I found a hub of mine copied on this site. english.hidden-science.net
I also found another couple of hubs from other people, but this guy seems to steal from everywhere, not just Hubpages.
Check for your work, people.
Meanwhile, I have filed a DMCA. His copied article is ranking well above mine. Grrrr!
I called the owner and it ended up being his brother. He is going to talk to him and call me tomorrow. He said that this is the third time it has happened and he will make sure that all articles are removed ASAP! I will give you guys an update tomorrow.
Oh my, you are quick!!
Anyway, under the health section is a huge number of hubs.
I picked those at random - all copied there.
http://agvulpes.hubpages.com/hub/Spider … er-phobias
http://recoveringaddict.hubpages.com/hu … by-and-Mom
http://sofs.hubpages.com/hub/Ways-to-de … e-thoughts
So if they are not gone tomorrow, these folks can chase him up.
I know, really professional looking, huh? Sorry another one's on the loose, guys. Thanks Izzy for the heads up, still haven't found one of mine. I almost hate looking because it infuriates me.
sh@t Izzy you have the worst luck but thanks I'll check. We could look at the fact your hubs are so good they must get stolen but that's not cool either GET HIM, I"LL FLAG TOO!
You know you have a point there! I write hubs and then get embarrassed to open them again because I think they are crap if they don't instantly get search engine traffic.
But then some wee nyaff copies them and gets traffic from them?
Huh! I don't think so!
Thanks for that
Just in case,
english.hidden-science.net Is Hosted by WeHostWebSites.com
Hosting: WeHostWebSites.com host the domain english.hidden-science.net
IP Address:
Read more about hosting at www.whoishostingthis.com
Just saw this notice at the bottom of the page, left.
"Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence."
The person is essentially giving everyone permission to copy what is on his site.
I already found one that has been copied to another site, with a reference back to them.
That hub was http://ryanhurd.hubpages.com/hub/Sleep- … l-Activity and it is copied here:
http: //whats2knowtoday.com/events-in-kansas-city/sleep-paralysis-a-real-cause-of-paranormal-activity-hidden-science/
That second site has plagiarised stuff from all over (though I didn't find other hubs there) AND has adsense.
If anyone knows Ryanhurd, give him a nod.
Ryanhurd has not been active but I commented on his hub and let him know what is going on. That site is not listed in Whois database nor on whohoststhis database. I did find the adsense code but not sure if that will help.
If that was mine there I would just complain directly to adsense using this form.
http://support.google.com/bin/request.p … pe=lr_dmca
In case more info is needed.
1801 California Street
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Alright. I just talked to the brother, who paid for the domain on his credit card. He is making sure that his brother takes off all of the articles from HP and they should be down by the end of tomorrow. He was so nice and is really sorry about all of this. It's not the first time, as he says and is tired of having people call him about his brother's plagiarism.
If they aren't, we will have to contact the hosting site that SirDent provided. Let's keep checking the site and make sure to put an end to this nonsense before it's too late and our hubs get deleted. Great work, everyone!
Hello... I am new to HubPages, but I thought that they checked for any violations.
They do and will unpublish your hub if it is duplicated somewhere else on the internet. That's why we have to stop people who steal them before those hubs get unpublished.
Wait. HubPages punishes the HubPage author instead of the thief? If that's the case, maybe this isn't the place for me.
You got it wrong Harold. HubPages will warn of duplicate content. The team knows that hubs get copied and reposted on the web. They cannot have those posts removed but the author can. in other words, I cannot file a DMCA for your content if it is stolen, but you and only you can.
Brittany is wrong. If your Hub was published first, it won't be deleted.
Shouldn't you CHANGE your avatar image BEFORE you comment about others on a thread about Plagiarism??
One of Mighty Mom's hubs has been stolen by this guy as well - it's about alcoholics.
There's no advertising on this site, so I'm a bit stumped by what the site owner is gaining from it?
Denise, not sure who you are asking, but I just went to the site named at the start of this thread, and looked around. Copy pasted the descriptions into Google, in fact in Chrome just highlight the words, right click, and choose 'search in Google' and you'll see where they were stolen from and most are hubbers.
The site owner's brother has promised to have them all down by tomorrow night, but now other people are helping themselves to the articles so it is imperative they are taken down as soon as.
We should probably contact the hosting site now. I don't want these hubs to get copied over and over again on other sites thanks to his creative commons notice. The brother promised, but I think it may be too late. I'll try and contact them.
I called them and they said to send an email to abuse@wehostwebsites.com. If we all send one, they will probably react faster. I have already emailed them.
