Does it pay to be honest?

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  1. Vinodkpillai profile image70
    Vinodkpillaiposted 13 years ago

    Does it pay to be honest?

    The obvious answer may seem to be yes. But what if we first ask ourselves how much honesty we practice when it is inconvenient or hurting to us? How many occasions do we avoid paying a bribe knowing that we will lose? How many people of integrity do we see around us - people whose feelings, thoughts, words and actions are in sync?

  2. darrylcrawford profile image68
    darrylcrawfordposted 13 years ago

    Good question. I do agree the obvious answer is a "Yes" because I believe it is does pay to be honest. It's a process we all are working on. I don't believe anyone can say that they have never, ever told a lie and been completely forthright, (flawless in every way) from their birth til now.

    Integrity............. well we need more men and women of integrity in this world. I believe when we do our best to be as honest as possible, we are blessed with more honesty coming our way. Being honest can hurt and can heal us, however, I would rather hear the painful truth upfront versus believing lied to for a sometime then to hear/see/know the truth (after putting my trust, faith and confidence in a lie), which would hurt even the more when I would finally know the honest truth. Honesty is tough at times but well worth it in the long run.

    I know that's what I'm aiming to do. Anyone else agree?

  3. DannyMaio profile image61
    DannyMaioposted 13 years ago

    yes it totally does. you will also feel much better about yourself. of course sometimes a little white lie to not hurt someones feelings I think is OK...IMO  I rather live my live honest, I was taught your word is your bond.

  4. Daffy Duck profile image61
    Daffy Duckposted 13 years ago

    Yes, but you have to be careful when you're honest.  It's ok to lie to a pregnant woman.  Actually it's necessary if you want to live through the conversation.

  5. duffsmom profile image62
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    I cannot be responsible for other people and what other people think and do.  It may not alway pay to be honest, but you have to be honest for your integrity regardless of the outcome.  It has to matter deep inside of ourselves that we are honest and that our reputation will come to support that fact.

  6. DavitosanX profile image60
    DavitosanXposted 13 years ago

    Honesty doesn't pay that much, but at least you can sleep good at night big_smile

  7. bucker98 profile image59
    bucker98posted 13 years ago

    Doing good is its own reward... We live in an evil era... Doing good will always have its opposition and the battle will never end. But if you're a man of integrity or a man of God, you will face any opposition even if its the sword.

  8. profile image0
    AMBASSADOR BUTLERposted 13 years ago

    Yes for me personally as GOD on August 1, 1982 A.D. shown me in a vision the other side of death. It is glorious. It paid the greatest reward for me personally as I go about fulfilling GOD'S purpose and ultimate destiny for my life on the earth as AMBASSADOR BUTLER with my 1 article that is seen around the world in 8 countries of which no hubpages members can see it but everyone else can through the referring sites. So that the people who should see the greatest article on the earth sees it first for their benefit and use it in their life while living on the earth. The reasons why it is not seen by hubpages members is because Jesus said: Do not cast your pearls before swine lest they turn on you and tear it apart before your eyes. Great wisdom here as I write my answers to questions on hubpages. I would like to thank the staff of hubpages because you are the greatest. Thank you.

  9. Max_Power profile image60
    Max_Powerposted 13 years ago

    Yes it pays to be honest, but we also need to be tactful.
    There is such a thing as being too honest.

  10. CWanamaker profile image94
    CWanamakerposted 13 years ago

    Being honest will build character.  People will also have more respect for you.  Inconvenience is not an excuse for dishonesty.  In fact, there is really never an excuse for it.  We live in a social world where families and communities are raised together.  Dishonesty only serves to destroy those familial bonds and create more chaos in the world. There is always a way to be honest while also being tactful.  Choose your words and your timing carefully, or respectfully decline to comment at that time.

  11. cat on a soapbox profile image93
    cat on a soapboxposted 13 years ago

    I am honest to myself and my true nature, and I would not consider being dishonest in character. I am honest too in genuinely caring for my friends, family, and acquaintances. As a result, I use my best judgement in deciding when to be brutally frank with someone when it is not a crucial issue. This is the only time I hold back on the truth.  We pay dearly at times for being honest, but honest character is invaluable.

  12. Pikachusif profile image62
    Pikachusifposted 13 years ago

    It depends on the scenario.

    Most of the time yes, while other times it will earn you a cup of coffee on your head, a hot hand print on your cheek, or an awkward and emotional phone call from your ex-girlfriend.

    Choose wisely.

  13. philemerson profile image61
    philemersonposted 13 years ago

    The Tao teaches that all things are connected and that by harming another we harm ourselves.

    I've found by experience that this is indeed true - an act of dishonesty creates a state of disharmony within oneself that demands further dishonesty to maintain the initial illusion of truth.

    If I tell a lie, I have to tell further lies to add substance to the initial lie. Fortunately, with my memory, I'm not cut out for lying and I've learned that for me, honesty is a far less painful path in life. Sadly I've had to learn that the hard way.

  14. someonewhoknows profile image73
    someonewhoknowsposted 13 years ago

    It,can temporarily pay to be dishonest.Until your reputation catches up to you. … l=&oq=

  15. saanj H profile image57
    saanj Hposted 13 years ago


    Yes it pays to be honest but you need to be witty and tactful in tackling and handling the hurdles and the obstacles that may come your way.

  16. proactrdv profile image60
    proactrdvposted 12 years ago

    There are times when it appears not to pay to try and be honest like when you are threatened for exposing or telling the truth, have to tell a friend or loved one bad news, or outright forced to lie. However I still believe honesty is the best policy.

  17. nemanjaboskov profile image82
    nemanjaboskovposted 12 years ago

    Always be honest, no matter what...
    Although not being honest might seem like a good solution at times, honesty always pays off in the long run!

  18. Millionaire Tips profile image89
    Millionaire Tipsposted 12 years ago

    Sometimes telling the truth can be very, very painful, especially if others are trying to hide the very same truth.

  19. luckpages profile image59
    luckpagesposted 12 years ago

    If we are honest, so it doesn't mean that we will also hope to others for the same honesty. If you are honest so it is your good qualities, and good qualities are those, that will remain forever. So be honest and kind...

  20. cosmicdust profile image61
    cosmicdustposted 12 years ago

    Yes, it pays to be honest. Helps keep "Guilt" away.


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