Any Freemason here ???

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  1. usmanali81 profile image60
    usmanali81posted 15 years ago

    If there are any Freemasons, please, come up and show yourselves. I also want to know how many are they on hubpages ???

    1. Mark Knowles profile image59
      Mark Knowlesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hubpages staff are all freemasons; all the hubbers with a score over 92 are freemasons, all the atheists are freemasons. We know where you are dude.................

      1. usmanali81 profile image60
        usmanali81posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        hhmmm ... may be you are right as your score is also glued at 100

      2. countrywomen profile image60
        countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        My profile score is 93 does that mean I automatically get the freemason membership lol

        1. Misha profile image64
          Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Come on CW-girl, did you forget the ceremony? lol

          1. countrywomen profile image60
            countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Ok I stand corrected and I just get the eligibility. Maybe you can enlighten me about the intricate ceremonies/procedures. big_smile

        2. livewithrichard profile image73
          livewithrichardposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Nope, if you want to be one you have to ask Well at least that's their motto.

          1. countrywomen profile image60
            countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            I see even you are eligible and who do we ask. It looks like we will be batch mates. big_smile

            1. livewithrichard profile image73
              livewithrichardposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Well we have to find people that display this symbol
              Then approach them and just tell them you want to join...oh wait a second... sorry countrywomen this club is exclusive to men only...darn!

              1. countrywomen profile image60
                countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                Is that like all boys club? I heard of some places like Yale have Skulls club of which Bush was a member. Where is woman's lib movement when we need one. It is sexist and not an equal opportunity club. I protest this injustice lol

              2. Christenstock profile image55
                Christenstockposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                There are plenty of mason lodges for women, one being the "Order of the Eastern Star."

                1. marinealways24 profile image60
                  marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  I'm not sure about any eastern stars

                  1. marinealways24 profile image60
                    marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

                    Who would want to take orders from a star?

              3. usmanali81 profile image60
                usmanali81posted 15 years agoin reply to this

                For your kind info

                Masons look at the compass as the male phallus and the square as the female vulva.  As you look at the Masonic Emblem here, you can see the obvious penetration of the female square point by the points of the Compass.  One point of difference here is that the Satanist generally reverses the sex roles of the Compass and the Square.  However, whichever way you look at it, the Compass and the Square are thought of as depicting the heterosexual sex act. Listen to Albert Pike explaining this fact to members of the 32nd Degree.  "The Compass, therefore, is the Hermetic Symbol of the Creative Deity, and the Square of the productive Earth or Universe." [Morals and Dogma, p. 850-1].

        3. Shil1978 profile image80
          Shil1978posted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Count me in too - by that logic - I am over 90 as well, Hub score wise!!!

          1. Lisa HW profile image61
            Lisa HWposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            I see that  you're 95 at this point.  I think it's time you send usman an e.mail in duplicate.

            1. Shil1978 profile image80
              Shil1978posted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Lol, he has already branded me a Free Mason. So, don't think he needs any further proof!!!

      3. mohitmisra profile image61
        mohitmisraposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        lol  lol  he is a serious nutcase, come up and show yourself lol lol

      4. Shil1978 profile image80
        Shil1978posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Lol - thanks for that Mark - I needed a laugh!!!

    2. profile image0
      ralwusposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Are you kidding? roflmao

    3. Drew Breezzy profile image63
      Drew Breezzyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      uhh dude I thought was a secret society.....

    4. viryabo profile image95
      viryaboposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      You again Usmanali?????????????
      I think i'll make your Ayahtolla sieze your PC.

      1. mohitmisra profile image61
        mohitmisraposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        lol please do smile

      2. usmanali81 profile image60
        usmanali81posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        A Freemason can do it, not Ayatollah

    5. Eric Graudins profile image61
      Eric Graudinsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I strongly suspect that there are a couple of people in my street who are Freemasons, although I believe that they charge for their work sometimes.

      They have flat bed trucks with little cranes on the back and drive around with big blocks of stone which they bring home and hide in their garages.

      Sometimes at night I hear them tap, tap, tapping away with their little hammers and chisels. Then they take the carved stones away somewhere. Usually very early in the morning.