Did a search for who is on another site.
Registration Service Provided By: Namecheap.com
Visit: http://namecheap.com
Domain name: whats2knowtoday.com
Registrant Contact:
wanda caldwell ()
6004 E 96th Terrace
kansas city, mo 64134
Administrative Contact:
wanda caldwell ()
Fax: +1.5555555555
6004 E 96th Terrace
kansas city, mo 64134
Technical Contact:
wanda caldwell ()
Fax: +1.5555555555
6004 E 96th Terrace
kansas city, mo 64134
Status: Locked
Name Servers:
Creation date: 09 Sep 2010 21:32:00
Expiration date: 09 Sep 2012 16:32:00
EDIT whats2knowtoday.com is hosted by georgemedia.com
I have emailed them too.
I took a note earlier of some of the hubbers affected and those include:
dorothy-gy, princesswithapen, sparkhawke, newyorker, Janderson, Vox-vocis, Longtail, ktrapp, kimho39, Franyablue sveb, harry mcg so if anyone knows those hubbers, perhaps they'd care to take a look.
Of course that was only some, there are 100s more!
I hope this posts. I am having connection problems and am unable to help with this one at the moment. Hopefully by morning everything will be working well.
Alright, the brother didn't get back to me yet and the site is still up, so send your emails with a list of the hub urls that Izzy posted above to abuse@wehostwebsites.com.
Make sure to include the urls or they won't do anything about it. Thank you to everyone who has already done so.
I am feeling disappointed with the web hosts.
I sent them the same details that I would have done for a DMCA, and I got a curt and frankly hostile email back saying I have not sent the email the correct way, with a couple of links explaining how it should be done.
I have already filed a DMCA, and I saw that none of the copied links are removed from this site.
I will wait for Google to take them off the index.
Me too. That's why I said to include the urls. They are pesky and I can't get on the phone with them again until Monday. Hopefully Google or this brother will come through. I just hope this site didn't cause those hubs to be copied on other sites. This is such a bummer.
I included my name, my real name as well as my username, a link to my original hub and its date of publication and a link to his article.
I did not put all his details in, as I thought they would have them, and I pointed out that every single article on his site was plagiarised from other sites, including a lot from Hubpages.
I also said I had already filed a DMCA with Google, so if that is not enough for them, they can swivvle. Google with deal with it when they get round to it.
If it helps to waken the people up here, who seem to have gone to sleep on this one, I can go through his site tomorrow and pull up a huge amount of copied hubs that he is ranking for.
Every view this creep gets is one less for our hubs.
I am unable find this can you help me... I am kinda dumb when it comes to such stuff... lol
Does this look familiar?
http: //english.hidden-science.net/2011/11/ways-to-deal-with-depression-and-negative-thinking/
Edit: use this form to file a DMCA http://support.google.com/bin/request.p … pe=lr_dmca
and the email address above to complain.
Here are the links the hosting company sent me - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_Cop … ight_Owner and http://www.wehostwebsites.com/dmca.htm
They said I had to follow those guidelines to make a complaint to them, but there are too many big words for me, so I just stuck to Google!
Apparently there is no adsense account associated with this site. There is a Google analytics account associated with it though. The Google analytics code is UA-2866995. Not sure if that will help any at all.
The whole hub is copied there ..thank you I have been checking the other ways of complaining and i am overawed by the language too .
I will take the Google route too..
Thank you Izzy and I wish I had seen this earlier.
No Adsense, but Google can still de-index.
At the moment, the hub he has stolen from me is ranking above mine for the exact title.
Actually I just looked at his copied content, and he has added "sourced from hubpages" to the bottom of each article he copied.
This was not there 24 hours ago.
This is not even a live link, but I take it he believes that this will get him off the hook, as some people seem to think HP is an article directory.
I have also seen several newer hubbers writing 'educational'articles here describing HP as an article directory.
I have not commented because I am not an expert in this field.
My understanding is that 'article directories' contain content which is written to be copied and used by anyone, much like ezine.
That is not, and never was, the function of Hubpages.
Could we have a comment here from someone who knows what they are talking about?
According to Wiki, "Article directories are websites where users submit unique articles to be categorized and included to a specific niche. Well-written content articles released for free distribution have the potential of increasing the authoring business' credibility within its market as well as attracting new clients." I don't like the sound of "free distribution," but I am not quite clear on the subject.
