If both mom and dad are working long hours outside home, is it good or bad for c

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  1. Ruchi Urvashi profile image60
    Ruchi Urvashiposted 12 years ago

    If both mom and dad are working long hours outside home, is it good or bad for children?

  2. lorenmurcia profile image86
    lorenmurciaposted 12 years ago

    Definitely bad. There are so many children who miss their parents company at home and therefore miss also their proper emotional development. I have many students who grow in such family situation. I tell you, most of them are my problem when it comes to discipline.

  3. debbie roberts profile image73
    debbie robertsposted 12 years ago

    Oh so bad...Children need guidance from their parents and if the parents aren't there who are they to look to for that support and guidance?  To bring up children takes time and patience and if you can't give them that, then children may hold it against their parents. Two parents working continuous long hours is a strain on family life and the children will feel it.....That is just my opinion. On the other hand there are many parents who work long hours and do a fine job of parenting......

  4. ValL profile image61
    ValLposted 12 years ago

    It's all about balance. If each parent can take turns being there for the kids when the other is working long hours and if both can make time to be there together as a family on a regular basis then they could be setting a good example of the importance of hard work and the advantages it can bring you. But the parents really have a juggling act of making sure their kids' needs are fulfilled and need to be vigilant for any problems that come up.

  5. cobrien profile image60
    cobrienposted 12 years ago

    I think it's horrible for children. In most cases it is a necessity, but children really need the full time guidance and discipline of one who loves them.
    But, if a child is being cared for by a grandparent or close family member, it's not as bad and kids will learn a lesson about the value of hard work by their parent's' example.

  6. profile image0
    Zooey LeRoseposted 12 years ago

    Personally i did not like growing up and my parents picking me up from school late after hours... I missed being home instead of playing handball by myself... its lonely

  7. Born2care2001 profile image72
    Born2care2001posted 12 years ago

    Speaking from personal experience and this answer comes from a heart who longed to be held, loved and nurtured.
    Nothing, and I mean nothing, can replace the touch of a human heart and hand, especially during the stages of early development. It is simply irreplaceable.
    No material object is worth the price paid for missing out on the opportunity to nurture a child.
    This is not a judgment, just an observation. I am grateful to my parents for all they attempted to do, but I have to admit, even 50+ years later that I wished I had known them better and spent just one more moment with them!
    Time, the exhaustible resource, and love, the incalculable essence of life equal living of incredible measure. In the right balance, they are priceless.

  8. AllSuretyBonds profile image59
    AllSuretyBondsposted 12 years ago

    I think it is good to do all this in moderation. Children especially when they are young they need more time and attention so if you are working too many hours it can become a problem.

  9. sharon e dix profile image60
    sharon e dixposted 12 years ago

    Greetings some times it not a mattter of choice, however we can make sure who watches our children , how much time we spend and the amount of time we brag on them . Give them our ears. listining to our young people can help them not need to find a group(wrong crowd) to listen to them . We as parents are there for the rest of their life. Friends come and go . Our influence should be the most power tool to train and guide them through the storms of life.

  10. edhan profile image36
    edhanposted 12 years ago

    I believe it is not the long hours of parents working will affect the children. It is the quality time spend with the children. Even an hour a day with quality time will be enough comparing those spending 3 to 4 hours without quality time.

    Giving attention and listening to your kids during the quality time is most important. They can seek to confide in you while having a good conversation within that hour. Have a close ties with your kids are important as open conversation will help to bring your relationship closer. And having understanding between you and your kids are very important. They will talk and reveal to you about things happening during their time in school or outside activities.

    So, it is not the long working hours that is most concerning but the quality hour you are spending with your kid.

  11. Cat R profile image79
    Cat Rposted 12 years ago

    It definitely robs them of a real family life that I consider very important for bringing up children, but when I look at some parents, I think their kids are better off raised by daycare centers!

  12. mcrawford76 profile image81
    mcrawford76posted 12 years ago

    Coming from a child who didn't see much of his parents growing up, I thought it was awful at the time. But I see now that it helped shape me into the strong independent person that I am today. So while I don't think its right to leave your children alone to fend for themselves, I wouldn't trade my sense of being for anything.


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