Specifically I am referring to a strange phenomenon I have seen in my college. That is teachers screaming at students.I have been to two different campuses and have witnessed and been the victim of teachers screaming at students. the first time I witnessed it was during class when the teacher in the next room over started screaming at a student for turning in his work late. And I mean Screaming. It scared my whole class and our teacher as well. Later I found out that this teacher always does this and they let him get away with it because it shows he "cares". Last week I was the target of a teacher who felt he had the right to scream at me and some other students. We were in the hallway talking about a recent test. I guess he felt we were being loud (although we weren’t any louder than anyone else in a hallway usually is) and he asked us to be quiet. We apologized and he went back to teaching his class, with the door open. Later some other students and I were talking, quietly this time, but he must have heard us. He Screamed at us to shut up, his words not mine, and it was really shocking. I asked someone to close the door for us so it wouldn’t happen again.
I just don’t understand how adults can act that way in public, and at their jobs too. I felt like the better adult in the situation and I really wanted to ask them to please control themselves. I can’t think of any time I have seen people working at their jobs just do things like that. In most other situations that kind of behavior would get you fired. Plus we are college students. Whether we act like it or not we are adults, and paying customers and deserve some basic respect. So open for discussion; why do you think they act are allowed to act out like this? Do you think it’s right?
Disgraceful. You should see if you can make it go viral on the www! Serve them right. Teachers! Of what? Anti-social behavior. Haven't they seen "Anger Management"?
Druid Dude, you are right. They need somebody like Jack Nicholson to get on their ass! Some are just bored out of their minds and hate their jobs. I guess its due to lack of wages, I dont know. My two oldest are in highschool and they tell me that these things happen to them to. I told them to simply tell the teacher in a calm voice, "If you're having a bad day, please do not take it out on me." I also told them if they were to get sent to the Principals office because of this not to worry I will handle it.
Kids who are minors need to learn how to defend themselves from these types of teachers when their parents aren't around. As long as my children stay calm and say it politely they will not get in trouble from me.
It is not good to behave such a way in front students. But , I appreciate you for understanding the situation and raising the question of behavior of college teacher in a matured way.
Teaching ... is perhaps one of the most difficult tasks, any human can possibly assign himself or herself ...
Those you see shrieking, and yelling at their students ... do not know their subject ... hence, they have no right to be teachers, in the first place ...
I taught high-school for a year, but found the politics etc appalling. A deputy principal (woman) bullied staff and students alike - I saw her screaming at students and she did witch-hunts on teachers. She went on to become a principal. Ironically, she presented a bullying program.
A school snobby girls' private school that I got fired from (and wrote a hub called Fired for Being Too Honest) has recently settled out of court for a teacher assaulting another teacher (99% of the teachers were female, so it was mostly another female assaulting another female). There was a similar incident at another snobby girls school too.
I don't think your experience is typical. I think there are people that behave this way in any profession. Many people have difficulties dealing with stress and while it is not acceptable to scream in any environment, I would like to believe that you just caught him on a very bad day. I don't believe that any institution would tolerate that type of behavior from any professor if it was occurring on a regular basis. If it happens again you should speak to the administration.
no, it's not right nor acceptable. Speak up, let the administration know.
a teacher shows they care by respecting the classroom as a learning environment. screaming at students is losing control in my opinion. I would never respect any adult who screamed at me.
Teachers scream at students because they are afraid of their own teaching performance usually - it is an ego issue.
It may also have some connection with a phenomena I observed recently My partner was getting 'broody' and eager for a kid - within one week of starting teaching (7 to 10 year olds) all she wants now are recipes for boiled kid, baked kid and BBQ kid
It's never acceptable for another person to scream or yell at another. A teacher is a professional whom students look up to as examples and models of behaviour. If a teacher/professor turns to screaming and demeaning students to gain their attention or better performance, then that teacher is not capable of doing his/her job. It shows incompetency, lack of judgement and unprofessionalism. Personally, I would see to it that the dean be notified. If the professor is unionized, it will be impossible to have him/her fired. But, if the professor is not unionized, I'd go further to have him/her disciplined for their inability to teach without resulting to abusive behaviors.
It is not right to act such way in front of the students. It might make the students disrespect their teachers. Though we can't blame the teachers for they may not control their anger inside the classroom but they should act as mature one. It will never be right to scream your students.
I was a teacher, and it's possibly the hardest thing I have ever done. Standing in front of a class room of 12 year olds and controlling them is something you have to experience to fully understand. It's frustrating to say the least, but it's no reason to shout. If they see you lose your temper you've had it, they no your braking point and it's down hill from there.
