I woke and did not know what had happened. Why was I here? Had I been in an accident? I was anxious. I felt as if my legs were strapped down. I was oh so tired. My God come quickly.
So that brings me to my reason for writing. There are no coincidences in Gods world. Get it. none. God is all or nothing. He is in every intricate detail of our life, only look.
No way I wanted another dog, especially a puppy dog. I cried buckets after I put Benji down. I made my daughters promise not to surprise me with a dog of any sort. Little did I know the plan.
My dear friends we have a choice; we can forget everything and run or face everything and rise. Fear is from the enemy of this world. God is not the author or fear. So when fear tries to crop in and there are days it will fear produces anxiety start and speak the word.
If you were in a court of law and the jury had to decide if there was enough evidence to convict you of loving Jesus just how would you be found? Would they need to drop the case because of lack of?
King Solomon inspired by God wrote,' there is nothing new under the sun.' Proverbs 8. Why is this so? Why is there nothing new when everything around us changes? What is God telling us?
I knew I was trudging the waters going into the religious forum. Most times when sharing my faith it is like I am in a room with clanging cymbals. They play harder and avoid hearing only to respond.
How could one go as low to write such in despicable words against Jesus. Why was I so shocked? We were told this would happen in the later days. I wept this was an abomination toward Jesus.
The first time I heard the phrase born again I thougt it was an odd way of asking if one knew God. You will know if you are born again, no doubts about it.
All of us face days or seasons when we are not sure where God is. He tells us to trust in Him and your answer has not come. Just how do you trust in God in these difficult times we face?
A few days ago scrolling a hubpages feed I saw an accolade. It said 'skye2day' has 4 years at the hubs. I was pleasantly suprised that hub affiliates acknowledged their writers. Writing is a journey.
Take a walk with me. On the road of sweet surrender. Maybe all I was missing was one special key. On the journey I discover I need more to fill this heart of mine.
The major problem that comes up is this. If moms and dads do not know Jesus then how can they raise their children up to know? They cannot. Parents are seeking for something in this world to encourage and help children deal with issues young ones face today. Parents are wringing their hands and...
Many do not realize there is an enemy running loose named Satan. People the bricks are falling. Why are things so stirred up in the world today?
One can not help but notice how the political, social and economical times have dramatically changed in the world over the last few years. Prophecy as written in the word of God is unfolding at a rapid pace.
Because Gods word is true I know He is going to use this horrific, evil and wicked crime for His good purpose and for His Glory, for all eternity.(Romans 8:28) In Gods amazing grace and unending mercy He has helped me to forgive what seemed impossible. He has helped me to see what I could not. John...
Often times an individual is perceived by others based on the condition of their obvious heart. One could be given over as a generous heart, a kind heart, a meek heart, a precious heart or given to a heart of love, a sweetheart, a gentle heart or known to have a heart of gold or a humbled heart....
There is absolutely no discomfort whatsoever in Ear candling. This highly successful and proven treatment improves hearing, sooths ear aches, relieves chromic headaches, dizziness, sinus tension, swimmers ear, improves balance and more.
I happened to come across a question in the religion and philosophy forum.' Atheist, if Jesus Christ came in the flesh on earth today and you discovered in fact it was Jesus would you accept Him as your Saviour?' In trying to answer the question it...
Every thought we have is a seed we plant in the garden of our lives. Whether it is a good seed of hope, peace, kindness and love or a bad seed of doubt, despair or doom the seed will multiply and grow.
Just as the deer pants for water do our souls long for you Yewshua. Withoiut you we are always searching, hoping. The longing to know Jesus is placed on every person born. Jesus is the hole filler.
Children of God we have authority in this life because the Lion of Judah and the Lamb have prevailed over the power of the enemy. The gates of hell shall not prevail over the church. (Matthew 16:18)
Would you consider enrolling in a new school if it would change the course of your destiny? Say the school came with hundreds of perks. You could be saying oh yeah sure another place to toss my money. This is just another scam to get money. Maybe money is not the issue with you but you think you...
Brother, I honor your request and will remove your name from my mailing list and will no longer send you links to my stories. I am sorry that they make you feel 'nervous' because they are written in the Love of Christ to encourage others. Please Remember Jesus Christ Loves You brother and wants...
Based on a true story that will remind us of Gods sovernty. Just where do we draw the line when loving another has turned our life inside out? How do we know if and when to step down?
My God I stretch my hands to you. I am lifted to the Heavenlies. The mountains dance and sing.
