2014: 100 Years of the Federal Reserve.

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  1. Mattrick profile image67
    Mattrickposted 10 years ago

    As above so below.

    From this perspective, the world is a heaven or a hell depending on how you look at it, and more importantly the steps you take to change things.

    One of the first and best places to change is the Federal Reserve. Search The creature from Jekyll Island and Secrets of the Federal Reserve. 

    Both go into the secret history of the founding of the federal reserve, and expose the fact that it was created by the big money trusts of the day, for the big money trusts. Much like any central bank, it was immediately detrimental to our country, from creating the interests for this country's involvement in world war I; the agricultural recession of the 1920's; the great depression in 1929; world war II reaped massive gains for Rockefeller interests, for their Globalist approach to trade, and their not so hidden funding of both German and American military industrial complexes. 
    But I digress; because the federal reserve has been able to exist as a hoax for so long, we have become conditioned to believe that it is something more than fiat.

    However, what makes a one dollar bill more valuable than a one hundred dollar bill? Is the one hundred dollar bill worth one hundred of those pieces of paper, or something more, or something far less?

    When we become self-governing, good to our brothers and sisters, government will disappear. When we inherit our innate sovereignty, and understand the collective divinity of everything; the unity and interdependent structures of people, species, Life: [The simple concept of a Holon: a thing that in one instance acts as a whole, while in another acts as a part. For example, the atom acts as a whole on its own, but acts a part of a chemical; however the atom also is made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons, and chemicals add up to form proteins, a building block of life.] 

    As above so below.

    When we govern ourselves,  and more importantly understand how and why reality is potentially a heaven or a hell depending upon the choices we make, and the perspectives we take; we shall see ourselves husbanding the earth; people, different species, all life respected. The state, and in the same instant the church shall vanish; when we realize that the entire world is the temple, damned or sanctified by our choices and perspectives. We shall speak a prayer for unity consciousness: Learning, Peace, Love, Appreciation. We are one Self.

    Love and Gratitude 

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
      Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      But then there is that pesky human nature that just won't yield...

      1. Mattrick profile image67
        Mattrickposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Human nature is a myth, there are only natural humans, compressed into the limited framework of culture, and culture is really what we mean when we say human nature. The more individuals, self made men and women, the more we will see human nature vanish into natural humanity. I have written extensively about this in my hubs. You should give them a gander.

        1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
          Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          There were some indian tribes which prospered with no Chief: every member of the group naturally behaving harmoniously.

          But today, there is always that one mother or father who deviates her/his child, in ignorance, during early childhood…

          Common sense needs to reign supreme, but in the modern world how can it, with so much technology?

          And you are right. The Federal Reserve acts as a central bank and this entity was very much frowned upon by the Framers.

          http://tenthamendmentcenter.com/2008/07 … sSZRaUw3Jw

    2. rhamson profile image69
      rhamsonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I have read the two books you mentioned in your post and have become even more frustrated by the lack of care we tend to the workings of our government. When the framers of this country put forth their ideas into motion they initially abhorred the idea of a democracy. "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine." Thomas Jefferson. They instead compromised with a democratic-republic. The republic end of it allows for others to represent our interests in the "understanding" of what is best for the country so as to preserve some stability. Unfortunately with the ability to monetarily sway the votes of our representatives the "understanding" has changed. What we have is a government so detached from the electorate that they have voted away their accountability of the restrictions they apply to those they represent. When reading through that time in history you really get an understanding of Wilson and the horrible influence he and Aldrich and J.P. Morgan exercised and set in motion the kind of scenario you see today. The stock market has never been better waiting for the next crash for the country to bail out. This while the average citizen is made to pay for the blunders of the rich and of our ability to control our own banking system. And the sheeple still sleep.

    3. Mattrick profile image67
      Mattrickposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
      Benjamin Franklin
      Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/autho … R5EirQg.99

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
        Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        ..please explain "essential liberty."

        1. Mattrick profile image67
          Mattrickposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          That is a quote from my friend Benjamin Franklin. I believe what he was trying to say was that liberty is essential, just like safety can only ever be temporary.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
            Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Liberty in a democratic republic has to do with individual autonomy and the power to be independent… of the Government.
            Most people have the mistaken idea that the Government is supposed to provide Security.
            When this is the case, they deserve neither freedom nor security.

            And when they depend on the Government for security…
            they get neither, as well.

            When they depend on the Government for freedom,
            they must keep the Government in check.

            This is where we are currently dropping the ball.

