How much of an effect does poverty has on education?

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  1. JASCO4EDUCATION profile image62
    JASCO4EDUCATIONposted 12 years ago

    How much of an effect does poverty has on education and the system? I would like to say that there is a direct correlation to a poverty mindset and a child's inability to be an effective student. However, there are many stories of those that overcome and go against the grain.

    1. Chris Neal profile image77
      Chris Nealposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I personally think the main phrase there is "poverty mindset." There are certainly stories of people who (not just in education) didn't let setbacks become road blocks, but kept at it (whatever it was) until they gained success. And it's entirely possible to have a "poverty mindset" even in relative wealth. Many people just don't have the initiative, gumption, whatever you want to call it, the ability and drive to keep at it when the going gets tough.

  2. Daughter Of Maat profile image90
    Daughter Of Maatposted 12 years ago

    There are definitely stories of people who overcome their poverty and become well-educated and successful, sometimes becoming millionaires. But overall, I think if you're born into poverty, you don't have the access to education that someone from a middle class family has, and I don't think that's right. I also think poverty makes a big difference in a child's mindset and ability to learn. Generally, children pick up on their parents stress and most parents who are at or below the poverty level suffer a great deal of stress. Unfortunately, that greatly affects their child's ability to concentrate and learn.

  3. krsharp05 profile image58
    krsharp05posted 12 years ago

    I will agree with Daughter of Maat and add that people who are affected by poverty are sometimes (not always) less likely recognize the importance of education. If the family is not does not support the child academically there is a greater chance for failure and dropout. Additionally the family may feel that their teen should quit school and help provide income.  While there certainly are rags-to-riches cases, unfortunately there are a mammoth amount of kids in dire straits.

  4. TFScientist profile image79
    TFScientistposted 12 years ago

    Research shows that parental income is the greatest determinant of childhood academic success. A rich lower ability pupil will surpass a poor high ability pupil by the age of 7. After that the gap just gets wider. This is why companies such as Teach First and Teach for America were set up - to address this injustice.

  5. dmhenderson profile image60
    dmhendersonposted 12 years ago

    According to Diane Ravitch, the noted researcher, the two greatest hindrances to effective education are racial isolation and poverty. Just one example: poverty inevitably involves hunger, and underfed children are unable to concentrate well, among other negative effects.

  6. mandyaz profile image60
    mandyazposted 11 years ago

    Sorry for the late reply. I must say that poverty effects a lot the education. Do you know that in the third world the parents prefer to send their children for work not schools for learning as they think that the food is important the that. Poverty is one of the biggest issue in the third wold countries from Asia to Africa.

  7. liesl5858 profile image85
    liesl5858posted 11 years ago

    How much of an effect does poverty has on education? This is a big problem in the Philippines where I come from but it did not stop me from going to school. In fact, it was a motivation for me to go to school and achieve something I wanted to do. My father also instilled in my mind that education is very important and because we are poor it is the only inheritance he could give me. In my country, we pay for tuition fees, books and everything we need in school like uniforms as well. To sum it up, poverty can be a drive for poor people to go to school and achieve anything they want.


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