Who are these people?

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  1. schoolgirlforreal profile image75
    schoolgirlforrealposted 13 years ago

    I just looked at the help section and can see that the elite are volunteers who help hubpages (for free) why?

    Why would you want to help hubpages for free if you're not making any money? (or are they all?)

    How many people really take the time to read all entries and vote on hubnuggests?

    who founded hubpages? their names, what they look like, etc.

    Who are the hubpages staff? The ones who decide everything?

    1. schoolgirlforreal profile image75
      schoolgirlforrealposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      seriously I don't know. Can you tell me?

      1. profile image0
        kimberlyslyricsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        no lol

        1. schoolgirlforreal profile image75
          schoolgirlforrealposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          sad !!!!

      2. Randy Godwin profile image61
        Randy Godwinposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Careful!  I've heard of folks getting banned for discussing HP's free labor force on the forums.  lol 


        1. Pearldiver profile image68
          Pearldiverposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Please.... No Snaky Remarks! sad


    2. Greekgeek profile image77
      Greekgeekposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      1. Ever heard of "community"? Hubpages has one. It's the power behind most member-driven websites.

      2. Hopefully we're not just bent on writing stuff for other people to read and never reading anyone else's stuff. That's not a model that makes sense. Many Hubbers enjoy consuming content, not just making it.

      3. Google penalizes or rewards whole websites based on the general content found there. It's in our own enlightened self-interest to promote good-quality content and weed out spam and junk. Traffic to our own pages depends partly on how Google assesses and ranks the overall quality of the site.

      Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't read the thread. It's the masons! "Hub" is a code word for "Mason Jar"! Ignore me!

    3. Cardisa profile image92
      Cardisaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Schoolgirlforreal, I can only answer on behalf of the volunteers.

      You ask why would we want to work for free? I volunteered when I began encountering a lot of spun and low quality content while hub hopping and see a lot of trolls or sock pockets coming straight to the forums to attack people. I volunteer because I want to make money on HP and the less spun content and spam here will be better for me in the long run. We don't always get a chance to weed out every thing before it invades the system but if each volunteer can deter 10 of these trolls/sock pockets/spammers each week that is a lot given that we have more than 20 volunteers...I am embarrassed to say I know not how many of us exist.

      For info about when HP was founded or something it's best to read HP about us page.

      As for the hubnugget team, there are two Elite teams, the one that greet new hubber and the one dedicated to hubnuggets. Yes people do take the time to read and vote. Reading and voting is left to the public.

      1. profile image0
        kimberlyslyricsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I actually wrote the team 2 months ago requesting to be a greeter for the same reasons as Cardisa, I didn't know until recently you had to be Elite.  Either way, here's a shocker; still no response explaining this.  I feel retarded once again. Go girl btw!

        1. Cardisa profile image92
          Cardisaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I don't know why they haven't responded Kimmy. It would be great having you as a greeter. Thanks. I think you should send another request. Just click on the link below my avatar, it will take you to the page explaining how to send the request.

  2. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 13 years ago

    You'll see who founded HubPages if you click on "About Us" at the bottom of the page.  Not on this site, but on another one, I tried doing the volunteer thing for awhile.  It didn't seem like a big deal to me to be willing to try to be helpful on a site where I spent time anyway - but then when it turned into way more than I found acceptable (to do for no pay), I stopped.

  3. tobey100 profile image61
    tobey100posted 13 years ago

    Hubpages was founded in 1778 by a group of Masons.  Didn't work as well as everything had to be written on parchment and passed around so no one had very many follwers and the hub scores were extremely low.  Thankfully things have picked up.  Don't ya love it?

    1. Shanna11 profile image73
      Shanna11posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Does this mean there's a cool National Treasure-esque plot involved? Because I'm really feeling like there's an ancient treasure buried beneath the Hubpages office with the way this is going...

  4. Jason Marovich profile image83
    Jason Marovichposted 13 years ago

    HubPages has a community with entrepreneurs, SEO hotshots, and some formidable authorities on various niches.  Those are the exceptions.  Most of us are struggling writers learning to walk before we fly. 

    The reason people are dedicated to the point of offering free help is because they have long-time internet friends on the site and they've dedicated a lot of time to building their accounts here.  They want HP to succeed, they have their own stake in it, so to speak.  Nothing wrong with that.

    Dungeons and Dragons, in comparison, has a site completely dedicated to information posted by fans.  We write blogs, pop info into a wiki, and patrol the in-game chat - all for free.

  5. MichaelGallinger profile image60
    MichaelGallingerposted 13 years ago

    Its like community service, just like wikipedia provides wealth of information and does not charge or the people working for it aren't paid. Some people value community over money smile


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