            1. Mattrick profile image67
              Mattrickposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I agree fully, and what we need to focus on then, as an issue to get us unified under one issue, is to remove the Federal Reserve. The federal reserve affects us all equally, and it represents the worst influences of financial manipulation and control for the past century. The madness of this central bank system, the longest in this nations history, must come to an end. I believe that these are the times to get a movement started, as one has already shown itself in the occupy movement.
              More than that we need an idea for a way to make those powers of financial control irrelevant once and for all; only then can we effectively liberate ourselves form their influence.

              1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
                Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                "to get us unified"
                ...even if you became President and got rid of the Federal Reserve, don't you think there would be negative consequences at this point?  How would you propose to do away with it?  All at once or phase it out.

                1. Mattrick profile image67
                  Mattrickposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  What it requires is that We the people determine that there is a proper alternative. What that takes is a vision of a better way of life, and a will to educate the people in that vision. The president, and every office of government, like the Federal Reserve note, has no value other than what we give. Therefore, unless or until We the people determine that  no value in the government and to the dollar bill exists, there will be no evolution of the forms.
                  This kind of change requires consciousness, and it is that awareness that is missing. Working with the frame of mind that caused these problems will bring us further suffering. Rather than giving the antiquated forms legitimacy by working with them, should we not simply start our own system collectively. The social contract revised, in which all people agree to abolish banks, arbitrary authority, and a culture of conveniences and entertainment.
                  When there is a will there is a way. The only thing preventing the change is the mentality that says that the world is the way it is, and you can change it. The perspectives we take weigh heavy on our perception of reality; the choices we make then determine our perspectives (if I do a then b happens) and so on.
                  I implore you spread the idea that there is an alternative to the way things are, and that we do have the power to change things. The American revolution is evidence of this fact, if nothing else; a fact that echoes into eternity: that the trend is towards greater freedom, lurching towards individual sovereignty, struggling for enlightenment.

                  1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
                    Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    - what is the "proper alternative?" Change is one thing. Change to what? is another. We need to reboot? Maybe use bit coins? Get rid of on-line banking? or have a one world currency? or only on-line financial calculations of all negative and positive accounts. What would Alexander Hamilton say if he were to return today?

  2. Mattrick profile image67
    Mattrickposted 10 years ago

    Worse yet, they blame the victims. What I would like to discuss are solutions. I would like to envision an alternative rather than actions to oppose these fiat mafia. What I advocate is an entirely new, better system; a system that is guided by principles and simplicity are always going to be better off than those guided by money, conveniences, and entertainment. In that respect the american people have been consumed by their own consumer culture. Therefore, all it takes is like 5% of the population that are not retarded, to come together for the security of our rights. This does not require violence, all it requires is coordinated action, organization, and dedication.

    Check out my hubs about fundamental solutions.
    Search also World Citizen Constitution on Scribd.com

    1. rhamson profile image69
      rhamsonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I have read your hub and there are many good ideas in it that can be used. The problem you have with any change is deciding what changes are warranted and to what degree. Many changes would have to be made from within the individuals own mindset. Unfortunately many engage in this "rat race" without any introspect or fore thought. The Congress of the United States is greed based and to fight greed you need to remove the means by which someone practicing it has control over it. The individuals engaged in the "rat race" only see what is in front of them and they are the one's who have to initiate the change. The politicians count on our displeasure with the whole mess and our one vote to fix it mentality. Americans always look for the magic bullet to strike out a problem but find later down the road it is a messy affair delayed and delayed further even more messy. All wars are a testament to how delayed action or change can get out of hand. To make any headway with your ideas you must first change our corrupt greed based system of government and good luck with over two hundred years of their perfecting it while the sheeple have slept the whole time.

  3. Mattrick profile image67
    Mattrickposted 10 years ago

    The only way to change the system of money is to make the idea of paper money irrelevant. http://www.scribd.com/.../10961.../The- … eciprocism

    An important aspect of going and doing that is to make the current systems of authority irrelevant. http://www.scribd.com/doc/86806284/The- … nstitution

    Once this has been done what kind of authority exists?

    1. rhamson profile image69
      rhamsonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      What you are suggesting is way too radical a direction to get many to agree with. The problem with the current government is representation which is who holds the reigns of power. They cannot be overcome with the small amount of people ( I reckon) who would subscribe to your ideas. Representation is the key and until the American electorate decide to take back control of that from the corporations we have little hope for change.

