Who is your personal hero? Why?
Inspiration in our lives might be hard to find, but we all have that one person in our lives, past or present, alive or dead that has shown us the way, either through their actions or words.
My hero is my husband as he respects me a lot.
Zhu Geliang in Three Kingdom Dynasty of China. He was intelligent, loyal, and powerful; kind, generous and good-looking.
my parents taught me to be happy and content and they were a great relationship role model they met as teens got married and even years and years later ,they kept the romance in their marriage.
sounds like you had good parents Nichol!(: and Hui, I have never heard of Zhu Geliang. Did you see him, read about him, or did someone share about him?(:
Both of my two parents were heroes to me, as far as I'm concerned; because so much of what I am and know about being a person and living a life is because of them.
My children are heroes as far as I'm concerned, because they've been through a whole lot in this life without doing some of things, of being some of the things, a lot of young people going through what they have would do or be.
I have lots of family members or friends who have traits I admire, but I guess I don't really particularly think of them as "heroes" - just people I admire/appreciate for one reason or another.
Other than those mentioned, the only one who really comes to mind (and who isn't anyone in my personal life) is Helen Keller's teacher and friend, Anne Sullivan; who was a childhood hero of mine but whom I still see much the same way. I admired her for her willingness to try to figure a way to reach Helen and for her refusal to just accept what anyone else said about whether or not she could help Helen find a way to be in touch with the world. I admire people who see the promise and potential in others, especially in children; but even in animals in a lot of ways. There's so much potential and possibility built into living beings (and especially people, needless to say), and too few people even see any of those things in others.
Those two parents that I mentioned were people who emphasized how important it is to be someone who has the willingness and determination to try to "figure out" how to solve problems and get things done. They were also people who emphasized the importance of thinking for oneself and not listening to "everybody else". They valued strength and willingness to try to make the lives of others better as much as possible.
Anne Sullivan was a powerful example of someone who had the same traits my parents hoped we'd value; but not only did she reach a child whom everyone else had given up on, but she knew the value of words when it comes to changing lives, education, and being civilized beings in society.
I guess my particular selection of heroes kind of all fits together within an overall picture/culture of admiring strength, determination, willingness to try to figure out the solutions to the most difficult challenges/problems, and thinking for oneself.
Inspirational to me, well it must be my 14 and 17 year old sons, though we don't see each other very often technology has kept us in touch, without it I think we three would have struggled. Unfortunately many parents who get divorced/separate use children as a tool, a weapon against each other, I never have and my sons can see that, yes they are my inspiration...
My husband is my hero. He would do anything to support and care for his family. Years ago when we only had our first child, there were no jobs. Neither one of us could find work. He took a job making donuts in a small deli. His tough logging buddies gave him a hard time, and he told them - I will do what I have to do to take care of my family. They understood that and left him alone.
Then in 1985 we sold everything and moved back to Indiana so he could go to the Seminary to become a Lutheran pastor. The curriculum was terribly difficult. He had to learn to read and have a working knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, but he soldiered on, going to a study group every night to be able to pass that first Summer Greek class before the school year started. And he did it, it wasn't easy and he was exhausted.
It is a 4 year Masters Program and he really worked his %$^ off, but he did it for us.
He has done things for our family I could never do and he really is my hero. Married 41 years last November!
My husbsnd is my hero, he served four tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. He he has paid the price for these tours. He will never be the same again.
My grandfather. He is 68 years old and has already faced Death more times than I can count. He is an amazing man, and adopted me at birth. He saved me so many times and loved me when no one else did.
He is a disabled Vietnam Vet. He's also been married to the same woman for more than 40 years. She hates him, but he still loves her. Basically, he's been through so much and suffers so much yet doesn't intend to give up the in the slightest. He's the strongest person I know.
My dad is my hero, friend, mentor and everything. Why? He thought me to be who I am now. He was tough but fair and had lots of love. He died in 2007 but i still hold him dear in my heart.
I consider my great grandmother to be my hero. She was never one to take any guff off of anybody and yet she was the nicest woman I think I've ever met. She was the kind of lady who believed that everyone is equal. She would pick up hitchhikers, helped found a women's crisis center, brought "Take Back The Night" to her hometown even though the local city government tried to keep her and her friends from marching, and she worked as the head gardener at the fairgrounds until the day she passed away.
