That's why they call it dope!!!

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  1. Shawn May Scott profile image60
    Shawn May Scottposted 12 years ago

    Can you believe it an Arizona Mom leaves her baby on the roof of the car and drives away after smoking dope. After hearing this news report I came straight to the forum to get your opinions on this incident. I personally am appalled and think that some very stiff actions need to be taken against this mother. So okay Hubpages community what do you think? Should we still be looking at legalizing this stuff??? (from where I live I cannot get a photo of the woman can some else post it for us? Thanks)

  2. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 12 years ago

    Dope is too general of a word to have any clue in which to figure out what exactly your issue is aside from the fact that the woman left her child on top of her car and drove away.

    People don't need to drugs to have that happen. Just a thought.

  3. jacharless profile image72
    jacharlessposted 12 years ago

    Babies, Briefcases, Starbucks Lattes, Chef Knives, a drunk college buddy, my exes luggage -oh wait. It happens more than people think, dope or not. Heck, people in their right minds leave children, animals -even their keys- in cars.

    1. Shawn May Scott profile image60
      Shawn May Scottposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      She admitted to doing so before the incident occurred. Look up the article before you put me down. Please.

      1. Cagsil profile image70
        Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        No one is putting you down. Get over yourself.

        The point IS that people will do stupid things with or without dope(your completely too generalized word).

  4. Haunty profile image72
    Hauntyposted 12 years ago

    Shawn May Scott, you are too quick to judge others without knowing anything about the circumstances.

    1. Shawn May Scott profile image60
      Shawn May Scottposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Read the article. She was high and left her five week old infant on the top of the car!!! Your comment???? Really?????

      1. Cagsil profile image70
        Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        You didn't provide a link to an article. Do you expect people to do your work for you? You're the one complaining about the article, yet you expect people to go on a fishing expedition looking for an article you supposedly read somewhere online.

        WOW! How absurd is that. No answer required. It is what it is.

  5. Mighty Mom profile image77
    Mighty Momposted 12 years ago

    The GOP nominee for president drove for miles with his dog on top of the car.
    Does that make him a dope?
    Should stiff actions be taken against him?

    P.S. Would you rate that as better or worse than the mother who left her two kids in an idling (yes, keys in ignition, engine on) car with the window cracked while she went and used a tanning bed?

    1. Shawn May Scott profile image60
      Shawn May Scottposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Do you truly want my opinion on a comparison???? There is none.

      1. Cagsil profile image70
        Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this


  6. profile image0
    Wendi Mposted 12 years ago

    I've driven away with a birthday cake on top of my car once, and a case of beer (when I was still a drinker) another time.  Both times without an ounce of mind altering substance in my system.

    I thought dope was a term used for herion?

    1. Shawn May Scott profile image60
      Shawn May Scottposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Dope is the name given to most street drugs. Although marijuana is the most famous for the name. As for you driving away with a cake on the roof .... Well that appears to be harmless. Jam gladno substances were involved!!!

  7. Mighty Mom profile image77
    Mighty Momposted 12 years ago

    What exactly was she smoking?
    Weed? Crack? Crank? Smack?

    Are you going to provide the link to the article?

    Maybe she forgot she had a baby. I mean, the kid was only 5 weeks old.
    Babies take some getting used to. There is a period of adjustment and it often involves severe sleep deprivation...

  8. breathe2travel profile image74
    breathe2travelposted 12 years ago

    I read the article also, which reports the mom had been smoking marijuana with her boyfriend. … 55349990/1

    1. Shawn May Scott profile image60
      Shawn May Scottposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for finding a link, I was having trouble with that. It seems some sites will not allow access to certain articles and photos because of cross boarder laws.

      Yes this young mother was high on pot and left her child on the roof of the car and drove away. I have read many comments that have been in defense of the mother. I am waiting for someone to defend that child. This innocent 5 week old who cannot do anything for him/herself but yet we sit in defence of being foolish adults and too preoccupied to realize we have left something on top of our car and drive away. Objets are one thing but your living, breathing, sweet and innocent child is completly another. I am astonded at some of the responses.

  9. Disturbia profile image60
    Disturbiaposted 12 years ago

    I just read the article and sounds to me like this might be a blessing in disuise for that baby. He was found by police, unharmed, and is now being cared for.  I don't think the 19 year old mother and her boyfriend are ready or responsible enough to be parents just yet.  Maybe it's better that the alcohol and drug use is addressed sooner rather than later. This should be a wakeup call for the mother.

    1. Shawn May Scott profile image60
      Shawn May Scottposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. You said it all very clearly. smile

  10. Alastar Packer profile image68
    Alastar Packerposted 12 years ago

    The mother needs to decide what is more important to her- pot or her child. Driving off with a baby on top of the car should not be taken lightly under any circumstances and no doubt Ariz. CPS will decide what's best in this case. Is there anything more precious and vulnerable than a little baby?

    1. Shawn May Scott profile image60
      Shawn May Scottposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Alastar, good to hear from you as always. Absolutly the mother needs to decide what is more important. I agree this should not be takn lightly for any reason. The child is okay but can you imagine what could have happened? We spend so much time protecting our off spring with helmets and car seats etc. I wonder what was going through her mind at the time.

      There is nothing more precious than a little baby!!! smile


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