Are some people truly dumb, or we not wise enough to understand them?

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  1. Sky9106 profile image68
    Sky9106posted 12 years ago

    I see the use of signs, which we as mankind is quite capable of , we use animals to that advantage and show all the necessary patience and love to bring them to that state that we feel they are capable of. But when  it comes to humans as ourselves,,who we feel have missed that norm. He is so quickly condemned to being dumb! Are we missing something here. Have you used this word before , without truly thinking? Think again!


    1. NatalieSack profile image59
      NatalieSackposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I love this question!  I don't know the answer, but I love the question.

      1. Sky9106 profile image68
        Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        That is so so honorable of you! I am speechless, but not for long.Hmm. Well I will share my answer soon I hear what a few people have to say, but that's a promise.

    2. couturepopcafe profile image60
      couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Sky - I'm going to be completely candid with you, as I always am on the forums. If someone were to read your post the way you've written it, a less than tolerant or understanding person might say that you are really dumb because of the lack of correct grammer and sentence structure.

      If they were to look further, into the person behind the question, they might see a probing mind, one full of questions, a seeker of truth, someone who may be sensitive or perhaps does not use English as a native language. In the last case, that would make you quite smart, indeed.

      Many people don't look past the surface or the first few words of a stranger. I like to look at everything.

      1. Sky9106 profile image68
        Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        First thank you for whatever response you furnish , I don't get angry at people under any kind of disguise , so I speak only what I know to be truth and use other people's truth to grow as  a fellow human.
        I am quite aware that along the way I will meet the likes of every kind of human .Nothing surprising to me.
        I have a method that I use and maybe you can learn from that method.
        I another human does something that you do not like , but it's not being done to you. Just walk away because it's no sweat off your back, like you have the right to remain silent as apposed to say that which can easily be interpreted as negative.
        I don't have to read and spell for you , because you already knew your intent.
        So I would only say to you , if this makes no sense to you , or the English is bad, walk away fellow human. Walk away.
        I am sure there are places or people who will easily accommodate your superior English masterpieces.

        Give thanks fellow human.

        1. couturepopcafe profile image60
          couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          You may have misunderstood me. I was merely pointing out that everyone's view is different and based upon their own experience. This makes them neither right nor wrong. I can certainly agree with your perspective.

          1. Sky9106 profile image68
            Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            If I did misunderstand you. Even as my most honest feeling will always have me go against myself , and give the benefit  to the one on the other end.
            For this you must have my most sincere and humble apology!
            I have heard of and now seen the reality of this forum, and I do have another scenario playing out in my head, from a long time ago long before this thread, this thread brings it all together nicely.
            But I know for a fact, that there are some great people on the site and for this, I will always be civil in my assessment of the total forum.
            I also know quite a few, in whose presence; you could easily leave your life. Yes I have met some beautiful people.
            In my eyes great people are God fearing people, they are great parents, they are sympathetic to others, they are considerate, and they believe what goes around will have to again come around. They know for sure, that they must do onto others as you will have them do to you and yours. Because the sins of the parents.
            They don’t have forked tongue; they are examples in life.  They say what the mean and mean what they say.

            Some of these people I encountered today take a look for yourself, they almost work their trick to perfection, but you have to look carefully, the function like a pack. Look again! See the proof for yourself.
            They know in their hearts , what they are doing and  the reasons they are, is not for being any kind of example for youngsters, or the new members they are very selfish and their sad appearance did not start with me, and this thread, it started way before I came me , and that's  the reason I ask this question a few days before , this post .
            the question was “What is the best advise you will give to someone who wants to join here ?
            They were not there because they have none to give but here they are hunting blood for what purpose!
            Let their best work speak, I will tell you why, and in simple terms.
            If I wrote  cryptic as one puts it but I don’t understand , another threatened to go tell big brother false rumors. I said look at what we did to some of the best people this world will ever know!
            I always say I in great company.
            But on here that foolish high for a moment, that they receive from their cheap bigotry and lack of human decency, causes them to disrespect, everyone including themselves.
            I won’t say all that I have observed, look at the places these folks conveniently shows up .
            Would they ever travel, and to where, and why?
            There world is a large place no part of it should tolerate, those who cannot live and let live. Remember the who is who goes to places where
            They don’t know a word of the language to get the best the world has. On here it’s free so they can afford it. Like I say I am not the first, but the first who will never heed to any such pack like behavior. Not on their way to heaven.
            Thanks for listening.
            God bless.

            1. WD Curry 111 profile image58
              WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Here is another hub. Copy it and publish it tomorrow. The program will miss it unless some stool pigeon drops the dime.

              1. Pcunix profile image84
                Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                He better put it in the poetry section if he does.  Otherwise it would be instantly flagged as low quality.  It is mostly unintelligible.

                1. WD Curry 111 profile image58
                  WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Have you been drinking, or are you always an ignorant ass?

                2. WD Curry 111 profile image58
                  WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Stool pigeon, Yankee tourist. What's up with you, did you run out of Viagra?

          2. Sky9106 profile image68
            Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this


            Take a look at this I you can come out of you grammar blindness, and see if my neighbor , a few steps away looks as if he needs your GRAMMAR!

            Or corrections that you can give .

    3. profile image0
      Website Examinerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      There is no reason to label people "dumb" too quickly; some people have a twisted logic, which it is worthwhile to try to understand. Dumb is not the same as foolish, inarticulate, or uncultivated.

      1. Sky9106 profile image68
        Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        we---Whatever word sounds better to you is the one that you are most likely going to use. Logic is the simplest form of the truth. But though it should be the same and the easiest to understand , it's not because many speak different languages . The wise and truly intelligent ones find way to bridge , but of course you can see for your own self , that some humans have that twisted.
        We make dogs to understand our way . But with your own human brother you find ways to show yourself as more intelligent , brighter , but look at the place where you do this! Not in court , not in congress ,but on a forum where no one is hurting you ,or even troubling you.
        Every man have a right to decide his own destiny. It's not anyone's place to degrade , we knew who those were long before , can you feel the same redundancy and know from whom it comes. We must all face our truth.

        1. profile image0
          Website Examinerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I received your email asking me to inform you whether I work for HubPages. This is not the case. You have an interesting way to thank people for responding to your thread.

          1. Sky9106 profile image68
            Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Sorry if the way I responded seems interesting
            In a way that leans towards the wrong side, of what some of you believe is twisted logic and wrong, but I am now in that university and I did not come here to vent frustrations and rage, or to pick out who is wise and intelligent. I am not here to be the recipient of instructions from
            Anyone but the creators of HP as to what’s norm around here. My apologies, for trying to find out whether web examiner was related to HP I guess that was also twisted logic. I simply wanted to see if there were someone authorized on here to keep order and the peace, because it’s the second time I saw you around my post, I took you for an angel of light, seeing the first time you shed light on the question of voting up as opposed to not voting. So now I know, and knowledge is power. You see the employees of any establishment that I frequent, are the ones who usually can offer the greatest help, because read over my question and watch, the response from the first two ladies, and observe what happens from there. But I have use for those, see one of the questions that I ask, what advice will you have for young hubber? Did you not ask why a person asks a question, that’s the same question you came and offered your blessed help, to a lady again? Don’t you people believe that others are watching you?
            Because I can pick out a wolf in sheep clothing quite easily and any day of the week. I leave the balance for you and them to decipher, Ladies are strong and they too can see, what some are trying to do around them.
            If this was republicans against Democrats I won't be a part, because in those situations, the adrenaline junkies win. I vote for whom I think is best, regardless of ethnicity, color, English major or Educational background.
            I was warned about those people, wolves in sheep clothing. So don't expect me bending down, saying beat me.
            When our background is in question, look over your shoulders and ask your parents. All from a different land.
            Is this what they can expect from me anytime they come with ulterior reasoning? No because once I know them I no longer respond, because:
            Like Bob Marley said: Dreddy got a job to do.
            This is not it fighting with these likes.
            Every type of people is on this forum, I have great eyes, and simply don’t respond to just anything, or anyone, but when I do is to help and share.
            I always know when they cross my path, and their intention. Yes you ARE you and I am me!
            I am not here to receive any one’s frustrations and whatever they have missed in live, whether the professor job that eluded them or the job that frustrates them.
            I know there are some honest people, just like the first two ladies that responded and I spoke to them as sincerely as I could, until the interruption.
            That's what this forum is about, but they can’t stop others from penetration, this forum helps many. There are people who were grumpy and disrespectful to everyone .throughout their lives, only to come on here and realize, the buck stops but because they are so hell bent on being evil at any cost. They put up barricades, only venturing out to launce sporadic attacks them retreat. But they are running out of time.
            “God still loves them.”
            If you live in a glass house, don’t throw stones, whose on top in coming on down. What goes around comes around.
            Let me remind you, that many are saying there is no God. Well if we came from apes the genes are still in some of us, but as for me and my house, we are going on the side of the Most High God!
            I can go on for ever because the question is still  a great one ,and I will use this encounter to further show the ignorance that exist here . What’s the difference if you will be attacked because a word may not be to someone else liking?
            Now you are actually telling the people who answered, that they are foolish for answering, well look at the news, Jesus came with, and who crucified him?
            A forum can only be a war zone if hatred and bigotry is allowed to fester and contaminate, none can bully me!
            That's why I thought you were a sign of order.
            I did not come here for abuse or money. I am here because I know there are some great people that may need help against some of those cruel ones that will be lurking.
            I said I know of people who lost their lives because of their color. And  I see what some are getting because they believe in God ,so am ready I cam ready, because the Bible had long warn against them. You shall be prosecuted for my name sake. See how unprovoked they are here. The difference is I am not afraid of any man! Not after what I saw them do to the likes of the other great men, who have walked this earth.
            I can only wonder who they were, those poor souls before me that were chastised and brutalized. But come I represent them.
            A force of one!

            Give Thanks.

            1. profile image0
              Website Examinerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I have responded to your concerns on the thread to which you are referring.


              1. Sky9106 profile image68
                Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Yes and with great pride the page has been quickly turned , and onto the next , it take great people to do these simple things because selfishness is not our intent. Knowledge is power.
                Give thanks and these are the things that I am looking to follow those who are examples to others.

              2. WD Curry 111 profile image58
                WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Have you made any money at it?

                1. profile image0
                  Website Examinerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  I believe that 2 people - out of the hundreds of projects I have been involved in - ordered Website Quality Reports, paying about $60 each in fees. The rest has been pro bono. But of course, getting known around the site has helped with getting editing and critique clients among fiction writers.

                  1. WD Curry 111 profile image58
                    WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Thanks. I wondered. It has been a valuable experience for me. I am learning how it all works, and it will help me with my other endeavors. I can see how someone could do well with the right approach. I have a long way to go from here, but like i said, it is already paying off in other areas.

                2. Sky9106 profile image68
                  Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Not a nickel; and same as I said , let the truth be told and the money must come ,  you did not believe me?

                  Well I see no reason to tell lies at this stage of my life. Why do you think I laughed at your $7 . When you said clear. lol.
                  My books will yield the money this is the truthful practice run and I am super grateful. Start by thanking you WD. I have learned a lot from you , .Give Thanks.
                  They say when you go to Rome you must do as the Romans do ! I say when I go to Rome I am hoping to teach the Romans , a thing or two. I stole it from my soon to be published book.

                  1. WD Curry 111 profile image58
                    WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    These threads can be confusing. I tacked this on to the Website Examiner's post. I was wondering how well that person has done riding the crest of this gig. Like you, I have other irons in the fire. I was just wondering how well the truly dedicated and savvy make out.