Also, I guess by adding "sourced from hubpages," he thought that would get me off of his back. I guess his brother told him what was going on and he didn't decide to delete them. Hopefully someone will answer our other requests as he obviously didn't get the picture.
I filed the complaint... Let us know if G gets back to you... Thanks Izzy if not for you I would be blissfully unaware
Is there some way that HP could provide a tool to help us check for Hub theft?
I noticed the site is still up. Time to contact the hosting site and have it pulled?
It is hosted by http://secure-dns.net/
Email is abuse@secure-dns.net
Okay, the brother got me in touch with the site's owner and he wants a list of every article stolen from our site or he won't take them down. I said that all of his articles are stolen and if he doesn't take them down, they are coming down soon as we have contacted the hosting site as well as Google. He's not happy about it, but I think it may have scared him. So, keep filing your requests.
Sir Dent, Which site is that email for? Same one? I thought we were dealing with wehostwebsites.com (who, by the way, are no help at all!)
That's the hosting site that I found. The site is based in Saudi Arabia and it is possible the host was changed over the last three days. I would tell the brother to take the whole site down or else. He is just stalling for time to move those articles to another server and/or site.
No one knows how many HubPage articles have been copied and used there. I have found none of mine so I really can't do or say much to the site owner.
I haven't found any of mine either, so when I submit a DCMA complaint to them, they just say that I have to include the article that was stolen from me. They are driving me crazy. So, I am off to lecture the brother a little more and maybe get back in touch with the man himself, but we need the actual authors to file a complaint or the hosting site will not listen.
wehostwebsites.com is the right hosting site. The other site is for email spam.
I noticed the site is still up. Anyone gotten in touch with them today?
I got an email from Google six hours ago to say my article on this infringing site will be removed within hours, but it's still there. They did say to email them if I have any further problems, so I will maybe give them 24 hours tops then email Google again.
I'm not that keen on contacting the hosting site again. They were nasty.
I assume you reported the hosting site to Google also? Sometimes when dealing with thieves, it does get nasty.
WeHostWebSites.Com takes all abuse reports and DMCA complaints seriously. Please send your complaints to abuse@wehostwebsites.com and you will receive a reply within one business day.
This is the site that hosts http: //english.hidden-science.net/2011/ … f-alchemy/
http://kksonakiya.hubpages.com/hub/Appl … -Real-Name
http://kschang.hubpages.com/hub/Do-Smar … heir-Users
http://kksonakiya.hubpages.com/hub/Sams … ifications
http://twentyfive.hubpages.com/hub/PLDT … and-Review
http://tomt.hubpages.com/hub/LG-Revolut … fe-Problem
http://janderson99.hubpages.com/hub/QA- … Strategies
http://bloggerdollar.hubpages.com/hub/T … al-Warming
http://direxmd.hubpages.com/hub/Turning … king-Water
http://tonks21.hubpages.com/hub/Positiv … lar-Energy
http://zperry.hubpages.com/hub/facts-ab … ric-energy
http://stevermcdowell.hubpages.com/hub/ … ight-Bulbs
http://janderson99.hubpages.com/hub/Exc … -Worldwide
http://wwriter.hubpages.com/hub/Wind-en … ter-energy
http://nslettengren.hubpages.com/hub/Th … re-is-Here
http://stephhicks68.hubpages.com/hub/po … olar-power
http://ngureco.hubpages.com/hub/How-to- … od-Pellets
http://ngureco.hubpages.com/hub/How-to- … omposition
http://ngureco.hubpages.com/hub/How-to- … of-Biomass
http://jamesagbogun.hubpages.com/hub/Us … -Biodiesel
http://moiragallaga.hubpages.com/hub/Ex … tive-Fuels
http://greenlotus.hubpages.com/hub/Eco- … -the-World
http://cwanamaker.hubpages.com/hub/Clim … -Challenge
http://cwanamaker.hubpages.com/hub/What … e-About-It
http://cwanamaker.hubpages.com/hub/Nine … le-Sources
http://kittythedreamer.hubpages.com/hub … ners-Guide
http://mdvaldosta.hubpages.com/hub/drea … on-meaning
http://zaureny.hubpages.com/hub/Lucid-D … on-and-how
http://glstngrosepetals.hubpages.com/hu … Or-Fiction
Right, those are just on the first couple of pages I looked at there, and there are thousands more.
if anyone recognises any of the authors, please can you let them know. I think we need to put more pressure on this guy.
Right well, I found some prominent hubbers' work there so hopefully they will go file DMCA's.
