Suggest a different source for backlinks

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  1. CyclingFitness profile image86
    CyclingFitnessposted 12 years ago

    Do you have a source for backlinks, traffic and seo that you'd like to share with the community?

    Is there somewhere in your particular knowledge area you use to help develop more backlinks?

    Please share your more unique sources or ideas you have

    Please don't simply post 'I don't need to backlink!' or the usual sources such as Your Blog, Twitter, Facebook etc

    One of my fave's is commenting on Flickr photo's I use- not only is it a great source for sports photo's but also allows you to tell image owner that you've used their image

    I've also recently guest written on a friend's blog

    Do you have any idea's you'd like to share?

    1. Reality Bytes profile image72
      Reality Bytesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Join sites that are in your niche, ones that also have forums.  I find some will allow you to have backlinks to your profile on your name. 

      Some are unfollow but I personnally receive @ 25% of traffic coming from link being shared on social media?

      FB twitter etc..... others post some of my links themselves in to the posts.  I have been working at that for almost 2 years.

      Other then that I do nothing but converse.  just like this smile

  2. Peter Hoggan profile image67
    Peter Hogganposted 12 years ago

    Article syndication, press releases, buy links, employ a link builder, use a service like elance or buy related domains from sites like

    1. Gordon Hamilton profile image98
      Gordon Hamiltonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      This is of course a three and a half month early April Fool...??? hmm

      Buying links is like buying fresh air or sunshine - and is probably more than anything what caused the Panda to rise up and roar...!

      1. Peter Hoggan profile image67
        Peter Hogganposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        The quality of the link depends on who you buy it from and where its placed. Yes its against Google's rules but that's only of concern to someone that will allow a third party to decide how they go about linking too or advertising their own site. If Google sells links why cant others? Thankfully these days sites can survive quite happily without Google and Google has ceased being the first place that many companies think about advertising.

        1. Pcunix profile image85
          Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          The opinion of someone who doesn't care about Googles rules is not an opinion worth reading.

          Peter is old school.  The rules have changed, but he hasn't.   I strongly suggest ignoring him.  It was that kind of advice that harmed many people.

          He's right: you can still get away with it sometimes. He's wrong in that advertisers choices matter. Google is king and others will follow their lead on fakery as well as everything else.

          So, if you want to take the risk that your link fakery can be hidden, take his advice. If you are smart, you won't.

          1. Peter Hoggan profile image67
            Peter Hogganposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            People have moved on including me. Facebook is now the choice of many advertisers, and website owners. Amazon can sell more products than Google. These Channels, and many more, are becoming more important destinations to consumers than the sites of the individual brands they promote. So call me old school if you want but I will say this, if you are 100% Google dependent you are in trouble and  will surely fall victim to the next Panda update or whatever they decide to call it.

            Incidentally pcunix, I was not harmed in any way by Panda, that was not the same for you. Did you ever find out why Google dumped you? I remember asking you at the time but you were clueless to the reason.

            1. Pcunix profile image85
              Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Whatever, Peter.  Believe what you want.  Facebook is the new Google.  Sure it is.

              1. Peter Hoggan profile image67
                Peter Hogganposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Here is something that might interest you. I finished uploading inventory to Amazon for a client today. Their website isn't even live yet and sales are coming through from Amazon already. Things have changed, Google is no longer the center of the universe. Although I never said that Facebook was the new Google it is without doubt heading that way. And its all for the better in my opinion.

                1. Pcunix profile image85
                  Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Im sorry, I just can't warm up to people who game systems.  Just my nature.  Ignore me.  I hope you do well regardless,

                  Me, I'm too old to care much any more. I'm 75% retired and losing interest daily.  Don't want to fight but old habits die hard :-)

            2. Pcunix profile image85
              Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I'm sure if I had engaged in the shenanigans you endorse, I might have escaped Panda too.  Unfortunately, my back links were honest organic links by real  webmasters. More unfortunately, many were ancient and when those webmasters got worried about Panda,they deleted old junk. 