                3. Sky9106 profile image68
                  Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Don't ever forget this is not for money. Because at it could mean ? you be the judge . Also remember no one believed Columbus , but look how many of you are reaping the benefits .
                  An English word is an English word . Now one can fool me with it's use. I am an adult. so watch your words . Is any geniuses on here? What will they do laugh at the ones who are laughing at themselves? So when I get too wise for anyplace I will move on . Won't you?

    4. Pcunix profile image84
      Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have no idea what you are trying to ask.  Are you aking why we are  sometimes more  kind to animals than humans?

      1. Sky9106 profile image68
        Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        There are some people that  are unable to speak and handed down long before many if not all of us were born , have been given a label , like in a name for what they are suffering with or from. I have watched in some instances , where with the use of different methods of approach , a drastic turn around. Just like sicknesses and drugs that work and don't  work.
        There is a terminology used even in Biblical days , referring to people as mute and or dumb hence my question.
        Using the dumbness even with lets go back the before they were domesticated. Hope you understand that I am not trying to ask a question I asked it in the best way that came to me . Don't take this anyway different, I am not in anyone's school here , so if the grammar  or spelling is not up to anyone's standard, it's easy top pass it up. I know millionairess that can't even read.
        Give thanks for you particular blessings and use it for the greater good.

        1. Pcunix profile image84
          Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I give up.

          1. Sky9106 profile image68
            Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            There are some people that live , and knows the reason they live . I don't have to give up at anything because life is not the same as in their classroom. I do hopew you speak all the languages of the world , because there are more coming , I know you are not going. It only makes me wonder because you and yours came too. I wonder whop you gave up on before . So I will check you out and do what comes naturally , you live for all the wrong reasons.
            Because here is one you cannot intimidate , find what you NEED, NOT WHAT YOU GO AROUND WANTING, THAT' YOUR FOOLISH FANTASY.

            1. Pcunix profile image84
              Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Whatever that means..

              I'm not trying to intimidate you.

              I don't know whether your issue is that English is your second language or you are just naturally confusing, but I can't tell if  you were trying to insult me, warn me, chastise me or give me stock tips.   

              Whatever the issue is, I'll tell you this:  if you write your hubs like that, I'd flag them for "low quality" instantly and so would most who care about HubPages reputation as a community of good writers.

              1. Sky9106 profile image68
                Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Sometimes it's better to put your title at the top ,lol I can't blow smoke it's all truth full and I must remember  that things don't always be what they appear.
                Like objects in the mirror may not be as they appear, because your eyes may actually be in bad shape , image a car manufacturer saying this to you. Ever think what that warning is for?

                English is everyone's second language . I told you that you are look in the rear view mirror. Because till now I have not mentioned a religion. While you are mentioning it. What are you seeing sir?
                And why would you want to do something like that if you can't understand it?

                So you see how evil have to be rebuked.
                So I can't follow you , because your intent is not walking a good path, can't you walk away ? If the shoes do not fit acquit

                Flagging me for selfish reasons , would be a flag on you Sir. Something is only offensive when you allow it to offend you.
                I have seen the denial of the most High God on here , have you thought about flagging it ?
                I know you saw it also! You deny God I am a piece of cake , but a fearless piece. Learned it from a child!
                You may need to rethink your strategy , I have my reasons for answering.There are many things people can visit how pages for and you had better be honest wy you are trying to denounce something you don't understand. Others are reading  sir!

                1. Pcunix profile image84
                  Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Low quality posts hurt HubPages and this hurt all of us.  I flag low quality when I see it.

                  1. WD Curry 111 profile image58
                    WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Sky9106 is low quality? Don't advertise your ignorance. You live in Babylon, mon. We dig his heart, and Carribean Communication down here. Can't you see the tongues of fire from his head? He can tighten up at will, you don't grasp.

                    I and I be much blessed by I and I's visiting, him always bring sunshine, unless you need rain. Much respect.

                    It is not low quality that is bothering you. You have an inordinate need to be the adversary of another's religion. You take it personally when an innocent man expresses himself in terms that he always uses. It is part of who he is. Why are you threatened?There are people who "Priase the Most High God" with their waking breath. You do not figure into their equation, "Get over it."

              2. couturepopcafe profile image60
                couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Pc  - Don't waste your breath. Most of his stuff is poetry so he can get away with almost anything. The 2 or 3 other hubs that are not poetry are some sort of creative writing riddled with poor sentence structure, incorrect spelling and run on of the mouth. Ironically, his speech pattern in those few hubs is much better than it is here in the forum proving him a huge phoney.

                1. Sky9106 profile image68
                  Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  And with that I thank you. For taking your precious time to go through all of them , and come up with so much ill , but I know the beauty of reverse ! I can't spell it , help a fellow human . Capable ?

                  So would you now please  give  the  time and  the honor of letting me know where and  what apart from HP is this  brilliant description of yourself to mankind  , so that I will visit and see what separates you from so many of us , making sure you are not harboring  any residual feelings of yesteryear .

                  Because that's long passed although the heart of man , especially after he has been shown the consequences. of his actions. Please don't poison the minds of the youths. It's not a great example.

                  I have met the best there are of you, and they all said,  they stressed on first respect you fellow man .

                  You are riding in the human boat. You are travelling over the human bridge, it will be wise not to dam that bridge.

                  In trying to make yourself better , you are going opposite, with one ordnance. Don't you think?

                  I will still offer my hand when your car crashes and I am the one in the other car, even when I know you had for no reason try your utmost to to trouble a sleeping giant, because as I said . Watch out! Things fall apart.
                  "I MET THE BEST OF YOU "

                  1. couturepopcafe profile image60
                    couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    My Dear Sir: Now, instruction in Union. Union is restraining the thought streams to the mind. Then the seer dwells in his own nature. Otherwise he is of the same form as the thought streams which are five-fold - right knowledge, wrong knowledge, fancy, sleep and memory.

                    Right Knowledge is inference, tradition and genuine cognition.
                    Wrong Knowledge is false, illusory, erroneous beliefs or notions.
                    Fancy is following after word knowledge empty of substance.
                    Deep sleep is the modification of the mind which has for its substratum nothingness.
                    Memory is not allowing mental impressions to escape.

                    These thought streams are controlled by practice and non-attachment. Practice is the effort to secure steadiness. This practice becomes well-grounded when continued with reverent devotion and without interruption over a long period of time. Desirelessness towards the seen and the unseen gives the consciousness of mastery. This is signified by an indifference to the three attributes, due to knowledge of the indweller. Cognitive meditation is accompanied by reasoning, discrimination, bliss and the sense of 'I am'.

                    There is another meditation which is attained by the practice of alert mental suspension until only subtle impressions remain. For those beings who are formless and for those beings who are merged in unitive consciousness, the world is the cause. For others, clarity is preceded by faith, energy, memory, and equalminded contemplation. Equalminded contemplation is nearest to those whose desire is most ardent.

                    From the repetition of Om introspection is gained and the disappearance of obstacles. Disease, inertia, doubt, lack of enthusiasm, laziness, sensuality, mind-wandering, missing the point, instability - these distractions of the mind are the obstacles.

                    Pain, despair, nervousness, and disordered inspiration and expiration are co-existentant with these obstacles. The mastery of one in Union extends from the finest atomic particle to the greatest infinity. When the agitations of the mind are under control, the mind becomes like a transparent crystal and has the power of becoming whatever form is presented - knower, act of knowing, or what is known.

                    When the memory is purified and the mind shines forths as the object alone, it is called non-argumentative. The wisdom obtained in the higher states of consciousness is different from that obtained by inference and testimony as it refers to particulars. The habitual pattern of thought stands in the way of other impressions. With the suppression of even that through the suspension of all modifications of mind, contemplation without seed is attained.

                    Hope that helps.

                2. Pcunix profile image84
                  Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Or a spinner..  or plagiarist.. or two authors..

                  1. Insane Mundane profile image57
                    Insane Mundaneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    A spinner is more obvious, and plagiarism is detectable, but yeah, it could be two authors.  On a change of subject, I just read one of the hubs from one of his homeboys, that was comparing nicotine to cocaine, so the dumb factor is still not out of the realm of possibility; ha-ha!

          2. uncorrectedvision profile image61
            uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Go buy a lottery ticket today - I agree with you.  I am sorely confused.

            1. Sky9106 profile image68
              Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              So long as what you are saying is your truth, when your ship is sinking , you follow the instructions of the captain, because he is in charge. If no one was around you will ask anyone you see. This is on you, respect begets respect.our truth , because what are you saying it that those who understands are ? You say not me.
              God is great.

              Take the beam out of your eyes.

      2. Sky9106 profile image68
        Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Be ye not deceived god is not mocked , as a man sow so shall he reap. If that's your truth so be it!

      3. A Troubled Man profile image58
        A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this


    5. Philanthropy2012 profile image82
      Philanthropy2012posted 12 years agoin reply to this


      There are 11 intelligences, as soon as you lack in one of them compared to the average of the rest of humanity, you may be labelled dumb in that area. This lack in one of these intelligences can be apparent immediately, or may take a little to realise, but not long.

      As for animals, animals are stupid. I don't know anyone who would tell you that compared to a human, animals are not stupid. Cognitively speaking, they're just not up to it. As a direct result, they are treated differently, worse, they are treated 'like animals'.

      In short, animals are stupid and humans can be too. Being stupid in an area doesn't mean you're worthless, as long as you're satisfactory in 1 of the 11 you are likely to find a purpose in your life. If you lack in all of them, you are truly less of a human being than the others and are naturally going to be treated as less of one, this is sad, but intelligence is what makes us human.

      In extra short, we don't look down upon Stephen Hawking because he's "too dumb" to score a home run, and we don't say Wagner is an idiot because he couldn't do algebra.

      1. profile image0
        Website Examinerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Interesting post!

        1. Philanthropy2012 profile image82
          Philanthropy2012posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks smile

          1. WD Curry 111 profile image58
            WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            What are the 11 intelligences, I can only think of three.

            1. uncorrectedvision profile image61
              uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              The 11 intelligences derive from a theory by Howard Garner that human intelligence is demonstrated in various ways.  Babe Ruth or Walter Payton demonstrate body/ kinesthtic intelligence while Albert Einstein or Benoit Mandelbrott demonstrate logical/mathematical intellignece and Leonardo or Man-Ray demonstrate visual/spatial intelligence.

     … elligences

              1. WD Curry 111 profile image58
                WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                I wasn't talking to you. Go back to sleep.

                1. uncorrectedvision profile image61
                  uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Forums are public, send him a private message.  You will find that the information contained within my response is correct.  My you are snotty, perhaps a little pistol enhanced potty training would have helped.

                  1. WD Curry 111 profile image58
                    WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    I'll have to break it down for you again. You missed the point. Philanthropy2012 got it.

                    I am Impressed with your command of the search engine.

                    Snotty? Are you really a woman? Men don't say snotty around here.

                2. Sky9106 profile image68
                  Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Until the color of a man skin , is of no more significance than  the color of his eye, it's war! Until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all, without regards to race. Until the day, the dream of lasting peace , world citizenship, and the rule of international morality would remain in but a fleeting illusion to be pursued , but never attained.
                  See for yourself , it slept but, this has opened my eye to the point where i shall not again close . So I stand ready for the English that you and that I have. 

            2. Philanthropy2012 profile image82
              Philanthropy2012posted 12 years agoin reply to this


              1. uncorrectedvision profile image61
                uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                It is fun to try to write a lesson in US History that can address as many of Gardner's Multiple Intelligences as possible.  Did I say fun, I meant damn near impossible.

