i have a two month old son and he only likes to sleep as long as he is in mine or my husbands arms? we have tried all we canthink of . so wat do we do now
my son hated being swaddled when he was a baby. he would fight until he was free from the blanket, so to keep his little feet warm, i put booties on his feet.
what i used to do when he was a baby would be to lay him in his crib, turn off the lights and turn on his little mobile, which had gentle colored lights, then get down on the floor and talk softly to him and rub his back. in five minutes he was out like a light! good luck.
Soft music(classical violins and other strings), and a blanket, wash the sheets with a lavender scent(unless allergic). always whisper, lots of hugs before you put them down, No TV.
Have you tried reading to your son? I know he's very young, but it has a positive impact, the warmth of your voice is amazing. Also, Classical Music, is very soothing to a little one, I played mostly Beethoven for my son when he was that young, and he grew up to be a musician, I read to him in the cradle, and he read his 1st book when he was three years old! Benjamin was a difficult child, but I believe it was because, he needed positive stimulation. Stimulated with books and music, he slept peacefully. You probably have a very special child, I know my son is...he has a tested IQ of 149! Make your baby warm and comfortable and read to him....I hope this helps....
hello, i know not everyones methods work for all but here are a few things i have tried with my youngest son he was colicky from day one and very hard to get to sleep. have you tried a soothing bath before bedtime? use johnsons baby wash and lotion with the lavender and chamolie scent helps to sooth the baby if they are fussy and overly tired. also trie a gentl massage with warm lotion from your hands also helps to calm fussy or overly tired babies. something else that worked was swaddling the baby in a familiar blanket that had your scent on it but was soft material like fleece. my son like to feel like he was snug so i used on of them positioners. i'd put a wedge on each side of him while he was swaddled in his faviorate blanket. there were even times where i had to revert tosleeping in the living room recliner just to get some sleep with him. or taking hm for car rides around the block until he was asleep then carefully taking him into the house to his bed. i hope some of these sugesstions help you. hang in there it should get easier. hope you have ablessed day
the phrasing of this question is a bit unfortunate
make sure the car is warm and take em for a bumpy drive. my kids used to konk out.
Have you tried swaddling? My daughter won't sleep for more than 30 minutes at a time without being swaddled. Let me see if I can explain it. You take a blanket and lay it out. Take the top left hand corner and fold it to look like an upside-down triangle (only fold that corner down halfway, to the center of the blanket). Lay the baby down in the center of the triangle with the baby's neck even with the top part of the upside-down triangle. Take the baby's left arm and tuck it in underneath the upside-down triangle. Then pull that part across the baby's body and tuck it underneath. Take the bottom and pull it upward, tucking it in the same place. Take the right arm and tuck it just like the left arm. Tighten the bottom part, then pull the right side over the baby's body and put it behind her. I'm really bad with directions, so feel free to message me back if that was confusing. Thanks to the swaddling, my baby has slept through the night since she was 3 weeks old.
in the movie The Happiest Baby On The Block they rave about swaddling.
they say if you can learn to do it just right its like a baby off switch. i've seen it work like magic, though i never did it myself.
i used to let my daughter co-sleep because she nursed and would absolutely not sleep or even be content anywhere but my arms, that lasted for well over 6 months! i found that even though it was heartbreaking for me, a little crying wouldn't hurt her and would actually benefit her if it meant her gaining a little independence, wanted or not. ;P she's sleeping in her own crib now, and still (or NOW) happy as can be.
and for teething?
chamomile tea. hylands even sells teething pellets? something like that...safe, natural and calming.
badgers balm also has a sleepy time balm for babies that uses aromatherapy to help induce sleep and calm, works like a 'dream' lol
First of all congrats for the baby.. secondly if you ask that how could you make your baby sleep... its too too tough.. hahaha.. babies can't sleep slone they need someone or the other to sleep.. I have no idea but I have heard somewhere that whatever way you teach them they sleep that way..