It could be that you came to this writing because by the title you may be sparked by a glimmer of hope in the most pressing times you are facing. It could be that you are offended at the words because in your most difficult situation and your sufferings your heart feels like it has been ripped...
Macarius loved this boy as a son. His attachment had grown to one such as this. He knew it compassion by God laid upon his heart for the boy. Macarius was a God fearing man
At this moment in time Macarius had a heart change. He found his own behaviour to be in-despicable. He felt the Spirit of God on him and knew he was being convicted of sin. He felt he was no better then men who bowed down before other gods. He pleaded forgiveness and would make sacrifice for the...
Macarius felt drained. Each time he encountered the slave market it was like he went on an emotional wagon ride of peaks and valleys. Today he recalled his situation and knew it was God that pulled him from the pits to the safe keeping of a poor farmer over twenty years ago. He tried to shake off...
Around the year 138 BC there lived a prosperous Roman man named Macarius. Now Macarius had much wealth. He lived in a villa outside of the Roman city limits with over 150 acres of land.
A poem of dedication written by the Holy Spirit of God in me to my newest grandson Logan James. In Jesus he will abound. The great plans God has for His creation are wonderful. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus stand on the rock. You will be OK. You will be covered.
Clogged kitchen sinks can be a costly repair. With this simple home tip maybe you can save some money.Abby told me her kitchen sink was clogged up and starting to smell a bit.
Around one week ago I opened my Bible to the Book of Jonah. The last I recall in hearing this enchanting story of Jonah and the Whale was as a small child when the story was read to me. Jonah is not only a...
Have you ever wondered if you are in fact enabling a loved one or loving them? If so you are probably human. What do you do when face with helping another. This is my true story and how God led me to see through His eyes.
Looking back at your life have you ever wondered why it has been so long since you had an answered prayer? I have wondered many times, why do I go up and down like a yo-yo with God at times and wonder if He heard my prayer? Why do I think God does not hear me when my heart knows the truth.' All...
Fear can lurk in many different shadows in our lives. Perhaps you found out you are pregnant again with your third child. DO not be afraid God helps you care for two He will help you care for three.
A Birthday Poem to Daughter given in a mothers love
Many of my readers may recognize this dog on the right. This is Rocco. He belongs to my youngest daughter, Abby. He is around 16 months old by now. When Rocco first came around as a young pup I exclaimed how grateful I was that I was not raising...
Religion and Christianity are not a mix. Christians can and do belong to denominational Church,s. The Christian Faith is a personal relationship with the Savior of the World Jesus Christ. We are a body of Christ. We have no main heaquarter building.
After I heard the small, still voice more was revealed to me. I did not feel like writing. I was obedient. I sat up briefly, turned on the lamp grabbed a white envelope and jotted down some notes. I
I asked God to please reveal to me what the volcano's might mean to me in the dream I had. In my Spirit I felt like God was trying to show me something. Over the next seven days I had times where I envisioned God on the Throne looking on His creation and He wept. He wants none to perish.
The cloud was outlined in what appeared to be the fairest pale blue, iridescent pearls. I was lying on my side similar to a fetal position. I looked oh so peaceful and flawless.
It is hard for many to understand there is an enemy out there in the World. He is a thief and liar. He deceives many. He can keep one contained in a small box of discontentment or as I sitting on the fence in indecision. Both places are uncomfortable. The fence can be very painful the longer one...
Soaring with the Lord it an attitued Children of God need to carry with them each day.
Unfortunate, there are certain individuals or groups that come off as self righteous as any group or self centered individual, but we 'Christians' are made Righteous by the Blood shed on the Cross at Calvary by Jesus Christ. It is by the Blood of the Lamb that we are forgiven our sins. We make...
Alexis was in the bedroom picking out a warm sweater to wear with her new jeans. She zipped up her boot while searching in her closet thinking, 'I must give these clothes I do not wear to someone that could use them.
Chadwick was grateful for his cart, he could lean on it as he pushed towards home. The chill factor was just above zero. He knew he must get under his covers and soon. Every bone in his body ached. His heart went out to his friends that slept in boxes. Chadwick knew how that felt. He wept and...
I am praying for a miracle. God is not short on miracles. He never has been. He is the same yesterday, today ,and tomorrow. He does not change. I am believing they will make 'News' and Glorify the Lord with their stories of a miracle healing. Christ says, 'where two or more gather in my name and...
The tranquil blue sky was endless and there was not a cloud in sight. The glistening leaves of reds, golds, yellow's and orange's seemed to dance ever so slightly in the soft warm breeze. I could feel the warmth of the sun on my shoulders and neck....