      2. Sky9106 profile image68
        Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Now I thank you philanthropy.  A much needed and "brilliant answer" a show of maturity and ability. One that others can learn from. Because I know it's a simple question and I am extremely proud to use this my voice to say to even if I already knew this of you from the past, you have always stood out, with strength and bravery.
        I have already placed you, where you belong in my mind, and  on this stage , in this arena .
        I am equally glad to say the proof in the pump. Those past and brief conversations we exchanged after I say your performance, was all this I needed for it to hold true, to this day!
                                      " THIS IS SIMPLY WHAT YOU DESERVE"
        You already know what I am speaking of , your knowledge and ability puts you in a class, I am tempted to say , a class by itself,  but true  knowledge must be shared. It is incapable of being selfish, even if the won't allow this.
        All knowledge is designed to be shared, hence the jot of learning.
        All I , or anyone who has a question or query will is compelled to do
        is ask is a question . We hope that the combined knowledge that does exist here , will let us experience that joy of learning , even at these older ages.
        On this site  people are only hoping someone wise will then say something truthful, but instead , look an example of  what you find I hope they are proud , when their children read in the future.
        Peoples answers should be the very reason one would ask someone to come join them on this site.

        But they are a certain type of people that are the brothers and sisters of negativity , they are the bullies in our schools and many more, but it's our actions that either encourage or detour them.
        Those selfish professors, looking to tear down instead of build up a class.
        I do appreciate you taking the time to join in and shed some, much needed light on this simple topic.
        I can live anywhere on this out because I won't ever closeout my mind! English Spanish, French whatever it is it's on my world I can live to understand it. Even if it's not to save my life and I am happy that you are one of those also. I expected this from you.
        BTW. Stephen Hawking is also one of my favorite
        Intelligence is incapable of mankind a foolish statement. It's like the sea you drink the water it's all going to be salty.
        I will son do a topic on that.
        Let not the above words ever to appear redundant, what comes to my mind I obey.
        Now I truly love what you said. That it's our same intelligence that makes us human, that is so true, and exactly what I believe.
        I went in to my memories of my days growing up . There were people with dementia, inability to speak, to hear and some have eyes but cannot see.
        My mind went directly to the ones that we had always known as dumb, based on their inability
        to speak.
        Now that was forty something years ago. Some of then stayed with their families and some went to others places, but the understanding was never a good chance at life, These people never left my mind throughout my life , I don't know if it was human compassion or my ability to think outside the box.
        With the advancement in human abilities all across the board, I felt and I still believe there are lots of very intelligent people here, or I would not have stayed this long. My life goes according to the move I make when I converse , with others is must involve what I have done lately, and the latest in quite a colorful lifestyle is Hub Pages. 
        I am now surprised of the reactions here, because I have quite some great names to lean on, when looking of large gatherings.
        So I am extremely glad that you can take it upon yourself to represent this community in quite a positive manner. This is not for me, this is for the world, these are the answers the rest of the world should expect from this community, so you have represented it well and your knowledge and human spirit will go a long way in representation. Long after you are gone.
        A selfish lifestyle leads to a lonely future if any at all.
        I also thank you for mentioning those eleven intelligence's I had no prior idea.
        I will end by saying I am glad you easily understand the question, and that I long ago knew of your abilities.
        These are the stories I will have as part of my conversations which have in the past led me
        to be in the company of those that are considered  a magnet for the news , so I have been there done that.
        I know you will easily understand what I am saying here.


    6. uncorrectedvision profile image61
      uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      To address what I can discern is the core of what you ask, have I ever called some one dumb because he wasn't as well educated or as intellectually gifted as others - no, never.  If I ever use the word dumb it is usually aimed at myself - as in, "Wow, that was dumb."  After reaching out to grab the falling, blazing hot iron only to yank my hand out of the way in the nick of time.

      If I have ever used dumb to describe another person it would be as I would apply it to myself if I did the same thing.

      1. couturepopcafe profile image60
        couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        That's kind of how I use it, too. Personally, I think this guy's been smoking a little too much of the Jamaican.

        1. Sky9106 profile image68
          Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this
    7. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The greatest part of this for me is that broken grammar and all everyone some understood in their own way and now that you have that you meaning . The ones who we will never put in charge of anything that has to do with the rest of the world , because you can now score for yourself ,how you have done.
      The Bible says: in the book of  John 8:7 and it's so strange to me how that old Bible knew all of you, so lone before, it seems you even know your own selves. It says:
      "When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her"

      May the best english speaking , language worrying, gramatically and politically correct , the one who are mistake and error free.

      Step forward and make yourself known. You diod not say it here all you did was show bring attention to something, and that's fine with me , but some of you went on like your feet don't touch the same Dirty ground as mine. And I do hope that from this day on you do all the correct things , starting by always washing you hands at all times.
      You would know what I am speaking of . because in the same Bible in

      Mathew 7:5 ity says:You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

      And again in Luke 12:1 it says: One who, like a stage-player, feigns to be what he is not. The epithet is generally applied to those who assume the appearance of virtue or piety, without possessing the reality. Our Savior accused the Pharisees of hypocrisy,

      Oh yee that plays games and choose your spots . But like your own Shakespeare  says in as you like it I believe, thank the most High I don't have to read him anymore as a Must.
      He said:: All the worlds a stage ! If this is your greatest act- your part's a sad one!

  2. Shanna11 profile image72
    Shanna11posted 12 years ago

    I too like that question...

    Reminds me, for some reason, of all the 'deep' philosophical discussions I see on here. Most of the time I can't follow them beyond the first few words. Maybe I'm just a dumb blonde, or maybe they're all just babbling on without any real comprehension themselves and everyone else plays along because they don't want to feel dumb either!

    1. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Nooooo! No wonder it took so long for me to get any response from this ,wherein I thought they would swallow , and the truth these are two of the most sincere answer I have got since being on hub pages. That is great .

      I sincerely thank you both, Awesome., looking forward to some answers still.

      1. Sky9106 profile image68
        Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Oh and you had me laughing.

    2. seanorjohn profile image71
      seanorjohnposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Shanna, are you serious? Can you honestly make sense of this question?

      1. Sky9106 profile image68
        Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I can help you with that , if you need seanorjohn. It's not difficult at all.


      2. Shanna11 profile image72
        Shanna11posted 12 years agoin reply to this


        I'm pretending I do. It's making me look all wise and smart, right?
        You're feeling intimidated by the fact that I understood it and you didn't. Don't deny it. wink

        1. Sky9106 profile image68
          Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          What is hard to understand , you make yourself or the animals that you love understand you, you have poisonous snakes , chimps lions, tigers, and you find a ways  to , understand everything about them.
          Life is simple , they turn around in some instances and kill the hands that feeds them.
          I asked them if it's because the people we call dumb or other politically correct terminologies , are they really or are we?
          What's difficult for them to understand.
          Then they are the same ones who goes on a tourist trip , comes back and say so many beautiful things ,while they understood nothing.
          That's how they limit themselves in this life , if it's not in the color they train themselves to see , they become blind.

        2. WD Curry 111 profile image58
          WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          This ally was successfully recruited. There is safety in numbers.

          1. Sky9106 profile image68
            Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this


            1. WD Curry 111 profile image58
              WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Pack mule from Columbia with the red bud. Nice Indigenous people with a green thumb. Perfectly graded. Crypie can't compete. The war on drugs put it in the hand of the cartels. They killed the "Indians" and took over the operation. Now it is called schwag. You can sell it in Boston all day long while the cops are playing poker.

              We could have killed them all, in the day, but we didn't think to. It wasn't what we were in to. We just went to other sources. My bad! Those Indigenous people were righteous. Sometimes, you don't know who you are messing with. We should have stuck up for the farmers. I wish we had taught those boys a lesson. I have known a couple of Rastas who gave in to the devil as well.

              Maybe you have more sense. Still. You see what I mean. We are dealing with the uninitiated. See! I need allies, too.

              1. couturepopcafe profile image60
                couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Probably because you were too stoned. Trying to be all cryptic.

      3. WD Curry 111 profile image58
        WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        This is a classic case of "allies" forming a buffer against a stranger. It stems from a root of fear.

        1. Pcunix profile image84
          Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this


          Try bafflement.   If you are so gifted, you tell me what wisdom this person is trying to impart and why I should not be insulted by his apparent attitudes toward my unwillingness to embrace his/her religion?

          1. WD Curry 111 profile image58
            WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            It is too long of a haul. I am too wise to attempt it.

          2. couturepopcafe profile image60
            couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this


        2. Sky9106 profile image68
          Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          It is deeply tooted , not a stranger to life, now see why the Most High is also the Most powerful.
          Observe AND IT'S you DOO!

          1. WD Curry 111 profile image58
            WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I was a dead man walking, man. I only got dry bones, but someone breathed on them. Juicy,now!

    3. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 12 years agoin reply to this


      Oh yes, it's everyone else. Couldn't be you.

      1. Shanna11 profile image72
        Shanna11posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        No, I'm pretty sure it's me.

        1. profile image0
          Deborah Sextonposted 12 years agoin reply to this


          Well, at least you're attractive smile

          1. WD Curry 111 profile image58
            WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Or, at least the avatar is.

            1. Shanna11 profile image72
              Shanna11posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              smile I'll let you in on a secret.

              That actually IS a picture of me. It was one of my senior portraits.

              1. Philanthropy2012 profile image82
                Philanthropy2012posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                I think he was making a reference to how Avatars/Facebook profile pictures tend to be a lot nicer than what they took pictures of, cheeky Curry!

                1. Shanna11 profile image72
                  Shanna11posted 12 years agoin reply to this


                  I'm going to go crawl under my bed and cry amongst the dust bunnies.

                  1. WD Curry 111 profile image58
                    WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Don't be a hater! How do I know you aren't a male convict in the library at the Florida Correctional Facility at Rayford?

            2. profile image0
              Deborah Sextonposted 12 years agoin reply to this


              A lot of us use our real pictures.

              Is that you? big_smile

              1. WD Curry 111 profile image58
                WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Hey, this IS a picture of me. I look even better, now. cool

                1. profile image0
                  Deborah Sextonposted 12 years agoin reply to this


                  Not to sound blond or anything but, seriously?

                  1. WD Curry 111 profile image58
                    WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    I am being serious.

                    See, I was all about defending freedom, socking the bad guy in the mouth, protecting the helpless, foiling the shady politician who knows the train is coming through soon, shooting bank robbers, swooping the prettiest girl in town up behind me on my galloping steed and riding into the sunset singing a song.

                    Besides, my wife won't let me put up the picture where I really do look good and still had muscles. That was only twenty years ago.

    4. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It is easier to break down or to build up , everyone's answer lies in what they know from  this day , that they will be intelligent enough to say on their way out. Being intelling don't count if only you know it. All of life's most intelligent notables are  tring to figure out something , much greater than trying to shoot tdown another human .

      1. couturepopcafe profile image60
        couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Who feels it knows it, right?

        1. Sky9106 profile image68
          Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Same answer to you , probably read it already.

          Only thing I see missing in u all, IS LOVE. BUT GOD LOVES YOU!

          1. couturepopcafe profile image60
            couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Austerity, the study of sacred tests and the dedication of action to God constitute the discipline of Mystic Union. This discipline is practised for the purpose of acquiring fixity of mind on the one, free from all impurities and agitations, and for attenuating afflictions. The five afflictions are ignorance, egoism, attachment, aversion, and the desire to cling to life.

            Ignorance is the breeding place for all the others whether they are dormant or attneuated, partially overcome or fully operative. Ignorance is taking the non-eternal for the eternal, the impure for the pure, evil for good and non-self as self.

            Egoism is the identification of the power that knows with the instruments of knowing. Attachment is the magnetic pattern which clusters in pleasure and pulls one towards such experience. Aversion is the magnetic pattern which clusters in misery and pushes one from such experience. Flowing by its own energy, extablished even in the wise and in the foolish, is the unending desire for life.

