I Had A Stroke On April 15 2010

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  1. Robert Kernodle profile image79
    Robert Kernodleposted 13 years ago

    My current impairments put a wrinkle in my hub writing.

    * Can't half see.
    * Can't walk.
    * Can't taste food well anymore.

    What a drag!


    1. prettydarkhorse profile image62
      prettydarkhorseposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Are you slightly ok now Sir, I hope little by little you will have development in terms of emotional and physical,  HUGS

    2. KCC Big Country profile image83
      KCC Big Countryposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      But you're alive!!! You only have a wrinkle in your hub writing.  You'll get it ironed out I'm sure.  Take care of yourself!

    3. AEvans profile image72
      AEvansposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I hope our words will bring you good cheer! The wonderful thing is , you are still here and are able to share your feelings with us. Keep going to PT, you will improve. Remember mind over matter and do the best that you can it is all up to you and all of us are here to listen. smile

      Push yourself to be all that you can be and type those words, you can do it! smile

    4. Dorsi profile image87
      Dorsiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Robert) I hope things are improving for you. Hopefully this lil story will encourage you-

      My lovely father had 5 major strokes at the age of 49. He could not talk, write and was partially paralyzed. He not only recovered his speech but went on to earn several degrees and start a new business.
      He was an encouragement to all!

      Keep up the faith that you will get better!!

      1. profile image0
        ryankettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        That is a great story!

  2. Stacie L profile image89
    Stacie Lposted 13 years ago

    Give it time.
    A stroke can be life threatening,so you are fortunate.
      you may be pushing yourself too hard.it'll get better

  3. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 13 years ago

    All the best to you Robert. That must have been very scary and must be very frustrating now.

  4. rebekahELLE profile image85
    rebekahELLEposted 13 years ago

    I hope you are progressing well.  it must have been a scary experience! each day will get better. now a time to heal and recover. we will be thinking of you. your hubs are some of the best here at HP.  smile  {{hugs]]

  5. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 13 years ago

    Well, you survived, you can think and act - this is what counts. It should get better with exercise - good luck! smile

  6. ExpandYourMind profile image66
    ExpandYourMindposted 13 years ago

    Hang in there.  Slow steps will lead to big improvement.  Take care.

  7. Mike Lickteig profile image77
    Mike Lickteigposted 13 years ago

    Stay strong--things will get better.

  8. profile image0
    Home Girlposted 13 years ago

    You'll do what you can and then you'll do what you can not, and then you'll do what no one did before, then you'll do what no one thinks possible to be done, and you'll be okay.
    Just stay positive. One baby step at a time.

  9. fetty profile image65
    fettyposted 13 years ago

    Wish you all the best. Be strong and exercise each day. It will get better. You are probably pushing yourself too hard. Stay strong because God has decided you are to live. You have important work to do. Be patient, work hard on your rehab. You will improve, your mind already shows me that.

  10. Mighty Mom profile image77
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    You are a miracle!!!
    We can all learn from your experience. I hope you will keep the Hub community posted on your recovery.
    God bless, MM

  11. waynet profile image67
    waynetposted 13 years ago

    Strokes are a terrible thing to have, I had a mini stroke at the age of 26 and my drinking arm was severely effected, you just take for granted what you use your arms for, or your legs.

    I know after my little stroke I had to go on a diet of no alcohol and eating lettuce with everything for ahwile and even now I try to live a healthy lifestyle....

    1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image87
      mistyhorizon2003posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Waynett, my Sister had a full stroke at 27, so I know where you are coming from. She is now 45, but copes well in spite of having a slight limp on her right leg, as well as concentration problems and memory lapses. All in all she copes well, but can no longer work, (in spite of having tried to return to work). Her co-ordination is rather skewed, (right down to picking up small items with the hand on the stroke side), but she does live a good life and has fun. She does get moments where she is really down/depressed about it, but she is still here and in a far better state than many stroke victims. Don't lose heart, it does happen to young people too (as you know), but at least their bodies are better able to adapt at a younger age than an older person's.

  12. M.s Fowler profile image43
    M.s Fowlerposted 13 years ago

    Oh my I will be keeping you in my prayers!

  13. Robert Kernodle profile image79
    Robert Kernodleposted 13 years ago

    Thanks for replies.

    Healing is indeed slow for a body that does not last that long naturally.  If we lived forever, then setbacks would not be possible, because we would have forever to do or recover from anything.  Mortality can be inconvenient, in this respect.

    All your encouragement is appreciated. 



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