Let's Play 6 Degrees of Separation!

Jump to Last Post 1-46 of 46 discussions (98 posts)
  1. Cris A profile image59
    Cris Aposted 16 years ago

    Okay for all movie buffs out there, here's a game for us.. it's called... okay, so you know!
    i'll start and whoever gets to answer shall ask the next question to get the thread rolling... for those unfamiliar with how the game goes, here's a sample:

    Q: William Shatner & Halle Berry?

    * Now to link/connect William Shatner to Halle Berry, among the many possible answers, one is:

    A: WILLIAM SHATNER , Sandra Bullock - ms congeniality
         Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman - practical magic
         Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman - australia
         Hugh Jackman, HALLE BERRY - X-men!

    * there might be a shorter link but the point is to connect! okay, so here's the next question and if it can be helped, let's leave Kevin Bacon out of the equation! LOL

    Q  Barbra Streisand & Christian Bale?

    PS this is a repost of the original as most of those who answered came up with incomplete asnwers. the answer/s should be in the form shown in the sample. And yes, it usually requires more than two movies to make the link/connection.

    1. Teresa McGurk profile image60
      Teresa McGurkposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, ok -- we get it, now.  How about this, then?

      Barbara Streisand and James Caan (Funny Lady)
      James Caan and Marlon Brando (The Godfather)
      Marlon Brando and Johnny Depp (Don Juan de Marco)
      Johnny Depp and Heath Ledger (The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus -- ok, so it's in post-production, but hey!)
      Heath Ledger and Christian Bale (I'm not There)  Oh I'm dumb -- I just realized --

      Barbara Streisand and Kris Kristofferson (A Star is Born -- yes, I'm that old, I remember it)
      Kris Kristofferson and Christian Bale (I'm not There ) voila!

  2. Cris A profile image59
    Cris Aposted 16 years ago

    Whew that was some connection - and great movies along the way! Great! Now you get to ask the next question...  now we're rolling! big_smile big_smile big_smile

    1. Teresa McGurk profile image60
      Teresa McGurkposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Ok:  how about this -- Sophia Loren and Leonardo diCaprio

      1. Cris A profile image59
        Cris Aposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Sophia Loren + Rupert Everett - Pret a Porter
        Rupert Everett + Julia Roberts - My Best Friend's Wedding
        Julia Roberts + Tom Hanks - Charlie Wilson's War
        Tom Hanks + Leonard di Caprio - Catch Me If You Can

        My question :   Judi Dench + Harrison Ford good luck big_smile

  3. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 16 years ago

    Oh! Now I get it! Each poster is supposed to supply the entire chain of connections! Originally I thought this was more interactive, where each new poster put in 1 connection and the next poster added to it. But I can see that that would (could) take us into very different directions, as my Christian Bale/Barbara Streisand connection was working through Paul Newman to Robert Redford to Barbara Streisand (The Way We Were). And yes, I am that old, too!

    I'll see if I can solve your current challenge. I'm inspired, as I am watching a movie with Judi Dench right now!

  4. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 16 years ago

    Judi Dench and Cate Blanchett (Notes on a Scandal)
    Cate Blanchett and Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull)

    Does this score better for having fewer degrees of separation? Or worse, for not stringing out the connections thrugh 6 different films?

    1. Cris A profile image59
      Cris Aposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Good one MM!  Actually the shorter the link the higher the score supposedly! Now shoot the Question    big_smile big_smile

      Anybody who comes out with a link/answer first shoud provide the next question (we'll assume s/he's answer is right - until somebody complains! besides it's easy to check the validity of the answers by jusy merely looking at them)

      LegendaryN8 of course we can include Kevin Bacon

  5. LegendaryN8 profile image60
    LegendaryN8posted 16 years ago

    I like playing the "Kevin Bacon" game.

  6. LegendaryN8 profile image60
    LegendaryN8posted 16 years ago

    I got a good one - Carrot Top and Kevin Bacon.

  7. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 16 years ago

    Carrot Top and Don Rickles -- Dennis the Menace Strikes Again
    Don Rickles and Rober DeNiro -- Casino
    Robert DeNiro and Elisabeth Shue -- Hide & Seek
    Elisabeth Shue and Kevin Bacon -- Hollow Man

    Ok -- How about this one?
    Edward Norton and Grace Kelly (I have no idea -- go for it!)

