"Shood Eenglish speleng be funetik?"

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  1. i scribble profile image71
    i scribbleposted 11 years ago

    "Shood  Eenglish speleng be funetik?"

      As a reading instructor, I offin wunder. Yoor tern too wa in!

  2. profile image0
    sheilamyersposted 11 years ago

    Definitely not. It's bad enough trying to wade through some people's typos. I'm thinking about English as it's spoken in the U.S. There are several dialects spread across the country which means one word can be pronounced several different ways depending on the region where it's being used. If everyone spelled the words based on the way they pronounce it, there would be no set standard. If we take the step to use the phonetic spellings for words, why no go a step further and let our kids always write the way they type in text messages?

    1. i scribble profile image71
      i scribbleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You make a good point about different dialects and pronunciations in different areas. Standard spelling is another big issue. Getting bureaucrats to agree on any changes is a steep uphill battle, e.g., changing from standard to metric measurement.

  3. janshares profile image94
    jansharesposted 11 years ago

    Funny but interesting question, i scribble. I think it would be confusing because we all have different pronunciations and dialects. We've become accustomed to the spelling of words being consistent as we get used to each other saying them differently.

    1. i scribble profile image71
      i scribbleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Jan,
      Thanks for weighing in. The answer may seem obvious to a good speller (like you or me), but some children have to work so hard to memorize the spelling of every word. It's a hallmark of dyslexia.

  4. cianeko profile image85
    cianekoposted 11 years ago

    Haha. No! I am a language student and I find phonetics difficult to do that is why it is good to keep on using the spelling as is.

    1. i scribble profile image71
      i scribbleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting perspective. I see you are from the Philippines. Does your native language have a phonetic alphabet? Do you study English or various languages?

  5. Merlin Fraser profile image62
    Merlin Fraserposted 11 years ago

    You mean like they use to do in the Domesday Book  before someone invented a degree of standardisation into the language ?

    Besides if you look more closely at  Americanese I think you'll find they more or less 'Spel Lik That !"

    1. i scribble profile image71
      i scribbleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think you're saying we need standardized spelling, and I agree. I just wish it could be more phonetic, one letter for each sound, etc. I'm sure you've noticed some spellings are different in Britain and U.S., like standardise(ze) and colour/color.

  6. The Examiner-1 profile image59
    The Examiner-1posted 11 years ago

    Eye dew nut know.

    I can tell you this, a spell checker would not look twice at that sentence since they are all words and as far as it is concerned. The sentence is okay since all of the words are spelled correctly.

    1. i scribble profile image71
      i scribbleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes! Spell checks need to be much smarter in putting words in a sensible context.

    2. The Examiner-1 profile image59
      The Examiner-1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I do not know if anyone will ever get around to doing that.

  7. Borsia profile image37
    Borsiaposted 11 years ago

    Ah my mind goes back to Gallagher's old standup routine.
    But seriously no I think we do need to get back to the basics of education and teach English the way it was taught rather than accepting what we have today where few can spell or write and fewer still can make themselves understood.
    I am somewhat reminded of Chinese history.
    Before the written language every region, even different villages, couldn't speak to each other. It was really quite a mess and impossible to govern or even trade widely.
    In the 12th century the Emperor got fed up with it all and decreed that everyone in China would learn to read and write his script.
    Fortunately for English there aren't 3000 symbols to memorize and we can learn to sound out words with reasonable accuracy.
    Yes there are a lot of contradictory and confusing things in the English language but it is probably the best there is and its worth learning correctly.

    1. i scribble profile image71
      i scribbleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Great point about the history of written language and the need for commonality in spoken and written word. I've heard that some other languages are more phonetic than English, such as Spanish and French. Don't know what makes a language 'best'.

  8. Marsha Musselman1 profile image81
    Marsha Musselman1posted 11 years ago

    Sometimes it can already be difficult to figure out what someone means or is really saying when you read what's written down, if things weren't spelled correctly I think I'd get it wrong even more.

    For those that are dyslexic I don't know the answer to that one. I guess it depends on the age of the child. Maybe letting the younger child learn phonetically would get them started and then as they get a bit older get them to incorporate more correct spelling into their writings.

    I know it's possible for someone to be dyslexic and still succeed in school. I don't see how they can succeed without being able to spell correctly.

    Good question.

    1. i scribble profile image71
      i scribbleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You have an interesting suggestion about teaching young children to spell phonetically first. I have been tempted to try that approach, but probably never would because I would expect to be attacked from all sides for 'going off the grid'.

  9. ChristinS profile image36
    ChristinSposted 11 years ago

    Oh, my inner critic just died inside a little reading this lol

    No, I would hate to see that. Also, what about different accents where words sound different for example people in my neighboring state of Missouri who already don't know how to pronounce it and say "mizuruh" would that not confuse all of those who don't live there when we spell it phonetically? wink Although phonetic spelling may help out with those who don't understand that my state is NOT pronounced Illinoise lol

    1. i scribble profile image71
      i scribbleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hilarious, and so true! Thanks for wa-eeng in!

  10. Jordan Hake profile image82
    Jordan Hakeposted 11 years ago

    It's a pity we didn't start this centuries ago when the language was young.  Alas, you can't teach an old tongue new spelling!

    1. i scribble profile image71
      i scribbleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      So true!  They say people don't like change, and old traditions and bureaucracies are even more change resistant.


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