              It cut my traffic in half. Probably deservedly, as I have noted elsewhere.  Old, old stuff.  It didn't deserve the traffic it was getting.

              1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
                Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Pc, I recall the fine old spectacle of Pcunix and Misha debates here in these forums....I know who won those debates, and not from the wording or exchange - but from who's still here.

                You're the one to follow on this - and I'd tell anyone who listened.

                1. Pcunix profile image85
                  Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Oh, I don't think so.  You want Money,  follow their lead, not mine.  No sarcasm, I am dead serious.  I don't like their methods, but if you don't care, go for it,

                  1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
                    Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Well, I've got something like "faith" in Google being able to iron it all out in the end.

                    I'm not looking for big - I'm looking for STEADY!  I don't like "G slaps" and would rather crawl on up to ...I dunno, twenty bucks a day than to make a hundred or more a day for months on end...only to see it crash.

                  2. Peter Hoggan profile image67
                    Peter Hogganposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    I understand your moral stance PC but I do think its wrong. That's just my opinion.

                    You can go to Google and buy links to your site (PPC) and no matter how you look at it you are buying links. I think its unfair that Google should turn round and say you cant buy links from other sites and if you do we will step in and mess around with your business. Those sites might be perfect locations to funnel targeted traffic to my site. Surely there is nothing wrong with buying a link on a site that is both complimentary to mine and would be useful to visitors of the other site.

                    Imagine the outcry that would emerge if the newspaper with the largest circulation was to declare that if they found you paying for advertising elsewhere they would no longer let you advertise with them. In essence this is what you are condoning.

  3. CyclingFitness profile image86
    CyclingFitnessposted 12 years ago

    What about options that don't cost money?

    1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
      Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Paying for backlinks is against Google Adsense terms of service - do that, and your article marketing career is over.

  4. Peter Hoggan profile image67
    Peter Hogganposted 12 years ago

    There are hundreds of article syndication and press releases sites that are free.

  5. Peter Hoggan profile image67
    Peter Hogganposted 12 years ago

    If you are doing something that's not worth investing in, is it worth doing in the first place?

  6. homesteadbound profile image82
    homesteadboundposted 12 years ago

    melbel wrote a great hub about backlinking titled: 72 Places to Get Amazing Backlinks
    You might look at that.

    1. melbel profile image93
      melbelposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks homestead, for remembering me! tongue Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside for other hubbers to recommend my work.

      To the OP:
      I usually only use sites that offer an earnings program (like HubPages or Squidoo) and I generally write to get traffic to each and every one of my articles versus writing something just for a backlink. However, if the topics are related, I'll definitely interlink my stuff... I mean, why not? A backlink is always awesome.

      I've found that when I put more elbow grease into my writing and upped the quality of hubs (and articles elsewhere) the links come themselves. I've found when people link out to me because THEY are interested in what I have the say the link not only brings in traffic, but it helps a lot more with search engine rankings.

      Look at a hub you're looking to promote... is it something that YOU would want to read? Really? Really, really? If not, take a look at your hub... what can you do to make it more visually appealing, interesting, something that others would want to naturally link out to?

      My advice... find a hubber you love. If you love their style, kind of go for something like theirs... of course adding your own flair and please, please, please don't 'take' their topic.

      For example, my mom is a new hubber and she has come across Marye Audet's hubs a few times and she just loves how Mary Audet formats her hubs and shares information with her readers. My mom is writing a hub on something to do with baby shower, but is looking at Audet's "How to Make a Rain Barrel Cheaply" hub for tips on formatting. She just loves the visual appeal on that hub... the bullet points, the numbered list, just really how she has her capsules set up. And my mom's right, it IS a beautifully formatted hub... it's the kind of stuff that, as a reader, I'd link out to.

      1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
        Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Absolutely true!!!!

        Backlinks from....who knows where are far and away more rewarding than are the other two to seventy two.

        "elbow grease" - definitely, or failing that - just sheer enthusiasm will do.

        I wrote something recently here about some guitars that are made in China...of course guitar things are always going to be my forum "example" - but the example translates anywhere....I didn't even put much work into it, but it was still something I'm very passionate about...well, backlinks are popping up for the thing...where?  China, of course - and I dang sure didn't put em' there.