      I've been watching them for quite a while now, trying to work out what they're up to.
      When the stones are taken away, THEY NEVER RETURN!

      It's quite disturbing.

  2. frogdropping profile image76
    frogdroppingposted 15 years ago

    *walks past Mr Knowles ... slips in a funky handshake*

    lol freemasons.

    We'll be onto the conspiracy doodahs before you know it smile

  3. Lisa HW profile image61
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    lol   lol   (How can the conspiracy thrive if "a certain person" insists on making this information public?    yikes  )

    1. frogdropping profile image76
      frogdroppingposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Oh frog knows Lisa. I'm all for conspiracy stuff anyway. Gives me something to think about besides toast and marmalade.

  4. Uninvited Writer profile image78
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago is under Entertainment smile

    1. profile image0
      ralwusposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      It is isn't it. LOL I never even noticed. haha

  5. Lisa HW profile image61
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    Could all the Elks, Knights of Columbus, Weight Watchers Members, and Boy Scouts also come forward please?

    1. earnestshub profile image73
      earnestshubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I also want watchers of telly-tubbers

      1. Lisa HW profile image61
        Lisa HWposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        It's important that we have a clear understanding of whom we're dealing with here.  Otherwise, who knows....

        1. earnestshub profile image73
          earnestshubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I have a fair idea what we are dealing with. A crazed zealot who is also a conspiracy theorist with strong homophobic tendencies and a thing about rape , Freemasons, Zionists, homosexuals, pre-marital sex, who although as ignorant as bat droppings considers himself to be an expert on life the universe and everything.

          1. Lisa HW profile image61
            Lisa HWposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            I was just browsing some of same old religious-talk threads and thinking how disturbing it is that Internet allows for the "publication" of some twisted ideas.  The other side to it, though, is that (in all seriousness, rather than the joking way I meant this before) people can get a good picture of what non-zealots are dealing with.   I have to say, spending some time on this forum has been soberingly eye-opening.

          2. Shil1978 profile image80
            Shil1978posted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Lol - I am getting more than my deserved share of laughs today. You guys are in the mood, aren't you!!

  6. profile image0
    ralwusposted 15 years ago

    We need all members of MENSA too then. And may as well add the Gay Pride bunch and NOW.

    1. Lisa HW profile image61
      Lisa HWposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Good idea.  We know they're all crazy control-freaks who are out to take over the world (even worse than Boys Scouts are).  And Jenny Craig users, all people who have ever taken any music lessons, and former public school students.

  7. Randy Godwin profile image60
    Randy Godwinposted 15 years ago

    By all means let him rant on.  He is serving a valuable purpose on this site.  Would anyone seriously consider joining a cult with this guy as a spokesman?

    1. earnestshub profile image73
      earnestshubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Ha ha not bloomin likely!

  8. profile image0
    dennisemattposted 15 years ago

    this is the funniest thread ever!!! OMG  lol

    1. Lisa HW profile image61
      Lisa HWposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      but - are you a Freemason or not?  We need to have the Freemasons come forward and show themselves.    smile

      1. profile image0
        dennisemattposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I'll never tell!!!I dont want to get kicked out of the only secret society that would accept me!!!

      2. usmanali81 profile image60
        usmanali81posted 15 years agoin reply to this


        1. earnestshub profile image73
          earnestshubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I think I may be a Freemason, I have shaken hands with a couple. I may also be a Zionist, a capitalist, and a homosexual, although my wife of twenty nine years may disagree, I do not throw rocks at my camp friends.... but all these labels have to be run by usman for verification.

          1. Lisa HW profile image61
            Lisa HWposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Oopsie.  I have a feeling my attempt at dry humor may have been misinterpreted.  hmm

            1. earnestshub profile image73
              earnestshubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Nah just a bit of Ozzie humor. it's an acquired taste.

              1. Lisa HW profile image61
                Lisa HWposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                Ernest, oopsie again.  I should have had quote boxes that didn't include your remark, and that ended with usman's.  Your humor didn't go misunderstood, Aussie or not.

                1. earnestshub profile image73
                  earnestshubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  That's a relief!