My twin sister, Raine insisted on going with me. She said I could probably use a friend after taking David to check into jail. It sounds so like a trip. Just check in at the front desk. It has been a trip but not a real fun one. Enlightening yes,...
The Creator has Blessed me along with many others. I am proud to say I am a new 'Grandmother' I will be sure to add this to my list of plenty.
Are you always right on? Could you kick yourself for making a big mistake. Be encouraged the angel wings have not sprouted have they?
I woke with heaviness on my heart. I feel sad that is no coubt. I miss my husband although I felt I could not longer live with the illness of alcoholism and its destruciton I was lonely.
I want to celebrate in the victory for hubpages. They have recently celebrated a four year Birthday!! Thank you hub pages for being here.I know my life has certainly been Blessed and impacted in the 16 months I have been here. I am grateful for the...
me. Maybe you are all happy and everything you 'need' including God is working fine thank you. It is my hearts desire that this answer may help you in finding your 'happy life' The Spirit in me leads me along the way.To help God makes me feel happy. It is not always easy, serving Christ is...
The great thing about a story is it can start or stop at any given time. It is not over until it is over. David and I sat in the County Court room Tuesday waiting to hear the sentence for his second DUI in a three year time.
I Praise you in the morning. Before the day starts a new. I praise you for the power that you have placed inside of me. You are true forever and I love you more each day. I praise you in the morning and see your Glory everywhere.
A parent will share the truth with his kids so not to steer them wrong. (this is a general statement) The Father(God) gave us an instruction manual by which to live. Yes, we do have a free will to choose. The Devil hates that Christ loves us and wants the best for us. He will use anything and...
Depending On Jesus Christ for all of our needs is what He wants from all of us. Trusting in God is key to a life of abundance and peace. Because Gods ways are truth, spirit and life.
If we have intolerance of a present situation it can create for us a new future and hope. If we endure a problem we will be slow in reaching for those stars and pursing the dream or vision placed on our heart.
Do you ever sweat over the small stuff or feel like you are falling apart at the seams? Have you ever lost your zeal and zest to persevere and press forward. Press is a verb requiring action. Do things you need to do or call attention to pile up to where there is no interest because it would not...
A long and winding road leads to good. David was anointed King of Israel after Saul took his life. King David was committed to the Lord. David was on the run from Saul for thirteen years.
I thought I would drop to the floor. I told the nurse I needed to be alone. She obliged my request and handed me a couple of keenex. Tears streaming down my cheeks fell into my bra under my shirt.
And when He does save us we will never be the same. The choice is ours because free will He has given us. Make the choice to live in His complete love and victory. It can not be found in stuff or things, that are only temporary. Little peace do things bring. Our abundance is from the one and...
I asked the nurses to please leave the room. I needed time alone. They obliged me and agreed to ten minutes. All I heard was the noise of the machines.There was one for the heart, one for breathing, one for the kidneys. I wish they would stop making the bleep noise. The repetition made me feel...
This epistle is so beautiful. I am grateful I had time to reflect and meditate on Gods word. The understanding I have is clearly the power of the Holy Spirit. It is as if the words jump out to me. I am getting a tiny glimpse of 'loving larger'. As far as we know this was the last time Paul picked...
The greatest battles I face are my own. They lie within me.
I pray that all believed in Jesus Christ. God the creator of All things that move, squiggle. wiggle or breath is fine and well. He has the whole word ion His hands. He owns it All. It is His. God so loved the WORLD HE sent His only son that whoever believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal...
I ran across an article around one month ago addressing President Obama and his lack of accomplishment. The woman that wrote it was presumably speaking up not only for herself but perhaps millions that have painstaking questions. She questioned...
A week ago I woke up and knew I would be faced with the decision to help rescue or refuse to help a loved one in trouble.The drinking had been an issue for a long time.The consequences it placed on him before availed little to stop him from taking another drink.The drink is stronger then the will....
Everyone likes to be pampered on occasion. Men going into a Hair Salon is not old school. Men are the most loyal of clientele in my chair. I salute them because they in general are most courteous and loyal fans.
Walking with God is an adventure of a lifetime.There is nothing dull about it. I have been very blessed. My career takes me from self into helping others. Not only to make my clients more beautiful also to encourage, inspire, listen and or share the love of the redeemer, Christ Jesus
A solution in Shampoo and Conditioner to stop Hair Loss and grow back hair. Not a topical solution but a scalp treatment that cleanses your hair and treats the hair follicle to treat fine, thinning hair and hair loss.