My dad is my hero. He taught me how to be independant and how to question versus accept everything I see and hear. He was a very proud man and through his example, I am learning to accept myself exactly the way I am. My father passed away 3 months ago. Thanks for this question because this was a beautiful moment to honor his memory
My mother is a hero or rather a heroine as she moulded me into a responsible and mature person that i am Today. My mother is a true role model to me in every way. She's a caring mother, a good wife, an efficient homemaker, an intelligent decision-maker and a great teacher of human values and morals. i am blessed with such a wondeful mother!
My Dad is my hero, because he has all the qualities I aspire to be. He came from a broken home, both his parents basically abandoned him at an early age and he was raised by his Grandmother.
How ever he didn't let this stop him and went on to put himself through College, joined the Air Force and became an officer (retired Colonel) in the Judge Advocate Generals division.
Retired from service after 23 years and became a full time County Judge for the last 20 years or so. He is honest, practices integrity and loves the game of baseball.
He has been battling non Hodkins Lymphoma for 20 years.
Nudely everthing the bible states would happen has come true and will continue its course. So far no man can live long enough to prove anything against God and usally man is the one who is confused and gets the story all wrong. scholars are limited
My Hero, is God, we all have to thank to him/her, we won't be here if not God
Obrien remember when smoking was a good thing commercially, it was the cool thing ,now look back how many people have it killed and still killing more , the bible warned of keeping the body clean from such things, so quit discrediting a good thing
My hero is Mother Teresa. She ministered to the sick, poor, orphaned, and dying until her very last illness. She is an icon of compassion to people of all religions. Her great answer to the question 'What can we do to promote world peace' is 'Go home and love your family'. Yes, that is everybody can do. Let us love our families to make world peacefully.
gotta be my daughter. even though she doesn't know it, she's kept me safe from harm. she's made me stronger than i ever thought i could be.
My Hero is Tom Cruise, because he is husband of Katie Holmes and I am big fan of her. So her hero is my Hero. :-)
My grandma. She has always believed in me and encouraged me when nobody else did. I hope to make her proud above everyone else.
My mum is mine. She's an amazing women who has modelled me to be the person I am today and for that she is my hero.
Me. I am the culmination of all my heroes. All the things that exist our within my own brain. I am fighting the good fight and strive to be better everyday. If I looked outside for my hero I wouldn't become the hero to my own story. It is like that Metallica song "Hero of the Day" It is me that is the hero. I wouldn't want to get lost on false idols. I AM.
My hero is Mahatma Gandhi. He was the preeminent leader of Indian nationalism in British-ruled India. Employing nonviolent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.
Well, it will take time to speak about him.
It's more convenient to give a link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi
Has to be my mom. Unfortunately she wasn't dealt the best of circumstances in life. Without getting into great detail, let's just say she had to raise three teens by herself during a tumultuous divorce with no money and no college education. Yet somehow she did the impossible, not only raising us but also in establishing her own successful business. To this day I continue to be proud of what she has done, and try to model her successes in my own journey.
I could name a number of people, but right now, it is my Mom. She is 77, and recently moved into an assisted living facility. It has been three weeks since she moved in, and she has adjusted to the sudden change in her life with such grace and courage. This inspires me so much!
Christine Stemple- She was always there for me and was a good friend!
My parents are my heroes.They born me and make me grow up.They are very careful towards me.They love me more than any thing of the world.They gave me every pleasure of the world and I also want to give every pleasure to them.They are only resource of happiness to me.God bless them.
In 2015, I gained a new personal hero when I learned about Bernie Sanders. The Senator from Vermont is a person of such integrity and works tirelessly to help make America a better place for the poor and middle class.
I'm voting for him for president but check every day for videos and information about him. He is my hero.
My Mom is my hero. My father died when I was 8 years old; Mom took on the role of both mother and father to myself and my three sisters from that day forward without flinching - she was 38. Six months after the death of my father, Mom went to the Doctor complaining of pain in her chest, more specifically in her left breast.
Mom was turned away, not taken seriously and was actually told by a licensed physician that she was a new widow and "lonely", there was nothing wrong with her. My mother knew better and persevered. She fought for herself, for her four young girls, not stopping until she was able to find a Doctor who would not only listen, but take her seriously. Mom was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer.
