have we got it wrong?

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  1. Knight6 profile image64
    Knight6posted 12 years ago

    hi i am new to the site and religion and philosopy as well as all things that invole thinking and understanding interest me before i pose the point i must state a long time back i was very interested in joining the religious order of my belief roman catholic however an incident occured in my life which destoried that calling since then i have studyed everything from religion to the occult and beyond that was nearly 20 years ago and i have learnt alot from then to now and still learning i question everthing and try to find the answers which leads me to learn more so this is the question i wish to pose
    have we got it wrong what if the god of our respected beliefs is not the one calling the shots what if the god is fighting a battle on earth to save the souls of us all and his opposite who runs the respected churches is doing everything to convince the world that the good guy is bad when in ture the bad guy is running the show think of all the bad things that happen in the world and how we blame our respected god for it all the bad guy has to do is keep on turning up the heat on us and we will blame the good guy for it
    it is just a question but think about it before you reply

    1. TJenkins602 profile image60
      TJenkins602posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I believe we all got it wrong. Atheists, Christians, everyone, you , me. We all got it wrong.

      1. Jerami profile image58
        Jeramiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Nothing is as it apears to be.

          We do all got it wrong.

          As it was intended to be.

    2. pennyofheaven profile image79
      pennyofheavenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Sometimes it is more helpful to take full responsibility for our own choices rather than mulling over whether or not there is a bad guy or a good guy "out there" who is in control.

      All too often we are inclined to believe that someone else or something else made me do this or that or has a predestination in mind for us.

      Our greatest power is the power to choose a response or reaction no matter what occurs in our life. Anything out there has no power to choose for you.

      1. earnestshub profile image80
        earnestshubposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I agree. What happens in life is often outside our control. How we respond to those things is what really matters.

  2. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago

    Jenkins and Jerami are right. Lab rats are not supposed to know they are lab rats. That would ruin the experiment. Any lab rat that does figure out they are a lab rat gets immediately exterminated. So if you don't hear from me again, you will know why.

    1. Jerami profile image58
      Jeramiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Or when the Lab rat is smart enough to get off the wheel and find the exit;
      he becomes a diferent king of  Rat    or maybe a Cat.

      1. paradigmsearch profile image60
        paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        The probability of that hypothesis is definitely not zero. smile smile smile

        1. Jerami profile image58
          Jeramiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Well  lets follow that trail of thought just a few  more feet.

              If that rat, after getting smart enough to choose to get out, chose to be a cat?, That proves that rat  wasn't smart enough to know that it coule have chose to wear a Cow Boy hat.?

             As soon as it does figure this out;
            it will stop being a cat!

  3. profile image0
    brotheryochananposted 12 years ago

    have we got it wrong what if the god of our respected beliefs is not the one calling the shots

    All through the bible, He is the one calling the shots.

    what if the god is fighting a battle on earth to save the souls of us all and his opposite who runs the respected churches is doing everything to convince the world that the good guy is bad

    Many people believe in a satan because they do not want to blame the good guy for bad stuff. Its a handy belief but its wrong. The only obstacle God has to deal with is our flesh and the fruits of our fleshy ways. As it was in the garden with adam and eve choosing their own way of doing things so it is today.

    when in turn the bad guy is running the show

    We could look at prophecy and see that Gods prophets always foretold what was going to happen. Jeremiah is a good example of how God prophesied 70 yrs of babylonian exile for the Hebrews and it came to pass. If we are to think that "a bad guy" is in charge then we limit Gods power and sovereign rulership.

    think of all the bad things that happen in the world and how we blame our respected god for it. All the bad guy has to do is keep on turning up the heat on us and we will blame the good guy for it

    In chritianity there is a saying, God turns up the heat to refine us like gold and remove the dross. People have blamed God for bad things but they didn't realize that God knows and sees all, even in bad situations there is some good that outweighs the bad. Look at the disciples lives, were any of them without times of severe trouble, even beating? hunger? shipwreck? imprisonment? Ezekiels wife died and God told him not to mourn (as the jewish people do with paid criers and stuff) James said:
      James 1:2   My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
      James 1:3   Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

  4. Knight6 profile image64
    Knight6posted 12 years ago

    thank you all for your replies all interesting and all ture with respect to the lab rats idea yes it is ture if the rat knows it is in an experiment then the experiment is void and the rat destoried but does the rat die happy knowing it is free from all the lies or is the whole of its life pointless like the rat we must search for the turth are we more and is there more if we stop and comply then we can never move forward never question anything
    as for the bible the points are vailid but my one concern with it is the fact that it was writen by man and was orginally put together for political reasons and not to tell the whole story i mean of the 127 plus gospels they picked 4 why to hide the true which could be that god is not in charge?????

    1. profile image0
      brotheryochananposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      consider the bible wheel then. 66 books in canon. 22 letters of the hebrew alphabet.


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