First of all as far as I am concerned a great number of teachers, the majority of them deserve some kind of a medal. However, having said that there are those who are teaching who are not suited to the profession and those who stressed to the point that they are losing self control. I would definitely approach the administration but in order that they cannot hand you a glib, pat answer, such as "it shows he/she cares" (absolute bs) I would broach it from the point of view that you feel that the teacher/prof/instructor may need some professional support through the administration as they appear to be unable to function effectively, are given to irrational outbursts and are generally unable to control themselves such that they can carry out their duties and responsibilities effectively and professionally. Express genuine and sincere concern for the well-being of your instructor because it does indeed sound from the behaviors that they honestly do need some help.
You may also point out to the administration that in exchange for the tuition fees that you (or your parents) pay for you expect to receive a quality education from qualified, professional who is capable of conducting themselves accordingly.
Sometimes when a person is at the end of their rope they are so busy hanging on they don't notice which end of the rope they have in their hand and are therefore unaware of the negative effect their attitudes and behaviors are having on others.
And,when you do take it forward to the administration carry yourself in a dignified, sincere and professional manner because if you go in their whining your complaint will be easily and readily dismissed.
Teachers are just people. They aren't any different from anyone else. They're subject to the same frustrations and problems that everyone else is.
And in reality, you're probably at about the same level of maturity as most professors by the time you're midway through college. With that in mind, I don't think you should have been loitering outside of a classroom for no real reason, and the statement that you weren't louder than most people in the hallway isn't really a sound defense. Most colleges have lounge areas in which you can hang out and talk without being directly adjacent to classrooms. I don't feel either of you were right in this situation; the teacher for screaming and you + friends for being disrespectful. You really should have just relocated after he said something, imo.
As for the teacher yelling at someone for handing work in late, well that's completely unacceptable and lame. College isn't high school and intimidation like that is probably going to get him clocked in the face eventually.
I've never had any problems with teachers being disrespectful. The biggest issue I've had was with a teacher asking me why I handed a paper in because I was going to fail anyway (I never went to class.) I confronted her and pointed out that attendance was only 10% of your grade and that I didn't appreciate the way she talked to me. She wound up apologizing and I got an A in the class.
I'm a teacher, and I've seen a few instances of this, but not many. Screaming at a student is a sure sign that a teacher is burned out. If someone doesn't have the patience and self-control not to scream, then he or she has entered the wrong profession.
Thanks everybody for your comments. It's interesting for me to see the differences of opinion. I guess for the sake of argument I'll clarify some points. I wasn't just loitering for no reason. My class was in 5min in the same room I was sitting outside of. I mentioned that we weren't being loud because I have never had any teacher yell at us for talking before and I thought it was stupid of him to teach with the classroom door open if he wanted silence. If the door had been closed there would have been no way he could have heard us because we were talking normally. I am also more interested in why a college level teacher would scream at students because we Aren't little kids. The most you could accuse the majority of college age students of is laziness. We aren't shouting or throwing things or acting like little kids. I don't have a problem with teachers asking for silence during class if the students are actually being disruptive, but in some cases I think teachers should acknowledge that there is a benefit to asking questions of other students during class.
Students can be very trying at times but this does not give teachers an excuse to lose control and to shout and scream at their students, however much they might be tempted to when pushed to their limit. They should have more self-control and better classroom management skills otherwise they shouldn't be teaching if they can't control a class.
Because most teachers are leftists who cannot stand being challenged. Most cannot help but freak out and scream at the top of their lungs, insults flying, spit flinging, any time someone dares to question the viewpoint a Teacher has espoused from the mount.
Its a Lefty thing.
please, what a foolish answer to a serious question.
I agree with Aley. I am a teacher and most of them are very conservative politically.
If you're disgusted with the way that the college allows its teachers to treat students...
... then go to a different college.
Problem solved. Punish the school for its idiotic decisions.
I certainly don't condone teachers/professors losing control, but after raising three kids (now in their 20s,) boy -- do I understand it.
The world at large is growing impatient. It is a growing phenomenon all around the world. Road rages flare up for no reason at all. Patricide and matricide are the last resorts of a depraved mind but it is not so any more. We hear of all kinds of unbelievable revenge patterns that we had never known existed emerging from all corners of the world. It is not out context here, I think, that the Good Book says that when the end of the world as we know it is at hand, this will be one its manifestations.
So keep your peace and your own counsel and act diligently.