  8. Cris A profile image59
    Cris Aposted 16 years ago

    GRACE KELLY / Omar Sharif - Poppies Are Also Flowers
    Omar Sharif / Barbra Streisand - Funny Girl
    barbra Streisand / Robert de Niro - Meet the Fockers
    Robert de Niro/EDWARD NORTON - The Score

    Try this:

    Peter O'Toole & Dakota Fanning big_smile

  9. LegendaryN8 profile image60
    LegendaryN8posted 16 years ago

    The best I could do with yours is somehow connecting Tom Cruise to Brad Pitt.

    Dakota Fanning was in War of the Worlds with TC and Brad Pitt was in Troy with Peter O'Toole.

    1. Cris A profile image59
      Cris Aposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Well you have to do a little research now big_smile  Hurry or MM's gonna be back sooner than we think! cool

    2. Lifebydesign profile image64
      Lifebydesignposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman - Rainman
      Dustin Hoffman and Ben Stiller - Meet the Parents
      Ben Stiller and Cameron Diaz-  There's something about Mary
      C D and Eddie Murphy - Shrek

      1. Cris A profile image59
        Cris Aposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        This is great Lifebydesign but the outstanding question is to connect

        Peter O'Toole & Dakota Fanning. 

        If you are able to do so, post it here, and unless somebody beat you to it, you get to ask the next question big_smile

        1. Lifebydesign profile image64
          Lifebydesignposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Aaaah, I get it :-) Even better, and I will be back.

  10. britneydavidson profile image60
    britneydavidsonposted 16 years ago

    i like playing basket ball and tennis....

    1. Cris A profile image59
      Cris Aposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I love tennis, too - I currently have one eye on my computer and the other on the Australian Open! But this thread is another game altogether. See the topmost messages and see if you can follow the drill and join! big_smile

  11. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 16 years ago

    Ok, here's my connection:
    Peter O'Toole and Brad Pitt = Troy
    Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise = Interview with the Vampire
    Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning = War of the Worlds

    Next pairing for your investigative pleasure:
    Jody Foster and Sean Penn
    (two of my favorite actors, btw)

  12. Junkster profile image61
    Junksterposted 16 years ago

    Jodie Foster was in Inside Man with Clive Owen
    Clive Owen was in Shoot 'em up with Paul Giamatti
    Paul Giamatti was in Sideways with Thomas Hayden Chursh
    Thomas Hayden Chursh was in Spiderman 3 with James Franco
    James Franco was in Milk with Sean Penn

    Phew, that was tough, I forgot Franco's name for a minute! lol
    I'm sure there's a shorter one for this though smile

  13. Junkster profile image61
    Junksterposted 16 years ago

    Sorry, now it's my turn? OK:

    Matt Damon to Jim Carrey! haha

    1. Cris A profile image59
      Cris Aposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Matt Damon - Catherine Zeta JOnes - Ocean's Twelve
      Catherine Zeta Jones -  Renee Zellweger - Chicago
      Renee Zellweger - Jim Carrey - Me Myself & Irene


      Try: Ben Stiller & Winona Ryder

  14. Junkster profile image61
    Junksterposted 16 years ago

    Ben Stiller was in Tropic Thunder with Robert Downey Jnr
    Robert Downey Jnr was in A Scanner Darkly with Winona Ryder


    Err:  Sean Connery and Michael Douglas


    1. Cris A profile image59
      Cris Aposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Wow you're great at this!

      Sean Connery - Catherine Zeta Jones - Entrapment
      Catherine Zeta Jones - Michael Douglas - Traffic

      My Q :     christina ricci & javier bardem

  15. Junkster profile image61
    Junksterposted 16 years ago

    Haha, I was left in a cinema as a young child and was brought up on movies and left over popcorn that had fell on the floor! big_smile

    I'll leave this one to someone else, don't want to hog all the fun smile 

    Also I know I wouldn't do very well in this one, well done on the Connery/Douglas one, I thought I set a tough one but chose Connery as I watched Dr No the other night.

  16. Teresa McGurk profile image60
    Teresa McGurkposted 16 years ago

    Dang it, Junkster, I was enjoying reading these -- whaddya stop for?  I don't know who Christina Ricci is, and can't be bothered going to Imdb.  Javier Bardem was in the movie with a title something like "christina, cathy, Barcelona"?