  9. kmackey32 profile image54
    kmackey32posted 15 years ago

    Here i am!!!! HAHAHA

  10. Lisa HW profile image61
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    I'm pretty sure they aren't freemasons, but we've had people on our street come and dig up a whole lot of the blacktop, do things that shake the house all through the day (for weeks now), and bury mysterious things underground.  THEN they pave over it all - so who knows what they've buried.

    They claim to be installing town sewers, but who's to say?  Best case, if they are then I can only assume it's a secret conspiracy aimed at depriving us, innocent town-folk, of our beloved septic tanks.  Worst case, they have secretly dug a path to China (which, of course, means that they have facilitated the previously futile efforts of little girls and boys with plastic shovels throughout the ages; and now a whole bunch of little New England kids are going end up somewhere in China - and once you've dug your way to China, how do you get back?)    hmm

  11. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    I'm a freemason!  Pick me!  Pick me!  My mom canned with mason jars back in the day, so...


    1. countrywomen profile image60
      countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Watch out, Lita. Maybe that canning experience will hold you in good stead while facing the fury of Mr.Usman. lol

      1. profile image0
        Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I'm not scared of him.  Lemme at him...with pickles!

        1. earnestshub profile image73
          earnestshubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          He is a legend in his own lunch time.

        2. countrywomen profile image60
          countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Lita- Heaven hath no fury like Usman scorned. big_smile

          PS: I hope Shakespeare isn't turning in his grave now.

          1. profile image0
            Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Do you think Mr. Usman will have 20 wives...or will he have to wait until heaven?  smile

            1. Eric Graudins profile image61
              Eric Graudinsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              20 wives would be hell.

              1. countrywomen profile image60
                countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                Surely 20 mouths talking would make any man wish he was deaf/dumb.

            2. mohitmisra profile image61
              mohitmisraposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              He as been promised many virgins in heaven so no sex in this life lol

              1. usmanali81 profile image60
                usmanali81posted 15 years agoin reply to this

                I dont prefer illegitimate sex to allow you kind of ILLICITS creeping in the streets of Pune.

                1. earnestshub profile image73
                  earnestshubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  Ohhh struck a nerve, he has reverted to type!

                2. mohitmisra profile image61
                  mohitmisraposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  So you believe you will get virgins in heaven ? You dont even have the guts to put up your picture, hiding behind a mask ,how pathetic.
                  You are a fanatic with no knowledge of god.
                  Go tell your pop he is illicit.

  12. marinealways24 profile image60
    marinealways24posted 15 years ago

    What the hell is a freemason? lol

    1. mohitmisra profile image61
      mohitmisraposted 15 years agoin reply to this


      1. mohitmisra profile image61
        mohitmisraposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        This thread has made my day, usman some more banter please.

    2. usmanali81 profile image60
      usmanali81posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      According to Freemasons themselves, their roots start from Ancient Egypt. For the history of Freemasons, you have to study the chain of Ancient Egypt--Crusaders--Knights Templars--Kabbalah--Freemasons. Freemasons believe on Kabbalah which is a secret mystical book full of black magic and things like that which were also preached and practiced by the Ancient Egyptian Council of Magicians to Pharaoh. And it's the common practice of magicians to hide behind the black deeds and concepts by making use of charity, donations, gifts and things like that on the front end. For details:

      In the past, Jews were expecting the last and final Messenger from their own family and region after Jesus (pbuh) was raised to Allah (God) unhurt. But Allah did not put any obligation / condition that the coming messenger shall be from Jews family and this very fact has been mentioned in all of the major religious scriptures on the face of the earth whether it be Judaizm, Christianity, Hindusm, Bhudism. So when Allah choose Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as the last and final messenger who was an Arab and not from them, they started personal jelousy and hatred with Allah, Muhammad (pbuh), Islam and Muslims and this sect of deviated Jews and Christians (New Conn Zionists and Freemasons) became more strengthened as compared to past. Their hidden plans, agendas and machinaitons took strenght with the pessage of time and now we are watching them slautering people all over the world by every means.

      1. mohitmisra profile image61
        mohitmisraposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        There is one more religion called fanaticism and that what you belong to ,not Islam.

