If you could create anything you want to, what would you create...

Jump to Last Post 1-31 of 31 discussions (51 posts)
  1. Haunty profile image72
    Hauntyposted 14 years ago

    ...remembering there is noone to stop you?

    1. guidebaba profile image57
      guidebabaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I website that could earn me atleast $ 1000 per day.

      1. Lisa HW profile image63
        Lisa HWposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I like that one.  Why not make it a million dollars a day...  smile

  2. FunFacter profile image51
    FunFacterposted 14 years ago

    I would create a small country.

    1. Haunty profile image72
      Hauntyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Where would it be? And would you actively participate in the process?

  3. lxxy profile image60
    lxxyposted 14 years ago

    I would create a one legged person butt kicking contest. Because I'm a fan of literal.

  4. Mrvoodoo profile image56
    Mrvoodooposted 14 years ago

    Have you seen the movie 'Weird science?' that's a clue!

    1. Haunty profile image72
      Hauntyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Googled 'Weird Science'. Is there actually a recipe in the film that I could follow?

      Ixxy  - the one-legged person butt kicking contest sounded like a good idea until I saw it in a reality show... smile

      1. Mrvoodoo profile image56
        Mrvoodooposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        No recipe as such but if I remember correctly it involves connecting your computer up to a Barbie doll in a thunderstorm and sitting around wearing a bra on your head.  Got to be worth a try, in fact It's been raining all day and I think I might hear thunder coming...

  5. frogdropping profile image78
    frogdroppingposted 14 years ago

    I'd create world peace and enough money and food for all and create a cure for disease and freedom and equality and one day a week off for goats and a magic diet pill and instant coffee that really is instant and time travel and a phrase that googlewhack really has never seen before and socks that never go lonely and cloth that never creases and the ability to be honest for politicians and and and ...

    .... and I'm no Miss World.

    I'd create a never ending Vodka supply smile

    1. Haunty profile image72
      Hauntyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, things on my to-do list too. smile Except for becoming a Miss World.

    2. Dame Scribe profile image56
      Dame Scribeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I would join you, FD cept I want wine, lol

    3. LornaDane profile image60
      LornaDaneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You had me until honest politicians and then I realized you were full of shit.

      YEAH never ending Vodka!

  6. lxxy profile image60
    lxxyposted 14 years ago

    An Elizabeth Hurley costume? Or a new Oingo Boingo song? wink

  7. profile image0
    girly_girl09posted 14 years ago

    i would like to start a worldwide network of centers to help combat the child obesity epidemic...It's really sad and we need to do something about it! These centers would be like indoor playgrounds, etc. combined with nutritional counseling and support for families.

    1. Haunty profile image72
      Hauntyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I think we should promote this idea. Why don't you write a hub on the concept?

      1. profile image0
        girly_girl09posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I do actually have one in the works! smile Actually it's more so about at-home weight loss techniques for children, but it's along the same path.

        I'm just really passionate about this issue. Growing up, I was a little chubby but never was technically overweight. I had a HORRIBLE doctor who honestly was quite detrimental to my self-image as a child. She would always tell me how I was at-risk for being overweight and throughout my childhood, I always viewed myself as being really fat. Looking back at photos & video, I never was, but I always thought so. No one could tell me different. Kids at school never teased me, but I always thought that they did behind my back. I was so paranoid! I'm sure they didn't tease me behind my back but this doctor made me think that I was really huge! I'm not sure if she kept me from becoming overweight or not, maybe she did, but her methods were terrible. When I finally stopped seeing her in my teen years, I did become overweight, but my self-image was so much better. It's weird how that worked. Now, I'm at a healthy weight and in retrospect, I'm still really shocked that there could be doctors out there like that.


        The other extreme is that there are kids out there who are very obese and are only made aware of it by their peers in a cruel way. Their doctors and their parents are doing nothing about it because "it's the norm". My heart goes out to these children. It really does. On there own, how on earth are they supposed to know how to lose weight? And lose it in a healthy way, too? I have a hard time seeing little girls in public that weigh 100 pounds at age 10. They can't fit into normal clothes. I always think: WHY AREN'T THEY BEING HELPED?!