    1. Cris A profile image59
      Cris Aposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      LOL Teresa! Here's a briefer on Ms Ricci: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christina_Ricci

      Yes Junkster, it seems we have an audience in Teresa here, so why stop the fun? cool

  17. Junkster profile image61
    Junksterposted 16 years ago

    Oh ok then, I'll give it a shot:

    Christina Ricci was in Sleepy Hollow with Johnny Depp,
    Johnny Depp was in Before Night Falls with Javier Bardem

    I confess I googled the title of that film as I knew they were in a film together but have agonized all afternoon over what it was called.

    Sorry, if I've cheated then feel free to set a new one.  Or I'll go with this one:

    Tim Allen and Shia La Boeuf (of however you spell it)
    I've got it in 6, see if anyone else can big_smile

  18. TravelMonkey profile image60
    TravelMonkeyposted 16 years ago

    Tim Allen had a voice part in Toy Story and so did Tom Hanks
    Tom Hanks was in Castaway with Helen Hunt
    Helen Hunt was in Bobby with Shia La Boeuf

    Bruce Lee with Russel Crowe

    1. Cris A profile image59
      Cris Aposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Bruce Lee, Kareem Abdul Jabbar - Game of Death
      Abdul Jabar, Lloyd Bridges - Airplane!
      Lloyd Bridges - Tommy Lee Jones - Blown Away
      Tommy Lee Jones, Kevin Kline - A Paririe Home Companion
      Kevin Kline, Meg Ryan - French Kiss
      Meg Ryan, Ruseel Crowe - Proof of Life

      Try Jennifer Love Hewitt & Liev Schreiber

    2. Teresa McGurk profile image60
      Teresa McGurkposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Russell Crowe. . .

  19. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 16 years ago

    Only one degree of separation there.
    Jennifer Love Hewitt and Haley Joel Osment = Hunchback of Notre Dame
    Haley Joel Osment and Liev Schrieber = Forrest Gump

    Ok. How about: Reese Witherspoon and Paul Newman

    1. Teresa McGurk profile image60
      Teresa McGurkposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Reese Witherspoon was Legally Blonde with Luke Wilson
      Luke Wilson was in The Royal Tennenbaums with Gene Hackman
      Gene Hackman was in A Bridge Too Far and wasn't Robert Redford in that?
      Which leads to Redford and Paul Newman in Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid, if I'm right about A Bridge too far -- and I cheated and checked ImDb, and yep.

      So:  Shirley McLaine and Oliver Reed?

      1. Cris A profile image59
        Cris Aposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Shirley McLaine - Mark Ruffalo - Rumour Has It
        Mark Ruffalo - Meg Ryan - In the Cut
        Meg Ryan - Russel Crowe - Proof of Life
        Russel Crowe - Oliver Reed - Gladiator

        Try: Maggie Smith & Kevin Costner

  20. Junkster profile image61
    Junksterposted 16 years ago

    I'm glad I was asleep when some of these ones were done as I'd have no chance, no idea who leiv schreiber is i'm afraid!
    Anyway, the task at hand: Maggie Smith and Kevin Costner...hmm tough one

    Maggie Smith was in Harry Potter with Robbie Coltrane
    Robbie Coltrane was in Danny, Champion of the world with Jeremy Irons
    Jeremy Irons was in the Lion King with Whoopi Goldberg
    Whoopi Goldberg was in Ghost with Demi Moore
    Demi Moore was in Mr Brooks with Kevin Costner!

    OK Tobey Maguire to Vin Diesel....GO! smile

    1. Cris A profile image59
      Cris Aposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Tobey Maguire , Michael Caine - Cider HOuse Rules
      Michael Caine , Haley Joel Osment - Secondhand Lions
      Haley Joel Osment, Helen Hunt - Pay it Forward
      Helen Hunt, Tom Hanks - Castaway
      Tom Hanks, Vin Diesel - Saving Private Ryan

      Go for this one: Rossana Arquette, Laura Dern  enjoy cool

  21. RavynSteel profile image68
    RavynSteelposted 16 years ago

    An easy 4 steps:

    Rosanna Arquette + John Travolta - Pulp Fiction
    John Travolta + Kirstie Alley - Look Who's Talking Series
    Kirstie Alley + Sam Elliott - Sibling Rivalry
    Sam Elliott + Laura Dern - Mask

    How about... Mickey Rooney and Tea Leoni?