    2. Debby Bruck profile image67
      Debby Bruckposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the advice.

  7. melbel profile image93
    melbelposted 12 years ago

    It just seems like there is no point in breaking Google TOS. I mean, okay, even if Facebook is the hot new toy, why ignore all the traffic from Google? It's not like you can't have both!

    I've had luck off of Google, but why forget something that can essentially be a powerhouse of traffic. Furthermore, if you have to pay for backlinks, then ur doing it wrong. I have never found it worthwhile to do so. Perhaps you are doing well for now and congratulations on that. The point of the matter is that you cannot ignore a potentially large amount of traffic.

    Also, from what I've seen around the Internet from various news bits and bytes is that Facebook has peaked. It's dying. Maybe very slowly, but it's dying. Heck, I only got an account to participate in that HP contest over the summer, my family doesn't user it anymore.

    However, Google+ is a powerhouse right now and is gaining some serious momentum. tongue

    I have never heard of that, but... want.

    1. Gareth Pritchard profile image73
      Gareth Pritchardposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes Facebook is dying and Google is still growing.

      1. Peter Hoggan profile image67
        Peter Hogganposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        The figures say something different.

        1. Gareth Pritchard profile image73
          Gareth Pritchardposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          WEll I can't argue with that  and I don't want to.

        2. Rising Caren profile image78
          Rising Carenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          That's a graph of facebook vs Google SITES.

          Google Sites is just a page maker. I would expect facebook to beat it.
          This in no way reflects how Google Search or Google Plus currently or in the future will fare against facebook.

          Irrelevant graph is irrelevant.

          1. Gareth Pritchard profile image73
            Gareth Pritchardposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Hi Rising Caren & Peter Hoggan, you both seem like people who like to know so I was wondering if you had seen this below:
   … rch-robots

            Thanks, Gareth.

          2. Peter Hoggan profile image67
            Peter Hogganposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            That really made me laugh, thanks. When it says Google Sites it means ALL OF GOOGLE'S SITES not their website maker. Why on earth would Fortune want to compare the data you sujest? Crazier still, what purpose would such data serve?

            1. Pcunix profile image85
              Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              All of Google's sites like Blogger, you mean?

              Who cares?  Seriously, who would care?

              1. Peter Hoggan profile image67
                Peter Hogganposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                You are right nothing to to care about the Facebook numbers unless you have a business a product or a service you wish to advertise to a highly targeted audience.

                1. Pcunix profile image85
                  Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  No, I meant who cares about  sites  :-)

                  1. Peter Hoggan profile image67
                    Peter Hogganposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    OK, I see what you mean and agree with your take on blogger.

            2. Rising Caren profile image78
              Rising Carenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Actually, it makes plenty of sense.

              Facebook is social. Google sites (and other similar Google projects other than search) was used for that purpose. In case you didn't know, a lot of people use Google sites the same way they use FB pages.

              If Google search was included, it would kick the living heck out of facebook.

              1. Peter Hoggan profile image67
                Peter Hogganposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                It includes google search, if you want to comment at least educate yourself on the topic first, read the article from Fortune.

  8. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 12 years ago

    Cycling: You wrote that you wrote on friend's blog as a guest. There are fellow writers that I work with in posting links on our blogs, within our articles when appropriate do so. If writers would network with each other, in regards to backlinks, instead of competing, there would not be much of an issue with backlinking.

    1. Pcunix profile image85
      Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That's link exchange or link trading.  Yet another practice Google frowns on.

      As Matt Cutts has explained numerous times, some of that is natural.  If you and I share common interests, Google expects to see us link to each other now and then.

      Start doing it tit for tat or do it too often and Google will notice.

      My best advice: stop looking for ways to game the system.  Just write honest hubs and be an honest person when you promote them.

  9. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 12 years ago

    That is a funny comment. Hub pages allows writers to link to other hubs, even suggests links if you use the tool, as much as you want within any hub.