        My point in all of this is that we need doctors and parents to firmly, yet kindly influence children to be healthy. Weight shouldn't be mentioned, in my opinion, that can really affect kids esteem. Kids have imaginations! Healthy diet and exercise should be emphasized. Unless there is some underlying issue, weight loss and a healthy weight will follow.

  8. darkside profile image62
    darksideposted 14 years ago

    A delete button on HubPages. So if I see a hub that sucked, I'd delete it.

    No specific criteria, just however I felt a the time. If I found just one smelling pistake: DELETE

    Or if I find a hub URL that I like? DELETE

    Somebody say something stupid in the forums? DELETE ALL

    1. Haunty profile image72
      Hauntyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I'm glad for myself you don't have that delete button. smile

      I'm sad to hear you had those issue, but I'm glad you've got over them. Maybe one advantage is that you know what it's like and so you want to help those kids. As for your doctor, I regard verbal abuse just as cruel as physical. I'm sure she didn't do it on purpose, but that's actually not an excuse. I saw such people change the course of others' lives and careers. Again, I'm glad it's behind you now emotionally.

    2. lxxy profile image60
      lxxyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      This is called being a "control phreak." wink No, really, good idea...until you make someone with Nigerian Mafia connections angry...wait, nevermind, Nigeria and "mafia" means there's money there. And...well, there isn't.

  9. RobertPalmer profile image61
    RobertPalmerposted 14 years ago

    A lightsaber (one that would be "smart enough" not to cut MY limbs off) and then an X-wing.

    Yup.  That pretty much sums it up.  Maybe a new type of liquor I could slap my name on, Captain Robert's or maybe Jose Palmer?  No?

  10. comeflywithme18 profile image61
    comeflywithme18posted 14 years ago

    I'd create a time portal in my bedroom, so I could travel to anywhere in the world for free smile sort of like the floo network in Harry Potter!

  11. Gordon Hamilton profile image94
    Gordon Hamiltonposted 14 years ago

    I'd create a wider understanding in the world of what substance abuse does to peoples' bodies - and a new body for myself! I am not just talking about hard drugs (which I have never "dabbled" with!) but perhaps particularly alcohol and tobacco.

    I would want a new set of lungs which were not polluted by thirty years of smoking tobacco and a new liver which was not (probably) swollen to trampoline size by thirty years of beer and single malt whisky! All my own fault, I know it well - but it does not not stop me dreaming.

    (Well, maybe I would allow myself the odd wee dram wink !)

  12. Haunty profile image72
    Hauntyposted 14 years ago

    Gordon, maybe you should put that mug of ale down. smile

    1. Gordon Hamilton profile image94
      Gordon Hamiltonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Perhaps indeed, Haunty. May I finish it first? wink

  13. Zeta Sfico profile image60
    Zeta Sficoposted 14 years ago

    create my clone, so that i can write more while she goes to class.. hehe big_smile

    1. Haunty profile image72
      Hauntyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Use your evil twin. smile

  14. getpaidtopost profile image41
    getpaidtopostposted 14 years ago

    If it was me I would create a topic on this forum, however I can not find any button that lets me start a new topic. I can find the post a reply button as you are already aware but how do i start a new topic?

    Hope someone can help

    Thanks for your time

    1. Haunty profile image72
      Hauntyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Get into a subcategory like Hubbers' Hangout. You'll find the button there.

      1. getpaidtopost profile image41
        getpaidtopostposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Haunty your the man!

        1. lxxy profile image60
          lxxyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Grammar is sometimes lost in translation......

    2. darkside profile image62
      darksideposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I'm just going to throw this out there, seeing that you haven't published a hub yet and given your username...

      If you post a thread that is to promote your site, it'll get snipped or the thread deleted. You may even be banned.

      1. getpaidtopost profile image41
        getpaidtopostposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I am not promoting my site, I would like to change this name but dont know how.

        1. darkside profile image62
          darksideposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          You can't change your name. You can register a new account though.