    1. Cris A profile image59
      Cris Aposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      mickey rooney, ben stiller - Night at the museum
      ben stiller, Tom cruise - Tropic Thunder
      Tom cruise, Meryl Streep - Lions for Lambs
      Meryl Streep, Jim Carrey - lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
      Jim Carrey - Tea Leoni - Fun with Dick And Jane

      How about : Angela Bassett and Ashton Kutcher cool

  22. Junkster profile image61
    Junksterposted 16 years ago


    Angela Bassett was in What's love got to do with it with Laurence Fishburne
    Laurence Fishburne was in Boyz in tha Hood with Ice Cube
    Ice Cube was in Friday with Bernie Mac
    Bernie Mac was in Guess Who with Ashton Kutcher

    Hows about something slightly different (but still movies/actors):
    David Bowie to Jeff Goldblum?

    1. Cris A profile image59
      Cris Aposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      David Bowie, Michael Caine - The Prestige
      Michaeil Caine, Liam Neeson - Batman Begins
      Liam Neeson, Laura Linney - Kinsey
      Laura Linney, Jeff Goldblum - Man of the Year

      How about Alfre Woodard and Ellen Page cool

  23. Junkster profile image61
    Junksterposted 16 years ago

    Ah, I thought I had picked an easy one andit was so easy you cam up with another way to it!

    I had:
    David Bowie -> Michael Caine (The Prestige)
    Michael Caine -> Charlize theron (Cider House Rules)
    Charlize Theron -> Will Smith (Hancock/Legend of Bagger Vance)
    Will Smith -> Jeff Goldblum (Independance Day)

  24. Cris A profile image59
    Cris Aposted 16 years ago

    LOL oh yes I can see! But now you have to work on the hanging question cool

  25. RavynSteel profile image68
    RavynSteelposted 15 years ago

    Alfre Woodard + Kevin Spacey - K-Pax
    Kevin Spacey + Chris Cooper - American Beauty
    Chris Cooper + Jennifer Garner - the Kingdom
    Jennifer Garner + Ellen Page - Juno :-)

    Try...Marilyn Monroe to Janeane Garofalo (sp?)

    1. Cris A profile image59
      Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis - Some Like It Hot
      Tony Curtis, Antonio Banderas - Play it to the Bone
      Antonio Banderas, Winona Ryder - The House of Spirits
      Winona Ryder, Jeaneane Garofalo - Reality Bites

      Try Louise Fletcher and Chris Rock big_smile

      1. countrywomen profile image61
        countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Louise Fletcher and Whoopi Goldberg -> More Dogs than Bones
        Whoopi Goldberg and Demi Moore -> Ghost
        Demi Moore and Drew Barrymore -> Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
        Drew Barrymoore and Adam Sandler-> The Wedding Singer
        Adam Sandler and Chris Rock-> The Longest Yard

        P.S: I did cheat a little bit from IMDB wink

        1. Cris A profile image59
          Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          It;s OK CW, nobody would be able to memorize all those titles! Besides the fun is in remembering which movies paired which actors! IMDB would be of little help if you don't know who/what you are looking for. Anyway, since you got the last question sorted, you shoot the next question cool

  26. countrywomen profile image61
    countrywomenposted 15 years ago

    Well then how about two of my favorite stars Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks? big_smile

    1. Cris A profile image59
      Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Try another pairing CW, they have at least 3 films together u've got mail; joe vs the volcano, sleepless in seattle so no links will be made. cool

      1. countrywomen profile image61
        countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Well those are some of my favorite movies and since I am from Seattle the last movie is even more memorable. Ok here is another one Meg Ryan and Denzel Washington? lol

        1. Cris A profile image59
          Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          No good, try another they appeared together in Courage Under Fire cool

          1. countrywomen profile image61
            countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Well then Julia Roberts and Pierce Brosnan cool

            1. Cris A profile image59
              Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Julia Roberts, Sally Field - Steel Magnolias
              Sally Field, Pierce Brosnan - Mrs Doubtfire

              My turn, try Juliette Lewis + Macaulay Culkin cool

              1. countrywomen profile image61
                countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                WOW!!! You are a movie guru. I should have thought of actors from different eras then. I will try this. I guess besides Home Alone I can't figure out any other movies of Culkin's. big_smile

                1. Cris A profile image59
                  Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  Now quite a guru, just a movie buff! Now hurry before somebody beats you to this one. Good luck! But more importantly, enjoy cool

                  1. countrywomen profile image61
                    countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                    I am enjoying and I am checking IMDB too. I guess I haven't seen so many movies for me to accomplish this as quickly as you do. So far I am having a nice relaxed weekend and now I have to give my brain extra work out wink

  27. Junkster profile image61
    Junksterposted 15 years ago

    Juliette Lewis in Natural Born Killers w/ Woody Harrelson
    Woody Harrelson in Kingpin with Bill Murray
    Bill Murray in Ghostbusters with Dan Akroyd
    Dan Akroyd in The Great Outdoors with John Candy
    John Candy in Uncle Buck with Macauley Culkin

    Not only did I manage it, I managed to pick out a bunch of films I'd recently talked about at a family meal (the great outdoors and uncle buck!)