    1. Pcunix profile image85
      Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If you don't understand the difference between using outward links to improve your hubs and using them for reciprocal spamming, you are going to just get yourself in trouble.

      Stop looking for gimmicks.

  10. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 12 years ago

    If your ariticle, site, blog is about natural vitamins, you don't want to add the links of an article or site about natural dog food even if the writer is your mother. The links are to be within the same niche, and the content is for the purpose of providing valuable information.

    1. Pcunix profile image85
      Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Exactly.  No tit for tat, no "I'll link to you if you link to me".  Find honest material that helps your readers and you won't go wrong.

  11. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 12 years ago

    Exactly PC that is what I was saying.  I have writers I link with, but only when appropriate. I may write a description or even extend one into a short article and add a link of theirs to it, depending on how many links I have.  Of course with blogger you can add a widget to the sidebar where you can add links to your favorite blogs, etc. That is a way to get readers to a friends site or blog without messing up by adding inappropriate links within your blog articles.

    1. Pcunix profile image85
      Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      What I would question is the "friends" bit.

      I will link to anyone who has written something I feel is worth sharing.  I have linked to people I detest because they happened to write something unrelated to our political differences that I found to be very good.

  12. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 12 years ago

    Friends, relatives are those you know. Who better than that to start working with.  The thing is, friends or not, it has to be done the right way, or you just might kill each other off.  I have a friend who has a blog site which is more of a political site.  He does not link back to my sites or blogs simply because we are not in the same niche or anywhere close to it. But, I have a site, several now about disabilities. He has my site for disabilities listed on his sidebar as a Blogs I follow instead. So anybody who goes to his blog site, and sees the list of blogs he follows, if they are interested in the disabled, they will click there and be sent to my site.  That won't hurt his site or mine.

    1. Pcunix profile image85
      Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Never mind.  You don't get it, so I give up.

  13. melbel profile image93
    melbelposted 12 years ago

    My thought is that if you're having trouble with the ins and outs of backlinking and you're not sure of how they work or rules regarding Google and backlinks, then either read more about the topic or just write more hubs and don't worry about backlinks.

    I've found that the more I write here on HubPages, the fewer backlinks I need for my content. I know there is a group around here on HP whose goal it is to write ONE hub that goes big and earns a lot. While it IS about quality and not quantity, it's not a good idea to write one thing and then rely so heavily on backlinks.

    Rule #1: Don't put all your eggs in one basket (get yourself a nice sized portfolio of hubs.)

    Rule #2: Don't seek backlinks if you're not versed in what's okay and what's not okay. Let the links come to you naturally. If you write good stuff, they will come automatically.

    1. livewithrichard profile image73
      livewithrichardposted 12 years agoin reply to this


      Your Rule #1 breaks its own rule...  Don't put all your eggs in one basket, get yourself a nice sized portfolio that includes many hubs and blogs related to the niches that you are interested in.  smile  Don't just write hubs!!!

      Rule #2 is spot on but once you are versed you are not going to need to promote your hubs as much as you will need to promote your blogs and the best way to earn backlinks for your blogs is to find opportunities to Guest Post on a related blog, preferably one that has higher page rank and traffic than your own. Do not do this for hubs as you will find little or no benefit.  But as a writer, you will want your name and reputation to grow respectfully so only write Guest Posts on blogs that are similar to your own.

      1. melbel profile image93
        melbelposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Oh definitely agree. I think writers should expand their portfolios to places outside of HubPages.

        However, when it comes to within the HubPages community, I see a lot of hubbers, with low author scores, who have only a handful of hubs complaining that they have no traffic and they want to know more about backlinks. These users need to back off of the backlinking thing in favor of fine tuning their writing, or rather, the on-page aspect of SEO.

        <rant>And, on the other hand, I see hubbers with low author scores, low traffic, actually offering SEO advice and publicly arguing with other hubber who have hundreds upon hundreds of hubs, decent traffic, etc. I'm not talking about just in this thread. And it's posts like those that make me not want to share some of my favorite sources of backlinks.