  13. marinealways24 profile image60
    marinealways24posted 15 years ago

    Sounds religious! lol

    1. Christenstock profile image55
      Christenstockposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Not at all marine. In faith, we believe that any mason shall never be judged based on beliefs and can choose to believe or not to believe in a higher power. However, these beliefs shall always accompany a righteous soul and deliverance of good will.

      1. marinealways24 profile image60
        marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Is there a leader of the free masons?

        1. Christenstock profile image55
          Christenstockposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          We believe, that regardless of social status, every member meets on a level. Thus, members share a sense of equality and are all equal in nature, "on the level."

          1. marinealways24 profile image60
            marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Hmmm, So you are a "group" whom puts emphasis on "individual" free thought, yet you have "group" belief and thoughts. Doesn't seem very logical.

            1. marinealways24 profile image60
              marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

              After thinking about things, the free masons kinda sound like their own religion.

            2. Christenstock profile image55
              Christenstockposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Doesn't seem logical? Really?

              So if a group puts emphasis on individuality, freedom, etc., and speaks of it; while also believing in having a set of "group" beliefs, this would be considered illogical?

              Wow...I guess there goes the U.S. Constitution, Our Court Systems, Our Checks & Balances, Non-profit organizations, hmmm...and everything else?

              1. marinealways24 profile image60
                marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

                LOL Excellent Examples!!! What country do you live in? I live in the United States. Do you have any clue at all of how jacked up we are right now including all of the above that you mentioned. We have a broken government. Do freemasons also watch MSNBC?

        2. Christenstock profile image55
          Christenstockposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Marine? Were you really a Marine? If so, you should know yourself that you took orders from Stars: whom were probably Generals leading your corp, and Freemasons.

          1. marinealways24 profile image60
            marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Yes! I did 4 years and "got out". I prefer my individualism.

            1. usmanali81 profile image60
              usmanali81posted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Indivisualism is also a false doctrine propagated by Freemasons to keep ordinary men away from God-Allah

              1. Lisa HW profile image61
                Lisa HWposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                Some people believe that God created people to be unique and individual, and that any relationship they have with their God is between them and their God - and nobody else.  Some believe that anyone who presumes to tell others the way, rather than respect each individual's God-given and natural right to develop his own spirituality (or not), are "playing God" (and that anyone who presumes to "play God" in this world is the one who will most infuriate God.  Some people believe if you don't respect the individuality of "God's creations" then you don't respect God either. Some would even say that if God wanted everyone to look, think, be, and live the same He would have created everyone to look, think, be, and live alike - and nobody would have to worry about trying make a world of individuals conform to one belief or another.

                1. marinealways24 profile image60
                  marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  I must say, simply Amazing!!! I have never seen someone write so many words in which I agree with all of them! Excellent! This is my idea of how God wishes individualism, spot on.

                  1. marinealways24 profile image60
                    marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

                    I must say in my time at hubpages, this is the most enlightening statement of my individual belief that I have yet read.

              2. Christenstock profile image55
                Christenstockposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                I'm not sure what indivisualism is.

              3. mohitmisra profile image61
                mohitmisraposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                But you have no idea what god is so what do you call yourself?

        3. usmanali81 profile image60
          usmanali81posted 15 years agoin reply to this

          They are expecting the one by the name of great architect of the universe = nature = god = The Kind of Israel = Antichrist (One Eyed Dajjal)

          1. mohitmisra profile image61
            mohitmisraposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            How can the great architect of the universe be the anti Christ?
            So god is the anti Christ? Weird philosophy.

  14. Christenstock profile image55
    Christenstockposted 15 years ago

    I've seen the light!

    Blue lodge, Scottish Rite, and Shriner. Oh, and I am a proud Knight of Pythias.

    32nd degree of Fidelity and Integrity.


  15. marinealways24 profile image60
    marinealways24posted 15 years ago

    If possible, someone please explain to me how one gets in with the freemasons.

    1. mohitmisra profile image61
      mohitmisraposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Invitation and recommendation by two people at least who are Freemasons.

