Does anyone know of any good modern poets?

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  1. emmajayne89 profile image58
    emmajayne89posted 13 years ago

    Every book shop that I have ever found has a SERIOUS lack of modern poetry and, being a passionate and eager poet myself, I'm super eager to get my hands on some good books! Or even just internet links to interesting websites or poets?
    I get my weekly fix by attending poetry readings but if someone can help me with this dilemma, I will be very much appreciative! Thanks.

    1. santosh1946 profile image60
      santosh1946posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The greatest modern poets are T.S Eliot and Ezra Pound. T.S. Eliot's greatest works are The Waste Land, The Hollow Men, Ash Wednesday, Four Quartets. These are easily available on every bookstore. Other important poets are ee cummings, W.H. Auden, Stephen spender, Dylan Thomas, George Barker.
      Best Wishes
      Santosh Kumar

  2. Sab Oh profile image58
    Sab Ohposted 13 years ago

    alternate poet, right here on hubpages is a good modern poet!

  3. H.C Porter profile image80
    H.C Porterposted 13 years ago

    Blonde poet is a great poet-and she us here as well

    1. blondepoet profile image68
      blondepoetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Oh gee thanks heaps for that H.C you put a big smile on my dial. xo

      1. H.C Porter profile image80
        H.C Porterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        smile   You are more than welcome big_smile xo

        1. blondepoet profile image68
          blondepoetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          You know HC you are a great writer and so beautiful too. You light up Hubpages. smile

  4. SpanStar profile image61
    SpanStarposted 13 years ago

    There is a vast number of writers at including me where they write also sort of articles, from short stories, poetry and they expect people to give their best because they do judge you and rate you.

  5. AdeleCosgroveBray profile image88
    AdeleCosgroveBrayposted 13 years ago

    If you wish, next time you're on You Tube run a search on John Siddique - an excellent contemporary poet.

  6. emmajayne89 profile image58
    emmajayne89posted 13 years ago

    thanks so much for your suggestions! I will definitely look this stuff up smile you've all been so helpful. thank you! x

  7. Cagsil profile image71
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    I do not consider myself a poet much less even a good modern poet, however, I am sure that you can find all sorts of poetry on HubPages as well as the Internet for that matter. I hope you find what you are looking for. smile

  8. profile image0
    Stevennix2001posted 13 years ago

    well if you like here's the fan page to show you some of the many poets we have on hubpages. … poetry/604

  9. Awful Poet profile image69
    Awful Poetposted 13 years ago

    Their All Hiding

    1. blondepoet profile image68
      blondepoetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Woo hoo another fellow poet smile smile

      1. profile image0
        blake4dposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I know a poet but I don't know their name
        So I just call out hey Mr. Poet and it rhymes
        With everything...

  10. profile image0
    blake4dposted 13 years ago

    Blonde Poet Forever!!!!

    1. blondepoet profile image68
      blondepoetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      1. profile image0
        Stevennix2001posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        wow, that's the first time i've ever seen golden lipstick before.

        1. blondepoet profile image68
          blondepoetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          It is dazzling isn't it?
          Straight from the shelf at Goldfinger Bargain Makeup Counter smile

          1. profile image0
            Stevennix2001posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            yep it sure is.  it's almost dazzling as yourself.  wink

            1. blondepoet profile image68
              blondepoetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Aww Steve you are a sweety, sweeter than a toffee apple smile smile


              By the way that shade is called glazen granny smith apple gloss available from the same shop lol.

              1. profile image0
                King Larryposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                that's because you haven't tried my toffee apple yet? wink lollollol

                1. blondepoet profile image68
                  blondepoetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  I reckon your toffee apple would be something King Larry...

                  1. profile image0
                    King Larryposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    damn straight!  wink tongue lol lol

  11. Ben Evans profile image64
    Ben Evansposted 13 years ago

    Monte Merrick is a very good contemporary poet as well as writer.  I like alternate poet and kflippen who are here on hubpages.

    A cherished moment
    is not afraid
    to give words
    a will
    by way of the writing hand.

    Great poets paint with words.

  12. Zenith of Emotion profile image62
    Zenith of Emotionposted 13 years ago

    Francesca Lia Block has a couple decent books out there, such as "The Rose and the Beast" and "Psyche", in which the stories are told in a very "Into the Dust" fashion, but she's not for everyone.

    I like her, but I've met several people who don't...

  13. Greek One profile image63
    Greek Oneposted 13 years ago

    Leonard Cohen


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