Do you use music as an inspiration for writing?

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  1. Jenn-Anne profile image73
    Jenn-Anneposted 12 years ago

    Do you use music as an inspiration for writing?

    For example, have you ever gotten a hub idea from a particular song?  Do you find that particular types of music inspire you to write?

  2. profile image0
    MundaneMondaysposted 12 years ago

    yeah i have actually,  terrible music makes me want to write about better music,,does that count love ?

  3. profile image62
    Ghost Producerposted 12 years ago

    Yes, I've done this a few times. What works better for me is having the TV on

    1. profile image0
      MundaneMondaysposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      They used to say having the TV on stunts your mental process actually helps me get the job done faster ...

  4. profile image0
    Olde Cashmereposted 12 years ago

    I usually always have some music on when I'm writing. Sometimes the song playing would inspire ideas. I've had some in the past inspire images in my head for story ideas as well.

    1. profile image0
      Olde Cashmereposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I listen to a TON of music in general, super varied with what I play. For the most part, it's old Motown singles, 1990's rock, 1970's rock, just a bunch.

  5. KathyH profile image81
    KathyHposted 12 years ago

    I tend to write more about the musicians, but to do that you HAVE to include their music. smile I don't really get ideas from songs (not yet anyway!)  Great musicians are always inspirational to me!

  6. nicole-cw profile image77
    nicole-cwposted 12 years ago

    Music definitely inspires me to write. In fact, a few of my poems were inspired by my favorite songs. They’re all love poems though. But not all of them have a happy ending.

    I tend to listen to music while writing. It creates this soothing atmosphere for me. I suppose I write better ;D

  7. profile image52
    Yonder Moonposted 12 years ago

    Not really in a direct way. Rather, I think that certain types of music are better for enriching my mind and therefore enhance my creativity and expression smile

  8. Rosana Modugno profile image66
    Rosana Modugnoposted 12 years ago

    I'm glad you asked this because my friends and I were just discussing this.  Stephen King writes with many distractions;  television, radio, record player and children running around.  I can't do that.  I have to have everything completely quiet in order to write anything, which is why I tend to write mostly at night or throughout the day when it's the quietest. 

    When I paint or create art, then I listen to music, without words the better.  Isn't that funny?  My theory is there is already so much noise inside my head, it's like a computer disc in there. I have tons of things to write about, just pick one.  lol

  9. profile image0
    Leela Rainelleposted 12 years ago

    Absolutely for my fiction work! I'm still new to HubPages, so I don't know yet if I'll use it for Hubs. (I assume I would since I used it for blogs in the past.) What I listen to though, completely depends on my mood and ranges from the underscore music in action movies to rock to international music, which I can't understand the lyrics of but it sounds great.

  10. kalokairi profile image39
    kalokairiposted 12 years ago

    yes..i   listen to music when i am writing or i am styding, even at work in my office when i am alone.I listen soft songs in English not in my language (Greek),because i think i dont listen to their words only the rhythm. I can concentrate more easily. I must say that a song with the  title "i see no ships'' from the singer belinda carlisle gave me once the motivation to think more about the true story of this statement.i remembered that i wrote a essay about this quote.

  11. anusha15 profile image79
    anusha15posted 11 years ago

    Yes, music often inspires me to write. Sometimes, music reminds me of memories which turn on the creative switch. Poetry and music are so entangled in my mind that both get triggered together too often.

    Soft and melodious, especially romantic - sometimes inspirational too - is the genre which would inspire me the most.

    Often music creates a story floating with the sound which reaches my mind and I can visualize my characters dancing on the tune, or have their faces painted with passionate expressions - using the music as a background effect. smile

    Great lyrics are inspiring too, I feel like complimenting them, extending them, praising them. And yeah, stupid lyrics are inspiring too, I feel like making fun of them. big_smile I don't do that very often, but I might start doing it on a regular basis in future, so you could count that in inspiration - genre - satire.

    I wrote a poem - inspired by a song - for my sweetheart - long ago. About ten years ago.

    The song was in Hindi (my mother tongue) had lyrics, a portion of them meant this: we are apart for so long, when will this separation end? I've to travel, very long from night to morning each day... (Excuse my translation capabilities, but I hope this gives an idea)
    And here are the first few lines of the inspired poem:

    The distance actually between you and me may be few hundred miles...
    But how shall I calculate the distance between my seeing your smiles...
    The distance between the two days I see you, has turned into months...
    I start in the morning by hoping change - happiness will come our way...

    And each day passes by...


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