My mother was a warrior. She had surgery, left breast mastectomy and lymphadenectomy, and life continued status quo. My three sisters and I were lucky that Mom fought so hard for herself, we could have very easily become orphans, but my Mom knew her body and would not take no for an answer.
Nine years went by before cancer would visit my Mom again. Mom, like her first time, discovered a lump herself. Mom taught me and everyone who was blessed enough to know her, that she was not going to let cancer win or destroy her life. Mom lived with cancer. Mom never complained, followed everything that her Doctor asked of her - chemotherapy, transfusions, procedures, medications, diets... all with a smile on her face.
Sadly, at the age of 33 I lost my Mom to cancer. Cancer did not win, it did not take my mother from me. My mother decided that she no longer wanted to fight. She was tired and wanted to be with my father; it had been a very long 25 years raising four girls without the love of her life, she was more than ready to join him. My Mom was in control of her life's journey to the very end, choosing Hospice in her apartment so that my sisters and I could be by her side through it all - and we were.
My Mom taught me what it meant to believe in yourself. She was such an example of strength, courage and love. I hope to be half the woman my mother was some day. Mom never complained. Mom always smiled. Mom would get asked, "How are you feeling?" and reply, "I'm fine. How are you?" ~ she always put others before herself.
Mom believed in the power of positive thinking and prayer; She also believed laughter was the best medicine. She was a true hero.
My grandpa is my hero. He was just the very essence of what it meant to be a good human being. He was truly a very good person. A hard worker. Like a John Wayne kind of man. He always put his family first and he never turned anyone away. He raised 8 of his own children, 4 grandkids, adopted a friends child and adopted a great grandchild. He lost his life to cancer 11 years ago.
It is important to have an ideal or Hero. Ideals set our life in the correct direction. Goals tell us how to accomplish the Ideal. The Ideal is the direction, the Goal is the method.
I had negative heroes when I was growing up. You can learn from people even if they do wrong. My father was mentally ill and I do not wish that on anyone. My brother is also mentally ill and I pity him. My step-father went to war and suffered from PTSD.
I learned not to have children due to the mental illness in my family and to avoid war and violence.
My parents because if I didn't have them I probably wouldn't still be here.
My own father.he is loving caring and a hero to ourselves& to our family members.
Michelle Obama. She is classy, loving, real, concerned mother, great wife, and a woman that shows you can be strong/beautiful/loved. The way she loves her husband and her husband loves her for who she is and respects her as a person is magical.
Michelle is genuine, an accomplished educated woman with great career before meeting Barack. She is loved, protected, valued, and cared for by Barack.
She gives faith and hope to women that you can have an awesome life!
My Mother is Real Hero. I would like to say that's If you love their parents and someone else. But You can't give time to them for caring. You can take help Health care center, These Health care provide a environment and Facilities to Senior and Adult in their Center. Many Senior Person also live their under doctor and expert. For more information you can follow path of life communities : http://www.pathoflifeassistedliving.com
My grandparents were my heroes for so many reasons, but I will narrow it down. My grandfather was one of the four first black police officers in my hometown. A town which was given its name by the KKK- and still speaks of it in our seal. He was also the first of those four to arrest a white man. Now my grandfather passed four years ago and he was 92; so imagine that environment when he was in his thirties. Our name was something to be known. He was also in the military and he had fully decorated service. My grandmother was one of the first black nurses' in the same city. They were married for 71 years; I only heard them argue once and I was in my twenties- I almost needed therapy. They took such historical leaps and they did it together. Their love could be heard in their pet names, seen in their gazes at each other. I pray that I will continue to feel that type of love. They had a lot to do with my decision in my significant other; it was a perfect blueprint. I am with my best friend; as they were too.
My mother is my other personal hero. My mother is very sensitive, but she is driven. She has always strived for better as a parent, a person, a mother. She smiles through everything; even though she wears her feelings on her sleeves. She seems so unsure of herself; yet moved sturdily by her conviction. She is so complex; yet so simple. She merely wants love for all. Who couldn't admire that?
My dad is my hero. When he was 5 years old his mother left him and his brothers. My grandpa couldn't care for them so they were sent to live with different families in the community. On Christmas they would all get together. They could only afford one toy for all of them to play with. Now that he is older, he is strong and forgiving. He didn't let his life circumstances break him. He became a cop and made a good life for his family. I love him and he will always be my hero.