            The impressions of works have their roots in afflictions and arise as experiene in the present and future birts. When the root exists, its fruition is birth, life and experience. They have pleasure or pain as their fruit, according as their cause be virtue or vice. The grief which has not yet come may be avoided. The cause of the avoidable is the superimposition of the external world onto the unseen world.

            The indweller is pure consciousness only, which though pure, sees through the mind and is identified by ego as being only the mind. The very existence of the seen is for the sake of the seer and creation remains the common experience for all.

            The association of the seer with creation is for the distince recognition of the objective world, as well as for the recognition of the distinct nature of the seer. Liberation is the result of dissassociatin of the seer and the seen.

            We are all guilty by association. We are all hopeful. We are all worthy. We are all love.

            1. rasta1 profile image71
              rasta1posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              This information must have been spiritually revealed.

              1. couturepopcafe profile image60
                couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Perhaps. It's from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, The Threads of Union translated by BonGiovanni.

  3. Pcunix profile image84
    Pcunixposted 12 years ago

    Oh, I see:  it's a *religious* post.

    Makes so much more sense now.

    1. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      See I already knew that you were not serious , for your personal reasons ,and that's not fair to others , because lies are going to be here , but when others are sincere , they must not be toyed with , our beliefs is what protects us Some love to set fire and call the fire truck, They are called arsonists.
      I don't call people outside their names, but liars , have to be flushed out , it's a weapon of the forces of evil, so I Rebuke it with the strongest force mankind can ever think about, that's our source whether we like it or not.

      1. Pcunix profile image84
        Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        So now, in addition to thinking I'm evil because I don't buy into your religious beliefs, you are calling me a "liar".  For what, I can't tell, because your inability to communicate masks that.

        How righteous you obviously feel!  That is clear, if nothing else is.  Good for you!

        1. Sky9106 profile image68
          Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          From what I see you are now saying I think we have nothing more to say will be great for both of us , because two wrongs don't make a right . If you don't speak truth , then you are a liar not to me but to yourself. I wish you well .
          You said that you don't understand what I am trying to say . Then if others do , and you don't my human duty is to make you understand the best I can. When I try  you said you give up. What seems a little fishy here.?
          But now you wish to continue if I will feed into your other interpretations of religion etc.
          With human respect I say good luck on this road you choose to travel and The Most High God is waiting to bathe you with clarity.
          I know better than fighting with anyone over their chosen way of life.
          Bless you brother.

          1. Pcunix profile image84
            Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Nobody understands you.   This post is the closest you have come to being intelligible.

            Here's a truth for you:  there's no god anywhere.  If you want to believe otherwise, I don't have a problem with that, but you seem to have a big issue with my lack of belief.

            Why does that threaten you so much?

            1. Shanna11 profile image72
              Shanna11posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Pcunix-- I'm honestly a bit confused at why you're still here. This whole thing just kind of reminds me of an adult picking at a kid. You already know you aren't going to make much sense out of what is ultimately said. What more is there to glean from this argument?

              1. Pcunix profile image84
                Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Are we arguing?

                I'm just objecting to being seen as an evil liar because I don't share his religion.  It's disgusting.

                1. Shanna11 profile image72
                  Shanna11posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  I wouldn't be insulted by that--I don't feel threatened or insulted when kids call me names. They're just kids. Things don't always add up for them.

                  Also, I knew you were going to question my use of the word arguing. I was too lazy to think of a better word.

                  1. Pcunix profile image84
                    Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Are you saying this is a child?  His profile doesn't indicate that.

                2. Sky9106 profile image68
                  Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  But I do understand why he will because my truth goes after the mind our my kind mankind . So I always ask God the one in which I believe . Not a religion . I will never knowingly use any derogatory remarks to anyone to make myself look good I am a man who has long grown pass that stage . Too much in love with good and meaningful things.
                  My simple question , I know you understood it , and I know I cannot be , well let me say should not be a persons intent just to conjure up ill will and trouble ,especially on such a serious topic.
                  So many people have gotten their lives ignorantly snuffed out f them. By misdiagnosis, this was meant to spread some individual awareness, by asking , if your kid was born without the ability to speak, where would you mind be , with only the diagnosis or maybe little faith.
                  I don't need to show the world that I can read and write English, I will want to show mankind that we are truly one and a language can be no barrier when one understands his/her life.
                  This is for you Shanna11.
                  They say when you go to Rome you must do as the Romans do ! I say when I go to Rome I am hoping to teach the Romans , a thing or two. I stole it from my soon to be published book.

                  Give thanks and stay strong. Till we write again.

                  1. Pcunix profile image84
                    Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    You say you won't knowingly be derogatory, and yet you have been.

                    Is this "soon to be published" book written in English?  Good luck with that.

              2. uncorrectedvision profile image61
                uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                You made a fair point.

            2. Sky9106 profile image68
              Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Because I am a realist , you play with fire you will get bunt., and this is the worst fire, and this is not even  a joke . I beseech you don't play with the Most High God. This is where you buck will stop
              I told you don't , I don't know you , but I can tell you don't play around with God.
              Ask God to forgive you this day my human brother.

              1. Pcunix profile image84
                Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                There are no gods. Not your god nor any other.  If you want to pretend that there are, I have no general objection.

                1. TLMinut profile image60
                  TLMinutposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  There is. Your lack of experience doesn't prove a lack in reality.

                  Other than that, you're obviously right in saying the OP made no real sense, it's a confused babble of strange English. Some of it is understandable but I'd certainly not bet money on knowing what he's actually asking. I think he's asking if some people are really dumb or just different.

                  My answer is, Yes, obviously some people are "dumb", lacking intelligence. There are also times when we don't understand the thinking of someone who is radically different from us. I know someone who wants to learn all things on his own -- basically to re-invent the wheel -- so that his thinking isn't influenced or corrupted by other's ideas. Hard way to live a life.

                  Animals may not be inherently "dumb" but there's as much variety in them as there are in people.

                  1. WD Curry 111 profile image58
                    WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Here is this "ally gathering" behavior again. I reiterate. It is the product of fear. You have been here for two years and have but thirty some followers, and a half dozen rather weak hubs. The one . . . "So, you are a New Christian. What do You do now" was funny! I suppose they should follow you here and follow your lead. You are seeking reassurance, when you know you haven't produced.

                    Sky9106 has done 200 hubs and then some. If you read them as poetry, they are flawless. Take a gander at a real poet . . . a real prophet, and a real man!

           … nt-7300231

                    This is number 200. Sky9106 . . . TAKE A BOW!

              2. A Troubled Man profile image58
                A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Fyi, a "realist" doesn't believe in gods. lol

                1. Sky9106 profile image68
                  Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  That is not because of what realist means to me , I am not here to be governed by words , I govern the words I choose am a big man I own those rights.
                  While you may wand gods , I need the "GOD"  the one that  have long settled that issue and now govern all the other gods you may think of..

                  Are you,  or  is anyone bothering about the first Ape , that is supposed to to be our greatest grandfathers?

                  The scientist that are makes their living off that belief , and I wish them well , they too have that individual right to survive.

                  Well I have skipped them a long time ago  . He can only take me so far , I need the source of that grandfather apes, and the big bang , and the source of the  materials for the big bang.

                  Does the scientist have it, would those lesser gods you require that I believe, have it ? The answer is no they are still searching.
                  All it takes is one event and everything changes. Man has always been stubborn, and their stubbornness leads to ?

                  So am actually past the haters , and found a solid need to be grateful and unselfish and don't wait to cty out to the GOD AFTER THE ACCIDENT.
                  Need to give thanks to the source m now,  and he is definitely  worth while dying for !

                  But you have the right . Ever seen the reaction , and the automatic word out a human's mouth when he got his first real fear instilled in one way or another?. I  always have always heard them saying "OH GOD!" especially from their children !
                  But in the book of Galatians 6:7 It says : Be yee not deceived God ios not mocked , as a man soweth so shall HE REAP!
                  LlIFE AND DEATH ARE LONELY OCCURRENCES! Think of the reasons the man in charge have restrictions on everything that you do? Why all these destructive forces that we fear including death. Well I am not afraid of death , I live for death .

                  1. A Troubled Man profile image58
                    A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Yes, you change the meaning of words to suit your agenda.

                    Scientists don't make their living based on your irrational beliefs.

                    Is there one believer on this forum who actually knows anything about science?

                    Religious beliefs.

                    Yes, millions have died and been slaughtered in the name of your god, all worthwhile, according to you.

        2. Sky9106 profile image68
          Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I think I still want you to think again about God , and don't limit your imagination, because of selfish reasons, open your mind . Why miss the boat and the trip  because you thought the captain was ?
          He is what he is and he won't be there if he was not capable .
          You never once what you don't believe , or what you do believe.
          See that's why New York is the world's capital , according to me.
          have multi millionaires friends , I have politician friends, In have Muslims m, Hindu bud dist,  everyone, and that's I hope you visit .

  4. WD Curry 111 profile image58
    WD Curry 111posted 12 years ago

    Brother Sky9106 - I see you are having some difficulty communicating with people of limited experience in true communication. Very few are fluent in cryptic. Their travels have not taken them to where your English is perfect. The dialects, pace, attitude, and mindset of the West Indies is strange to them. They are caught on a short wavelength of kinetic energy and can't catch your low impedance drift.

    Many have responded in exactly the way that the question is wondering about. They followed the signs that you left on the trail. They couldn't follow the scent in the stream, and they doubled back on themselves. I know you are tough, so I don't worry. You sleep well every night.

    You have exposed subversive influences and attracted wisdom. I and I, it is all good.

    1. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Don't  you  think it is the opposite , I started the thread, if the movie am going to see , even when everyone , all humans like me coming out saying that it's no good , I am not one to doubt what everyone else is saying.
      That's why I love the Bible , because it covered all this long ago.
      So those who assembles resembles.  How no one is inviting another tp see hub pages no one scholar in a debate tonight at the ?
      But Moses said turn from your wicked ways and let my people go!
      It was a warning.

  5. GoldenBird profile image57
    GoldenBirdposted 12 years ago

    Hello Sky9106,

    I see you are fishing here, and a great number of them have actually been trapped to your net!

    I could speak about the genius you have employed to this question - but I will remain silent, lest I miss to see the rest. This forum will teach us a lot.

                                                      ~Peace and Love.

    1. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I am proud of the actions I took today Golden Bird, as you already know.
      But fear not , We will have much time to speak in depth of many things.
      Read what I said above of the movies.
      The best way to beat a man it first to break him down , only one person , and those two ladies at the start said something that kids can learn , if I truly start to come different , they won't be able to handle .
      Keep one thing in mind I don't drink, don't smoke and i don't try to belittle others , I must do that which is upful; and right.

      I will be your way soon enough . enjoy the song.

  6. skyfire profile image76
    skyfireposted 12 years ago

    Awesome. When you're going to visit any Microprocessor Plant or Chemical industry plant? I'm sure these guys would love to learn a thing or two from you.

    Forget about ESL and typo stuff dude, you've no idea where to separate the wisdom and reality. Just saying...

    *Bangs Head*

    1. WD Curry 111 profile image58
      WD Curry 111posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I hate it when a wanna-be says dude.

      1. skyfire profile image76
        skyfireposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        This coming from a racist guy? tsk tsk.