  16. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    I think you have to be very special, Marine, and businessy or something.  I never did know a writer that was one, hmmm.  Wonder why.

    1. marinealways24 profile image60
      marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for trying to explain Lita. Maybe they do not associate with the common folk.

      1. profile image0
        Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah...think it was supposed to be about leadership?  Some say ruling the world?  Umm...was never that interested in finding out what they did, so...  That's why I sound like I don't know!

        1. marinealways24 profile image60
          marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Sounds like another group of politicians from the description you gave. I've never trusted politicians.

    2. Christenstock profile image55
      Christenstockposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hey Lita, I actually went to Benjamin Franklin was a free and accepted mason.

      1. profile image0
        Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I actually know that, wink.  And have a friend who will say nothing bad about masons--Masonic Eastern Star Home for Children was where he grew up.

        Still, no women.  Automatically I'm not that impressed.  About as impressed as I am with small town Chambers of Commerce.  Though I recognize they have a place...and may do some good.


        1. Christenstock profile image55
          Christenstockposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          There are plenty of lodges for women; and honestly, I've not met one that isn't one, or should I say, one that isn't one and is not that impressed with freemasonry, but delves into conversations of its workings. Interestingly enough, those with the most skeptical minds, end up opening the door eventually. Knock, and knock well, and the door will open.

  17. marinealways24 profile image60
    marinealways24posted 15 years ago

    Where did my debater go? I thought free thinking individuals like debate.

    1. profile image0
      Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Probably had to run off to a Freemason lodge meeting.  I dunno--like Chamber of Commerce Mixers?  oooooh, those are refreshing and fun, lol.

      1. marinealways24 profile image60
        marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this


        1. Christenstock profile image55
          Christenstockposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          You have an inquisitive nature Marine, and a very open mind, which is a valuable valuable trait. Ask a local lodge for more information, everyone's welcomed with the highest respect.

  18. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    Well...I don't know.  A secret society...named after bricklaying and King Solomon or something.  Also, no, they do not allow women.  Sounds like it started out with a bunch of a certain kind of male goofs who were slightly drowning in their own importance....  But then I don't get sororities or fraternities, either.  I prefer--you know--real friends and memberships that have actual meaning.

    I don't think I'd agree with the inherent 'morality' the Freemasons claim to profess, and I seriously doubt they are as important as either they think they are, or as some religious groups or conspiracy theorists think they are.

  19. marinealways24 profile image60
    marinealways24posted 15 years ago

    Do they also not like debate?

  20. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    I'm sorry...I didn't catch some of that. wink

    But frankly, I've got too much in life to do.  Cannot see how belonging to any group like that will open doors I'm very interested in--  My real goals are always those of an individual (art & writing).  I only masquerade as a 'professional' type...and that's all I see masons as being--a 'professional' society, in all actuality.

    To each his own.

    1. Christenstock profile image55
      Christenstockposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I suppose it all depends on what you call "professional" in a "professional" soceity. Professionals in their respective industries determine their professionalism. Hobbies and the likes too, can determine one's professionalism. Business type characteristics, or not, are not the underlying factors that determine one's knock. Some of our most imaginative minds were Masons, e.g. Walt Disney, a professional artist.

      1. profile image0
        Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        smile  Thanks, anyway.  We already belong to 4 Chambers of Commerce in my professional capacity.  But if you know a literary agent or Pulitzer prize winner I could hobnob with, let me know!

        Besides, that Usmanali will come after me!  Maybe get Marine! wink

        1. Christenstock profile image55
          Christenstockposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Hmmm...I've got some friends, whose department, won a Pulitzer. As for recruitment, we never do that, and we will never ask anyone to join. I was simply enlightening on freemason acts and people. A good discussion, nevertheless.

          1. profile image0
            Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Pulitzer in writing, primarily.  Yawhn.  I'm ambitious or something.  Know a good literary agent in New York?

            How do people join freemasons, then?  And why?  Might be enlightening to most here.

  21. profile image52
    remo6112posted 15 years ago

    hiiiiiiiiiiiii dearrr

  22. viryabo profile image95
    viryaboposted 15 years ago

    Where is the man who started this thread?

