Coffee or tea?

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  1. The Jet profile image67
    The Jetposted 13 years ago

    Coffee or tea?

    And why? I like both, but coffee is the sure winner -- because it smells wonderful, no tea aroma can put a smile on my face like some fresh coffee aroma, and it makes me type faster. I can list more reasons, but  I won't.

  2. michalc profile image60
    michalcposted 13 years ago

    I don't like coffe, so my obvious choice is a tea smile

  3. ArtVandelay66 profile image85
    ArtVandelay66posted 13 years ago

    I like both but drink coffee almost everyday.  Coffee has more caffeine and a stronger smell and the taste continues to grow on me.  I usually drink it to wake up or do work, but will drink tea if it is later in the evening.

  4. YouWontUpload.Com profile image59
    YouWontUpload.Composted 13 years ago

    I Think Coffee Is Best In The Morning..And Tea At Night Time To Relax..

  5. 4seazons profile image71
    4seazonsposted 13 years ago

    COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Three sugars and Carnation can milk - regular - who wants fat free can milk?  Steamy hot and first thing in the morning!  And yes, I agree the aroma is wonderful.  I only crave tea when I have a cold, but I have an assortment of flavors for guests.

  6. lburmaster profile image71
    lburmasterposted 13 years ago

    It is a toss up between hazelnut coffee and earl gray tea. The tea is for every day use and calms me. However the coffee is a wonderful treat that makes me tired before sleep.

  7. jpcmc profile image92
    jpcmcposted 13 years ago

    Freshly brewed coffee.  2 tsp. sugar 1tsp. creamer. 
    Love the smell, love the taste, love the caffeine.  A Krispy Kreme doughnut on the side makes it even better. Yum.

  8. zduckman profile image60
    zduckmanposted 13 years ago

    I like both, and am back to drinking coffee after a 3 year hiatus. Coffee is def the more direct route, but I enjoy the subtleties of tea.

  9. Rooskaya profile image46
    Rooskayaposted 13 years ago

    Only coffee.I love coffee and I can't do without it.

  10. kafsoa profile image65
    kafsoaposted 13 years ago

    Both smile Many people like Coffee more and I'm one of them. But drinking too many cups of coffee provides body with too much caffeine which is considered as a drug causing fast heart beat. But "if you're not teen because it stunt their growth since they lose large amount of calcium since it dehydrates your system", drinking 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day might be useful for people over 20. It helps them to concentrate, and protects from liver diseases. Thanks for the question wink.

  11. Balinese profile image38
    Balineseposted 13 years ago

    cofffee with hot milk please  for  bfast and tea afternoon with biscotti smile

  12. Matt in Jax profile image60
    Matt in Jaxposted 13 years ago

    If I need a pick me up: coffee, but if I'm in a calming mood at night after work, gotta go with a blueberry/chamomile tea mixture.

  13. ChristineVianello profile image61
    ChristineVianelloposted 13 years ago

    TEA is the best, it is a fact. heh. I drink two cups a day. You could say that I have an addiction to tea. If I do not have tea on a daily basis, I get irritated.

  14. carolp profile image77
    carolpposted 13 years ago

    I love coffee...i use to drink it in the morning and afternoon. It wakes me up. It helps in cancer prevention too.

  15. Lidian profile image65
    Lidianposted 13 years ago

    Coffee until late afternoon, and then chai! smile

  16. sharing the sky profile image69
    sharing the skyposted 13 years ago

    Herbal tea for me because I don't tolerate caffeine world but in my perfect world I'd have coffee any time I'd please since I love the aroma and the full-bodied experience that you don't get from tea. Oh, and I'd love to indulge in some chai or other black teas.

  17. DonnaCosmato profile image82
    DonnaCosmatoposted 13 years ago

    Homemade cinnamon lattes (to beat the high cost of buying one). Nothing smells or tastes as good as that first cup of coffee.

  18. magento profile image59
    magentoposted 13 years ago

    I looove coffee! Especially Whole beans! It smells awesome!
    But I also like tea, but not as tea bags.

  19. enlight your soul profile image60
    enlight your soulposted 13 years ago

    I like tea because it doesn't have strong flavor.

  20. dmoney4god profile image61
    dmoney4godposted 12 years ago

    I prefer tea because it is more healthier for you.


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