        Not that any particular place is 'golden.' They're really common sense places, but, with the amount of ill-educated 'SEO pros' around, it makes me less likely to share these places out of fear that these "pros" will mass spam some of these sources. It's like the movie, "The Beach."</rant>

        1. livewithrichard profile image73
          livewithrichardposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          A lot of people come here out of share desperation to earn anything. A lot of them were tricked or misguided into joining here on the pretense that all they had to do was write a small hub/article sit back and start earning money.

          Hubpages use to advertise nearly that exact language (not sure if they still do) so they deserve what they get. It was and is as disingenuous a claim ever could be just to build the numbers here.  But hey, this is a business and they have a responsibility to earn money for their corporation. 

          When I joined this site I wasn't a newbie to internet marketing though I was sill learning... I still am learning.  I searched out the successful hubs, those with high scores, and studied the way they were laid out, their length, their tags(not so important now)and not necessarily the content or topic of the hub.  I wanted to learn what they were doing right so that I could emulate their success.  Then I had to learn how to choose topics which is when I turned to the forums to locate 'the experts.' 

          I experimented and wrote many great informational hubs... some of which are still high scoring and high traffic hubs.  However, they weren't earning me anything of substance. I hit 10,000 views in less than 3 months with less than 20 hubs.  I was already earning Google payouts from my blogs so I cannot say how long it took to earn anything that really mattered here.

          Soon after, we had our first ever 30 hubs in 30 days challenge and I chose to enter it. It was at that time that I chose to turn from informational (Evergreen) content to product type hubs and from that challenge I learned that was the way to earn money here on HP.  Product hubs earn money, where informational hubs earn traffic.

          There was a huge rift in the community following that challenge between many well respected hubbers on what was the right kind of content to be placing on this site. We lost a lot of very talented writers who rejected the notion that sales type of hubs were more financially rewarding hubs than informational hubs.

          But now, 2 years later, it has gone full circle considering the new HP ad program that is more dependent on traffic.  So, even though I do well here on HP and once considered myself an 'expert' in SEO, I am now of the opinion that Hubs should just be left alone to mature and find a following on their own merit.  And if you did your homework correctly and found topics and keywords that real people actually search for then the hubs will do just fine.

          LOL rant for a rant smile

      2. Gareth Pritchard profile image73
        Gareth Pritchardposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Do not do this for hubs as you will find little or no benefit.

        1. livewithrichard profile image73
          livewithrichardposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Correct!!!  Hubs are not blogs and should not be treated as such.  Guest blogging is a great way to promote the content on your own blogs but will garner you very little benefit by promoting a single hub.

          1. Gareth Pritchard profile image73
            Gareth Pritchardposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            ("Do not do this for hubs as you will find little or no benefit." livewithrichard )

            I think livewithrichard means do not do this with different hubbers on hub pages, using hubs to do it, as it will be of little benefit. I agree completely with this, you can do your best with the linking tool.

            Take note livewithrichard has provided some very good information and done his home work, thank you so much for sharing this good information.

            The linking tool brings benefit to the whole site big style in SEO terms, these are on page factors, above all things Google is an artificial intelligence engine, it wants to know everything and every possible connection to everything else. I know you think I am off me head I don't care, find out whose running it, why has Eric gone, Page, specific interest, artificial intelligence, all knowing all seeing, Google, headless browser search, might go a bit over most peoples heads. Pun intended.

            Here's the thing if I could bring your site /page down with crappy back links coming from crappy sites then I could do it and put myself in your place, Google can't hold you accountable for your back link because anybody can link to you. Don't build crappy back links to your pages because you will find plenty of them linking to your pages anyway, Google knows this and analyses the foot prints created by them, if bots raise a flag, then they can send in human reviewers who can often recognise many more things visually.

            I test other revenue sharing sites and build link networks in all manner of ways, its cool, it works, its just spreading the love, diversifying but also very natural, I produce good content worth reading, I have nothing to fear from Google for practising my craft. I write good content that I know wont get great searches because it is completely off the wall sometimes but it is good content especially if it makes you wonder about stuff.