I am sure there are more, I didn't look at everything, but a lot of his older stuff came from other sites, not Hubpages.
http://cindyvine.hubpages.com/hub/10-Wa … nic-Attack
http://simonesmith.hubpages.com/hub/How … thic-Women
http://mightymom.hubpages.com/hub/Is-an … -your-life
http://kathrynvercillo.hubpages.com/hub … ty-Strikes but this copied one is ranking above Kathryn's in search http: //www.articlesbase.com/alternative-medicine-articles/10-ways-for-how-to-calm-down-when-anxiety-strikes-4101937.html
http://shazwellyn.hubpages.com/hub/Ange … r-Problems
http://simonesmith.hubpages.com/hub/Sym … -Sociopath
http://sue-adams.hubpages.com/hub/bates … ut-glasses
I think that just about every article on this site is from Hubpages. I just typed in hubpages.com in the search on the site and it listed them all. He was oh so kind as to "site" hubpages as the source. What a guy! I didn't find any of mine but there were about 20-30 pages of hubs.
Should have thought of trying that - I even posted above that he had added in hubpages.com to foot of the hubs he stole!
Anyway, I went right through his list looking for mine, or more of mine, and did not find the one I DMCA'd him for.
It is still there, so obviously he hasn't got round to tagging all he stole from here.
Meanwhile, found this list of forum hubbers on ones I checked at random. And there are more than one hub from each hubber, but I haven't listed them all.
http://rosie2010.hubpages.com/hub/YAMS- … Comparison
http://rosie2010.hubpages.com/hub/Foods … oking-Skin
http://cardisa.hubpages.com/hub/The-Nut … t-Potatoes
http://thooghun.hubpages.com/hub/How-To … ating-Fast
http://bsure.hubpages.com/hub/-How-to-C … -Naturally
http://wrylilt.hubpages.com/hub/Castor- … ed-To-Know
http://anamikas.hubpages.com/hub/Chakra … -Gemstones
You have done a great service to your Fellow Hubbers. I don't see any of mine, but I'm fairly new. I think this is disgraceful and needs to be stopped right away! Good job!
Lots of minds working together=better results. There are just too many for people to be filing individual reports. The whole site needs to be taken down.
http://faeriephenomenon.hubpages.com/hu … of-alchemy
the hub above has stolen by http://english.hidden-science.net/2011/ … f-alchemy/
Cant contact the author so can hubpages do it?
Edit your comment calpol, and break the live link you have given to the thief!
Some have been added newly I guess, yesterday when I checked there weren't so many articles ... Hope Google will ban the user..and have his site pulled down.
I notice at the bottom of his article he mentioned "sourced: Mighty Mom on Hub Pages." So is that still problematic?
Yes. Stealing full articles is still stealing even if credited. Credit isn't enough - permission is also required. After all, HP is not a PLR site - our articles are not published under a creative commons or gpl license. They are copyrighted with all rights reserved.
The only time permission isn't required is if a person is only quoting a very, very short sample (like 2-4 sentences), though a credit is still required then.
Additionally, sources cannot just be the author's name and the domain name. It's commonly accepted that an online source must have the link to the actual source (or in this case, the actual hub), not just its top domain, and it should be clickable.
Not sure if this one was posted already but, I found that most of Soni2006's hubs have been copied.
http://soni2006.hubpages.com/hub/Is-Alc … y-in-India
Jean Bakula's hubs have also been pulled, one such one is here:
http://jeanbakula.hubpages.com/hub/The- … Principles
Yet another hubber who's content has been copied on various sites:
http://dreamcaster.hubpages.com/hub/Mag … o-Use-Them
-The sites:
There is a similar discussion on Facebook, and I have to say that as a part-time professional, mom of 4, the owner of 3 blogs and author of hundreds of hubs, it is really hard to keep up on people that steal content without giving credit or asking permission. Sad, but true.
I wish I knew how this stuff works. For example, HubPages can't have those pirated articles removed? Then how do they protect their exclusive first right of publication, which we grant them by publishing on HubPages? Sure, we own our work, but their right of publication is being infringed upon. Just wondering.
Republication doesn't infringe upon their right of publication. It's already been published here first, and that's all they get.
HubPages can't do anything legally, because the law demands that the copyright owner must make the complaint. We're the copyright owners of our individual Hubs, so it's up to us.
I just found one of my breast cancer articles on this site:
HP does not have DMCA, and I couldn't find anything "clickable" to sign in to email or comment.
I believe this is another brand new site. support@newhealthtips.com is the email address listed in the TOS.