  7. Frank Atanacio profile image74
    Frank Atanacioposted 12 years ago

    Your forum sky is always strong, powerful and intense.. the message is clear and to those who cannot see the message  is blind folded  up and awesome as expected from you

    1. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Oh yeah brethren , the ones who saw better they are making 3k a month here ,but then no two people are alike , and in some sense , some try indirectly to do this . If I be yee , who be me?
      Ultimate power corrupts ultimately. Have them try living together  without others. they attack themselves , if I do a research in the past on here , bet I get the same , my back is broad with a purpose.
      Feels like initiation.
      Look for the few that don't follow , see the packs ?
      All who saw that this don't work already went on to greater things so I will deal with those that remain and I expect this.
      I have great use for this thread , this is the gold , but they would want to remove what they have already said or deny they wrote it.

  8. profile image56
    SanXuaryposted 12 years ago

    I do not think anyone is dumb and even if you understand them for what they are they are, most likely they will make the choice to be dumb. Personal agendas, prejudice, beliefs lacking true facts, free will and imposing it on others, the in-ability to stand in the shoes of others, selfishness, egos, judging others, and most of all to listen and learn the views of others. I for example can understand why one would believe in God and why someone would choose to be an Atheist. In my mind and in my experiences with humanity I could personally justify being both. Discussing both issues with both facts and reasons why is a good discussion. Still we never reach the true reasons why we become who we our because they are personal choices. In truth we are just human and for love or because of pain we become who we are.

    1. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      And that was all the question, was about ! Are people truly dumb or are we the others not wise enough to understand them?
      I remember when leprosy, was banned from the daylight. I see Aids, what happened, I see when the color of your skin , was an issue. I also see the advancement in mankind , but the I'    have always been their down fall.
      But attitudes like your creates hope , that both sides have this right to co =exist . I have never seen a man on his dying bed ask for intelligence to save him. I have seen intelligence put in place so that it don't come to that.
      The reason that those who have to live to break down instead of build up . They give you a look into their minds.
      What made you not come out swinging ?
      Are you wiser, richer , smarter  what are you a human being. I am sure you can share anywhere the reason for your answer, where do you see the selfish groups that come together with one evil purpose , not only with me , check their history! Take their selfish prize away , they cease to exist lest they be discovered., A man's truth should be always what prevails
      Stay in charge of your life don't let a feeling or an emotion.

  9. rasta1 profile image71
    rasta1posted 12 years ago

    So; peple wo mke (typographical) erors cnt spek englsh.

    We should kill all the people who make typo errors except me of course, because I admit I am guilty and begged forgiveness.

    Remember when Jah said "Why do you criticize the other man with the saw dust in his eye, when you yourself have a 4X4X16 plank of wood in your own eye".

    Even if the other man has something in his eye, He cant depend on a blind man to help. Would not that be more detrimental to the man with the speck in his eye.

    Is it not more rational for the blind man to confess that He is blind and allow the one with the speck to help him.

    People have to understand sky9, personally, if I did not dabble in shakespare or try to expand my reading, travel to other countries, or patiently listen to what people are saying, I may not have overstood the question.

    In order to overstand sophisticated things, you have to have a simple mind (plastic malleable brain).

    I have noticed that American children 2-7 years old can understand Jamaican patoi very easily. Adults can't. This is because children use different methods when interpreting and decoding messages. By the time they grow up, they will lose this ability (malleability) due to a fixed environment.

    Overderstanding different expressions can be mastered by communicating with other people outside societal norm of communication. That is one of the advantages of the internet. People should not limit the use of english.

    I have learnt a lot from wd and sky by deciphering their communication techniques. In the Rastafarian culture, playing with english is seen as a ART and people should play with it more often.

    WD will come around and use boring standard english sometimes but sky will not budge.

    1. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome to the show Idren , let me read your take first.
      But look carefully , you will observes I am not studying any thing call mistakes or errors ,can they use what the have to survive , or they need a school to teach that also ? They don't realize that sense wasthere before books.

      1. Sky9106 profile image68
        Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Now I have read the entire thing from you, my also human brother.
        Give Thanks and praises to the most High God.
        That's the reason I have always used the Most High God and always capitalized the letters.

        In my eyes you have answered my cry , not for help , but for an unbiased and unselfish voice , by some blessed intervention, to shed some light , because in reading, on here I see so much of a double standards , who here can you see representing what ?

        There is no joking in a serious meeting , the perpetrators will be thrown out. There are kids  that will be reading these things, take a look  at the truth of their expectations. But Bob Marley said: Teach the children the truth.
        Why do you think the kids these days are cursing out their parents . Take a look, where is the examples that they should be learning from?

        Let he who is without sin cast the first stone! The English  majors , even Shakespeare he was a must for me in school. If I have to honestly describe this forum . The one we are in here , I must first research to see who the wolves have torn up before trying me without understanding what I said , and for what!  There will be no shortage of victims . I am only imagining, where they had ever traveled . Certainly not the Olympics!
        Or any international gathering. Look at the UN what would have happened had you been elected. Look at your tolerance you show without understanding , so what are the kids joining here For ? don't forget they can't afford college , there is a recession.

        There is nothing to not love about what you have said in this piece above, I rasta, for one will always learn . But for I MAN, as I remember your hub on thias.

        I  had enough of the enclosure of school. Just like you said of  WD  I told him personally I am possibly older than him and I am not here for that , but again I know of people , he may have his own issues , I analyze every word WD says but am adult, and one that have seen the best of the best .

        What I am looking for , is pretty happy to have passed this way , I have learned to see the Good in everything , even death.

        I see people using this as a  passage which leads to their destination . I am happy quite happy to meet them . This is not it , this the final stop for me , this is a fuel stop, I am building momentum.
        Plus I we are descendants of the apes , I have never heard one speak English , much less proper English. But it's not my belief.

        When your plane crashes in that jungle, do you go searching for Englishmen speaking people or animals? See now my plane crashed here, and look at the reception. Shame on you!  Do onto others as you will have them do onto you and yours. You pant corn , don't look for peas!


  10. Mark Ewbie profile image61
    Mark Ewbieposted 12 years ago



    Life's too short.


    1. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Listen to John Lennon's Imagine.

      The shortness of life is not the issue , it's the quality..
      Jesus , 33 and so many more .
      It's my intent to at least say Hi! to everyone that entered this thread. Wondering who discovered the World!

      1. Pcunix profile image84
        Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Amazing that you can listen to that and misunderstand it so completely. … yrics.html

        1. Sky9106 profile image68
          Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          If I already understand you , how hard can anything else be. Now it's my duty to let you know that you are not alone and wary in this world, that the Most High God , is asking you a question through me.

          Imagine there's no heaven
          It's easy if you try
          No hell below us
          Above us only sky
          Imagine all the people living for today

          Imagine there's no countries
          It isn't hard to do
          Nothing to kill or die for
          And no religion too
          Imagine all the people living life in peace

          You, you may say
          I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
          I hope some day you'll join us
          And the world will be as one

          Imagine no possessions
          I wonder if you can
          No need for greed or hunger
          A brotherhood of man
          Imagine all the people sharing all the world

          You, you may say
          I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
          I hope some day you'll join us
          And the world will live as one

          1. Pcunix profile image84
            Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            op cit.

            1. Sky9106 profile image68
              Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I guess you are done , running out of words , nice meeting you , God love you and the choice is you , IMO!

  11. Pcunix profile image84
    Pcunixposted 12 years ago

    I just checked.  He publishes his babble as poems.  That's how he gets away with it - most of us just ignore poetry when in the Hopper and don't flag it ever.

    1. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      What have you told the kids lately ? Oh I forgot there is nothing to say , wait for what the top Atheist have to say.

      How did Columbus write his? Or Stephen Hawkins? Or the Dali Lama?
      Someone had to share for us to be here even if it was the monkeys like you believed , But who shared with them?

      1. skyfire profile image76
        skyfireposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Ironically monkeys here know how to spell and as for YOU.... I rest my case.

        1. Sky9106 profile image68
          Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          you are not reading correctly fellow human , you seem more inclined with being a member of something . read again, before resting the incorrect case. This is not throwing stones. I live in a glass house also.

 … st_related

          1. skyfire profile image76
            skyfireposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Here's how I see your thread. You're right about the point of intelligence and communication. But point is that folks on hubpages have their own rules because this is their place. They can take anyone down based on incorrect grammar or typo. I hope we're clear upto this point. Now if you go on preaching about - 'wisdom' matters more over correct usage of language, then you're likely to have people arguing on it because there are people who don't agree with this type of thinking. Atleast not those who have english as their first language and very few are going to agree with you on that. You're jumping from one point to another keeping your one hand on victim position and another as a person with lots of wisdom. That too with regular religious input to support your initial question. You have to take this stuff separately and if you want others not to treat you like dumb then better not get defensive about it. This is where you're proving them right.

            1. Sky9106 profile image68
              Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I am not interested in lessons from any teachers but the Most High.
              Let me tell you what gets people across, live and let live.
              That's what this country is about.
              You really believe if someone doesn’t phrase something correctly in your eyes, that’s grounds for chastisement.

              Tell me you are joking! Look around you don't look at me!
              I can move with anyone bring me all my human brothers and sisters, but don't come because you are scared, come because you are my human family and we won’t live like or worst than those we have dominion over.
              If this thread hits the news and I am betting it will, be prepared to stand up I can!

              And those who are trying to be teachers of proper English will easily lose, because they have two options as fellow humans.
              To walk away!
              Or offer help first.

              I said when your plane, boat of car crashes, the only thing you want to see is HELP!

              So proper English, I know of some one in political office, who’s accented English proved just fine for him to be elected.

              I hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, regardless of race or language,

              What is hearing is not addressing the human purpose.
              But I understand. Take a trip to a foreign land, you may find your future husband or wife, and Love will find a way as it always does.
              Not proper English.
              Be tolerable of all of mankind.
              If you don't understand call me a name and be on your way. There are one million people on here, I am glad to meet all of those here, regardless of anything other that being my fellow human. Follow your heart not a group. God loves you!

              1. skyfire profile image76
                skyfireposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                I think you missed my point completely.

                1. Sky9106 profile image68
                  Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  No I did not.

                  1. skyfire profile image76
                    skyfireposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Oh you did. Just go through my post twice or more times and then post back saying the same stuff that you posted earlier addressing it to me.

    2. rasta1 profile image71
      rasta1posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      ignoring something is different from being blind to it.

      Let go the ego.

      1. Pcunix profile image84
        Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I don't think you understand.

        I ignore poetry when using the Hopper.  Poetry can be short, baffling, have strange spelling, so I won't flag it for any of those reasons.  Unless it is obvious spam or porn, poetry gets a free pass.

        1. Sky9106 profile image68
          Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          You are such an interesting character, but thanks for visiting my site , you feel like flagging , for simply Evil reasons , remember the sins of the parents.

          Why does this proud son of the Most High God , have such a lasting impression, I know who set this up but look at the results , you are getting to free your mind and let the word know  your truth.

          I guarantee you a revelation is on the way for you.

          1. Pcunix profile image84
            Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I flag to help improve the quality of the site.

            I don't care what you do in poetry but if you post babble like this in a hub, I will lag it as low unity every sinle time.

            1. Sky9106 profile image68
              Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              So that when you rhetoric is the only one standing people will visit you, that adulterated jealousy, and it's no surprise . I have never and will never step out of my sensible human boundary , knowing that people have foolishly lost their lives for only wearing a color.
              But selfishness blinds that's it's intent to disrupt. That's why they live lonely lives even with their family.
              What will make selfishness turn around and pretend to be quality.

            2. couturepopcafe profile image60
              couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              That's exactly right, Pc. Many quality writers don't want to be associated with a site that allows incoherent articles. We can mess around in the forums all we want but the itegrity of the site needs to be maintained in the articles it presents.