Just wait, it gets better out in the real world. You think a boss won't scream and yell? Even politicians do it and it is part of life. Don't make it right, but it is part of life anyway. Try being a marine recruit at Paris Island once.
I teach at the college level and have never heard of such rude behavior. I have had rude students who talked over ME but I never raise my voice to them.
What we have here is entitlement plain and simple. Respect needs to come from family of origin while we are growing up. This person clearly needs to retire, or leave the profession. Having worked in eleven states, I only have seen this behavior (in general) from people on the east coast. One only need drive into Boston or New York to know there are lots and lots of angry people who cannot control their anger!
Good luck.
Being from NY, that is true. However, that has cultural root to this behavior. You move up in your organizations by being aggressive. This manifests in all kinds of rude remarks and some insults, but, at the end of the day, there are no hard feelings.
This type of behavior is not acceptable in other places and not considered "normal." I'm not a classroom yeller, but I have lost composure a few times (certainly, not habitual). New teachers have a have a mentor when starting out. This doesn't always happen, but understanding the culture of your class makes meeting expectations much easier to achieve.
Teachers shouldn't yell at students. They should hit them quietly.
weird. I've never seen a teacher act like that. But I went to small schools, maybe there was a lot less stress or something. Teachers work pretty hard and long hours for crappy pay.
Being a teacher nowadays is not easy and sometimes we forget they are humans like us... they got problems and I hardly find such stressing job like being a teacher!
Sometimes students don´t help too...
Sometimes isolated cases happens.
Screaming, ranting and raving teaching staff? What amazingly good role models.
Like lrohner, I've raised boys and boy do they test ya patience at times *nods* but - I know the different between personal and professional. I never spoke to the kids I worked with the same as I did with my own children. Not once.
A few years ago, when a mature student on a degree course, a professor hauled me out of a tutorial, into the corridor and proceeded to rant and rave. I lasted about 30 seconds (I was a bit taken aback) then simply walked off, suggesting that she brought the issue back up when she was prepared to talk to me in a manner befitting both an adult and a professional.
As others have advised - address the issue. We all get angry, we all lose it on occasion - but that doesn't make it right.
People of all professionals lose control and act unprofessionally. We all lose our temper, but it is not okay to scream at someone else.
It would be desirable if those in leadership positions could remain in control and not out of control however America is set in a moral dilemma. Morality has declined in our society so the frustration felt by these people in leadership position extends and exist beyond the classroom. Road rage, domestic disputes, bias, and all the rest which has permeated this society with impatience, stress leading to daily frustration. Combine these elements with determining which moral compass needs to be followed only to not have such a choice creates an atmosphere just waiting to be ignited.
Frustration is running high can this be an indication why students who do not get the grade they should or rather expect lose it and people come up dead. Tolerating harassment from bullies in an atmosphere that is already strained with tension is a formula for a another Columbine.
Frustration at least in America should be dealt with nationwide and not relegated to one or two areas at least from my perspective.
Having been a non traditional college student, I would have never tolerated that behavior, I'd have gone to my adviser immediately and registered a complaint, if to no avail then to the dean of students and all the way to the president of the college if need be. There is no excuse for that behavior. Also as a non traditional student most professors were in my age group so I didn't call them anything but by their first names, after all they called me by my first name, so fair is fair. I never said "Dr. So and So" either. Frankly anyone who wants to be called 'doctor' is a pompous ass. Great post.
Tenure may have a lot to do with this problem. College profs should be giving so much information during class time that there should not have a lot of discipline problems. At least, that was my experience.
I am an elementary teacher and use that philosophy. The drawback is that some parents think that is too rigorous for children. Japanese students would cakewalk through American schools. Of course, I would never use that line.
It's always a sign of a bad teacher when they start screaming. They are not in contol and are the very one's that go off on health grounds , citing stress etc. They are often merely incompetent. They damage our children's education.
I can't explain why a few teachers yell and scream at students, but I can tell you that they have no business in the profession. Especially if the screaming is over academic performance. I taught for 27 years before becoming a school administrator and can tell you that those who behave this way are in a very small minority. Thank God! Obviously, an incident of screaming at a major discipline problem on a rare occasion at the high school level might be justified. However, many times the behavior problem is a result of being yelled at and treated with a lack of respect. Therefore, this tactic isn't likely to produce positive results. It is much better to remove the student from the situation, communicate rationally, and explain the inappropriateness of the behavior. If you want to be respected, then you have to show respect.
by ambersagen 14 years ago
Why do you think some teachers show a lack of self control?Specifically I am referring to a strange phenomenon I have seen in my college. That is teachers screaming at students.
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