    What great films!

    Anway, back to the matter at hand:

    Mark Wahlberg to Kevin Smith smile

  28. TravelMonkey profile image60
    TravelMonkeyposted 15 years ago

    Kevin Smith is in Die hard 4 with Bruce Willis
    Bruce Willis is in Reservoir dogs with John Travoltor
    John Travoltor was in the Get Shorty sequel with Andrea2000
    Andrea2000 was in four brothers with Mark Wahlberg.

    Whoopie Goldberg and Wesley Snipes

    1. AEvans profile image74
      AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      My goodness Travel Monkey you are good at this, I watch movies but do not have any idea how this works, however it does look like fun.smile

  29. Junkster profile image61
    Junksterposted 15 years ago

    Whoopi Goldberg > Demi Moore (Ghost)
    Demi Moore > Cameron Diaz (Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle)
    Cameron Diaz > Bill Murray (Charlie's Angels)
    Bill Murray > Woody Harrelson (KingPin)
    Woody Harrelson > Wesley Snipes (White Men Can't Jump)

    How's about:
    Chuck Norris to Paul Newman?

  30. Cris A profile image59
    Cris Aposted 15 years ago


    I did both your hanging questions! LOL

    Chuck Norris to Paul Neman:

    Chuck Norris, M Emmet Walsh - Missing in Action
    M. Emmet Walsh, Julia Roberts - My Best Friend's Wedding
    Julia Roberts, Susan Sarandon - Stepmom
    Susan Sarandon, Paul Newman - Twilight

    Mark Wahlberg to Kevin Smith

    Mark Wahlberg, Matt Damon - The Departed
    Matt Damon, Ben Affleck - Dogma
    Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner - Daredevil
    Jennifer Garner, Kevin Smith - Catch and Release

    My turn: Racquel Welch and Zac Efron cool

  31. Junkster profile image61
    Junksterposted 15 years ago

    Or just Mark Wahlberg > Matt Damon (Departed)
    Matt Damon > Kevin Smith (Dogma)


    1. Cris A profile image59
      Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Sheesh! You're right! but I have a hanging question cool

      Racquel Welch and Zac Efron    cool

      1. TravelMonkey profile image60
        TravelMonkeyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Raquel Welch was in Legally Blonde with Reese Witherspoon
        Reese Witherspoon was in American Pyscho with Christian Bale
        Christian Bale was in The Prestige with Hugh Jackman
        Hugh Jackman was in X Men with James Marsden
        James Marsden was in Hairspray with Zac Effron

        Tough one but got it in the end

        David Hasselhoff and Liam Neeson

  32. Cris A profile image59
    Cris Aposted 15 years ago

    David Hasselhoff, Christopher Walken - Click
    Christopher Walken, Meryl streep - Dear Hunter
    Meryl Streep, Liam Neeseon - Before and After

    Try:  Kenneth Branagh and Brittany Murphy  cool

  33. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 15 years ago

    Kenneth Branagh and Kathy Bates -- Warm Springs
    Kathy Bates and Brittany Murphy -- Little Black Book

    How about: Parker Posey and Bernie Mac (this should be a tough one, I hope!)

  34. RavynSteel profile image68
    RavynSteelposted 15 years ago

    Not really, if I've got this right:

    Parker Posey and Tom Hanks - You've got Mail
    Tom Hanks and Daryl Hannah - Splash
    Daryl Hannah and Julia Roberts - Steel Magnolias
    Julia Roberts and Bernie Mac - Oceans 12

    Try Eric Idle to Jennifer Lopez

  35. Cris A profile image59
    Cris Aposted 15 years ago

    eric idle, anne hathaway - ella enchanted
    anne hathaway, kate hudons - bride wars
    kate hudson, matthew McConaughey - how to lose a guy in 10 days
    matthew McConaughey, JLo - the wedding planner

    try  sean astin and viveca a. fox :coo:

  36. RavynSteel profile image68
    RavynSteelposted 15 years ago

    Too easy :-)

    Sean Astin, Tim Curry - Colour of Magic
    Tim Curry, Daryl Hannah - Addams Family Reunion
    Daryl Hannah, Vivica A Fox - Kill Bill

    Mainly remembered because I've watched those movies very recently :-)

    Eileen Brennan and Robert Powell...

