Multiple Account Question

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  1. Jen Whitten profile image61
    Jen Whittenposted 16 years ago

    Hey y'all.

    Clueless newbie here with what may be a really obvious question in multiple parts:

    Is it permissible to have multiple accounts here?  This might seem like a horrible idea - I don't know - but I actually blog as myself and as someone else (it makes so much more sense when you read it as to why I can't do it from my POV) so it would make life way easier on me to have my "me" account with my bio info in the profile and then my "assassin" account with my alter ego's info in the profile.

    This leads into part 2...If I can have a separate account, is it possible for me to use the same AdSense/Amazon/Kontera/etc for both accounts since they are technically both still me?

    Did I even make any sense just then? hmm  (It's 4 in the morning so I make less sense as the night goes on...I think).

    Anyway, I've been all through this place and I'm just not finding the answer.  Help the clueless newbie!  (We all know I need it) wink


  2. premsingh profile image61
    premsinghposted 16 years ago

    Its permissible to have multiple accounts but limited to few. It makes sense also if you write on different topics, multiple accounts may help you organize similar hubs under one account.

  3. Lissie profile image76
    Lissieposted 16 years ago

    Yes and yes is the short answer - I think you need separate emaill addresses but thats not hard. You can use your affiliate IDs on multiple hubpages accounts too. It only really gets annoying when you have shadow boxing in the forums with yourself! Only lissie talks around here (but she does it a LOTS) the others stay in the shadows ! Welcome to hubpages

    1. premsingh profile image61
      premsinghposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Occasionally this shadow boxing is done by others to attack you even if you have a correct stand. Under similar circumstances you can use to protect yourself. However, it rarely happens.

      1. thranax profile image71
        thranaxposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        People shouldn't need two accounts to do that, its wrong neutral


    2. SamurWriter profile image56
      SamurWriterposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      shadow boxing, I like that... so long as you don't answer your other side your sanity is safe right? Hey what if someone with multiple personality disorder created (unknowingly) like 6 accounts in hubpages, then as they switched personality during the day they would log into there accounts and went into the forums and one personality started a thread, another personality answered, then just to put the icing on the cake here, what if they got into a yelling, rude, just brutal posting war with one another and the other 4 personalities spent the next 3 days talking about that "idiot" in that one thread who kept yelling at people and making those comments....would this constitute "beating yourself up over it"?

      LOL ok nearing the end of my day... creativity needs a night cap..



      1. Marisa Wright profile image84
        Marisa Wrightposted 16 years agoin reply to this


  4. Jen Whitten profile image61
    Jen Whittenposted 16 years ago

    Awesome.  Thanks for your quick replies, y'all!!! smile

    Don't worry...I'm not into shadow boxing. wink  On the forums I've run/current run, I just watch people talk to themselves with multiple accounts and shake my head (or die laughing) before disabling the dupe acct.  (Dupes are a big no-no on the entertainment sites).

    Maybe I'll come out of the shadows and give you someone to talk to.  Of course, you'd have way more fun talking to my alter than to me.  She's...different. big_smile

  5. WHoArtNow profile image69
    WHoArtNowposted 16 years ago

    @ Thranax, - Its not that wrong, I use hub pages for work, but am also considering a second account so I can publish personal stuff.

    Not made up my mind yet, you see a lot of stuff I would do on a personal account would work ok with my work stuff so I may just stick to the one account, less stuff to check!

    (Oh, and I don't work for an SEO company before anyone starts accusing me of anything, I work for a small family run business that prefers to do its own online marketing rather than paying some company to do it for us)

    @ Jen Whitten - What would you class as "different"? because your version of different and mine are likely to be totally different (pun intended)   lol

    1. Jen Whitten profile image61
      Jen Whittenposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Different as in not exactly human. smile

  6. Lissie profile image76
    Lissieposted 16 years ago

    Thranax its not wrong: its explicitly allowed in the hubpages TOS. 

    There are number of reasons to do it.  I do it so that some of my niches are not exposed. I use "lissie" on a number of internet marketing forums and its a dog-eat-dog world so I don't care to expose my entire network here from an easily identified link.

    Some people do it to specialise on certain subjects: this doesn't particularly bother me to be honest I like to think my readers are smart enough to read what interests them LOL

    WhoArtThough - my 2c is that although you are promoting a business  I don't see any problem with combining these with your personal hubs: it is easier to get your ranking about quickly if you consistently publish with the same ID

    1. thranax profile image71
      thranaxposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I didn't mean its wrong to have 2 account, I mean to support each other and to shadowbox on the forums, its wrong because it gives someone an edge that hurts the system. Say you make an account to do nothing but back up your side or your idea on the forum? 4 Real hubbers could put there consent in, but 5 fake ones with 2-3 hubs each could really make the difference + your real account that puts your idea at +6 -4.


  7. WHoArtNow profile image69
    WHoArtNowposted 16 years ago

    Yeah your right Lissie, I'm chuffed I've just got to a rating of over 90, so having to start again will be frustrating. Like I said, I was only considering it, although I think I'll probably just publish my personal ones on this account and be done with it. Plus my personal hubs will already have some traffic through my current fans.

    Thanks for your 2c!

    1. Lissie profile image76
      Lissieposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Exactly - you got it!

  8. eswar profile image61
    eswarposted 16 years ago

    This leads into part 2...If I can have a separate account, is it possible for me to use the same AdSense/Amazon/Kontera/etc for both accounts since they are technically both still me?

    What happened to this second part of the question?

    1. ngureco profile image77
      ngurecoposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Lissie already answered the two questions. The answer given was and still is:” Yes and yes is the short answer”.

  9. WHoArtNow profile image69
    WHoArtNowposted 16 years ago

    :LOL: @ eswar - good point, short answer - Yes you can use the same accounts, you just use the same PUB code (for google) or whatever your personal id is for Kontera, Amazon and Ebay.

    The best thing to do with Adsense is to set up a channel so you can separate the 2 accounts (otherwise you won't know where your money is coming from) You can also do this in Google Analytics.

  10. eswar profile image61
    eswarposted 16 years ago

    Thank You, WhoArtNow,  thats nice, Sorry, ngureco, I didn't notice that Thankyou one and all.

  11. Lissie profile image76
    Lissieposted 16 years ago

    Oh I see - what a lot effort just to win an argument!


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