            Nobody on hub pages had an easy time with its struggle in the Pander fiasco, everybody was hit as far as I know. I had total rubbish placed higher than my strongest pages, I mean total rubbish. I have number one pages for competitive search terms because I put some effort into my craft, audio, visual, text content of original and high value, that's what I try to do. I know it works otherwise I wouldn't do it. Building links across different web sites all related thematically is LSI, it is what artificial intelligence wants, concentration and information gathering, these linking structures are not any different than websites on the same host platform but they are all over the place gathering traffic that can be understood, artificial it is not.

            ("<rant>And, on the other hand, I see hubbers with low author scores, low traffic, actually offering SEO advice and publicly arguing with other hubber who have hundreds upon hundreds of hubs, decent traffic, etc. I'm not talking about just in this thread. And it's posts like those that make me not want to share some of my favourite sources of backlinks.

            Not that any particular place is 'golden.' They're really common sense places, but, with the amount of ill-educated 'SEO pros' around, it makes me less likely to share these places out of fear that these "pros" will mass spam some of these sources. It's like the movie, "The Beach."</rant>"(attributed to melbel )

            I agree melbel, total crap ranking above my babies, does not help anybody, especially those who really want to learn, so I think you need a gold star on that statement. 

            Don't ever do that melbel don't specificity tell people where to get good back links because you will start a footprint, you have to do it your own way naturally, like you do. If you do, give specific back link site away, you will also be doing everybody an injustice, because its not really empowering anybody to think for them selves, it creates sheeple and we have enough already, please don't. There are a lot of great links to be found easily, anything social has a good chance of giving you a good back link because never mind Google, people will find it and have look, that's why they are social and that is being social, if you produce crap it won't be social, visitors are important, more important than anything else because they make the clicks, that make the money for everybody, including Google right.

            That's all for now, empowerment rules and intelligence comes from mistakes or better know as learning repeat after me, I will find my own way. Keep talking, social, social, social, audio, visual, text, action time and vision, free the sheeple.       

            This brings benefit to the whole site big style in SEO terms, these are on page factors, above all things Google is an artificial intelligence engine, it wants to know everything and every possible connection to everything else. I know you think I am off me head I don't care, find out whose running it, why has Eric gone, Page, specific interest, artificial intelligence, all knowing all seeing, Google, headless browser search, might go a bit over most peoples heads. Pun intended.

            Here's the thing if I could bring your site /page down with crappy back links coming from crappy sites then I could do it and put myself in your place, Google can't hold you accountable for your back link because anybody can link to you. Don't build crappy back links to your pages because you will find plenty of them linking to your pages anyway, Google knows this and analyses the foot prints created by them, if bots raise a flag, then they can send in human reviewers who can often recognise many more things visually.

            I test other revenue sharing sites and build link networks in all manner of ways, its cool, it works, its just spreading the love, diversifying but also very natural, I produce good content worth reading, I have nothing to fear from Google for practising my craft. I write good content that I know wont get great searches because it is completely off the wall sometimes but it is good content especially if it makes you wonder about stuff.

            Nobody on hub pages had an easy time with its struggle in the Pander fiasco, everybody was hit as far as I know. I had total rubbish placed higher than my strongest pages, I mean total rubbish. I have number one pages for competitive search terms because I put some effort into my craft, audio, visual, text content of original and high value, that's what I try to do. I know it works otherwise I wouldn't do it. Building links across different web sites all related thematically is LSI, it is what artificial intelligence wants, concentration and information gathering, these linking structures are not any different than websites on the same host platform but they are all over the place gathering traffic that can be understood, artificial it is not.

            ("<rant>And, on the other hand, I see hubbers with low author scores, low traffic, actually offering SEO advice and publicly arguing with other hubber who have hundreds upon hundreds of hubs, decent traffic, etc. I'm not talking about just in this thread. And it's posts like those that make me not want to share some of my favourite sources of backlinks.