Thank you. Do you see any risks when emailing these sites? Do you use an alternate email, not your primary? Or use gmail, because there may be some protections from Google?
I would use an email addy I hardly ever use. I have three email addies myself. Hotmail is pretty good about watching for spam these days also.
if you cannot get it taken care of by emailing the site, the hosting site is newhealthtips.com Is Hosted by WEBSITEWELCOME.COM email is abuse@websitewelcome.com
Thanks SirDent. I'll try to tackle this tomorrow. They re-arranged the title of my hubs, but everything else is there, including a list of my other clinically realted hubs at the bottoms, tho w/out links. The site doesn't seem to have any ads. What's their angle?
Most likely they are trying to hurt HubPages but possibly trying to gain a reputation online. It really is hard to tell what is going on in the minds of those stealing contents.
I think that's unlikely. Most likely, they're trying to make money!
Many internet gurus advise you not to add Adsense to your sites until you've started getting some decent traffic, so you don't get "smart-priced" by Google. Plus of course, there's the fact that in some countries, your website must be 6 months old before you can qualify for Google. So the fact they don't have ads now, doesn't mean they never will.
I was about to reply on page 5 when I saw there were more posts in this page. I was going to say the same.
I said somewhere the other day that most plagiarists come from Asia, and once again I apologise to our Asian hubbers, but it's true.
There are two problems here. One is that they cannot get an Adsense account until they have had work up for 6 months, and the other is a distinct lack of English.
So rather than attempt to write decent content, they steal it.
We have too many people out on the net, and within Hubpages too, who describe Hubpages as an 'article directory' where stuff is written to be shared along with this mythical author's resource box that no-one ever seems to take when they copy from ezinearticles.
It could be a genuine error on their part. They maybe do not realise that they cannot use articles from Hubpages and Squidoo and quite a few other sites.
Or they could just be out and out thieves.
I found a hub of mine copied word for word on about 10 sites last night.
None contained a link back to me, and only 2 or 3 had Adsense ads.
The rest were maybe wanting to 'build their traffic' but hey, at my expense?
I just received and responded to this email. I wrote a comment on their site www.english.hidden-science.net
We apologise about copying your articles...
And We want to explain that we have put the source of your article when we copied them; For our website visitors return to your website for more informations, and we have put the sources for all copied articles..
If you do not like what we do. You can confirme your asking, and we will remove your articles from our website..
Or if you do not have any problem... We will be pleased..
This is our e-mail for contact:
We apologise again from you..
& Thanks
I wrote back and explained that although I appreciate that they included a credit at the bottom, that's not sufficient and violates Hub Pages TOS. I asked them to please delete my article ASAP. We'll see.
If anyone else wants to talk to Rahif directly us this email address and GOOD LUCK.
On a broader note, I am dismayed that now in addition to researching and writing hubs our jobs as hubbers extends to being Internet police. I was never cut out for law enforcement. That's more or less why I became a writer!
MightyMom, can you please edit your reply to break the live link. I will email them at the address you gave us, thanks
Also, half-way through writing to this guy I have stopped. I have already filed a DMCA, which he will not be pleased about. I am thinking that giving him my email address is a bad move at this point in time.
by JSAlison 13 years ago
The site below has copied quite a few hubs. In fact as far as I can tell, all its posts are rip offs of hubs.http://wikiwheels.com/A few of the hubs...
by Susan Keeping 12 years ago
My 2nd best performing hub has been copied by someone on blogspot. It actually has been there since last year but I just found it today. So, I just filed a DCMA with Google and it will be gone soon. I notice he has copied the other 2 articles. He has probably forgotten about the blog.What I find...
by Paul Edmondson 9 years ago
We've heard several concerns about Hubs getting copied and losing traffic and we know how frustrating this is for the author. Google tries to identify the original content creator and show that in the search results. If you have a copied Hub that is getting outranked in the search...
by Eugene Brennan 10 years ago
I just came across this one, KaKun dot ru, complete with Adsense ads. Has anyone else seen this?
by Lasantha Wijesekera 13 years ago
A member of another blog site has copied a part of my hub. Now HubPages has flagged my hub as Duplicate and says that my hub is a duplicate of the other blog site.I published my own hub "Jollibee Vs McDonalds - Filipino burger kings fight against global giant" after some research from...
by Mary McShane 9 years ago
If you have noticed your traffic decreasing lately on some of your hubs, this Facebook page is copying content from several hubbers and publishing it on their FB page. The Facebook page is called OHealth atwww .facebook .com /pages ...
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