other sites and that adds up to regular payouts. The biggest minus with the Hubpages Ads is that each HubPages Account needs to reach $50 before you reach payout. That's bad news if you have multiple HubPages accounts in niche topics as is encouraged by HubPages management.

    It would be helpful if either the $50 minimum could be lowered, or if we could combine the HubPages accounts into one. Getting payouts more frequently would encourage people to write more often.

    1. Glenn Stok profile image94
      Glenn Stokposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Tina, I understand what you are saying. A solution to that would be to create  groups for each niche topic under a single HP account and move all your Hubs into the appropriate group. That way you get to have all the earnings coming into a single account but you still have the advantage of splitting your topics into groups.

    2. DzyMsLizzy profile image90
      DzyMsLizzyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Well, yes, $50 is a fairly high threshhold, but it beats by half Google's $100 threshhold, so I think, easier to eventually reach.  wink

  29. Whitney05 profile image82
    Whitney05posted 13 years ago

    what's the difference between the new and old layout?  I haven't seen any differences. Can we see a print screen of old and new?

  30. tsmog profile image86
    tsmogposted 13 years ago

    Thanks for the education everyone. My vocabulary just increased, yet I  may not have meanings for the words. What I believe after reading  this informative thread is their is a lot to learn and whatever I have earned is luck. Today was my first day at Google Analytics (why the red squiggly line - I spelled analytics right - LOL) learning much. I was amazed my audience is local. So, off subject, this leads me to believe connecting to Facebook & Twitter works. That said now I know my marketplace until I figure out things like adwords, keywords, etc. Then again I ponder maybe I should take my location off my profile. hmmmmmmmmmm

  31. iftijafar profile image61
    iftijafarposted 13 years ago

    I am facing big problem with my Adsense account. I got it 5 times and it was blocked by google. Can some one tell me what is reason? If you know it.

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