I consider qualities of certain people around me are my heroes. My father is a victim of dangerous psychological disorder Schizophrenia. He led an aimless life just after crossing 35. By profession, he is a civil engineer; he is equally fond of singing, drawing, playing guitars and many more. I saw less than half of his true qualities but those few I managed to imbibe mean a whole world to me. I saw him drawing creative idols side by side presenting structural drawings for his work front. Now he can not draw them any more because of his trembling hands. He had a wonderful voice to sing and his creative pair of hands used to accompany him playing different tunes with guitars . Shock treatment ruined all his creative bends one by one. Still he tried his level best to make himself comfortable in the fresh new situation. He did not give up for a moment and fought against all odds when his brain is reduced to nothing.These quality are my real heroes and I would like to inherit as much as possible.
My mother showed tremendous patience combating these tough times. In order to establish our careers, she has sacrificed her own wishes. At the same time, she took responsibility to run my father's treatment. Thus she has shown real valor towards making it sustainable for us in the long run. This quality is worth of respect and admiration; this is my another hero I like to preserve throughout my life.
My Hero would be the highest personage of the entire universe.
The reason why is I can simply look at the heavens , the stars , moon , sun , and they all take care of my existence everyday. They are on time everyday I can count on them to be there.
That tells me My creator is faithful is on time.and he provides humans what they need by growth of plants and water is provide our needs.
Just think if the earth did not create food, water, air, we would not exist.
My hero has kept me alive despite the bad forces in the world that would have it that all humans should die forever
But our Heavenly Father has developed a wonderful plan to safe a great crowd of humans from the earth.
Adam sold our rights to keep living.
When our Heavenly Father provide us a release . A LIFE for Lives !
Jesus is our Adopted father taking Adams place so we will not die like Adam and Eve for eternity .
That is what Hero's do save lives !
This is every humans opportunity !
But many will decline .
Re 7:9 After this I saw, and look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands.
Re 7:10 And they keep shouting with a loud voice, saying: “Salvation we owe to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb.”
We can say it is a hero that has provided our future to keep living.
May we be one of these that say Salvation we owe to our God (Jehovah) and to his son Jesus.
Our hero's perfected this truth long ago.
Jesus life is a perfect Prince of the Heavenly Father buying generations of humans to keep living and being resurrected to live in a trouble free world Govern under him. No human born of Adam has this Authority. Mt 28:18
For any child,their hero is none other than their Parents.Even among them,Children would consider their dad to be more heroic than their mum.
But later on,with their growth due to the influence of films,sports and cartoons,Children take filmstars,sportsmen and cartoon characters as their role models and heroes.For me,its none other than my PARENTS.
Stephen Hawking. The reason should be obvious. Strength of will, good humour in the face of dreadful illness, and massive intelligence.
Thomas Paine: He wouldn't appreciate my description "An American Jesus," but nevertheless, it's the only way I can think of him. He is American number one, that is, there were other Europeans on the continent long before he arrived, but he was the person with a singular vision to reject our status as a colony, and to proclaim ourselves as a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Sorry, a little Gettysburg Address there, but it's true. He advocated for a complete severance from George III, an act of treason, but his argument fell on deaf ears... UNTIL he wrote a little pamphlet called Common Sense where he articulated the inherent flaws of monarchy, and pointed out the many positive aspects of becoming a new nation with a chance to create a new government where tyranny was impossible. Common Sense takes the colonies by storm, they declare their independence from England, they fight and win the Revolutionary War, and the French, who graciously helped us defeat the British, see the wisdom of this move, and THEY overthrow their monarchy! Paine goes to France by way of England where he pens another gem, The Rights of Man, and inspires the English to hold their monarchy more accountable. Once again a "criminal" for flouting English authority, Mr. Paine absconds to France to assist in their revolution. He arrives as a hero and accepts an advisory position (four were offered to him on his reputation alone) but as the months go by, he disagrees with the majority on one point. Whereas the preponderance of the committee is calling for the deaths of their king and queen, Paine wants to spare them... have them exiled to America... since, after all, they helped defeat the British at Yorktown and elsewhere. To some of the French, however, this is too radical an idea, and Mr. Paine is sentenced to die with the King and Queen! While in prison, Paine writes "Age of Reason" which utterly demolishes the authority of the bible... he shows it a fraudulent composition at nearly every book! So, like Jesus, he is willing to die for another's sins, his writings inspire liberty-minded individuals everywhere, and by some fluke he escapes death and returns home, where, like Jesus, he is rejected in his home land. He died, alone and alienated because people were so scared into believing the Bible, but through his early efforts, atheists today are free to spread the Good News, which is: The Bible is Fiction!