              This guy can't even make a coherent point, much less write a coherent article. He doesn't even do cryptic well.

        2. Sky9106 profile image68
          Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          It did not take me very long to put it all together.
          And now I got you as cold as ice. Everything must have a rationale even evil. Just had to look, as wise as you believe you are , It took ne a few minutes.

          Bob Marley said:

          1. couturepopcafe profile image60
            couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Steady wisdom manifests in stages. We need self-restraint in actions, fixed observance, posture, regulation of energy, mind-control in sense engagements, concentration, meditation, and realization. When improper thoughts disturb the mind, there should be constant pondering over the opposites. As a result of contentment there is purity of mind, one-pointedness, control of the senses, and fitness for the vision of self. Supreme happiness is gained via contentment. In this way, that which covers the light will be destroyed. When the mind attains awareness and does not mingle with the senses, nor the senses with sense impressions, then self-awareness blossoms. In this way comes mastery over the senses.

    3. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I learnt it since I was a kid , I won't loose it fot the world, remember once a man twice a child.
      We catch ourselves doing those childhood things as grown men.
      Maybe you are saying , what age got to do with it.

      After age ins no more it's death!

  12. mljdgulley354 profile image60
    mljdgulley354posted 12 years ago

    When you crash your plane...what a good question. I have heard there are no athiests when in a foxhole under fire.

    1. A Troubled Man profile image58
      A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That's just a lie propagated by religious believers. Those atheists in foxholes would tell you that.

      1. mljdgulley354 profile image60
        mljdgulley354posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Actually A Troubled Man that comment did not come out of a religious believer. When I heard it, a Vietnam Vet said it and he was no believer at the time. He was seeking because he had been confronted at the most crucial time by his buddies cries in the same fox hole. He still wonders why he was spared.

        1. A Troubled Man profile image58
          A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          It doesn't matter, the lie is still being propagated by believers.

    2. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yrs mljd it was quite a long time ago and I saw both sides . Even when I was not this deep , this was not a clean subject , I so obvious .

  13. Sherry Hewins profile image86
    Sherry Hewinsposted 12 years ago

    This is addressed to the the plane crash comment, you can't blame a gal for covering her bases. At that point what do you have to lose?

    1. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Well the plane crashed but , why wait until you are in the mess to realize that understanding matters more that whatever is proper English . I have seen instances where love broke impossible barriers , where the language will come after , so there are much more important things that whatever the correct use of a language is. And who knows when the first language was actually babble. if we came from apes.

      1. couturepopcafe profile image60
        couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        By mastery of the senses comes wisdom and that is eternal to the seedless realization. The significant aspect is the union of the mind with the moment of absorption, when the outgoing thought disappears and the absorptive experience appears. From sublimation of this union comes the peaceful flow of unbroken unitive cognition, when the subsiding and rising thought waves are exactly similar. The succession of these changes in us is the cause of modification (to awareness).

    2. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hope you can now see those survivors walking through the jungle scared,looking for proper English, or even in the car crash.
      Good time to remember this.

  14. poetvix profile image55
    poetvixposted 12 years ago

    Sky - First, let me state I typically tend to avoid the forums.  That is not said to offend anyone, but it can be a rough crowd and is something I usually avoid, not always.

    In response to your original question.  I can not honestly say I have never called anyone dumb.  I wish I could but I am human and have made mistakes out of anger.  As I have grown I have come to the conclusion that no living creature is dumb as in lacking of intelligence or truly even as in having lower intelligence as compared to another.  Personally, I often think animals are of superior intelligence to humans.  They don’t waste time arguing over ideas.

    Having worked with people with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities for years now I have come to understand that while they may score as having diminished intelligence on standardized tests, in many ways they are smarter than I will ever be.  Some of them don’t speak or rarely speak but I have learned so much about joy, compassion and forgiveness from them.  As Uncorrected Vision points out, there are multiple types of intelligence. 
    I am relatively good at the English language manipulation in print but that doesn’t mean someone who makes more errors, and I make plenty, is less intelligent.  To me, the content or message is much more important than the presentation.  While I don’t think anyone is dumb, I do think many are blinded or perhaps deceived.  Just because I may not agree with the side one chooses in an argument, doesn’t mean that person is dumb. 

    The issue of money has risen it’s ugly head in this thread.  I don’t make money here as I have never hooked up my accounts.  I do understand many do and I think that’s great for them and wish them all the luck in the world.  I do have problems with people thinking an article with some grammatical errors or similar type missteps in print is “unworthy” or makes other hubs look bad.  Popular music especially rap is wrought with grammar mishaps at times but still it is a valuable medium and has a message.  I often don’t agree with the message but it is a message none the less and reaches multitudes who understand and relate better using that vernacular.

    I don’t know if I have answered your question but these are my thoughts.  No one is dumb.  Even those who don’t speak communicate.  Everyone has something to share of value.  If anything comes close to being “dumb” it would have to be deciding not to listen to the message because one doesn’t like the way it is packaged.  Many a plain cover book is still a good book.

    1. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you dear lady , you have spoken , not just for me but for many , and I sincerely thank you for taking your precious time to intervene not only on my behalf but on the behalf of all those who are unable to put such intelligent words  together for themselves , so I give you sincere thanks .

      The content of ones character, the essence of the question. But grammar and spelling when it did not even trouble you!

      My question is that simple , but not to those with some vendetta. With a closed mind that same  emergency technician who will visit your house , I thank the Most High God , that your accent or color won't matter, and that you also won't look for those credentials, like if he speaks proper English before letting him take them,  and theirs to the hospital in times of need.
      It baffles me , who cares how the person speaks , how does this free awareness , bother a true and sensible human being ? Do I really care who and how is the grammar of the person bringing that life saving sustenance?
      I am so grateful to you from my heart , because I had to dig deeper than the question and see who had a vested interest, Your opinion is greatly appreciated.

      May the Most High God keep his blessing flowing in your direction, engulfing your family as it does.

      Stay on the side of God.

      1. couturepopcafe profile image60
        couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        See, there it is. You can't separate the forum from the real world. You assume that because we want to maintain the integrity of HP's content, that we wouldn't try to save even you if you were in a life-threatening situation. You've just showed your own bias. I still say you started this whole thing to antagonize and now you've created a monster, one that will put you out of business. Bye Bye.

        1. Sky9106 profile image68
          Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Why the double life  ?  When , lets sat  President Kennedy , he should be receiving every respect due to him . We as yet don't know who we are , and now we would create another . One for the outside , that its not correct.  You want to be a proud of your true self always , I am just realizing that you are the person who said I misunderstood you , and I think I apologize . Wow  So you are two people . Did not even know if you were male or , see how proud I am of who I am . Don't need false critiques acting out of fear . To win a few followers .
          Now I see you turn. Bless.

          1. couturepopcafe profile image60
            couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            For misunderstanding you, this is possible, but you make it difficult because you speak as one who would try to capture a prey with a silver spoon only to unmask the next trap with the words you mix to your audience.

            You did apologize. And so do I if indeed you are true and not a game.

            There is knowledge of everything from intuition. Self-control on the heart brings knowledge of the mental entity. Experience arises due to the inability of discerning the attributes of vitality from the indweller, even though they are indeed distinct from one another. Self-control brings true knowledge of the indweller by itself. The spontaneous enlightenment results in intuitional perception. To the outward turned mind, the sensory organs are perfections, but are obstacles to realization. When the bonds of the mind caused by action have been loosened, one may enter the body of another by knowledge of how the nerve currents function, utilizing the life breath.

  15. profile image0
    Motown2Chitownposted 12 years ago

    For heaven's sake!  Is the thread really still here?  And nine pages of responses?

    *bangs head*

    1. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I really do wish someone would speak of heaven. Why don't you I would readily condone such action.

      Plus heaven help what I am experiencing here , they are cursing God!
      It is Woe!

      1. couturepopcafe profile image60
        couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        By self-control over the maintenance of breath, one may radiate light and by self-control on the mind when it is separated from the body, the state known as the Great Transcorporeal is achieved where all coverings are removed from the light. Then comes swiftness of mind, independence of perception and mastery over primordial matter.

        By self-control over single moments and their succession there is wisdom born of discrimination. From that there is recognition of two similars when that difference cannot be distinguished by class, characteristic or position. Intuition, which is the entire discriminative knowledge, relates to all objects at all times and is without succession. Liberation is attained when there is equal purity between vitality (physical life) and the indweller (spirit).

    2. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Come on start a chat about heaven , It's great.

      1. Randy Godwin profile image60
        Randy Godwinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        But hell seems to be filled with more interesting people!  Being in heaven for eternity with those who claim they are going would really be worse than any fire and brimstone could ever be.  roll

        1. Sky9106 profile image68
          Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          So are the Jails here on our earth , they have presidents , scientists, etc.  So if you do not believe you won't see the relevance . Now why then are we punishing anyone on earth?
          Someone kills your family , you want them hanged, why shouldn't the discipline continue, throughout every aspect of life?  Do you want these disciplinary measures that we taken by mankind so long ago as crucially vital means to his survival.
          If you believe in God you would understand why his measures would be the ultimate.
          I look at every aspect of myself , and I would be a fool , to have had this opportunity to look around me , and not be able to formulate my own true measures, without everything that I have heard. But it takes unselfishness and sincere honesty.
          Hell won't be a jail , but will be the end of all wicked soul. Can you not imagine flesh and blood needing the air to experience life ? We all met it here! Who is that entity that tells you don't kill even after they kill your own family?
          Hope you understand and is not merely without deep consideration for others. Because I have questions for you.

          1. Randy Godwin profile image60
            Randy Godwinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Will all of the sinful animals your god drowned during the great flood be in hell with me do you think?  Did god make a mistake that he had to drown almost every living thing on earth to fix it?  Seems like a lot of trouble when he could have merely looked ahead and said "Nope, that won't work"!

            And his perfect creation the angel who would become Satan, how could sin penetrate a being god created perfect.  And who tempted Satan to begin with?  Enquiring minds want to know!  smile

            1. Sky9106 profile image68
              Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Tell those inquiring minds we are not arguing the Bible we are looking at ourselves and our mothers and fathers. If you are one that believes we came from apes that are not a problem. I want you to get to the first ape and let your imagination flow.

              When your imagination can flow we can speak in more details,
              if we speak of the Bible, like many have done for centuries, this is what you will do, one after the other, while these are the question you should not be interested in yourself, and find answers for the younger ones, being a grateful human being.

              Ask your parents who they gave thanks to, and then see why you choose to go different. Begin to fathom the age of life and times regardless of what they think, but it's in us to do something for own individual minds . See how foolish we first went, by enslaving others; see how quickly 400 hundred years evaporated. See how foolish we were, to believe that a color should dominate. See how we were going all the wrong ways first, and it they were not black slaves, man would have to enslave himself because of his own jealousy.

              I can use my own imagination to say what if? So I don’t need a group to associate with , my strength must come from within , through my own knowledge, whereas your denial or inquiry is but a thorn , but not even close to a conviction to go that way.   

              Do you realize that it can simply be dusts that really build every planet in this universe? We are one of the smallest and can simply be an experiment formed for a specific purpose? All those should be in the mix in your mind instead living for a doubt,, just the same way you can think of the bible do you have another set of instructions?

              There is no end that man can find, can your mind not see this? The only end is of man himself.  And a drowning man grabs at a straw, why can't that straw be an agreement or truth instead of some foolishness, that the Bible already predicted? Your life should not be a fight against what you met here, if that’s the case create the ability to leave. But you can’t for everyplace you can ever go to you bring you with you and start the whole thing over again!

