Weekly Topic Inspiration: Disaster Preparedness

Jump to Last Post 1-18 of 18 discussions (48 posts)
  1. Simone Smith profile image82
    Simone Smithposted 13 years ago

    Have you turned on the news lately? Apparently, the world is a bit... messy right now.  That's why I think Dave Powell is quite brilliant to suggest creating a personal or family disaster plan as this week's Weekly Topic Inspiration theme!

    So if you don't know what to write about this wee, consider making a Hub or two about preparing for different disasters- floods, power outages, storms, fires, earthquakes, riots, etc...

    If you'd like to join in on this week's topic by writing a Hub, follow these steps:
    1)    Click here to visit this week's topic.
    2)    Click the green button "answer this question".
    3)    Click the gray button below the box (leave that empty) that says "make a Hub about it."
    4)    Give your Hub a very specific title, like Easy Summer Gardening Projects for Kids or Challenging Summer Activities for Teens
    5)    Create good quality original content that hasn't been covered before.
    6)    After you publish your Weekly Topic Inspiration Hub, come back to this forum thread and post a link to your Hub with a brief description of what you wrote about and why.

    For more information on the Weekly Topic Inspiration program, check out the Learning Center guide.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone's guides.  I bet putting the Hubs together will be a nice opportunity to evaluate one's emergency plans, too! Thanks for the great suggestion, Dave Powell!

    1. dredcuan profile image95
      dredcuanposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I hope hubpages will do something with the spammer here.  Why don't you just create a hub where you can post all your links than spamming in a useful discussion like this one?  HUH?

      1. Simone Smith profile image82
        Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks dredcuan. The spammy posts have been deleted. Be sure to flag spam whenever you see it- that makes it easier for moderators to catch it and take it down smile

        1. dredcuan profile image95
          dredcuanposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Ah yes Simone.  I'll do it next time to help the hubpages community.  I'm pretty new here that's why still clueless on how things work out.

    2. Dave Powell profile image60
      Dave Powellposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your nice comments Simone... and I've loved peoples' responses! And I finally just finished my OWN contribution, at:

      http://davepowell.hubpages.com/hub/Comm … ster-Needs

      Hope you enjoy it. And if you do, remember... as with any hubs you like... please vote up!



      1. K9keystrokes profile image82
        K9keystrokesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Communication is a key aspect to be aware of should mother nature throw a fit. Love the Apple App chart! Thanks Dave, great stuff!

        1. Dave Powell profile image60
          Dave Powellposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          You're most welcome K9... Appreciate it!!

      2. Simone Smith profile image82
        Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, what a great topic!  I hadn't before considered all these alternative means of communication- I had just assumed that all communication would be impossible were a bad enough disaster to hit. Thanks for pointing these out!

  2. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 13 years ago

    Already wrote a hub on emergency kits...look forward to reading these hubs.

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You're so on top of it! Yeah, I'm looking forward to these, too!

    2. K9keystrokes profile image82
      K9keystrokesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      UW~ Will you post your emergency kits link here? Sounds very interesting.

  3. Rochelle Frank profile image93
    Rochelle Frankposted 13 years ago

    I also wrote two on power outages and one on what to take when you evacuate. I think it is a good subject, too. I will read.

  4. K9keystrokes profile image82
    K9keystrokesposted 13 years ago

    What an awesome topic Simone. I look forwad to reading all of the great hubs.cool

  5. McCordRM profile image60
    McCordRMposted 13 years ago

    Bah... I created a Hub, but not through the Answer This Question link. Any way to attach my Hub to the question?

    Here's the Hub: http://mccordrm.hubpages.com/hub/How-to … er-strikes

    It's a short article on how to best prepare (generalized)for disasters.

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, bummer! Well, no worries.  At least you've shared the link with us here!  Most of the folks following the question are following this forum thread at any rate.
      Thanks for sharing the good advice though!

    2. K9keystrokes profile image82
      K9keystrokesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Found the zombie thing pretty funny, but as you point out, a good plan! Enjoyed this hub. smile

  6. K9keystrokes profile image82
    K9keystrokesposted 13 years ago

    As a Californian, Earthquakes scare the h*ll out of me. I regularly read about safety measures surrounding such natural events. Decide for yourself if this controversial earthquake survival technique will or will not work for you and your family.


    Happy Hubbing Everyone!

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I wouldn't call that technique controversial at all! I'm so glad you introduced me to it via your Hub!!! I'm going to tell everyone about it. 
      Hahaa, I'm seriously glad we have this weekly topic, or else I'd still be standing in doorways when earthquakes roll around, hehee! big_smile

      1. K9keystrokes profile image82
        K9keystrokesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Simone, you bring me a big ole' smile today! MWWAAAHHH! And stay out of the doorways!

  7. Azure11 profile image76
    Azure11posted 13 years ago

    In light of what had happened in the UK recently I was thinking what the most important things I would want to save if my house was hit by a fire and so my hub is about this:
    http://azure11.hubpages.com/hub/How-To- … rom-a-Fire

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Most helpful, this is!  I'm glad to know I'm already doing all the things you've suggested big_smile

    2. K9keystrokes profile image82
      K9keystrokesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I was shocked at the house fire stats you offer, wow! I am going to start using a couple of your tips, thanks for sharing. cool

      1. Azure11 profile image76
        Azure11posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks k9, I was shocked too.