    1. Cris A profile image59
      Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      eileen brennan, sandra bullock - miss congeniality 2
      sandra bullock, nicole kidman - practical magic
      nicole kidman, anne bancroft - malice
      ann bancroft, robetr powell - jesus of nazareth

      try leslie nielsen & sandra oh  cool

      1. kimback08 profile image61
        kimback08posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        leslie nielsen and sandra oh.....

        leslie nielsen + jennifer garner = mr. magoo
        jennifer garner + ellen page = juno
        ellen page + sandra oh = hard candy

        boo-ya.  now try tim curry and rachel mcadams

        1. Junkster profile image61
          Junksterposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          BOO-YA's my line! lol

          Anyway: Tim Curry to Rachel McAdams

          Tim Curry in Home Alone 2 with Macauley Culkin
          Macauley Culkin in Party Monster with Seth Green
          Seth Green in (a small role) Be Cool with Vince Vaughn
          Vince Vaughn in Wedding Crashers with Rachel McAdams

          OK, how about....
          Mickey Rourke to Luke Wilson.

          1. Cris A profile image59
            Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Mickey Rourke, Selma Hayek - Once Upon A Time in Mexico
            Selma Hayek, Steve Zahn - Bandidas
            Steve Zahn, Drew Barrymore - Riding in Cars with boys
            Drew Barrymore, Luke Wilson - Home Fries

            try Sam Sheppard and Brooke Shields  cool

            1. kimback08 profile image61
              kimback08posted 15 years agoin reply to this

              KIDS STUFF! lol

              Sam Shepard + Julia Roberts = Steel Magnolias
              Julia Roberts + Susan Sarandon = Stepmom
              Susan Sarandon + Brooke Shields = Pretty Baby

              since i can't have boo-ya, how about suck it! lol!

              1. Cris A profile image59
                Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                I didn't realize it was sooooo easy! darnit! Hey you forgot to put in your question! cool

              2. kimback08 profile image61
                kimback08posted 15 years agoin reply to this

                now try Jjimon Hounsou and Luke Wilson

                1. kimback08 profile image61
                  kimback08posted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  I fixed it LOL

                  1. Cris A profile image59
                    Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                    No sweat on this one, too! LOL

                    Djimon Honsou, Russel Crowe - Gladiator
                    Russel Crowe, Luke Wilson - 3:10 to Yu-Ma

                    try: Rain Wilson and Kathleen Turner cool

  37. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 15 years ago

    Yo, Cris. I backed off on answering this yesterday as I thought maybe you and Kimback had a little competition going. Now I'll give it a go:

    Rainn Wilson and Frances McDormand -- Almost Famous
    Frances McDormand and Jennifer Anniston -- Friends with Money
    Jennifer Anniston and Kathleen Turner -- Marley & Me

    Since we seem to be on a Wilson roll, how about Owen Wilson and Cybill Shepherd?

  38. Junkster profile image61
    Junksterposted 15 years ago

    Owen Wilson in Meet The Parents with Robert DeNiro
    Robert DeNiro in Taxi Driver with Cybill Shepherd

    Two great films with Mr DeNiro in too! smile

    Heath Ledger to Daniel Day Lewis (not even sure if this is possible, off the top of my head)

    Good luck!

  39. Cris A profile image59
    Cris Aposted 15 years ago

    Daniel Day Lewis,Leonard di Caprio - gangs of Ny
    Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon - The departed
    Matt Damon, Julia Stiles - Bourne Identity
    Julai Stiles, Heath Ledger - 10 Things I hate About You

    try Kurt Russell and Keri Russell cool

  40. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 15 years ago

    Kurt Russell and Tom Cruise  -- Vanilla Sky
    Tom Cruise and Kari Russell -- Mission Impossible III