Have you tried wrapping your son in a warm blanket so that he feels like he is in your arms? I don't have a child but that is what I've heard from others.
Get the blanket and wrap the baby up tightly. This makes them feel secure like being in the womb.
Hope this helps and good luck! x
nothing smells so nice and Lanolin .. comfy comfy.. cosy cosy x
denno is a wolf in sheeps clothing! ooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwoooooo! *my attempt at howling* hehehe
Have you tried using a swing?
What about placing him on his tummy? -I know pediatricians do not usually recommend this, but if he can lift his head when laying on his tummy, he will be fine. It is the only way two of my boys would sleep, if they were out of my arms.
Try a little neck pillow for him, like a rolled up washcloth, if his head tends to roll back over your arm while he sleeps.
Have you tried one of those heart beat toys they make for babies, that sound like a person?
Do you wash his laundry (blankets and sheet especially) with the same detergent/fabric softener that you wash your clothes with? It could be the smell. -If you are concerned about how you wash his stuff, try sleeping with it for a night or two, to impart your smell.
You can try rocking him to sleep and then putting him in his crib/bassinette. Cossette's suggestions are very similar to what mine would be... soft music, low light and alittle tummy rub never hurt any child's chances of sleep. Some people say you should always put a baby in the crib "sleepy, but awake" so they learn early to put themselves to sleep. I was never able to manage this with my guys.
With both my sons we eventually had to use a very mild version of the "cry it out" method. Which, I know sparks all kinds of argument for and against. I couldn't bear to let them cry, so I would only do it for 5 or 10 minutes at a time. And, we didn't start that young, but I can't remember when. They were just too tiny for me to be o.k. with it. But, once we did start when they were older, we found that both kids needed that "unwind" time. After 5 minutes of tears, they'd be out like a light. After a few days, the time got shorter and shorter until they were comfortable going to sleep. Even now that my eldest is 4 1/2, I find he runs around like a madman for about 10minutes before we do quiet story and bedtime.
My youngest is much more stubborn, and just hated being left in his room. So, we sort of "practiced" going to sleep on his own. I would turn out the light and put him in his crib, but I wouldn't leave, I'd sit in a rocking chair right next to his crib until he quieted down and was almost asleep. I tried to stay shorter and shorter each time. But, again, this is when he was about 10months old.
Mostly, just hang in there. I found 2 months to be the most difficult period with both of my babies. Things haven't really started to upswing yet (they still aren't sleeping much, haven't done much smiling yet) but you have 8 weeks of built up new parent stress. Give it another week or few weeks, and it will get better!!! The baby will start to sleep more believe it or not, and will start to smile and interact a little more.
They are amazing little gifts, but SO much work and stress too. We tend not to talk about that part, and, I think new parents feel so alone sometimes. You aren't the first person to feel like you would trade your whole life for a nap! But, its so worth it... and once it starts to get better, it never stops!!!
What kind of question is that? You put animals to sleep, not babies! Where do you people come from?
Give a warm soothing bath, little baby massage with some baby lotion, then in a warm comfy onesie and wrapped in a small soft blanket. A dark cool room is perfect for the crib.
Routine is pretty important, naps, feedings etc. so that when it is time for bed baby is really sleepy and it isn't a problem.
Either a car ride, oscillating chair, or mom's arms can work if nothing else does. But as soon as baby is sleepy into the crib
I heard lavender is a bit iffy for boys, but ask your pediatrician.
My oldest son was colicky also, the only thing that worked was the swing.
He spent his first four months sleeping in a battery operated swing.
While a child is still in the "In Arm Phase", up to about 12 months the child wants is to be held close to its mother while it is going to sleep. You can trick the child by swaddling him or using mechanised swings, or taking him for a car ride but really, nothing beats normal, natural motherlove and the right ambience: low lights, no sound or only soft music. Once the child haf fallen asleep in its mother's arms it's OK to put him or her down in a cot but it has to be done in a very skilled way or the child wakes up and you're back to square one. It takes a lot of practice to put a child down when it has just fallen asleep. You have to do it extremely slowly, keeping the baby's body supported in the places where your arms were holding it whyle sticking to the rhythm of your own heart beat and staying in light contact with the sleeping child until you notice that he or she is falling into a much deeper sleep. Yep, it takes time and patience, but then those early years are so soon gone, you might as well give it your all for the sake of avoiding future problems.