  8. profile image0
    Dr. Grizposted 13 years ago

    Great topic.  I would like to add that we not forget our pets in a disaster.  Here is a hub to help them if the unthinkable happens.

    http://drgriz.hubpages.com/hub/How-to-M … s-and-Cats

    1. K9keystrokes profile image82
      K9keystrokesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Dr. Griz, I love this hub! Can't wait to get my own pet first aid emergency kit together. Thanks a bunch for offering your wisdom to us.
      Cheers! lol

    2. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Ditto! This Hub is so useful!!
      Might I suggest adding some Amazon capsules in of products you'd recommend?  I'm not familiar with a lot of the stuff you've described, so I think they'd help a lot. 
      One way you can get them to float right next to the bullet on that particular item is to put that bullet (and the bullets following) in a new text capsule, but without a header, then float the Amazon capsule to the right.  It doesn't LOOK like your text is in a new capsule, but that way you can get the Amazon capsule in just the right spot.

      1. profile image0
        Dr. Grizposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for the suggestions, Simone.  I will see what I can do to get Amazon items added.

  9. tlpoague profile image81
    tlpoagueposted 13 years ago

    This is a hub I wrote a couple of months ago on Tornadoes. A few weeks after I wrote this piece, a series of 8 tornadoes hit a small community. My sister-in-law had one a mile from her house. My sister had one that missed her house by three miles. It took out a farm house, outbuildings, and 2 combines. My husband took pictures, but we were unable to upload them. As I write this, there is a tornado that went through parts of Nebraska tonight.
    http://tlpoague.hubpages.com/hub/Tornad … e-prepared

    1. K9keystrokes profile image82
      K9keystrokesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I found this hub to be an outstanding lesson in tornado awareness and well worth the read. I particularly enjoyed your video's on how a tornado forms. Very informative, thanks.

    2. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      What a great Hub!  The original videos and photos you've added really drive everything home.  I'm glad you shared it here!

      1. tlpoague profile image81
        tlpoagueposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Simone and K9. I couldn't believe it when I had received hub of the day. Thanks to everyone who voted for my hub!

  10. prektjr.dc profile image73
    prektjr.dcposted 13 years ago

    I wrote this mainly on Tornado preparedness.  It is important in our area as we live a mere 8 miles from the EF5 that hit Joplin, Missouri.  However, yesterday afternoon, my daughter's home caught on fire and was seriously damaged.  It happened at noon and only my son-in-law and the two youngest were home.  He reacted smartly and all are safe.  I want to thank those who have written their hubs on fire safety.  It is crucial to plan ahead for every type of disaster and to know what to do.  I hope someone will benefit from some of my tips. The principals will work for any type of disaster...have your children prepared.  Practice frequently.  God bless.

    http://prektjr-dc.hubpages.com/hub/Prep … r-Disaster

    1. K9keystrokes profile image82
      K9keystrokesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You give kids the tools they need to manage disasters in this really easy to read hub. What a special gift! My thoughts are with you and daughter, glad everyone is okay. Fire is a very frightening thing.

    2. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Oh my gosh- I'm so sorry about your daughter's home! I'm glad that everyone is OK. And I'm glad you've shared this helpful guide!  I'm sure it'll benefit someone- I know *I* find it helpful, and if I'm ever in tornado country, I'll keep your tips in mind!

    3. FloraBreenRobison profile image61
      FloraBreenRobisonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Fire is something I worry about al lthe time. I'm afraid my condo buildin gwill catch fire when I'm not home and my cat will frak out and hide under the futon. I have a photo of her and her name on my door to help firefighters.

  11. prektjr.dc profile image73
    prektjr.dcposted 13 years ago

    K9, Thank you - It is so important for children to know what to do and what to expect.  They cope so much better!  Fire is VERY frightening....but all are good!  God is good!  Thanks for the HubHugs!

  12. DzyMsLizzy profile image92
    DzyMsLizzyposted 13 years ago

    My article on this topic deals with educating yourself about likely kinds of disasters for your area and making various plans with alternates, including the family pets.

    http://dzymslizzy.hubpages.com/hub/Disa … ple-Really

    (and no, I've not added any Amazon links--since I live in CA and Amazon has banished me--why should I send business their way?!!)

    1. K9keystrokes profile image82
      K9keystrokesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Great compilation of survival tips. So smart to remember a hand-crank can opener! You also make disasters a little safer for our animal friends, very important points to me. Thannks for sharing your disaster preparedness tips with us. lol

    2. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      This is indeed a fabulous compilation!  I really appreciate how thorough you've been. And sorry about the Amazon situation- hopefully it won't be like that for long!

  13. ubanichijioke profile image74
    ubanichijiokeposted 13 years ago

    You re doing a great job fellow. Keep it up. Bless you simone

  14. Anna Marie Bowman profile image70
    Anna Marie Bowmanposted 13 years ago

    UGH!!!  I did a hub about a year ago on hurricane preparedness.  Oh, well...maybe I can come up with something else, as well...

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You're just so ahead of the game, Anna Marie Bowman!!

      1. SimeyC profile image82
        SimeyCposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Me too - I had my 'How to survive the end of time' hub published months ago!

  15. elayne001 profile image80
    elayne001posted 13 years ago

    http://elayne001.hubpages.com/hub/Prepa … -An-Island

    Preparing for An Emergency and Living On an Island

  16. profile image48
    lapss321posted 13 years ago

    You re doing a great job fellow. Keep it up. Bless you simone

  17. Dave Powell profile image60
    Dave Powellposted 13 years ago

    Thanks so much for your lovely comments Simone and lapss321!

  18. Simone Smith profile image82
    Simone Smithposted 13 years ago

    This was such a fabulous topic. Thanks again Dave Powell for thinking of it!

    This week, we've got a contest-related theme. Check it out in the new WTI thread! http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/81411


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