              Take an example from the simple question that caused this whatever you may call it. Where would you go if you are not the best ,in everything so you Must take others who are the best in their specifics fields. Are you first gong to convert them to this secret society and erase there minds of their personality, which cause then to be that way in the beginning. Just a reference. Since when grammar is a qualification for life and living, why are we then trying to keep so many animals that don’t even speak?

              What does your conscience tell you? Do you cry? Then why? Why are you then trying to reproduce, if you have no plans for your offspring’s? One major storm over earth and no one knows what to do. But look to see what's next and in most cases:

              Call on the Most High, or the Highest God!

              Just a thought, because for me the Bible is to be discussed , not debated or argued , it's either you believe or you don't , am appealing to the man in YOU!

              Bless brethren!

              1. Randy Godwin profile image60
                Randy Godwinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Of course, don't question basic common sense and merely believe what makes your mind contented at the present time.  Blind faith is also deaf and dumb faith as been shown by centuries of ignorance basing reality on an old book of superstitious myths.  You do not seek truths, only self satisfaction in your primitive beliefs.  I suppose your god made me question things which do not make sense?  LOL!

                Closing your eyes doesn't equal blind faith.  It only equates to self imposed blindness for your own peace of mind.

                1. Sky9106 profile image68
                  Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  So of couse this is not your first  , dip with a believer , this also is not my first with a non believer, I won't be able to show you anything new , you have been there done that, and sense will tell you once bitten twice shy.
                  One would only do it again , it's that argument or discussion becomes your High.
                  so I offered my best case scenario, to try and leave all else out and see if we can find just a human common ground, and even that gets you upset.
                  So you are mad at yourself .
                  In that case I pray for you.

                  1. Randy Godwin profile image60
                    Randy Godwinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Do you never tire of being wrong?  How could I become angry dealing with delusion?  Your assertions are merely humorous to me as I've conversed with your ilk on many occasions in the past. 

                    Common ground?  Not in religious beliefs! One must lose all sense of common sense to even consider the bible to be the word of any god.  Such a cruel creature does not deserve to be worshiped if the only scenario it can come up with is one already known by it to cause immeasurable suffering to its creations over an outcome it already is conscious of.  You can have the creature and feel comforted by adoring such a deity.  There are much better false gods to waste one's time on.  May Moe bless you too!  lol

            2. poetvix profile image55
              poetvixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Randy - Technically speaking, animals are without sin.  Drowning them would have been a blessing as it ended the suffering that is life.  I have no desire to, nor will I debate religion.  It is everyone’s right to chose what he or she believes in and I respect that right.  You ask if God made a mistake that he had to then fix.  That very question speaks to the heart of the matter, choice.  If you believe the Christian mythos, which you seem not to, and that’s your choice which I respect, then the answer to the question is really simple.  From the beginning God made man, and the angels, and gave them free will.  He, according to the Christian mythos, wanted them to be free to decide.  He never said there would not be consequences for the choice, either way. 

              The contention that angels are perfect is false if one adheres to the mythos.  Under said guidelines, only God is perfect.  Even his son, Christ, had fear when he knew he was to die in payment for all of mankind so that they may be forgiven for sin.  As to who tempted Satan, now that is a truly interesting question.  I must confess not knowing the answer from scripture.  If I were to venture a somewhat educated guess, knowing a small amount of scripture, I would have to say he tempted himself allowing the sin of pride to not only enter his heart but to further do so to the point of consuming all else. 

              I respect your right and choices.  I have to say, with no disrespect intended, I think you have been more than a little contentious and disrespectful of Sky.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion, that does not mean it has to be put forth in such a manner as to hurt others.  This is just my opinion, and really it’s non of my business, but I have always had a soft spot for the underdog.  You obviously have a good command of the English language and were most likely born to an English speaking family.  Further, I imagine you are somewhat well educated in a formal sense.  Using such gifts to the detriment of someone wishing you no harm gives me pause.

              1. Randy Godwin profile image60
                Randy Godwinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Sorry if I give the impression I do not respect the OP's opinion.  I do but it is because I understand what indoctrination he has apparently been subjected to.  Perhaps you inherited your religion too, but that is another subject not addressed in this thread.

                What some may consider an insult is merely another showing them the error of their ways.  If being shown one's opinion is lacking in facts is an insult, then our civilization would still be lacking much of the scientific knowledge it has attained since the Dark Ages. 

                Because men with great minds had ideas which disagreed with the religious beliefs of the time they were imprisoned or put to death for their "insults" to the church.  Sometimes embarrassment is needed for some to realize the error of their ways.  Most learn this during childhood while others never do.

                1. Sky9106 profile image68
                  Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  A fact is truth , it cannot be changed , how many historical or geographical facts has already been changed in your lifetime? Have you not heard many times scientist once believed and they once believed , and it had to be changed. Come on ! Here you are again not knowing anything and saying  people were subjected , according to jack  you can't handle truth > Good luck to you and God loves you , I am not even in a religion. Am not even tempted , I thought you would have a response for poetvix. You 're out! and I am done. Next! The lady can help she is a great soul .

                  1. couturepopcafe profile image60
                    couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Everything is changeable except the truth of insight. Because of the magnetic qualities of habitual mental patterns and memory, a relationship of cause and effect clings even though there may be a change of embodiment by class, space and time. It is difficult for many to observe their psychic power of intuition and transformation into another state.

                    The desire to live is eternal and the thought clusters prompting a sense of identity are beginningless being held together by cause and effect. The past and the future exist in the object or person as form and expression, there being a difference in the conditions of the properties. Whether manifested or unmanifested, they are the nature of the attributes.

                2. poetvix profile image55
                  poetvixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Randy, your last two sentences in reply to my post really say it all.

              2. Friendlyword profile image60
                Friendlywordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                A womans touch. I just learned a valuable lesson.  Punch a dude in the face and make him think you just kissed him.  I bet Randy is grinning like a idiot.

                1. Randy Godwin profile image60
                  Randy Godwinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Your wager would be forfeited, Friendlyword.  You may catch flies with honey, but not serpents!  yikes

                2. Sky9106 profile image68
                  Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Friendly I am  a New York er too and you said that you saw things change since election. What I am looking at here if you can't see this , then I need you to tell what's the difference and if that' NY you are speaking of  I know my city.. A far cry . And you should easily see through this .

              3. Sky9106 profile image68
                Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                It is with the most sincerest  form of respect one human can give to or bestow on another I give to yow dear lady. You are clearly a symbol of what God intended for his creation, and also the grounds through with and I say it again , just the way I have always believed, my choice was between here and England , and I chose here  the USA regardless of quite a few of those who seem to function out of  the norm . I could have gone in that direction, but I refuse , because I know there are people sill living in this country , who have not as yet got with quite a few things in this life.
                Give thanks and praises to the Most High God.
                Before understanding what my life was worth and also my place in this universe , I would easily go an the negative with Randy , but the difference ones life make when he has matured as a man , must show.
                Still they do not understand the question!

                I love how you phrase your words "Dear poetvix" when you have lived in
                So I guess that these people have real nasty things to say about all the other countries of this world , while forgetting that their ancestors all came I'll say it again they  ALL , came from someplace else.
                I will still say I am quite comfortable speaking in a language that God understands.
                He is waiting for all those prodigal sons to came home, I do hope they are on time . Remember all we are is dust in the wind regardless of who you believe.
                Curse God and Die.
                Greatest respect to you again poetvix ! Remember I told you early that you were special , I knew what I saw . the good thing is I never claimed to be anything but the reason it pure evil .
                And my belief is strong never in any thing but most of what befalls a person is called "YOU DOO!" I have seen many approach in so many ways and I call on the God I know to show than the way, by any means necessary.


  16. rasta1 profile image71
    rasta1posted 12 years ago

    Its so funny how some people think they are so smart.

    That's the whole point, no one is smarter.

    Its the ego that tricks us into thinking we are better.

    Most of the things I have learnt is from little children, such as love

    1. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Brethren the things that you have written on here, I watched everyone  , maybe there is one that I did not seen in it's entirety. Remember I wanted to connect you with the guy connected with the Ellen G White.
      Your comments and words I have passed on to many people , because that's the way truthful people conduct themselves.
      Now your way is seen especially the one interviewing the Rasta man.
      These here are incapable of love , does their husbands and wives have to all be English majors. They cannot see the Frenchman waving to them saying shark, his grammar is different. . This experience have make me so much wiser . So now I will invite a great friend of mine , the chancellor of schools in one of our states , see what she thinks about , this simple session, which these teachers here , handled in this manner. I told you it will reach some grounds, because I cannot believe the hoopla over grammar.

    2. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I posted something here before rasta where did it go?

  17. Insane Mundane profile image57
    Insane Mundaneposted 12 years ago

    Philanthropy2012 said: 

    "There are 11 intelligences, as soon as you lack in one of them compared to the average of the rest of humanity, you may be labelled dumb in that area. This lack in one of these intelligences can be apparent immediately, or may take a little to realise, but not long. As for animals, animals are stupid. I don't know anyone who would tell you that compared to a human, animals are not stupid.
    In short, animals are stupid and humans can be too. Being stupid in an area doesn't mean you're worthless, as long as you're satisfactory in 1 of the 11 you are likely to find a purpose in your life. If you lack in all of them, you are truly less of a human being than the others and are naturally going to be treated as less of one, this is sad, but intelligence is what makes us human."

    I'm sorry, but I've met many animals that are smarter than what your laughable waste of a comment demonstrates.  Animals have instincts, abilities and talents that humans lack (I'm not going to bother going over each species of animals and their fortes), and I'm sure that there are insects that have more intelligence than you, for example.  There are so many "dumb" parts of Philanthropy2012's  comment, that it would take a few hundred words just to describe his asininity - if one was to break it into parts, of course.  My gawd!  In short, as he says, "animals are stupid..."  Ha-ha!  Yes YOU are, as I'll agree with that!  Humans like you just spout nonsense on a regular basis and are loud & proud (for some strange reason, as you have obviously been lied to, too many times), and give all the credit for intelligence as being some proclamation from your slanted perspective of a doltish dumb ass. I'm surprised that some of these idiots who listen to you and actually think you have any sense at all, can even dress their selves without help, let alone type on a keyboard and/or cut on their computer by their self!  Enough about Philanthropy2012's silly remarks, as I typically try to ignore them, but I accidentally ran across that particular session of verbal dung, and had to respond.  Oh, great, I guess I'll be banned again for telling the truth...  Oops...

    To answer the OP's question:  Yes, some people are truly dumb, and obviously so...

    1. profile image0
      Website Examinerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have never thought of animals as being stupid. Who can outsmart whom probably depends on the environment and circumstances. There would be situations where humans would not stand a chance against an animal, and vice versa. I find it interesting, however, that someone has found a way to subdivide human intelligence into 11 categories.

      1. Insane Mundane profile image57
        Insane Mundaneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I agree, as I was pointing out a couple (out of the many) flaws within Philanthropy2012's silly post. I must ask: If you agree with me, then why did you reply to HIS post as being "interesting" without further elaboration? As he foolishly thanked you for your comment? Oh, wait a minute, he didn't know what you meant... LOL!

      2. Sky9106 profile image68
        Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        i have visited "phillan" after seeing his performance on the Quantum hub written by rasta1 there was an interesting piece of dialogue going on which I enjoyed , it ended up on this very same topic of belief and non belief.
        I took upon myself to visit his site, he had some very interesting this posted .
        I take every man at his word when I meet him or he meets me , I am always ready to learn as long as it's not in a classroom.
        I had no reason to say the man did not do more studies than others and knew something many did not. I am ready to learn.
        That's the best I have.

