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  1. mikoas profile image59
    mikoasposted 16 years ago

    IS IT POSSIBLE TO FIND TRUE LOVE? Your opion is highly accept.

    1. profile image0
      Poppa Bluesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Absolutely! The way to find true love is to start with yourself. Love isn't something you receive, it's something you give. The more you give, the more it will come back to you. It's important though not to expect love to be returned, but if you love, and give love freely, love will come back to you!

      1. profile image56
        aishaazizuddinposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        exactly, well said, very well said! this what i too had on mind.

    2. glbt_awareness profile image61
      glbt_awarenessposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I know for some people they do not believe in TRUE LOVE, however, I can say throughout my life I have found it not once, not twice, but Three times.  It is a great thing to find and have when it comes around.

      1. AEvans profile image74
        AEvansposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        I couldn't agree

  2. Ursa Anzur profile image56
    Ursa Anzurposted 16 years ago

    Sure it is. I have found mine. He's truly the love of my life.

  3. profile image0
    sandra rinckposted 16 years ago

    Sure, not sure it would be recipricated though.  smile

  4. JKSophie profile image68
    JKSophieposted 16 years ago

    Yes! It is definitely possible to find true love, because, I've found one. big_smile

  5. profile image49
    bluecathyposted 16 years ago

    Im not so sure but still im waiting for a true love

  6. profile image50
    mukprinceposted 16 years ago

    Find Love is one thing.... The most important one is that.....Do you what you want find, Do you have what you want to find.. That some who possess it will receive it the way he expects it. Many questions are always asked but factor to finding  true Love are always taken by the physical expression etc forgetting It origin is Divine and this is where complication rise from for it is very hard to determine or discern who is that person that has got your True Love.... If Love is Defined wright and it characteristics or properties. In brief: It only God who can find you one True Love
    Otherwise .................It is Possible But impossible by yourself..

      Note That is my own View..

  7. mikoas profile image59
    mikoasposted 16 years ago

    Thanks all for your respond.
    Yes it is possible. Our God gave us true love by given us His only begotten SON (Jesus Christ) to die for our sins. He alid down His life for mankind to be save. Love is God. And to find true love each person must first find God-accept and fully give our heart unto Him. When He rules in us then it will possible for us to give true love to others. When you fully love your God, then you can be able to give true love to others.
    Thanks and reminly lovely.

    1. Shadesbreath profile image76
      Shadesbreathposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Dude, don't poison a good thread with preachy garbage like this.  Take it to the religion forum at least.  You asked a great question and then puked your faith on it.

  8. elkhound02 profile image58
    elkhound02posted 16 years ago

    Yes, it is. I love someone to death. Its just hard at times to find the rite one.

  9. vitaeb profile image60
    vitaebposted 16 years ago

    True love comes into your life when you learn true acceptance, loving another without conditions, accepting yourself without measurement. Yes, this is possible. I know because I have traveled the path to this understanding through trial and error, but with an open mind and an open heart. This is the attitude I recommend.

    Cheers for now...

  10. AEvans profile image74
    AEvansposted 16 years ago

    Yes !! I actually believe so as I have found my true love , it takes patience,perserverance and working together to find that ultiamte happiness. Never Rush into the relationship and take your time, your heart will tell you and so will your mind. smile

  11. steimmanbernard profile image59
    steimmanbernardposted 16 years ago

    there is always a true love each of us;) just open your eyes and hearts you'lll see it!

  12. primenet profile image57
    primenetposted 16 years ago

    Friend, it is possible to find TRUE LOVE. When you find it, be ready to give it what it takes.

  13. thranax profile image72
    thranaxposted 16 years ago

    Nope, it is imposable to find true love. What to know why? If you love someone that much, then you should use the power of the word Love to stand for it, without the word "true". If your question was, "Can you really find love?" then yes, you can. I have a lovely girl I would never leave the side of, never been happier in my life.

    This is an example of how distorted the world has become if you need to add the word "true" to love, because Love shouldn't be fake-when you have your "true love" it should only be
    "Love"-Thats my take on it smile


  14. Anna Marie Bowman profile image72
    Anna Marie Bowmanposted 16 years ago

    I think that it is possible to find true love.  I know I have.  It took me 14 years to realize it, though.

  15. andyz85 profile image58
    andyz85posted 16 years ago

    100% yes, i found mine smile someone for everyone

  16. thranax profile image72
    thranaxposted 16 years ago

    Happy to know the majority said yes, shows  the world is still somewhat in order.


  17. efeglo profile image59
    efegloposted 16 years ago

    As a born again christian, in my own opinion and believe.  I strongly say that it is very possible to fine true love.

    We need prayers and God intervention for us to fine our true love.  The reason is that, we do not know exactly where our true lovers are.  So no matter their location, God will be able to help us locate each other.

    And as a person, you need to live an exemplary live for us to see that true love from God. 
    In all it is very possible all by the Grace of God.
    Remember nothing is impossible by our Lord Jesus Christ, only if we do believe sincerely in Him.

  18. profile image0
    Qwijeboposted 16 years ago

    I know someone who found their soul mate and lost them in the same lifetime. So, yes, it is possible to find true love. It's there when you least expect it.

  19. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
    VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 16 years ago

    Certainly it is possible to find a true love...  only if we are true to our conscience.. and if we are ready to reciprocate that love coming from others, we will find true love.  If we are of a jumping type, true love will leave us.

  20. wudie profile image54
    wudieposted 16 years ago

    i think it is very possible to find true love, if you are prepared to TRULY LOVE. I love the question and the faith too, no need to post this to religion buddy

  21. AEvans profile image74
    AEvansposted 16 years ago

    Can you find true love? My answer to that question is yes , when all falls into the right places and you have many things in common. when you touch there hand and it is intense, when you look in there eyes and do not desire another person , then you have found your true love. smile

  22. Rangerwife profile image60
    Rangerwifeposted 16 years ago

    It is possible, but don't rush it.  Don't go into a relationship because you long for true love; wait for it to come to you.  It wasn't until I gave up looking that it came to me.  I have the best relationship in the world, and honestly wish it was the only one I ever had.


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