          If I were you I would. Abandon that account, and start a new one. You've only been signed up for two days. Delete the hubs (after you've copied and pasted the details to somewhere else) and start again with a clean slate.

  15. curiozities profile image60
    curiozitiesposted 14 years ago

    I'd create a never-ending bag of potato chips.  Nothing sucks more than to be seriously jonesing for potato chips and after you've had two or three, the bag is empty.

  16. earnestshub profile image81
    earnestshubposted 14 years ago

    I would like to change mankind's DNA.

  17. dianacharles profile image60
    dianacharlesposted 14 years ago

    I would like to create some really good schools...where children never learn bigotry and prejudices.

  18. profile image0
    shreekrishnaposted 14 years ago

    i would like to create a machine,
    where people will get platinum every time ever second for free ,

    so, that people should not fight for money & live happily.

    pltinum is the most costly & unreactive metal in the earth.

  19. Shadesbreath profile image77
    Shadesbreathposted 14 years ago

    An eternally beautiful woman with an incredible mind, deep, poignant, but encouraging and far, far more motivated than I am, the woman that is fabled to be "behind every great man."  She would never age, could eat and drink endlessly and never gain weight; she'd have a voracious sexual appetite but only eyes for one; could pole dance with as much genius as she could write; be funny; be girlish and delicate but hardy too. 

    That, or an never-ending beer. 

    Toss up which one I'd actually do if I had the power.

  20. earnestshub profile image81
    earnestshubposted 14 years ago

    A drug that balances our brain chemistry promoting serotonin and dopamine re-uptake to livable levels and changes our dirty DNA at the same time!

  21. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 14 years ago

    Wow, Shades, you sound a little, ahem...  wink  lol

    I'd create a Pulitzer prize winning novel, A Pulitzer prize book of poems, voluminous stacks of highly beautiful and prized paintings and photography, an art gallery, a publishing house/magazine/journal, acquire several houses/properties and re-do them, a big portfolio full of $$.

    Oh, wait!  I WILL create those things, smile.  (And I wouldn't want to create a guy--there's enough of those, lol...)

  22. profile image0
    fierycjposted 14 years ago

    I would create movies. Tons of them. Flood the box office with all my movies. Yeah!

  23. Pete Maida profile image62
    Pete Maidaposted 14 years ago

    I would create the matter replicator from Star Trek so we can produce food from dirt and end the hunger in the world.

  24. sevsun profile image59
    sevsunposted 14 years ago

    I'd create a small jungle with all the animals proportionately small say 3 inches.

    Just think mini elephants eating chunky peanut butter, lions tearing apart a piece of Kentucky Fried, Monkeys sharing a grape, Buffalo dining on a bowl of salad. Ya, a mini Jungle.

  25. icewave5 profile image61
    icewave5posted 14 years ago

    I would make a tropical island, a massive mansion on it, filled with plentiful girls..and fruits.

  26. Nanny J.O.A.T. profile image67
    Nanny J.O.A.T.posted 14 years ago


    So many things so little time.. I would create the matter transporter that allows you to beam anywhere, no more pollution, no more traffic jam, etc. More time where you want to be...

    Either that or a mood revealer that lets you know exactly how the other person feels about you - saves second guessing and fighting about stupid things...

  27. trooper22 profile image61
    trooper22posted 14 years ago

    I would create a de-stupidifier.  And yes, I would use it on myself from time to time. smile

  28. cashmere profile image78
    cashmereposted 14 years ago

    I would create a hot line to God that allowed me to have every request and prayer of mine granted pronto!
    So getting rid of cancer would only take a call to God on the hotline. Sort of like dial a request.

  29. Lisa HW profile image63
    Lisa HWposted 14 years ago

    I'm not even creative enough to imagine something I'd create.  smile

  30. profile image0
    Gods Gardenposted 14 years ago

    The Garden of Eden....Without Serpents and the Forbiden Fruit Tree abit Taller.

  31. profile image0
    \Brenda Scullyposted 14 years ago

    Some kinda tablet you could take until you became the perfect weight, and at the same time gave you enough energy to do all things you would like to do..... and a bit more money..

    And all the things frog droppings said as well.........


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