        1. Insane Mundane profile image57
          Insane Mundaneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Well, the best "philan" has is 'copy & pasted' Google searches with no common sense or intelligence, for that matter, and if you disagree with the poor chap, he'll call you a troll.  LOL!  Philosophy & Religion is easy to bark about, but lets see some of these "certain type of folks"  that claims to be so intelligent, speak about something outside this realm and delve into something else.  Quantum? Cool! Where's the hub? I'd be glad to witness a bunch of morons talking about particles smaller than an atom... Maybe I can join in on the fun; please point me in the right direction of sheer intelligence......

        2. Insane Mundane profile image57
          Insane Mundaneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I found that hub, and from a quick view, "philan" along with many others, simply splattered the same cookie-cutter responses the WE HAVE ALL seen before. Oh, lets see: I'm bored, so lets nit-pick the Bible, type baloney.  It's a shame I'm not religious or into organized religions, or else I'd enjoy tearing these idiots into verbose bits of unnecessary verbiage. Alas, these "dumb" people usually stay within these grounded subjects and are not very diverse beings, so it is slim pickings, if ya know what I mean...   lol

          1. Sky9106 profile image68
            Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I see lots of things that I believe should not be happening among grown ups , but maybe they are not all grown ups. I am usually real good when coming to character , but although character can be shuffled , I will still ask ,why would one put themselves through this for no cost.
            If I know that when I fall sick I would be screaming out to God , as a man I would never play with God .
            Same as if you know you are afraid of doges or snakes stay away from where they are.
            But you know what goes around comes back again and that's where so many get caught.
            I am not say to join any religion , because I am in none ,am encouraging to don't s damm the bridge that you are crossing, the show of some type of reverence goes a long way. Can't come out Mother's womb saying what you want, she gives you what you need . Make at least your mother  proud.
            This is Gods earth.
            I guarantee you that in the future long before weeping nd wailing and moaning  and gnashing of teeth, there will be things and men begging to believe.

            1. Insane Mundane profile image57
              Insane Mundaneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Uh, uh, yeah, what you said!  Cheers!   ... Say whaaa?  I only show reverence to those that deserve it.  I'm not one of those fools who sit around and sing Kumbaya!    Look here, dear peace-love-hug brother, thanks for your blessings; lol

              1. Sky9106 profile image68
                Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Love the peace , know lots about the opposite side , for real , that's  why. I vowed as a mature man to stay wise .

                1. Insane Mundane profile image57
                  Insane Mundaneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  That's nice...  It's a shame that it is "easier said than done."  Mankind has been fighting each other since the beginning of time.  Even the tiny little insects known as "ants," can't get along a lot of times.  I accept the chaos and refuse to sing Kumbaya, but please, try to stay "wise," as you say.  roll

                2. Insane Mundane profile image57
                  Insane Mundaneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Speaking of "easier said than done," I found a video on YouTube that most people will enjoy, including Mr. Kumbaya (Sky9106), so enjoy the proclaimed "greatest speech ever made," here:

                  Now, to be more germane to the topic at hand, even so-called "dumb" people can relate to that video...  big_smile

                  1. Sky9106 profile image68
                    Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Where have you come from , I saved it because I demands my undivided attention, I will cherish it and remember you and look what else I will do .


  18. Eliminate Cancer profile image61
    Eliminate Cancerposted 12 years ago

    I'm sorry, but this question is the first thing that has made me LAUGH OUT LOUD in a long time!!

    But, to answer the question - I would say both are right.

    1) Our population is dumbing down - and 'No Child Left Behind' doesn't help - that in itself shows how stupid we have become - let's give LESS money to schools that don't perform well...  aren't they exactly where we need to invest the money to make our population smarter???

    2) We are not wise enough to understand them - if we follow a more philosophical approach, the teacher should bend to meet the student where they are.  If the population isn't learning, don't blame the students, we need to change how learning happens. 

    People learn by doing.  Don't blame them for what they don't know - but teach them to do the work themselves, work through problems, take a project from start to finish.   All the grammar lessons in the world mean nothing if the student never writes.  All the math drills in the world mean nothing if the student can't make change at their after-school job.

    Think about this:  with GPS in our cars and on our phones, how many people will be able to read a map in 10 years?

    1. Insane Mundane profile image57
      Insane Mundaneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      As good as it may seem, advanced technology still begets the drones and the brain-dead, as it is up to the people to separate man from the machines, if that's what ya mean...

    2. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I am reading again, because I understand that you understand the question, and in doing so , you got the greatest results that I had hoped  everyone could. To have fun and a great feelings . But it seems everyone too thrill. Where most attempted to shoot the messenger, because all of a sudden grammar and belief and no direct answers to the question , but am human and I know better than to ask the ambulance driver , that came to get me at the accident , how is his grammar?

      I actually love how you structured your response.
      Thanks for you answer.

      1. couturepopcafe profile image60
        couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        With respect, I don't think it was as much a matter of bad grammar (at least in the beginning of this monster forum) as it was the fact that many just didn't understand your thought pattern.

        One cannot converse if the subject is known only to one mind.

    3. poetvix profile image55
      poetvixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Eliminate Cancer - If I knew of a vote up in this thread, your post would surely get it!  You are so right about the state of education. 
      While Sky, I think, was talking about a more esoteric kind of wisdom, you hit the nail on the head with your comments about IDEA and the dumbing down of America.

      1. Sky9106 profile image68
        Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        When I do things like ask questions , the answers should be the ones people with children , would teach their own children and be proud . I came to this country 36 years ago , not to go to school to learn anything , but but I finished the highest level of schooling there was , I forfeited the rest of higher learning , because I wanted to do better for my mother and that I did. Give thanks . She is 91 doing well and she is proud as a peacock of me as I am of Her. All the money in this world , all the grammar in the world can't take this love away. Honor thy mother  and Father .
        Why can't it be a world of unity , why are people looking for war instead of love?
        I love your why poetvix and it's not because you are a female , but because of what I saw months ago.
        I am not surprised of what I am seeing after all I saw me strap bombs to themselves, i have watched mothers poison and drowned their children.
        If I wanted to voluntarily what I see and witness to get the better of me then my belief is in vain. One of the people on here after telling me about grammar and all that there I see today a simple mistake , but I am a man and men as I understand are examples to the children to all who wishes to learn.
        I don't love them all , but I respect God's creation.

        1. poetvix profile image55
          poetvixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Sky - I think that's what I like about following you so much, or one of the things.  You know your beliefs are right and you never doubt, never give in, and at the same time you manage to constantly question and challenge others yet never lose your ability to love them.  You don't get angered.  It's a unique gift.  Some may have problems with the way you communicate.  I find it's cool.  I have to read it twice sometimes to be sure I get it, but almost always find that I got it right the first time.  Your message is pure in its simplicity.  So many of us look for the complicated out of habit.  It's not bright of me to do so, but I find myself making that mistake often.  Keep being your pure self!

          1. Sky9106 profile image68
            Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Here is a beautiful treat! Thanks poetvix always appreciated:

            And that's not what all are able to do. God bless you with your Ma’s and your Ba’s, and you’re Masters. If that’s your insurance of a better life, the Most High God is my insurance.
            Could you understand love, are you selfish, could you fly a plane? Maybe the entire above, but most times not! So it’s just another thing, go for it!
            You simply need to open your minds, so that at that next possible next plane crash, or automobile accident, there would be more tolerable humans and that the victims, if not you, would not be left asking for English, and proper grammar speaking only rescuers only!
            But instead for the love of God and the assistance of any of his children to rescue them! This is the reason for the forum question sickness and belief.
            Would I come to your hospital, knowing your way?
            That’s why God is great!
            Wouldn’t this sound familiar to you, if that situation should ever arise and the ones who first shows up ask for what you are trying to implement as a must to be on here or to live?
            So you need to open their minds and live with the assurance of knowing it’s a human like yourself that’s driving the ambulance, a human like your self , that the doctor, and the same human that’s preparing your meals at the hotels and restaurants, you so often visits. Clean your hearts! You can’t always walk looking for proper English, look for proper life, like God instructed us to,
            See people first for who they are, stop that negative feeling of
            You being better, life is not a classroom, or a competition. The only teacher I would ever need is from the Most High God.
            These are the reasons I told Poetvix and I meant it.
            That she is special.
            Lawyers are on every part of this earth do they speak same, it's our uniqueness, which we need to find, that's what makes us special.
            And our difference is what makes up unique!
            Imagine everyone doing the very same thing. It’s the one that comes out different, that draws the crowd of spectators.
            Who’s looking for U. f. O’s? Look no further.
            Why can’t you be truthful with yourselves?
            Ask many on this forum, if they can understand Bob Marley songs Or Peter Tosh songs. The answer will have to be No!  But look at the movement and the following of Peter and Bob.
            To each his own, you think God doesn't know of all the different languages, he knows before you speak, because there was a method to the madness that is Man. So to speak! Because I am not in school.
            I keep asking who attends the Olympics. I know the answer is: all nations with their broken grammar and all, and who are the first to want the stars of those games to visit, so them why are you chasing this one?
            Life and living contains many books, see and write yours.
            So many people are riding the world and taking their pick of what’s there, instead of guiding the world or at least the piece that they are living on, and make sure it's smooth, make a difference. But instead I see your true colors.
            I always use to tell my ex-wife when she got on her crazy horse, I said take a look at yourself, screaming and getting on, if I go out to get a spider or a mouse and come back, you will be running all over like a man person..
            See the comparison; most dogs are bad in their own yard, once under the guise of protecting their masters. Bite first and learn later. But always and expensive lesson.
            What do you think happens here? Can you imagine having nobody to bark at? Can you imagine no one to beat down, what if the Most High God was that way with us? Can you not see the destruction?
            So I am not bothered inside, but nothing on here, it’s people of all kinds, and I will accumulate all that I came here for, and I probably did!
            No one but God can touch that which he helped me put together, I am not intimidated by any man. Because I already had many examples to learn from. And the best one was Jesus. I am proud to say I have learned well. Before that, I was unselfishly taught by my beautiful parents, even now by my lovely 91 year old mother, still alive. God Bless! After I left I reinforced my beliefs, that was 36 years ago, I would always listen to you, you are all over, and though Heaven can hold us all it won’t be like that because, here you are already wanting all of this for your self, selfish, no one man can have all, we saw what happened to all who tried starting with the master of it all Lucifer! I cannot be moved, grammar and all.
            Because I ask again what does anything but the truth, got to do with it?
            Why wait until you visit the poles to find out the weather conditions?
            Wasn't the forming of the Olympics enough, to tell you there are other languages in the world? English was not even the first language, so which form is the perfect one?
            Don't I have the right to go my own way, even in your midst, do you not have the choice to pass it by. But no you want to change and humiliate me, fro what?
            We all use the same measures to live, we are already stealing the water, now are you coming after the air? Because it’s us mankind, when the water is pullulated and the air is polluted we have to find the air and the water, that God gives to us freely, and then we will have to go to where the water and clean air is. Now you are going to those Bad boys who don’t speak proper English. God won’t let that happen.
            Then you may understand that the Most High God is alive and well.

            Bless: all rights reserved: Yes remember well it’s mine.

  19. Druid Dude profile image60
    Druid Dudeposted 12 years ago

    The beginning of wisdom is admitting that you know nothing. Forgot who said that, but whoever he was (I think Chinese) he sure was wise.

    1. Sky9106 profile image68
      Sky9106posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You are quite a wise one yourself!

    2. couturepopcafe profile image60
      couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Even thugh the external subject is the same, there is a difference of cognition in regard to the subject because of the difference or change of mentality.

  20. georgethegent profile image60
    georgethegentposted 12 years ago

    Oh goodness!!! Now you know both my first and last name!!!


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