      1. Mattrick profile image67
        Mattrickposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Education is not going to get any better; and there you have a perpetually sinking funnel, a black whole of ignorance, which by no means can be resolved by throwing more money into it; nor by forcing slightly different standards of practice will you see any improvement in the character of education, and therefore the character of the public at large.
        This country, every country, is only as good as its average sample. Because of that, and because of a total turn to Globalization, America, the children of revolution, have become the children of slaves; human resources destined for the perpetual gears of the machine.
        In order to prevent or stop Globalism, that black whole of ignorance must be avoided, rather than attempting to fill it. By providing a new education system, one which takes education seriously; and setting up a new system of political power, in which the people are in total control over the proceedings of government and their education.
        A new paradigm of community can flower into existence, in which everyone is employed by the education system. The education system is where everything in the society branches out from.
        The economic system depending on a concept I call Reciprocism. In an essay called Merrits of Reciprocism, I define and describe Reciprocism, and the scenario that it would most appropriately be a part of.

        1. rhamson profile image69
          rhamsonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          The lunacy of current thinking is so short sighted. We are fed this constant idea that the marketplace will decide what direction we will go. Unfortunately the direction is bought by the corporate structure in bed with our political system. On the economic front we are fed the garbage that globalization will give the consumer better and cheaper choices for consumable products and run the more expensive bloated business' out of business who charge more than the cheaper consumable manufacturers do. Unfortunately as with the short term memory of the American consumer these products offer much lesser quality and even lesser longevity. The American consumer is either driven to buy the cheaper product either by economics or out of ignorance to distinguish between the two. Therefore the American manufacturer is either forced to find cheaper labor or sub standard manufacturing methods. This also runs the consumer farther down the wage scale or out of it completely as their job is shipped overseas to compete. It is all a race to the bottom and the sheeple cannot distinguish between the choices they make. You are right in that education and especially in history we could head this off. But our trashy society is caught up in the moment and the need for immediate gratification that in the long run will set us up for the fall.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
            Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            - maybe someday we will want to know the truth.

            1. rhamson profile image69
              rhamsonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I hope that is sooner than later my friend. The rat race we have driven ourselves into leaves little time for contemplation.

              1. Mattrick profile image67
                Mattrickposted 10 years agoin reply to this


              2. Mattrick profile image67
                Mattrickposted 10 years agoin reply to this
          2. Mattrick profile image67
            Mattrickposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            We have already reached the fall, sorry to say, and we are already clambering for the truth. Unfortunately the truth is not the Truth, and we are so entranced by those survival modes that we are incapable of imagining "thrival" modes. This is a spiritual conflict as much if not more than it is a political or economic conflict. This has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with philosophy. A people guided by principles and simplicity are always going to be better off than a people guided by conveniences and money. The sin is our addiction to entertainment, forgetting our selves for the sole pursuit of money.  We have lost ourselves with the insanity that the love of money brings. Look at black friday... is this the sign of an enlightened public? Certainly not. We can discern from this that the world order does not want us to be smart, it wants us to consume, and it wants us to be domesticated in this way so that it can harvest our bodies. It, the world order, is made by human, and therefore can be unmade by human. It is our right and duty to communicate to people the realities of their world, and open their eyes to opening their eyes to the truth.

  4. Harlan Colt profile image81
    Harlan Coltposted 10 years ago

    As above, so below... such a bewitched saying and so under the radar for many. Great Hub, I am sure Rockefeller is rolling in his grave, though I suspect its somewhere much warmer.

    1. Mattrick profile image67
      Mattrickposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      See also my hub called Money: Root of Evil? I think you may enjoy that as well smile

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
        Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Mattrick: I have taken the liberty to copy this portion so that others may offer their opinions. I hope you do not mind. it is a very curious solution. Thanks for your suggestions and hopes for the future.

        "By the authority of a government whose powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a new version of citizenship requiring the chosen participation of the individual in society by contributing to society will be instituted, signified by a request sent by the individual to that government entity; a representative will thereafter observe his or her benefits given to an individual, society, or government itself, and document them for posterity, obliging government to reciprocate to the individual, and bestowing the individual person with the title of citizenship thereafter; and with that title the opportunity of obtaining a means of exchange with society is formally given, along with the right to have free travel, free medical care, and free education for themselves and their children.The degree of recognized services rendered to society or the government will determine the liberty with which items and services may be purchased."

        I have a feeling you are thinking of a barter type system. This may indeed be the way of the future.

        1. Mattrick profile image67
          Mattrickposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you for posting that, and yes, that is pretty much the character of the exchange process. By eliminating the banks and their archaic influence, we may finally be free to live with liberty and happiness.


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