Nudely no doubt there are great men in many fields.
But they are no way equal to Jesus.
First Jesus was not born of Adams blood line..
Jesus Father is Jehovah. He was already a Heavenly Prince.
There is no way they are equall in value.
Jesus must have been born of Adam's blood line if Mary was human. You're right: "...no way they are equal in value." I'll give u 10 Jesus'es for 1 Tom Paine. 10 myths for the 1 flesh&blood Paine. Xianity is likely a Roman invention 4 smoothr occu
Nudely Jesus was already made and implanted in Marry all she did was carry him until birth. So Jesus no way had imperfect blood run through his veins.
He is A Royal Prince of God Jehovah.
Well, that's YOUR version, but it's not what the bible says. Many serious biblical scholars reject virgin birth story, but note that Christianity might not have survived in sea of competing mythologies without it. Mithrasism would've bin a competitor
Human scholars have imperfections.
There is no 100 percent accuracy
Human Bible writers EXEMPLIFIED imperfect! We're lucky if 20% of the New Testamnt is true, and DAMNED lucky if 5% of Old Testamnt is true! Archaeology, anthropology, biology, cosmology, etc. have'nt been kind to yesterday's unenlightened myth makers.
Nudely that is your observation but I can base my life that not one thing the bible speaks has not come true.
And we are faced to see futher fulfillments.Humans are limited and die .But the Heavenly Father lives forever , he sees people come and go.
Socialize our children.
Show them good examples.
Show them peaceful heroes.
Show them violence is Not heroic.
Renounce violent characters from the Bible to video games.
Do this in your own life and do not interfere with others.
O'BRIAN personally I already do the things you list but some kind a way you are still twisted in assuming what people do with their kids Maybe you should direct your attention to the media, commercially, Merchants who target children with badness
My parents because no matter what, they never give up!!!!!!
My hero is Dantdm because he makes funny videos in YouTube and my parents because if I need help, I call them.
I would have to say my mother. I usually don't have heroes, but now that I'm a mother myself, I have a newfound appreciation for my own. She wasn't perfect and made her fair share of parenting mistakes, but she always made sure my brother and I never went without. She's taught me so many valuable life lessons. But most importantly, she always reassured me that her love for me would waver.
Para muchos su heroé es su padre o su madre en algunos casos ambos, pero para mi no es asi.. ya que por circunstancias de la vida no creci al lado de ninguno de mis padres; pero si tengo una heroina en mi vida y es mi tia, ella cubrio la ausencia de mis padres, cuido de mi y me enseño lo basico de la vida desde decir mis primeras palabras hasta luchar por lograr mis metas; siempre la he admirado por sus grandes capacidades de lograr lo que se propone en la vida; apesar de los momentos dificiles siempre tiene una hermosa sonrisa en su cara que te hace sentir seguro y confiado.
puedo pasar escribiendo un libro completo sobre mi tia pero puedo resumir todo simplemente diciendo: mi tia es mi heroina porque gracias a ella hoy soy lo q soy!
My hero is Swami Vivekananda, a great sage of India. I am greatly influenced by his life and teaching. He taught us - Purity is our power. We have to be pure in our body, mind. and soul. Practicing purity is a hard task. But if we try it continuously we will achieve a great power to root out any evil.
I would have to say my grandpa. He survived a war, started a successful business and is one of the smartest people I know. He is also very giving, understanding and works very hard. Even as a retiree, he is active in his community, is constantly learning new things and dedicates his time to the people and hobbies he loves.
I think inspiration from our past is best inspirational to do better in future. our parents and friends good quality and behavior led to positive mind and freemind to take right decision.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (Spiritual Leader) is my personal Hero. He is founder of one of the Largest NGO The Art of Living Foundation which is spread over 151+ countries.
I follow his spiritual teachings in my personal life & also I look at him as a business Guru who is able to spread his company across 151+ countries within a span of 30 years.
I love one of his quotes which says "Do everything with smile and some style"
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