            Not that any particular place is 'golden.' They're really common sense places, but, with the amount of ill-educated 'SEO pros' around, it makes me less likely to share these places out of fear that these "pros" will mass spam some of these sources. It's like the movie, "The Beach."</rant>"(attributed to melbel )

            I agree melbel, total crap ranking above my babies, does not help anybody, especially those who really want to learn, so I think you need a gold star on that statement. 

            Don't ever do that melbel don't specificity tell people where to get good back links because you will start a footprint, you have to do it your own way naturally, like you do. If you do, give specific back link site away, you will also be doing everybody an injustice, because its not really empowering anybody to think for them selves, it creates sheeple and we have enough already, please don't. There are a lot of great links to be found easily, anything social has a good chance of giving you a good back link because never mind Google, people will find it and have look, that's why they are social and that is being social, if you produce crap it won't be social, visitors are important, more important than anything else because they make the clicks, that make the money for everybody, including Google right.

            That's all for now, empowerment rules and intelligence comes from mistakes or better know as learning repeat after me, I will find my own way. Keep talking, social, social, social, audio, visual, text, action time and vision, free the sheeple.

  14. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 12 years ago

    How do you make money? How do I earn x dollars with adsense a day? How do I get traffic to my hub, blog, website?   I asked a question about the free traffic exchanges and didn't get any real responses? People are losing their adsense accounts but don't know why. By the way, you can only have ONE adsense account.  So, I have been doing some research and I found this site, which is about AdSense.  Actually, Pcunix always seems to disagree with me.  But Pc made a comment about something that turned on a lightbulb for an idea.  I needed to change the way I was doing my search for an answer about free traffic exchanges.  I found this site. There is a lot of information.

    Pay for backlinks, use these automatic tools that are advertised: Kiss adsense account goodbye.
    Use these traffic exchanges with a blog, site, etc where you are using AdSense: Kiss adsense Good bye.

    There is a lot of good information, easy to understand.  So far, nobody is trying to sell something to you.  In some places, they tell you to go directly to adsense site, but this site that I have posted, breaks it down to simple, easy to understand English rather than the usual TOS mumbo jumbo. … shers.html

  15. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 12 years ago

    I find Facebook virtually useless for backlinks or even a decent amount of traffic.

    1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
      Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      How could it be a useless backlink?  FB is only the world's biggest social network, so NOT linking there just doesn't compute at all.

      Facebook uses the Bing search engine - so I would have to imagine that a link on FB would at least help out in the....ever struggling to be somebody Bing search engine.

      I dunno who was talking about me yesterday - but I had a good 15 - 20 page views from FB.  But of course, anyone can link anyone's stuff I suppose it doesn't matter.

      Anything good at all is going to wind up on Facebook one way or another.

  16. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 12 years ago

    I monitor my traffic sources where I can, Facebook is close to nothing.

    1. Peter Hoggan profile image67
      Peter Hogganposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That’s a great point. Facebook users often stay within Facebook so their activities are not going to show up in GA. Those companies that are using Facebook to advertise will be directing visitors to their FB Business Page or direct to their own site. It also means the AdSense pool is getting shallower and long term that could have a significant effect on AdSense earnings.

  17. Rising Caren profile image78
    Rising Carenposted 12 years ago

    I also wouldn't trust FB numbers. With all of the addicting games (farmville, mafia wars, etc..), who knows how much of the site's activity is spent NOT interacting with other people's feeds (and thus any of the links and other stuff they share)....

  18. cardelean profile image86
    cardeleanposted 12 years ago

    Back to answering the question about additional backlinks, I have found that pinterest is a great place to add my hubs.  Especially if you have hubs that involve crafts, teaching, kids, vacations, etc.  In addition, I agree with Melbel about linking to other's hubs whom you find write quality hubs.

  19. capricornrising profile image59
    capricornrisingposted 12 years ago

    I've read a number of times that the more hubbers use methods of backlinking that Google and HP disallow, the more risk there is that HubPages will be badly impacted, downgraded by Google.

    This appears to me to be a case of these offenders failing to realize that there are hubbers who depend to some extent on the income they receive from Google Adsense on their hubs, and that this behavior compromises their ability to continue to do so from HubPages. Thoughts?


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