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U.S. Law on Removal of Poisons from Cigarettes to Impact on Heart Disease

Updated on August 29, 2014

Chelation set up. Chelation solution drips from a bottle thru a flexible tube then small needle inserted into an artery

Needle inserted into an artery

U.S. Law on removal of poisons in cigarettes must enhance prevention and treatment of cancer and heart disease

Hiding the truth

For over 50 years only a few scientists and the cigarette industry knew that cigarette smoke has a direct link to cancer and heart disease. That is, they knew that cigarette smoke contains polonium 210 that emits radiation that cause tumor and cancer. A benign tumor in the inner wall of artery, called atheroma, graduates into a plaque that results in angina and heart attack or both.

But these scientists and the cigarette industry hid this fact from the public and consumers. That means they were knowingly poisoning the consumers of tobacco and inhalers of second hand smoke. In congressional hearings of the United States in the 1970s they vehemently denied that tobacco causes cancer and heart disease. They claimed that the results of surveys linking tobacco to cancer were only statistical and did not show a cause-and-effect relationship (Epstein, S.S., MD. The Politics of Cancer. 1978).

Recently, this perjury has been the subject of articles in the Internet.

“For fifty years the tobacco industry have known that cigarettes contain a dangerous isotope called Polonium 210. Knowing this fact the industry could have easily removed it but they did nothing and allow it to remain in the cigarettes exposing millions of smokers to this deadly radioactive material. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) now has the authority to force these companies to remove or reduce the level of this component in tobacco leaves thanks to a bill signed into law by President Obama in 2009” (Melpor. The Radioactive Polonium in Tobacco Leaves. Internet. November18,2012).


When the FDA will have succeeded in its mission to remove or reduce polonium in cigarettes, there will be hope that cancer and heart disease will be largely controlled. Today, heart disease is the number one killer in the world, cancer ranks second.


However, there is still a barrier to the realization of this hope. The reason is that conventional medicine does not believe, or it denies, that cigarette smoke contains causes of heart disease and cancer. What conventional medicine believes is that cigarette smoke is a risk factor of heart disease and cancer.

A crucial point to consider is that a risk factor is not the same as a cause. Conventional medicine has pinpointed risk factors but has not pinpointed causes of heart disease and cancer. Risk factors of heart disease are obesity, hypertension, cholesterol, diabetes, smoke and heredity. I have more Hubs on this topic, like "Why Is Conventional Medicine Antagonistic To Chelation Therapy?".


What is the connection between radioactive materials in cigarette smoke and heart disease and cancer?

The connection is as follows: Cigarette smoke contains polonium 210 and lead 210 that emit radiation and generate free radicals when they decay into the stable lead 206.

Polonium has 84 protons, each proton is paired with one electron. When it decays its 84 protons are reduced to 82 protons but the number of electrons is retained. Therefore, two extra electrons are left behind. These electrons to stabilize themselves grab other electrons from molecules, DNA for example. This injury of DNA results in tumor or cancer. For having extra unpaired electrons, polonium and lead are also free radicals.

“Free radicals can be caught in the act of creating cancer by using electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrometers. The unbalanced electron spin caused by the unpaired electrons in free radicals shows up in these tests. Organs with excessive free radical activity appear as hot spots” [Sharma, H., MD. Freedom from Disease (How to control free radicals, a major cause of aging and disease) 1993:90, author’s emphasis].

Thus, the causes of tumor, or cancer and heart disease are free radicals and radiation, in the case of cigarette smoke.

Not all free radicals are villains, though. There emerged categories of free radicals. Molecular oxygen, superoxide and ozone belong in the oxidant category. Another category is intermediate. Still another is signal (Eaton, S.S. et al., Editors. “Free Radicals and Medicine.” Biomedical EPR-Part A: Free Radicals, Metals, Medicine, and Physiology. 2005. 25-74).

Signal free radical like nitric oxide produced by the enzyme endothelium nitric oxidase is useful. It signals the inner layer of the artery, called endothelium, to dilate and allow more blood flow. It acts like nitroglycerin that alleviates angina and heart attack.

Another crucial point is that conventional medicine does not recognize free radicals as causes of disease. However, it has recognized radiation as a cause of cancer if given in overdose. One-half pack of cigarettes gives radiation like X-rays equivalent to 300 clinical exposures, according to Melpor.

Desired impact

How do we want the new U.S. law on the reduction or removal of radioactive materials in cigarettes to impact on heart disease and cancer?

For more information on this issue, one can access the Internet with the search entries chelation therapy cranton frackelton. Dr. Cranton had reported that some 600,000 patients of heart disease had gone well from treatment with chelation therapy. This is a less costly, more effective and non-invasive alternative to coronary artery bypass graft surgery and angioplasty.

I foresee that radioactive materials will not be totally removed from cigarettes, thus polonium 210 and lead 210 will remain as free radicals. If cigarette or cigar smoking, or consumption of tobacco for that matter, will not be banned, smokers and inhalers of second hand smoke will get x-rays and free radicals.

Recognition that radioactive materials are present in cigarette smoke will come to naught if free radicals are not likewise recognized as causes of cancer and heart disease. The reason is that conventional medicine will go on developing drugs that do not address the cause of cancer and heart disease. As of now expensive drugs address only the risk factors.

Filipinos are interested in the medical trends in the U.S. because our pharmaceuticals here are multinationals, mostly American. Our books are written mostly by Americans. The attitude of American Health Association reverberates among Filipino doctors. The reaction of Harvard against chelation therapy is adopted by most Filipino doctors. However, we also get books and journals in alternative or integrative medicine. Some Filipino doctors, like Dr. Arturo V. Estuita had specialized in chelation therapy in the US.

New entries as of April 3,2014

Chelation therapy safe and effective

The National Institutes of Health of the USA had sponsored a study called "Trials to Assess Chelation Therapy"? (TACT) that was launched in 2002. This is a double blind randomized with control study that involved 1,708 volunteers. The lead investigator was Dr. Gervasio Lamas, MD. He presented the results of TACT on November 4,2012 in a meeting of the American Heart Association in Los Angeles, California. TACT found that chelation therapy is safe and effective. I have a Hub "USA (National Institutes of Health) Has Announced Chelation Therapy as Safe and Effective." The study costs $30 million.

Hubs on chelation therapy by conradofontanilla:


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