Christmas/Holiday music--how soon is too soon?

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  1. profile image0
    Janettaposted 14 years ago

    It's November so Holiday tunes will undoubtedly start being heard in stores everywhere...but how soon is too soon to start hearing Jingle Bells and whatnot? When are you ready for the stuff??

  2. torimari profile image70
    torimariposted 14 years ago

    This year Christmas seems earlier. Heck, the week after Halloween I saw people putting I'm Christmas decorations, malls decorated, and commercials of Christmas crap since October.

    Thanksgiving isn't even here...and for me, right after Thanksgiving is when it is 'ok' for Xmas stuff. That's when it used to start around here, if you are hearing Xmas jingles now...yes it's too early. big_smile /vent

    1. prettydarkhorse profile image65
      prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      hi torimari, xmas comes early for some people, I remember when I was young, as early as sept. 1 my father will play xmas songs in the radio, actually for some culture (in the Philippines) it comes early as the ber monts, Sept. 1

      1. torimari profile image70
        torimariposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I understand but here in the states that is way early and so is right after Halloween. hmm And, I started seeing commercials the week before Halloween. Oyyy veyyy.

  3. K Partin profile image60
    K Partinposted 14 years ago

    Right after Halloween is toooo soon, tradition is right after Thanksgiving!! smile

  4. Flightkeeper profile image67
    Flightkeeperposted 14 years ago

    Well I just put on a Christmas CD on this morning because I was in a Christmassy mood. I like to play non-pop Christmas songs so it's usually chorale music and very soothing.

  5. profile image0
    shazwellynposted 14 years ago

    never is too soon.. barrr humbug!

    1. theageofcake profile image60
      theageofcakeposted 14 years agoin reply to this


  6. readytoescape profile image61
    readytoescapeposted 14 years ago

    I'm not fond of it until after Thanksgiving

  7. topshelf profile image60
    topshelfposted 14 years ago

    I usually put my Christmas stuff up after Thanksgiving too, but I'm starting to play xmas music right now...

  8. readytoescape profile image61
    readytoescapeposted 14 years ago

    we've started already to but becuase we put up so much stuff we need the time. Two Full Dept 56 villages (ea roughly 10FT X 12FT)w/ trains and over 100K lights outside

    My wife is insane and I get to go along for the ride

  9. The Rope profile image61
    The Ropeposted 14 years ago

    The business of Christmas is driving an earlier kick off this year.  Retailers, distributors, manufacturers are all hurting and desperate to build their fourth quarter numbers to make a good showing for investors - thus Christmas music and promotion started right after Halloween.  We'll be tired of it before the big week comes.  Maybe this year we'll have a week focused on the real "reason for the season."

  10. profile image0
    Janettaposted 14 years ago

    we put up our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. I ususally get the other decorations up around the house the week or a few days before to cut down on what all needs done that Friday (considering I've been up since before dawn C-mas shopping!)

    I do like most...ok some...Christmas music. OK, technically I just have a handful of favorites, but I ususally start listening to them off and on starting mid November. When the weather outside gets cold and starts looking like winter, that's when the C-mas tunes and movies start coming out! big_smile

  11. KristiMcHugh profile image60
    KristiMcHughposted 14 years ago

    Soooooome of us have a hard time waiting for Christmas music... The day after Halloween, I checked the "Sounds of the Season" music channel on cable, just to see if it was on there yet. And I may or may not have listened to it for about a half hour... And I may or may not have that same channel on in the background while I'm making dinner or cleaning smile But I do wait until the week of Thanksgiving (usually that's as long as I can go!) to start playing it non-stop. I do, however, know some people who have already started... a little excessive, even for me! smile

  12. profile image53
    moonloonposted 14 years ago

    If not for the rest of my family yelling at me, I would've put on my Christmas music November 1 and listened to it all the way till December 26. As is, I'll probably put it on the day after Thanksgiving.

    I just really love Christmas music. Stuff like Trans-Siberian Orchestra can simultaneously sound like Christmas music and not sound like Christmas music. Bing Crosby music generally sounds beautiful no matter how far away Christmas is, and the classical/lyric-less stuff is pretty relaxing. It's only the sickeningly happy "commercial" Christmas music that you usually hear in shopping malls that I don't really like ("Jingle Bells," for example, might just be my least favorite song ever.)

  13. tony0724 profile image61
    tony0724posted 14 years ago

    I love the Christmas season but cmon man ! At least wait till black Friday in November to bust out the Christmas music . I am just gonna put on The Smiths right now instead !

  14. Cris A profile image59
    Cris Aposted 14 years ago

    As prettydarkhorse mentioned above, in the Philippines, the Christmas countdown starts in September (the first of the "ber" months). I believe we have the longest Christmas in the world - I'm not sure though if it's a good thing. But I love Christmas so it doesn't bother me cool

  15. wesleycox profile image67
    wesleycoxposted 14 years ago

    Christmas Eve is a good time to play christmas songs.  And Christmas Day is also a good day to do it.  Before or after those days I listen to rock or rap to avoid hearing the stuff.  Seriously, there is only so many renditions of Jingle Bells or Joy to the World that I want to hear.

  16. cocopreme profile image91
    cocopremeposted 14 years ago

    I usually get sick of hearing Christmas music long before Christmas even arrives.  I think playing a few songs here and there from Thanksgiving till about the second week of December and then going all Christmas music about two weeks before Christmas is best.  A little of it to build excitement is good.  All Christmas music all the time just makes it nauseating.

  17. talfonso profile image81
    talfonsoposted 14 years ago

    The worst time to play Christmas music is before Halloween! Ugh! This is so not the Philippines, where they start playing it in September!


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