Stink Foot -- methods to combat sweating n smelly feet? you can change the tite.

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  1. Dame Scribe profile image56
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    Stink Foot -- methods to combat sweating n smelly feet? you can change the tite. smile Thanks.

  2. Kathryn Vercillo profile image88
    Kathryn Vercilloposted 15 years ago

    Everyone is familiar with the smell of stinky feet and I’d venture to say that most of us don’t like it. People who regularly suffer from bad foot odor may be embarrassed about the smell, self-conscious taking their shoes off around others and... read more

  3. soni2006 profile image73
    soni2006posted 15 years ago

    1. The best way to prevent stink foot is to remove the shoes when you come from the office as early as possible.

    2.  Wash you feet off with Dettol liquid.

    3.  Wash your socks on a regular basis and do not wear unfresh socks.

    4.  Wear sandals or what we call in India "chappals" at home.

    5.  Let the air pass between your toes so try to put off your shoes for around 15 minutes in the lunch break.

    6. Wear leather shoes and do not wear sports shoes all the time because I have experienced that whenever a person is wearing sports shoes, there is a lot of smell which comes out when the shoes are removed. In case of leather shoes, this problem is really less.

    7.  If all the above steps do not help, consult a dermatologist who will try to find out a potential cause for your problem and can come up with a proper diagnosis and treatment.

  4. Eaglekiwi profile image75
    Eaglekiwiposted 15 years ago

    Baking Soda sprinkled inside shoes for about 10 days

  5. skye2day profile image68
    skye2dayposted 15 years ago

    Sweet Feet, We walk on our feet. We come in various sizes, shapes, design, texture, color, and odor.This is one simple time saver for offensive, grotesque shoes and feet. There is no match for Baking Soda. Sprinkle 4 tbs. BS into each shoe. Let the shoes sit 8 hours.The BS pulls out the stench. Shake the shoes of the baking soda prior to wearing. If you would rather not sprinkle BS in your shoe put 3 tbs into each sock or a pair  of nylons cut to sock size Tie a knot, place one inside of each shoe. Rest assured by the a.m. (8 hours) your stench smelling shoes will be fresh and ready to go. Shake out the baking soda.

    Take baking soda foot baths for tired, sore, sweaty, smelly, ache, puffy, itchy, athletes, footsies and toesies. Regular foot bathes in baking soda treat persistent foot odor while soothing your ache, smelly tootsies. ( 4 tbs. Baking Soda to 4 quarts warm H2O ) This is a big money and time saver.

    You can follow my hub this week for 50 more household remedies and solutions using baking soda.You will be amazed with the time and money saving uses.

    Home remedies a2z. See you there.
          Scent (sent) with Blessings.

  6. flifla profile image61
    fliflaposted 15 years ago

    if you suffer from very odoriferous feet most likely you suffer from athlete's foot fungus. Use an anti-fungal cream. The fungus likes to breed on dead skin too, so soak your feet in warm water and vinegar for as long as you can stand it, maybe a half an hour or so. The vinegar will soften the dead skin cells. Use a dead skin removal stone to get rid of as much dead skin as you can.
    Wash all of your white socks in bleach and water. Throw AWAY stinky shoes. No matter what anyone says, you can't remove the stink out of them.

  7. cool2008 profile image61
    cool2008posted 15 years ago

    the Stop Sweating ebook helps me with this problem you can find it at: … vingeasily

  8. Pearldiver profile image68
    Pearldiverposted 15 years ago

    A Really Good Idea....... Is to put this Question on someone else's hub site.. and attached to a hub that relates to their subject and NOT Mine!

  9. fortunerep profile image68
    fortunerepposted 15 years ago

    I wrote a hub on stinky feet and tea bags.  It really does work, 

  10. Wealthmadehealthy profile image59
    Wealthmadehealthyposted 15 years ago

    GOLD BOND POWDER  IT ROCKS!!    One of my friends told me about this because it worked for also works on fleas on dogs

  11. profile image0
    reeltaulkposted 15 years ago

    MAybe scrubbing your feet when you bathe or shower.  People tend to ignore certain body parts when they shower thinking that it is self cleaning.  Get a loofah and scrub those feet!

  12. Caerleon profile image60
    Caerleonposted 15 years ago

    As you can see from several of the people who have already answered this question, baking soda is a great little trick for getting out a smell.  But I think you need to find out why the feet smell.  Is it the feet themselves?  The shoes you wear or both. 

    If there is a problem with your feet you can try some of the home readies from the answers you have gotten.  If they don't work I would talk to your doctor.  It could be something your eating and your body is getting rid of by sweating out. 

    If it is your shoes.  You can treat them with baking soda or you can wrap them in plastic bags and put them in the freezer for a couple of days.  This will kill any odor causing bacteria that may be living in them.  Just make sure you wrap them up good. 

    The only other thing I can think of is the type of sock you may be wearing.  Use a natural fiber that will breath. 

    If all else fails you may want to treat your feet and your shoes before you try your doctor.  There may be a cross contamination thing going on.

  13. Sue Adams profile image90
    Sue Adamsposted 15 years ago

    Look after your feet by doing some of the exercises on my hub: The Feet You Walk On ( If you do that, you'll spend a lot more time not wearing any socks and shoes.  Also, don't always wear the same shoes, give them a chance to air too.

  14. gigietc profile image60
    gigietcposted 15 years ago

    When my Sons were ah-humm Maturing, their entire Person, were smelly. I grew up in an all girl except for dear old Dad! I never really knew what that "smell" was. I spoke to dear old Dad regarding this delemia, he informed me it was a completely naturale Boy Smell, he also recommended Baking Soda for their shoes and gold bond for their bodies, Also he continued that in boot camp the term they used back then was Swamp Feet. WEll thats another hub page for me please visit and become a fan as I will you and visit your adsense as well.
    God Bless to All!

  15. profile image0
    sarah dawkinsposted 15 years ago

    All natural rock crystal deodorant is a great answer to sweaty and smelly feet.  Either run the rock under water to wet it, then rub over the feet, or crush the rock and put in a bottle with a pump spray.  Spray daily after washing.  The rock crystal actually prevents sweating therefore will prevent odour.  It can also be used under arms.  The answer is in preventing the problem rather than treating the symptoms, ie. being pro-active rather than re-active.  Hope that helps. smile

  16. H P Roychoudhury profile image41
    H P Roychoudhuryposted 14 years ago

    The change of sock very often for foot and use of good quality powder along with change of cloth will reduce or remove the body smell because it is due to the secretion of body skin which requires to clean every time and the smell is to be diluted by other sweet saints or reduce the secretion with body powder.

  17. sfpodiatrist profile image60
    sfpodiatristposted 12 years ago

    It comes back to the old saying, you are what you eat.  If you want to reduce foot odor change your diet to include less salt and vinegar.  Also consume foods which make you sweat less like tomatoes.


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