  23. Lisa HW profile image61
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    I think he left when all the freemasons came forward.    smile

    1. earnestshub profile image73
      earnestshubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Or he could be off searching for Zionists. homosexuals, or tending to his fairies.

      1. mohitmisra profile image61
        mohitmisraposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        lol  lol

  24. Eric Graudins profile image61
    Eric Graudinsposted 15 years ago

    OK, I'll put him out of his misery.

    Freemasons can be identified on Hubpages by 2 things:
    1.A light line around their avatar.
    2. A number starting with "9" at the bottom right of their avatars.

  25. Nanny J.O.A.T. profile image68
    Nanny J.O.A.T.posted 15 years ago

    I had to laugh - Freemasons?!!? Let's see:

    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
    Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain
    Irving Berlin
    Mel Blanc
    Brad Paisley (for you C& W Fans)
    Winston Churchill
    Ernest Borgnine
    Theodore Roosevelt
    J.C. Penney
    Aleksandr Pushkin
    All 7 Ringling Brothers and their father
    Will Rogers
    Roy Rogers
    Franklin D Roosevelt
    Peter Sellers

    Yup! A subversive group - bent on world domination,that's what it is folks!!!

    If you are really interested in both pro and anti-mason sentiments try www.masonicinfo,com (replace the comma) I had to do research on them a while back and this site was particularly  useful and informative without being too biased one way or another.

    In short - the masons are groups of people (yes, women have lodges too) that meet "on the level" to promote the concepts of brotherly love, truth, hope, charity etc.  Being "on the level" means check your ego, your religious and social bias at the door and help solve some of the world's larger problems and make a positive difference. Because birds of a feather flock together- each lodge has it's own "flavor" so there is usually one that will be a fit for almost anyone.

    Now- back to the hilarity.....

    I know I am a freemason - I'm redoing my front walk in brick today- how many bricks is it per ranking I wonder? I may end up running the show!

    1. Beth100 profile image68
      Beth100posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      lol  I was just thinking along the same lines....need some new brick work done on the house...any free masons out there?!  :d

  26. Lisa HW profile image61
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    All those people were Freemasons?!!!!   yikes   yikes    yikes     Oh, the horror!!!!   I never would have guessed it about Mark Twain.

    1. Nanny J.O.A.T. profile image68
      Nanny J.O.A.T.posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      There's more - much more!!! but Shhhhhh...the world will never know! Hee Hee! You can find lists of famous and infamous freemasons all over the net!

  27. Shil1978 profile image80
    Shil1978posted 15 years ago

    I don't see usmanali around? Where oh where are you usmanali? I thought you wanted an answer??

  28. marinealways24 profile image60
    marinealways24posted 15 years ago

    I do not know if God is mad, but I would assume he is showing doubt. With the history of humanity, I would think we would have came farther through time than we have today.

  29. Bob Cedar profile image59
    Bob Cedarposted 15 years ago

    I'm not a Freemason, but I am in the Illuminati. I run the world!!! muahahahahahahaha.

  30. Lisa HW profile image61
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    I'm not a Freemason or an Illuminati, but I'm a woman - and we all know women are trying to take over the world (so watch out, Freemasons and Illuminati!!   yikes   )

    1. marinealways24 profile image60
      marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Women can never take over the world because they do not use logic!!! I'm just kidding, don't beat me up.

      1. Lisa HW profile image61
        Lisa HWposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Well, as long as you were kidding I won't.   We humans shouldn't be fighting anyway because we all know we have to keep up a united front against the aliens, who we all know will land those UFO's one day and take over us and the world.

        1. livewithrichard profile image73
          livewithrichardposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Didn't you see the movie, their vehicles are already here, underground. Just wait for that huge electrical storm...

          1. countrywomen profile image60
            countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            *and the electrical storm happens*

            1. livewithrichard profile image73
              livewithrichardposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              LOL is that a freemason getting sucked up, or is it a freemason doing the sucking?

              1. countrywomen profile image60
                countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                One is a freemason and the other zionist (they keep swapping roles too) big_smile

  31. marinealways24 profile image60
    marinealways24posted 15 years ago

    A freemason prophet told me that there would be alien debates in future post's.


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