The Holy Spirit moves like the wind to touch the hearts of those that need touching. He makes the way before us. He convicts the World of sin. He is all in us, on us and everywhere to proclaim the name of Jesus.
Precious one. Your heart is broken maybe you cannot go forward. There is one that cares for you and will meet you where you are at. That is right He is the heart repair guy. He is the hole filler.
I push open the blinds on the sliding glass door. I keep my thoughts on high because He is truth. I am in the Light of the Lord. I make a decision today I will not be defeated by the enemy. Nothing can steal my joy in the Lord, unless I hand it over. I know the Holy Spirit is on me.
There are thousands of opportunities to earn an income on line. There is plenty to go around for all. Where there are multitudes of good there is also bad. The individuals that give of themselves are successful. The desire for you to succeed on line...
Do you ever have a day that you feel like a worm crawling in the dirt. You do not know what end is up. There is good news. You can step it up. You can have a change of heart. There is hope in the Living Savior of the World.
The patter tottering on my car is a soothing, distinct sound. It is as if tears are falling from the sky. I hear splashing of water in the rain puddles similar to a gentle, soft background music. I feel ever so present.
Helping others that are less fortunate or have a need is the most rewarding thing I have ever done. It sure is not from me, self or I that fills me with joy and peace .Nothing assures me more of getting out of self or self pity then reaching out to someone else. Many people make a choice to help...
Would you like a good omen of butterflies scurrying around your gardens? Try this fun tip. It works. Bring the concoction in at night time so you do not encourage the raccoon or other critters to snoop around. Put overripe bananas, orange's,...
Home made tips and remedies just like Grandmas. Save time money and energy and make your own bug repellent, hand cleaner, dry shampoo, repair nicks on appliances or auto glass and more.
DO you have problems with ants in your home, driveway, sidewalks? There is a solution and it is found in your cupboard. Easy and effective. Stop them ants from marching on today.
Think for a moment. How many times have you come very close to getting hit by another vehicle while driving? How many times did you miss hitting someone by a split second in your vehicle while driving? God sends angels to the rescue.
When we pass from this Earth the silver cord parts and we go to our eternal home. There are two sides in Paradise. Heaven or Hell. There is one path to the Heavenly realms with Christ.
Get out the Pam. Using cooking spray has multiple,money and time saving uses for everyday home solutions. Take what you want and use it, pass it on and leave the rest behind. These tips have been tested by myself or friends. They all work very well....
Duct tape has hundreds of uses. Save time, money and energy using the remarkable handy duct tape. Do not leave home without it. Camping, picnics, repairs all with duct tape. It will remove warts. Read on for many home uses and tips.
If you have a wood burning stove or fire place you know the air can be toxic when you are cleaning out the ashes. Try this tip. Throw old coffee grounds about 2 cups (add a tsp. vanilla for a nice scent) on top of the cooled ashes. Allow to sit for...
Everything was so vivid, lush and green. It all looked perfectly manicured. The trees were in a perfect row. The branches barely moving in a cool breeze. I felt as if this were a movie of some sorts.
My mouth was watering for the Pizza Hut Hot Wings I picked up for dinner last night. I opened the door and pranced into the bedroom to tell my husband I brought our favorite when I felt sometthing dipping on my sandal.
It is a real treat to feel silky smooth, to the touch. I plan on taking more baths. Milk Baths that is. Do enjoy. Does your skin feeling a bit rough around the edges with the summer heat or the dry winter air? This remedy is decades old. Take a milk...
Hi Huber's, There is no reason to be all dried up this summer. No excuses. I have gathered a few tips for sharing. These cost pennies on the dollar to make. The ingredients are most likely in your cupboard or pantry. They have been tested by me. The...
Don,t you just love it? You grow this beautiful garden and have all this incredible food popping up from the ground. You are PROUD. You did a fine job. Then one morning or evening.you notice your garden appears smaller or shorter. Yikes. You run to...
Orange or Lemon Skins You will smell so good the mosquitoes will flee from you.You repel them.On your next outing pack the fruit. With the inside of peel rub onto skin and you have Eco free insect repellent. You can make fresh,Long Island Iced-Tea...
Pure Virgin Olive Oil is a divine intervention for the treatment of skin conditions. Olive Oil is the purest and most economical to use for all skin types. To maintain a youthful or treat problem skin check out my hub and the remedies. Straight from Gods olive tree in the purest form.
Do you need more storage space in you ole bngalow or home? Here are a few ideas for an old wood ladder. So put on the creative hat and you can tidy up the clutter.
Basic tips to start online. First things first. Get an email address.... Online 101