    How about Ann Archer and Anne Bancroft

  41. Cris A profile image59
    Cris Aposted 15 years ago

    Anne Archer, Robert Downey Jr - Short Cuts
    Robert Downey Jr, Gwyneth Paltrow - ironman
    Gwyneth Paltrow, Anne Bancorft - Great Expectations

    try Ving Rhames and Courteney Cox cool

  42. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 15 years ago

    Courtney Cox Arquette and Neve Campbell -- Scream 3
    Neve Campbell and Matt Dillon -- Wild Things
    Matt Dillon and Timothy Hutton - Wild Things
    Timothy Hutton and Ving Rhames = Secret Window

    Now try Bruce Willlis and Bruce Dern

    1. Cris A profile image59
      Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      LOL MM, i have never had it this easy:

      Bruce Willis, Bruce Dern -  Last Man Standing

      Now this: Miranda Richardson and Emily Blunt cool

      1. kimback08 profile image61
        kimback08posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Now this: Miranda Richardson and Emily Blunt

        Miranda Richardson + Julia Stiles = The Prince & Me
        Julia Stiles + Julia Roberts = Mona Lisa Smile
        Julia Roberts + Emily Blunt = Charlie Wilson's War

        Now... James Van Der Beek and Colin Hanks

  43. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 15 years ago

    Colin Hanks and Jack Black - King Kong
    Jack Black and John Cusack - High Fidelity
    John Cusack and Cameron Diaz - Being John Malkovich
    Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher -- What Happens in Vegas
    Ashton Kutcher and James Van der Beek - Texas Rangers

    That was a good challenge, Kimback08!

    Here's mine: Christopher Walken and Julie Andrews

    1. Cris A profile image59
      Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Christopher Walker, Meryl Streep - The Deer Hunter
      Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway - The Devil Wears Prada
      Anne Hathaway, Julie Andrews - Princess Diaries

      Now try this : Amanda Bynes and Melanie Griffith cool

      1. kimback08 profile image61
        kimback08posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Amanda Bynes + Michelle Pfeiffer = Hairspray
        Michelle Pfeiffer + Harrison Ford = What Lies Beneath
        Harrison Ford + Melanie Griffith = Working Girl

        Now try...Eddie Griffin and Kate Winslet

        1. marcofratelli profile image75
          marcofratelliposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Woah, what a cool game and a challenge for my first post. Love the new photo Kim, very hot. smile

          Eddie Griffin + Rob Schneider - Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo
          Rob Schneider + Drew Barrymore - 50 First Dates
          Drew Barrymore + Jennifer Connelly - He's Just Not That Into You
          Jennifer Connelly + Leo DiCaprio - Blood Diamond
          Leo DiCaprio + Kate Winslet - Titanic

          Now try... Adam Sandler + Jason Biggs

  44. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 15 years ago

    Jason Biggs and Ben Affleck - Jersey Girl
    Ben Affleck and Drew Barrymore -- He's Just Not that Into You
    Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler -- the Wedding Singer, 50 First Dates

    Ok, here's one that crosses decades.
    Katharine Ross and Kathryn Heigl

    1. Cris A profile image59
      Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Katharine Ross + jake Gyllenhaal - Donnie Darko
      Jake Gyllenhaal + Jennifer Aniston - The Good Girl
      Jennifer Aniston + Vince Vaughn - The break up
      Vince Vaughn + ben Stiller - Dodgeball
      Ben Stiller + Paul Rudd - Night at the Museum
      Paul Rudd + Katherine Heigl - Knocked Up

      I'm sure there's a shorter answer! But anyway, try

      Jennifer Jason Leigh and Burt Reynolds cool

      1. Terry Brennan profile image57
        Terry Brennanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Jennifer jason Leigh was in Hey Arnold movie with christopher lloyd
        Christopher was in back to the future with Michael j Fox
        Michael was is spin city with Woody Harrelson
        Woody was in anger management with Adam Sandler
        Adam Sandler was in the longest yard with burt Reynolds

        1. Terry Brennan profile image57
          Terry Brennanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Liam neeson and Charlie Sheen

  45. Christoph Reilly profile image68
    Christoph Reillyposted 15 years ago

    Are you guys using IMDB to cheat somehow?

    1. marcofratelli profile image75
      marcofratelliposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Ahahhahaha - why would you think that mate?! We are just intelligent human beings who happen to be movie buffs!

  46. profile image0
    Janettaposted 15 years ago

    I really wanna play but I SUCK at this game sad

    1. Laughing Mom profile image60
      Laughing Momposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Don't feel bad, janetta.  I don't even try.


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