What always baffles me is: We need a driving license to drive a car yet anyone can have a child without any form of training whatsoever.
when he was a baby, i used to put on a Pachelbel CD and rub my son's back until he fell asleep if he was colicky, fussy or sick.
to this day, he loves that song.
that's a new experience for me all my kids always fell and stayed asleep, once done eating
always had probs tryin to get them to burp before lettin them go back to sleep at that age.
one time my son was eating dinner...he was about 8 months or so..he had a plate of spaghetti and he was in his high chair nodding off, and fell asleep and he had a face full of spaghetti
poor little guy. it was so cute though.
Since a mallet is out of the question, there's a good idea that we used to use and it was a massive teddy that we used to substitute for us with our daughter when she was 3 and a half months old, we used to prop it up right in the corner of the room and she used to fall asleep from there and then we carried her into her cot later on!
My oldest was colicky for two days. My odlest daughter now has a son who as yours didn't go to sleep right away and wanted held all the time. Leave the bay in his room and walk away. He will eventually go to sleep. It sounds bad, but that is what you have to do. He is training you to do whatever he wants when he wants you to. It works, I had a pediatrician tell me that with my youngest. The first time she cried for an hour, but after a week she was sleeping on her own and through the night. It is heart wrenching to here your child cry for so long, but if there is no medical conditon they have --they are training you.
1) Go for drive with your baby
2) give massage to baby before go to sleep.
3) Make baby bed very comfortable so he can feel snug. you can do bye taking baby feather bed, down pillow, down comforters. Make sure that all these thing are very soft because skin of baby is very sensitive.
Are you usually very quiet during the day when your baby is taking a nap? I see a lot of people suggesting being as quiet as possible, soothing, etc., but I got a bit of advice from someone that worked really well with my son. Babies will sleep regardless of their surroundings once they get tired enough, and if they're used to noise they will sleep through it just fine. During the day my son went to sleep to Metallica and sometimes even the vacuum...though the flip side is that then I had to leave some kind of music on for him at night too because he wasn't used to sleeping in the quiet.
I was lucky in that my son slept good pretty early on, but whenever he wasn't feeling well (sick or teething) he had a bit more trouble. I'd lay him in his crib with his favorite soft blanket and rub his tummy, skin-to-skin, until he dozed off. When he had a little bit of light in the room he tended to do better because he could watch the things around him and so stay occupied until he fell asleep. It also worked well to use a single finger and stroke his face -- across his forehead, down his nose, across his cheeks -- and he would fall asleep pretty fast because of the rhythm and his tendency to close his eyes every time my finger passed anywhere near them...within five or ten minutes, sometimes less, he'd close his eyes and not open them again.
Putting a baby to sleep sometimes can be a little bit hard especially if the baby is quite hard to please. But for me, I guess the best way to put a baby to sleep is giving him/her a quiet and comfortable environment.There should have enough ventilation and warmness.
The little baby I used to babysit used to be like that as well. What we did was have White Noise in the background. White Noise reminds a baby of being in the mother's womb and, although it's annoying to us, it can be quite soothing to a baby.
Some ways to make White Noise are vacuuming in the next room after you've laid your baby down, finding static on a radio or television and playing it softly in the baby's room, or placing the baby in a car seat while sitting on top of the washing machine or dryer.
Well now if that ain't a hell of a question. Get rid of the effin milk and give him scotch woman.
Try putting one of your pillow cases or worn t-shirts nearby when putting him/her down. Sometimes babies can feel comforted by your scent as well as being swaddled. My son slept better about that age when we laid my husband's shirt in his crib (not close to his face of course). Good luck!
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